Passing a file as a parameter for a Spring web service via Postman - spring

I am creating a Spring REST web service for someone who got a client which will use my web service. I have installed the Postman client to test the web service.
One of the web service's parameters is defined as follows:
#RequestParam(value="param2", required=true) MultipartFile param2
I am able to pass strings to the web service but how can I pass a file as a parameter for the web service using Postman? The problem is that many examples I've seen instructing how to do it, had an option to choose a file in the request builder in the form tab. However, in my case there's for some reason a seperate tab for the form and the files and I'm not sure how to give the file I upload a key and add it to the POST parameters.

There are a couple of different ways depending on the type:
1) As form-data
2) As binary


How to include Marklogic rest-api in custom rewriter code in Xquery?

I'm new to url rewriting process in Marklogic and need help to resolve the below issue.
I have written Xquery implementation to redirect my API endpoints to the respective Xquery modules as /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $url := xdmp:get-request-url()
return if(fn:matches($url,"/fetchRecord")) then
else if(fn:matches($url,"/saveRecord")) then
else (xdmp:set-response-code(404, "Not found"),"/no/such/resource")
And the url-rewriter path in the App server configuration is set to /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy and rewrite resolves globally parameter is set to true in App server.
I'm able to redirect my API urls to the respective endpoints.But I'm not able to use predefined ML Res-API endpoints like /v1/documents,it is showing 404 error as returned in the rewriter.xqy.
Is there a way I can implement rewriter to support both rest api endpoints as well as custom API endpoints?
If you'd like to create your own RESTful API on top of MarkLogic, with your own custom end-points. Please check out XQuery API for RESTful Services (XQRS).
function fetch-record($record-id as xs:string) {
function put-record($record-id as xs:string, $doc as document-node(element())) {
xdmp:document-insert($record-id, $doc)
Your RESTXQ Modules can sit on their own separate HTTP App Server (on their own port) and live side by side with another HTTP App Server which has the default MarkLogic REST API on it.
XQRS is totally compatible with the rest of MarkLogic's software, including Data Hub Framework, they can party together.
The REST API doesn't support customization or replacement of the default declarative rewriter configured during initialization of a REST API server. In addition, the REST API doesn't provide an XQuery API interface to the functionality of the REST API endpoints.
Instead, the recommended approach is to extend the REST API through one of the following alternatives:
Providing an endpoint module in the modules database and specifying the actual path of the module in the modules database on a request to the REST API server to invoke the endpoint without rewriting as in http://myhost:8010/the/directory/path/to/my/module.xqy
Such endpoints can be Data Service endpoints. See
Using the /v1/invoke endpoint to invoke a main module. See
Using a Resource Service Extension. See
Hoping that helps,
Thanks for your answers.I'm planning to use two app servers one for rest calls and other for API calls.These two app servers will point to the same DB.Please let me know if this is a right approach.

How to set a endpoint on a Spring Web Service using Ajax receiving JSON

I was unable to find an answer to this but I am trying to figure out how to change the endpoint of this Spring Web Service. I know NOTHING about them and so I have copied this as an example to try. But I do not want to run this from https://localhost:8080. I would prefer to run it from anywhere but root such as https://localhost/service/healthcheck or whatever.
Any ideas?

Mock OAuth server for testing

I'd like to know if it is possible to simulate the oAuth(1,2) authentication flow. I'd like to test without the need to connect to the provider itself. It should be possible as it is just some communication exchange. I'm not looking for something like this where they still communicate with remote server. I'd like to be completely offline, when testing.
Maybe I can run my own oAuth server. I should be using Google oAuth services so the server should behave same like they do. Does google provide some code for their oAuth server, or is it possible to create some fake server. Note the test should be more integration test. I would like to command the server to return some predefined responses. Switching to live oAuth providers will be just changing the remote URL.
Maybe just some http server is ok, I just need to care about the proper format of communicated messages.
Take a look at Client Side REST Tests section of Spring Reference docs. With this support you can easily fake the server and record desired behaviour into MockRestServiceServer.
Here are some examples I created.
Please see steps below to mock OAuth2 token to be used for faster local development using SOAPUI.
Create a REST soapUI project, create a POST resource for URL "http://localhost:9045/oauth/token".
Create a Mock Service for above resource.
Create a Mock response as shown below, you can add your own parameters and values depending on your requirements.
"scope":"read write",
Start the mock service.
Test using your local REST POST request.
Mock Response:
Mock Oauth2 SOAPUI testing:

How to do verify domain in RESTFul with ASP.NET MVC 3?

Currently, I building my website personal (using ASP.NET MVC 3).
I want to provide some services to public by using API, finished building everything, but RESTFul does not contain on Authorization, I read this article:
But I could not use the method with ASP.NET MVC 3!!
I want the following:
1- Send Api-Keys for those who want to use my service
2- verify Domain (owner api-key == OR != owner domain) !!!! Is this possible?
You could make it a requirement that they always send their key in the requests. Then you could subclass the AuthorizeAttribute to check if the key in the request matches something in your datastore. This attribute can then be decorated on your controllers.
You can get the domain making the request using Request.UrlReferrer

Re-use a WebService but with custom endpoint

I'm using a Web Service that has a endpoint of and using Visual Studio I can easily generate a proxy class to work with the service easy and simple.
But I want to create a way that users can use their own service (and access their own data, instead my own) and I wanted to know if there is a way that I can change the base URL of the Service on-the-fly.
As an example
I generate the proxy classes by adding the Web References to my project, but now, per each request I have a User Name that I will get the User Settings (witch contains their URL), how can I (if it's a possibility) tell the generated proxy that I'm using domain instead of the original that I used when adding the Web References?
Do I need to call the service manually? Sending and Receiving XML data? or there is a "switch" that I can use to point to the new URL?
If you're using .NET 2.0, each of those proxy classes should have a URL property. Simply update the URL property and the proxy will point to the new service.
If you're using WCF then things get a little more complicated, but not by much. You just have to change the Endpoint Address:
var service = new ServiceClient();
string url = "";
EndpointAddress newAddress = new EndpointAddress(url);
service.Endpoint.Address = newAddress;
