NSOpenPanel to choose files and populate a NSTableView - macos

I was wondering how can I populate a NSTableView by first getting files through NSOpenPanel. It's like listing/displaying the files after I choose from my folders at runtime.
EDIT: So i have this kind of working (through binding).... however i can't get it to display unless i click at the top of the table. And if you open to get more files the display won't update again at all.
I feel like this maybe be because the controllerArray's Received Action add: is not linked.
The code below is what I have now
#IBAction func openPanel(sender: NSButton) {
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = ["pdf"]
openPanel.canChooseFiles = true
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true
openPanel.beginWithCompletionHandler { (result) -> Void in
if result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton {
var url:NSURL = openPanel.URL!
var pdfFile: PDFModel = PDFModel()
self.insertFileLibrary(pdfFile, inFileListAtIndex: self.fileLibrary.count)
func insertFileLibrary(pdfModel:PDFModel, inFileListAtIndex index:Int){
fileLibrary.insertObject(pdfModel, atIndex: index)
func removeObjectFromFileLibraryAtIndex(index:Int){

Bindings use KVO, you have to mutate fileLibrary in a KVO way surrounded by willChange… and didChange…. It is easier to let NSArrayContoller do this. You can use the addObject(s), insertObject(s) and removeObject(s) methods of NSArrayController.


Global Drag and Drop Detection on MacOS for Files and Promised Files

I am working on a MacOS app that can process images. The idea is the app hides out of the way most of the time, but if you drag an image from another app or the finder, my app will show and you can drag the image on top of it. Basically a drop zone on standby for when you need it.
Everything is working perfectly except I can't figure out how to only show the app for certain types of draggable items (URLs, fileURLs, FilePromises and Images). What I have now shows the app for any kind of drag, even selecting text on a page or clicking and clicking and dragging through the menu bar.
I've tried looking at the NSPasteboard for dragging, but that doesn't seem to be updated at drag time. I've seen some posts about using accessibility to see what's under the mouse, but that seems brittle and I'm not yet understanding how to do it.
Here is the code I'm using to detect global drag and drop:
dragMonitor = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching:.leftMouseDragged) { event in
if !self.isDragging {
self.isDragging = true
if let dropzoneViewController = self.dropzoneViewController, dropzoneViewController.shouldShowForDrag(event: event) {
upMonitor = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching:.leftMouseUp) { event in
if self.isDragging {
self.isDragging = false
That function, in turn, calls the following, which applies the app's logic for determining whether to handle a drag or not.
func shouldShowForDrag(event: NSEvent) -> Bool {
return self.dropTarget.canHandleDrop(NSPasteboard(name: .drag))
For clarity's sake, here's how the app handles drags once they are over the app's window:
override func performDragOperation(_ draggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
isReceivingDrag = false
if let dropTarget = dropTarget, dropTarget.canHandleDrop(draggingInfo.draggingPasteboard) {
return true
} else {
return false
The only difference between those two checks is the global check (shouldShowForDrag(event:)) uses NSPasteboard(name: .drag) which is not current at the time NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching:) fires. The logic when the draggable enters my window uses the provided pasteboard (draggingInfo.draggingPasteboard) which, of course, is accurate to what's being dragged.
Finally, here's the basic logic for determining what drags to accept:
func canHandleDrop(_ pasteBoard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool {
let urlFilteringOptions = [NSPasteboard.ReadingOptionKey.urlReadingContentsConformToTypes:NSImage.imageTypes]
if let urls = pasteBoard.readObjects(forClasses: [NSURL.self], options:urlFilteringOptions) as? [URL], urls.count > 0 {
return true
} else if let filePromises = pasteBoard.readObjects(forClasses: [NSFilePromiseReceiver.self], options: nil) as? [NSFilePromiseReceiver], filePromises.count > 0 {
return true
} else if let images = pasteBoard.readObjects(forClasses: [NSImage.self], options: [:]) as? [NSImage], images.count > 0 {
return true
return false
The first two clauses are the most important. Detecting NSImages is not strictly required.
I know it can be done because I'm using other apps (to do similar, but different, things), and they work exactly like I'm trying to achieve. But so far I'm banging my head against the wall.

Document-based app where the top-level document represents the window, not tab

When I use Xcode 12 to create a "Document App", the app template that is generated is one where the CoreData-backed "Document" represents the current tab, as seen below:
So basically if I hit cmd-S, the semantics are the to save the content of that one currently-active tab.
However, what if I wanted the "Document" to represent all the tabs in that window? Given that these default window tabs are sort of baked in, is Cocoa flexible enough to fit my design criteria?
The sample you've posted contains multiple documents (Untitled, Untitled 2, ..) inside a single window. Each of these tabs is a separate document with the tabbed interface handled transparently by macOS.
If you'd like to use tabs inside a single document - like e.g. sheets in a Numbers document - you'd have to implement that functionality on your own.
When a window tab is moved, the tabGroup property of the window changes. The tabGroup property is observable but this is not documented. Window controllers can be moved to another document with addWindowController. I don't know how to prevent a new document from opening in a tab in another document. Accessing the tabGroup seems to work but it's a hack. Switching NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing off and on also seems to work. Here's my test app (Xcode app template, document based, XIB. Add a WindowController subclass and change the class of the file's owner in Document.xib.)
class Document: NSDocument {
var documentData: [String]? // String per window
func addWindowTab(_ data: String?) {
let windowController = WindowController(windowNibName: NSNib.Name("Document"))
if let text = data {
windowController.text = text
if let otherWindowController = windowControllers.first, // document has other window(s)
let tabgroup = otherWindowController.window?.tabGroup,
let newWindow = windowController.window {
else {
_ = windowController.window?.tabGroup // access tabGroup to open new documents in a new window
override func makeWindowControllers() {
if let data = documentData {
for windowData in data {
else {
func windowControllerDidChangeTabGroup(_ windowController: NSWindowController) {
var destinationDocument: Document?
// check if the window is in a tabgroup with windows of another document
if let tabGroup = windowController.window?.tabGroup,
tabGroup.windows.count > 1 {
for otherWindow in tabGroup.windows {
if let otherWindowController = otherWindow.delegate as? WindowController,
otherWindowController.document !== self {
destinationDocument = otherWindowController.document as? Document
// check if this document has other windows
else if windowControllers.count > 1 {
destinationDocument = Document()
if let destinationDocument = destinationDocument,
destinationDocument !== self {
destinationDocument.addWindowController(windowController) // removes windowController from self
if windowControllers.count == 0 {
class WindowController: NSWindowController {
var tabObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
override func windowDidLoad() {
tabObservation = window?.observe(\.tabGroup, options: []) { object, change in
if let document = self.document as? Document {
// accessing tabGroup can change tabGroup and cause recursion, schedule on runloop
override func newWindowForTab(_ sender: Any?) {
if let document = document as? Document {

Passing NSOpenPanel options to NSDocument

I know how to add an AccessoryView to an NSOpenPanel (and that works correctly).
Now I would like to make the options that the user selects in the AccessoryView available to the document that is opened.
Any suggestions how that can be doen (if at all?)
I have not found a standard solution, so I created my own:
Introduced a dictionary in the NSDocumentController that associates file URLs with option sets
Override the runModalOpenPanel and wrap the runModalOpenPanel of super with first the setup of the accessory view, and afterwards the evaluation of the options and adding of the options to the dictionary for the associated urls.
When a document is opened, the document can -through the shared NSDocumentController- access the dictionary and retrieve the options.
I am not blown away by this solution, but I also do not see an easier path.
Example code:
struct OptionsAtFileOpen {
let alsoLoadFormat: Bool
class DocumentController: NSDocumentController {
var fileOptions: Dictionary<URL, OptionsAtFileOpen> = [:]
var accessoryViewController: OpenPanelAccessoryViewController!
override func runModalOpenPanel(_ openPanel: NSOpenPanel, forTypes types: [String]?) -> Int {
// Load accessory view
let accessoryViewController = OpenPanelAccessoryViewController(nibName: NSNib.Name(rawValue: "OpenPanelAccessoryView"), bundle: nil)
// Add accessory view and make sure it is shown
openPanel.accessoryView = accessoryViewController.view
openPanel.isAccessoryViewDisclosed = true
// Run the dialog
let result = super.runModalOpenPanel(openPanel, forTypes: types)
// If not cancelled, add the files to open to the fileOptions dictionary
if result == 1 {
// Return the state of the checkbox that selects the loading of the formatting file
let alsoLoadFormat = accessoryViewController.alsoLoadFormatFile.state == NSControl.StateValue.on
for url in openPanel.urls {
fileOptions[url] = OptionsAtFileOpen(alsoLoadFormat: alsoLoadFormat)
return result
And then in Document
override func read(from data: Data, ofType typeName: String) throws {
if let fileUrl = fileURL {
if let dc = (NSDocumentController.shared as? DocumentController) {
if let loadFormat = dc.fileOptions[fileUrl]?.alsoLoadFormat {

Xcode Swift: How to stop variables from changing back after each viewDidLoad, how to save and update data from different ViewControllers?

I have some vars in my Main VC and when user clicks a button in another VC the prepareForSegue passes along a new value to the Main VC and updates a label.
But when the user clicks again it's back to initial value, so it doesn't increment since the value is set back in the viewDidLoad?
var statsHealth:Int = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
healthLabel.text = String("Health: \(statsHealth)/10")
Another VC:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if (segue.identifier == "startSegue") {
let startVC = segue.destinationViewController as ViewController
startVC.statsHealth += 1
It's displayed as 0, then 1 but then 0 again and then 1 instead of 2,3,4 etc.
Any ideas?
Perhaps not the most 'Swift' way to do it, but certainly works well....
Create a file called Variables.swift which will hold all your 'universal' variables (if these are going to be on every page, I see no reason this isn't the 'best' way to do it - certainly it is the most simple to understand!)
in Variables.swift, hold all your universal variables
struct Variables {
static var statsHealth = 0
Then, in each other page, access them at any time
healthLabel.text = String("Health: \(Variables.statsHealth)/10")
or set them
Variables.statsHealth += 1
So based on your description, I assume the view controller structure is like this:
AnotherVC -> MainVC
MainVC is presented on top of AnotherVC. When you go back to AnotherVC, did you dismiss MainVC completely? If so, then every time you go from AnotherVC to MainVC, it initiate a new ViewController, and the variables you saved before doesn't exist anymore.
If you want to keep this structure and change variables in MainVC, keep a reference of mainVC in AnotherVC. Then instead of connecting in storyboard, you may want to present it programmatically.
class AnotherVC {
var mainVC: MainVC?
func presentMainVC() {
var targetVC = UIViewController()
if self.mainVC != nil {
targetVC = self.mainVC
} else {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Your-storyboard-name", bundle: nil)
targetVC: MainVC = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("The-main-VC-identifier") as MainVC
self.mainVC = targetVC
//you can change your variable here
mainVC.statsHealth += 1
self.presentViewController(self.mainVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
If you mainVC is on top of AnotherVC in any case, you can just revert the reference direction.

How to expand and collapse parts of NSSplitView programmatically?

I want to replace RBSplitView with NSSplitView in my existing project. The application is now leopard only and I would like to replace RBSplitView with the new NSSplitView shipped with Leopard.
However, I'm missing RBSplitView's handy methods expand and collapse in NSSplitView. How can I expand and collapse parts of NSSplitView programmatically?
Simply hide the subview you want to collapse, e.g.
[aSubViewToCollapse setHidden:YES];
You might also want to implement the delegate method -(BOOL)splitView:shouldHideDividerAtIndex: to return YES to hide the divider when a collapsed.
I just got programmatic expanding and collapsing of NSSplitView to work. I've also configured my NSSplitView to expand/collapse a subview whenever the divider is double-clicked, so I wanted this to play nice with that feature (and it seems to). This is what I did:
(in this example, splitView is the NSSplitView itself, splitViewSubViewLeft is the subview I wish to expand/collapse and lastSplitViewSubViewLeftWidth is an instance variable of type CGFloat.)
// subscribe to splitView's notification of subviews resizing
// (I do this in -(void)awakeFromNib)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
// this is the handler the above snippet refers to
- (void) mainSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsHandler:(id)object
lastSplitViewSubViewLeftWidth = [splitViewSubViewLeft frame].size.width;
// wire this to the UI control you wish to use to toggle the
// expanded/collapsed state of splitViewSubViewLeft
- (IBAction) toggleLeftSubView:(id)sender
[splitView adjustSubviews];
if ([splitView isSubviewCollapsed:splitViewSubViewLeft])
setPosition:[splitView minPossiblePositionOfDividerAtIndex:0]
I tried the solution above, and found it did not work, as isSubviewCollapsed never returned YES
A combination of the suggestions yielded a result which works
if ([splitViewTop isHidden]) {
[splitViewTop setHidden:NO];
else {
[splitViewTop setHidden:YES];
[split adjustSubviews];
In El Capitan, this did the trick for me.
splitViewItem.collapsed = YES;
After some experimenting with the suggestions this was the easiest solution I found:
-(void)toggleCollapsibleView:(ib)sender {
[collapsibleView setHidden:![splitView isSubviewCollapsed:collapsibleView]];
[splitView adjustSubviews];
The function is a user defined first-responder action. It is triggered by a menu-item (or keystroke).
The collapsibleView is a subview in the splitView both of which are connected in IB with their properties.
In macOS Sierra, the collapsed property is changed to isCollapsed. Is straight forward just setting the property to true or false. The following code is from my WindowController, where I have two SplitViewItems.
#IBAction func toggleMap(_ sender: Any) {
if let splitViewController = contentViewController as? NSSplitViewController {
let splitViewItem = splitViewController.splitViewItems
if splitViewItem.first!.isCollapsed {
splitViewItem.first!.isCollapsed = false
} else if splitViewItem.last!.isCollapsed {
splitViewItem.last!.isCollapsed = false
} else {
if splitViewItem.first!.isCollapsed {
splitViewItem.first!.isCollapsed = false
splitViewItem.last!.isCollapsed = true
NSSplitView actually has a private method -(void)_setSubview:(NSView *)view isCollapsed:(BOOL)collapsed that does this. Those who would like to ignore all warnings against using private methods, behold:
- (void)toggleSubview:(NSView *)view {
SEL selector = #selector(_setSubview:isCollapsed:);
NSMethodSignature *signature = [NSSplitView instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:selector];
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
invocation.target = self;
invocation.selector = selector;
[invocation setArgument:&view atIndex:2];
BOOL arg = ![self isSubviewCollapsed:view];
[invocation setArgument:&arg atIndex:3];
[invocation invoke];
I implemented this as a category on NSSplitView. The only issue is that Xcode gives a warning about _setSubview:isCollapsed: being undeclared... I'm not really sure how to get around that.
El Capitan Update
I haven't written any code for OS X in ~2 years now so I haven't been able to verify this, but according to lemonmojo in the comments below, _setSubview:isCollapsed: was renamed in El Capitan to _setArrangedView:isCollapsed:.
In swift this works
func togglePanel() {
let splitViewItem = self.mySplitView.arrangedSubviews
if mySplitView.isSubviewCollapsed(outline.view){
splitViewItem[0].hidden = false
} else {
splitViewItem[0].hidden = true
call this from IBAction,
outline is an OutlineViewController with own xib and we need the view hence outline.view, keeping it simple but hope you get the idea
#IBAction func segmentAction(sender: NSSegmentedControl) {
func togglePanel(segmentID: Int) {
let splitViewItem = self.mySplitView.arrangedSubviews
switch segmentID {
case segmentID:
if mySplitView.isSubviewCollapsed(splitViewItem[segmentID]) {
splitViewItem[segmentID].hidden = false
} else {
splitViewItem[segmentID].hidden = true
And implement delegate
func splitView(splitView: NSSplitView, shouldHideDividerAtIndex dividerIndex: Int) -> Bool {
return true
And with 10.11 you might just use toggleSidebar action method.
How to toggle visibility of NSSplitView subView + hide Pane Splitter divider?
I recommend to use NSSplitViewController instead, and NSSplitViewItem.isCollapsed to control them. This just work.
let item: NSSplitViewItem = ...
item.isCollapsed = true
To make this to work properly, you have to configure split-UI components with mainly view-controllers. Otherwise, it can be broken.
You could try Brandon Walkin's BWToolKit.
The BWSplitView class has a method
- (IBAction)toggleCollapse:(id)sender;
#IBOutlet weak var horizontalSplitView: NSSplitView!
var splitViewItem : [NSView]?
var isSplitViewHidden: Bool = false
override func viewDidLoad() {
// To Hide Particular Sub-View.
splitViewItem = self.horizontalSplitView.arrangedSubviews
splitViewItem?[0].isHidden = true
isSplitViewHidden = true
//MARK: View / Manage All Jobs Button Tapped.
#IBAction func actionManageScheduleJobsButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
if isSplitViewHidden == true {
isSplitViewHidden = false
splitViewItem?[0].isHidden = false
} else {
isSplitViewHidden = true
splitViewItem?[0].isHidden = true
--------- OR ----------
//MARK: View / Manage All Jobs Button Tapped.
#IBAction func actionManageScheduleJobsButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
if splitViewItem?[0].isHidden == true {
splitViewItem?[0].isHidden = false
} else {
splitViewItem?[0].isHidden = true
