Try to find a HLS server stream live? - ffmpeg

My goal: Stream a live HLS video in browser.
I have in a folder m3u8 files with some .ts. I can play the m3u8 in browser. But this isn't a live stream.
So i try to find a server to stream a HLS in live.
I work on Linux Ubuntu 14.04.
For example:
input /home/master.m3u8 i would like output
A flash player in browser play

You can use any HTTP server such as Nginx, Apache and others to serve your HLS stream.
To create the actual stream you can use ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -re -i <input> /path/to/web/dir/playlist.m3u8
The -re tells it to read the input file at its native framerate. By default the playlist size is 5 but you can change it using hls_list_size.
For a complete list of parameters see:


ffmpeg, send camera mjpeg stream over TCP

I am using a Zavio F-210A camera, and I am able to get its video properly via
also, if I use ffmpeg command
ffplay -i "http://192.168.X.X/video.mjpg"
I am able to get the video stream. However, what I would like to to is to create a TCP/UDP socket with same content to another different IP address (lets say 192.168.X.Y). I have tried with
ffmpeg -i "" -c copy -f mpjpeg "tcp://"
and when opening with
ffplay tcp://
It gets one single frame and then it shuts down saying
[mpjpeg # 0x55c36ad25900] Unexpected Content-Type : audio/basic
http://192.168.X.X/video.mjpg: Invalid data found when processing input
my two questions are:
How do I get the stream via ffmpeg and not a single frame with error?
How could I send it to a different IP address?
Thank you

ffmpeg feeding mp4 file to rtsp stream

I am trying to feed a mp4 file from ffmpeg to rtsp stream using the command on centos 7:
from console 1: ffmpeg -i space.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -crf 18 http://localhost:8050/feed1.ffm
from console 2: I have started ffserver and it is started listening.
But when i open http://x.x.x.x:8050/feed1.ffm in browser it shows error:
File ??feed1.ffm? not found
My ffserver.conf file is attached
Browser can't play RTSP directly so you need it delivered in a HTML5 format (HLS) that can load inside a VIDEO tag.
You can directly embed the mp4 inside a VIDEO tag if you wish.
FFMPEG needs to publish the video/stream to a streaming server that supports RTSP or the format you decide to publish as.
You can schedule mp4 videos to play as a live stream with this tool , available as free open source WP plugin.

wowza + live + ffmpeg + hls player, how to create the playlist.m3u8?

I'm trying to setup a wowza live test server and then I can play hls from my mobile app. It do work without any problem for vod. I can play it in my app. I can also see the .m3p8 file if I enter this uri in the browser.
I tried to do the same in live mode (my goal is to test some streaming parameters for live streaming). I tried to use ffmpeg to create the live stream:
ffmpeg -re -i "myInputTestVideo.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -vb 150000 -g 60 -vprofile baseline -level 2.1 -acodec aac -ab 64000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -strict experimental -f mpegts udp://
I created a "source file" and connected it to the "Incoming Streams".
I can see in my application's Monitoring / Network tab that it do getting the data from ffmpeg.
My problem is how to get the playlist.m3p8 file so I can play it from inside my app (hls based)?
Again, for now I need a way to test playing with the streaming settings and in real live I'll have a real live streaming source.
If I understand your issue correctly and since you said that it works for you with a VoD and its own m3u8 uri, you seem to not know how to construct an m3u8 uri for live sources referenced by a stream file (not source file as you incorrectly wrote).
Considering you named your stream file for example (that's the file including the udp:// address), simply point your hls player application to http://{yourwowzaserver}/{yourliveapp}/
You could push it to Wowza as rtsp (much better than udp) and then stream it further on to where you want. To push it to Wowza you probably will need to setup a username and password (Server > Source authentication) and then the output stream from ffmpeg can look something like this: rtsp://{user}:{pass}#{yourwowzaserver}/{yourliveapp}/mystream.
In Wowza you will see mystream in Incomming streams. From there you can access it with the classic http(s)://wowzaip:wowzaport/{yourliveapp}/mystream/playlist.m3u8
Anyways, Wowza support both rtsp and udp so you could use directly. If you want transcoding, ffmpeg will be kinder to server resources than Wowza.
To change the output of ffmpeg to -f rtsp rtsp:// and use it as the input in wowza.

FFmpeg record rtsp stream to file error

I use ffmpeg to record rtsp stream, it work good but the output file got some proble, when I use use K-Lite Codec Pack to open the output (avi) file the video cant be seek, forward, backward and dont display video time. It lock like i am viewing streaming.
here is the command i used
ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -acodec copy -vcodec copy abc.avi
video playing error with K-Lite Codec Park image
Looks like header file not been updated on output file. It's recommended to close output file by pressing "q" button while ffmpeg reads input stream to properly finalize output file.

Setting up rtsp stream on Windows

I am trying to set up an rtsp stream that can be accessed from an application. I have been experimenting with ffmpeg to realize that. I have succeded as far as I was able to stream from ffmpeg to ffplay but I could not load the stream in vlc for example. Here are the calls that I did from two different shells on the same machine:
ffmpeg.exe -y -loop 1 -r 24 -i test_1.jpg -vcodec libx264 -tune stillimage -f rtsp rtsp://
ffplay.exe -rtsp_flags listen rtsp://
Can anybody explain to me what I would have to do to load the stream as a network stream using vlc? Any help is appreciated.
I have done this before and I'm not sure what was wrong with rtsp output of ffmpeg. But what i can say right now is please consider using Live555 library if you have any streaming scenario. cause the ffmpeg code (for rtp muxer) is not good and it is buggy. ffmpeg has another solution for streaming server which is called ffserver which prepare ffmpeg pipe for vlc or another third-party application. and that's bad written and buggy too (libav group -another fork of libav* libraries) never used ffserver code and in not sure if they have any plan to consider ffserver as their solution. they have ffplay(avplay), ffmpeg(avconv) and ffprobe but not ffserver.
If you want to use Live555 which really easy, you have to just go to their website ( download the source code and build MediaServer application (It is in 'MediaServer' folder). if you read the code's documentation, I'm sure you will have not any problem.It's a basic rtsp server to stream any (supported) accessible file on your HDD via rtsp url of your server.
if you have any problem with code just comment here, so I can help you more with live555.
