Binary searching via bitmasking? - algorithm

I have used this algorithm many times to binary search over Ints or Longs. Basically, I start from Long.MinValue and Long.MaxValue and decide to set the bit at ith position depending on the value of the function I am maximizing (or minimizing). In practice, this turns out to be faster (exactly 63*2 bitwise operations) and easier to code and avoids the many gotchas of traditional binary search implementations.
Here is my algorithm in Scala:
* #return Some(x) such that x is the largest number for which f(x) is true
* If no such x is found, return None
def bitBinSearch(f: Long => Boolean): Option[Long] = {
var n = 1L << 63
var p = 0L
for (i <- 62 to 0 by -1) {
val t = 1L << i
if (f(n + t)) n += t
if (f(p + t)) p += t
if (f(p)) Some(p) else if (f(n)) Some(n) else None
I have 3 questions:
What is this algorithm called in literature? Surely, I can't be the inventor of this - but, I did not find anything when I tried googling for various combinations of binary-search + bit-masking/toggling. I have been personally calling it "bitBinSearch". I have not seen this mentioned at all in articles going over binary search over an Int or Long domain where this would be trivial to write.
Can the code be improved/shortened in anyway? Right now I keep track of the negative and positive solutions in n and p. Any clever way I can merge them into single variable? Here are some sample test cases: before you attempt an answer
Is there a version that can be made to work with Doubles and Floats?

As long as you're bit-twiddling (a popular pastime in some circles) why not go all the way? I don't know if there's any efficiency to be gained, but I think it actually makes the algorithm a little clearer.
def bitBinSearch(f: Long => Boolean): Option[Long] = {
var n = Long.MinValue
var p = 0L
var t = n >>> 1
while (t > 0) {
if ( f(n|t) ) n |= t
if ( f(p|t) ) p |= t
t >>= 1
Of course, if you go recursive you can eliminate those nasty vars.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def bitBinSearch( f: Long => Boolean
, n: Long = Long.MinValue
, p: Long = 0L
, t: Long = Long.MinValue >>> 1 ): Option[Long] = {
if (t > 0) bitBinSearch(f
, if (f(n|t)) n|t else n
, if (f(p|t)) p|t else p
, t >> 1
else List(p,n).find(f)
Again, probably not more efficient, but perhaps a bit more Scala-like.
Your comment about Int/Long got me wondering if one function could do it all.
After traveling down a few dead-ends I finally came up with this (which is, oddly, actually pretty close to your original code).
import Integral.Implicits._
import Ordering.Implicits._
def bitBinSearch[I](f: I => Boolean)(implicit ev:Integral[I]): Option[I] = {
def topBit(x: I = = if (x+x < x else topBit(x+x)
var t:I = topBit()
var p:I =
var n:I = t+t
while (t > {
if ( f(p+t) ) p += t
if ( f(n+t) ) n += t
t /= (
This passes the following tests.
assert(bitBinSearch[Byte] (_ <= 0) == Some(0))
assert(bitBinSearch[Byte] (_ <= 1) == Some(1))
assert(bitBinSearch[Byte] (_ <= -1) == Some(-1))
assert(bitBinSearch[Byte] (_ <= 100) == Some(100))
assert(bitBinSearch[Byte] (_ <= -100) == Some(-100))
assert(bitBinSearch[Short](_ <= 10000) == Some(10000))
assert(bitBinSearch[Short](_ <= -10000) == Some(-10000))
assert(bitBinSearch[Int] (_ <= Int.MinValue) == Some(Int.MinValue))
assert(bitBinSearch[Int] (_ <= Int.MaxValue) == Some(Int.MaxValue))
assert(bitBinSearch[Long] (_ <= Long.MinValue) == Some(Long.MinValue))
assert(bitBinSearch[Long] (_ <= Long.MaxValue) == Some(Long.MaxValue))
assert(bitBinSearch[Long] (_ < Long.MinValue) == None)

I don't know Scala, but this is my version of Binary searching via bitmasking in java
My algorithm is like this
We start with the index with highest power of 2 and end at 20. Every time we see A[itemIndex] ≤ A[index] we update itemIndex += index
After the iteration itemIndex gives the index of the item if present in the array else gives the floor value in A
int find(int[] A, int item) { // A uses 1 based indexing
int index = 0;
int N = A.length;
for (int i = Integer.highestOneBit(N); i > 0; i >>= 1) {
int j = index | i;
if (j < N && A[j] <= item) {
index = j;
if (A[j] == item) break;
return item == A[index] ? index : -1;


Minimum number of different primes that sum to x

How can we develop a dynamic programming algorithm that calculates the minimum number of different primes that sum to x?
Assume the dynamic programming calculates the minimum number of different primes amongst which the largest is p for each couple of x and p. Can someone help?
If we assume the Goldbach conjecture is true, then every even integer > 2 is the sum of two primes.
So we know the answer if x is even (1 if x==2, or 2 otherwise).
If x is odd, then there are 3 cases:
x is prime (answer is 1)
x-2 is prime (answer is 2)
otherwise x-3 is an even number bigger than 2 (answer is 3)
First of all, you need a list of primes up to x. Let's call this array of integers primes.
Now we want to populate the array answer[x][p], where x is the sum of primes and p is maximum for each prime in the set (possibly including, but not necessarily including p).
There are 3 possibilities for answer[x][p] after all calculations:
1) if p=x and p is prime => answer[x][p] contains 1
2) if it's not possible to solve problem for given x, p => answer[x][p] contains -1
3) if it's possible to solve problem for given x, p => answer[x][p] contains number of primes
There is one more possible value for answer[x][p] during calculations:
4) we did not yet solve the problem for given x, p => answer[x][p] contains 0
It's quite obvious that 0 is not the answer for anything but x=0, so we are safe initializing array with 0 (and making special treatment for x=0).
To calculate answer[x][p] we can iterate (let q is prime value we are iterating on) through all primes up to (including) p and find minimum over 1+answer[x-q][q-1] (do not consider all answer[x-q][q-1]=-1 cases though). Here 1 comes for q and answer[x-q][q-1] should be calculated in recursive call or before this calculation.
Now there's small optimization: iterate primes from higher to lower and if x/q is bigger than current answer, we can stop, because to make sum x we will need at least x/q primes anyway. For example, we will not even consider q=2 for x=10, as we'd already have answer=3 (actually, it includes 2 as one of 3 primes - 2+3+5, but we've already got it through recursive call answer(10-5, 4)), since 10/2=5, that is we'd get 5 as answer at best (in fact it does not exist for q=2).
package ru.tieto.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Primers {
static final int MAX_P = 10;
static final int MAX_X = 10;
public ArrayList<Integer> primes= new ArrayList<>();
public int answer[][] = new int[MAX_X+1][MAX_P+1];
public int answer(int x, int p) {
if (x < 0)
return -1;
if (x == 0)
return 0;
if (answer[x][p] != 0)
return answer[x][p];
int max_prime_idx = -1;
for (int i = 0;
i < primes.size() && primes.get(i) <= p && primes.get(i) <= x;
max_prime_idx = i;
if (max_prime_idx < 0) {
answer[x][p] = -1;
return -1;
int cur_answer = x+1;
for (int i = max_prime_idx; i >= 0; i--) {
int q = primes.get(i);
if (x / q >= cur_answer)
if (x == q) {
cur_answer = 1;
int candidate = answer(x-q, q-1);
if (candidate == -1)
if (candidate+1 < cur_answer)
cur_answer = candidate+1;
if (cur_answer > x)
answer[x][p] = -1;
answer[x][p] = cur_answer;
return answer[x][p];
private void make_primes() {
for (int p = 3; p <= MAX_P; p=p+2) {
boolean isPrime = true;
for (Integer q : primes) {
if (q*q > p)
if (p % q == 0) {
isPrime = false;
if (isPrime)
// for (Integer q : primes)
// System.out.print(q+",");
// System.out.println("<<");
private void init() {
for (int p = 0; p <= MAX_P; p++) {
answer[0][p] = 0;
answer[1][p] = -1;
for (int x = 2; x <= MAX_X; x++) {
for (int p = 0; p <= MAX_P; p++)
answer[x][p] = 0;
for (Integer p: primes)
answer[p][p] = 1;
void run() {
for (int x = 0; x <= MAX_X; x++)
for (int p = 0; p <= MAX_P; p++)
answer(x, p);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Primers me = new Primers();;
// for (int x = 0; x <= MAX_X; x++) {
// System.out.print("x="+x+": {");
// for (int p = 0; p <= MAX_P; p++) {
// System.out.print(String.format("%2d=%-3d,",p, me.answer[x][p]));
// }
// System.out.println("}");
// }
Start with a list of all primes lower than x.
Take the largest. Now we need to solve the problem for (x - pmax). At this stage, that will be easy, x - pmax will be low. Mark all the primes as "used" and store solution 1. Now take the largest prime still in the list and repeat until all the primes are either used or rejected. If (x - pmax) is high, the problem gets more complex.
That's your first pass, brute force algorithm. Get that working first before considering how to speed things up.
Assuming you're not using goldbach conjecture, otherwise see Peter de Rivaz excellent answer, :
dynamic programming generally takes advantage of overlapping subproblems. Usually you go top down, but in this case bottom up may be simpler
I suggest you sum various combinations of primes.
lookup = {}
for r in range(1, 3):
for primes in combinations_with_replacement(all_primes, r):
s = sum(primes)
lookup[s] = lookup.get(s, r) //r is increasing, so only set it if it's not already there
this will start getting slow very quickly if you have a large number of primes, in that case, change max r to something like 1 or 2, whatever the max that is fast enough for you, and then you will be left with some numbers that aren't found, to solve for a number that doesnt have a solution in lookup, try break that number into sums of numbers that are found in lookup (you may need to store the prime combos in lookup and dedupe those combinations).

Figure out Pattern for a Recursive Function

I have difficulty to understand a pattern for this code. I tested this function and I know for input Ack(3,2) this function circles 541 times, so it must have a pattern for solving this problem. Please help me find the pattern.
public static int Ack(int m,int n)
if (n < 0 || m < 0) return 0;
else if (m == 0) return n + 1;
else if (n == 0) return Ack(m - 1, 1);
else return Ack(m-1,Ack(m,n-1));
Here is some non-recursive python code that computes the same thing (note that it requires a stack-like data structure):
def ack(m,n):
if n < 0 or m < 0:
return 0
next_m = []
while m != 0 or (m==0 and next_m!=[]):
if (m==0 and next_m!=[]):
m = next_m.pop()
n = n+1
if n==0:
m = m-1
n = 1
n = n-1
return n+1

Debug binary search code

I came across this interview questions. It says we have to do a binary search on a sorted array. Following is the code for that. This code has bug such that it doesn't give right answer. You have to change the code to give correct output.
Condition : You are not allowed to add line and you can change only three lines in the code.
int solution(int[] A, int X) {
int N = A.length;
if (N == 0) {
return -1;
int l = 0;
int r = N;
while (l < r) {
int m = (l + r) / 2;
if (A[m] > X) {
r = m - 1;
} else {
l = m+1;
if (A[r] == X) {
return r;
return -1;
I tried a lot on my own but was missing on some test cases.
I hate this question, it's one of those "unnecessary constraint" questions. As others have mentioned, the problem is that you're not returning the value if you find it. Since the stupid instructions say you can't add any code, you can hack it like this:
if (A[m] >= X) {
r = m;
} else {
l = m;
This kills the performance but it should work.
You need to check for the searched value inside the loop, for exit if it's found
Sample Code:
int solution(int[] A, int X) {
int N = A.length;
if (N == 0) {
return -1;
int l = 0;
int r = N;
while (l <= r) { // change here, need to check for the element if l == r
// this is the principal problem of your code
int m = (l + r) / 2;
if (A[m] == X) { // new code, for every loop check if the middle element
return r; // is the search element for early exit.
} else if (A[m] > X) {
r = m - 1;
} else {
l = m + 1;
return -1;
Other problem is that you are testing more elements that you need when the element is in the array.
Try this:
int l = 0;
int r = N - 1; // changed
while (l <= r) { // changed
You have to understand the method that is used. You are looking for the first element >= X.
You want k with i < k <=> A[i] < X.
L is for left. It is the lower limit for k. You have i < l => A[i] < X.
R is for right. It is the upper limit for k. You have i >= r => A[i] >= X.
Your target is to reduce the range and have l = r. To do so you check the value in the middle, at m = (r+l)/2.
If A[m] >= X then m satisfies the conditions for r. You can set r = m.
If A[m] < X then A[m] belongs to the part left of l. So you can set l to the right of m, l = m+1.
Each loop reduces the range between l and r. When you reach l==r, you have found the point I called k. A[k] is the smallest number >= X. You only need to check if it is == X or > X.
From there you should be able to fix the code.
PS: Note that the k (aka l or r) can be >= A.length. You need to verify that.

Scala ith order statistic

I just began coding for an algorithms class I'm taking, and I'm still very much learning the basics of Scala (and screwing up frequently). The assignment is to create a program that computes the ith order statistic of an array. My problem is what I've written below compiles and runs, prints "Selecting element "+which+" from amongst the values [Array]", and then stalls out. There are no error messages. I'm sure there are several errors in the code below. In the interest of full disclosure, this is a homework assignment. I appreciate any help.
Edit: Thanks for the tips, I edited some things. I now think that select is looking at smaller and smaller portions of the array, but the code still doesn't work. It now spits out the right answer ~25% of the time, and does the same thing the rest of the time.
object hw3v2 {
// partition
// this is the code that partitions
// our array, rearranging it in place
def partition(a: Array[Int], b: Int, c: Int): Int = {
val x:Int = a(c)
var i:Int = b
for (j <- b to c-1)
if (a(j) <= x) {
i += 1
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = a(i)
a(i+1) = a(c)
a(c) = a(i+1)
i + 1
def select(a: Array[Int], p: Int, r: Int, i: Int): Int = {
if (p == r)
else {
val q = partition(a, p, r)
val j = q - p + 1
if (i <= j)
select(a, p, q, i)
select(a, q+1, r, i-j)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val which = args(0).toInt
val values: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](args.length-1);
print("Selecting element "+which+" from amongst the values ")
for (i <- 1 until args.length) {
print(args(i) + (if (i<args.length-1) {","} else {""}));
values(i-1) = args(i).toInt;
println("==> "+select(values, 0, values.length-1, which))
I implore you, try to write more like this:
def partition(a: Array[Int], b: Int, c: Int): Int = {
val x: Int = a(c)
var i: Int = b - 1
for (j <- b to c - 1)
if (a(j) <= x) {
i += 1
val hold = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = hold
a(i + 1) = a(c)
a(c) = a(i + 1)
i + 1
def select(i: Int, a: Array[Int]): Int =
if (a.length <= 1)
else {
val q = partition(a, 0, a.length - 1)
if (i <= q)
select(i, a)
select(i - q, a)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val which = args(0).toInt
printf("Selecting element %s from amongst the values %s%n".format(which, args.mkString(", ")))
val values = args map(_.toInt)
printf("%nb ==> %d%n", select(which, values))
To the best of my knowledge, this is the equivalent of your original code.
Your exit condition in select is that the Array a must have a length less or equal to 1. However I cannot see anything that would every change the length of your Array. Thus, the recursive calls to select loop infinitely. I can only guess: Since it seems that your goal is that select operates on a different Array each time, you must pass a modified Array as input. Thus my guess would be that partition should return both an Int and a modified Array.
In case "ith order statistic" refers to the "ith" smallest element in your Array, why don't you just do the following?

How do I check if a number is a palindrome?

How do I check if a number is a palindrome?
Any language. Any algorithm. (except the algorithm of making the number a string and then reversing the string).
For any given number:
n = num;
rev = 0;
while (num > 0)
dig = num % 10;
rev = rev * 10 + dig;
num = num / 10;
If n == rev then num is a palindrome:
cout << "Number " << (n == rev ? "IS" : "IS NOT") << " a palindrome" << endl;
This is one of the Project Euler problems. When I solved it in Haskell I did exactly what you suggest, convert the number to a String. It's then trivial to check that the string is a pallindrome. If it performs well enough, then why bother making it more complex? Being a pallindrome is a lexical property rather than a mathematical one.
def ReverseNumber(n, partial=0):
if n == 0:
return partial
return ReverseNumber(n // 10, partial * 10 + n % 10)
trial = 123454321
if ReverseNumber(trial) == trial:
print("It's a Palindrome!")
Works for integers only. It's unclear from the problem statement if floating point numbers or leading zeros need to be considered.
Above most of the answers having a trivial problem is that the int variable possibly might overflow.
Refer to
boolean isPalindrome(int x) {
if (x < 0)
return false;
int div = 1;
while (x / div >= 10) {
div *= 10;
while (x != 0) {
int l = x / div;
int r = x % 10;
if (l != r)
return false;
x = (x % div) / 10;
div /= 100;
return true;
int is_palindrome(unsigned long orig)
unsigned long reversed = 0, n = orig;
while (n > 0)
reversed = reversed * 10 + n % 10;
n /= 10;
return orig == reversed;
Push each individual digit onto a stack, then pop them off. If it's the same forwards and back, it's a palindrome.
I didn't notice any answers that solved this problem using no extra space, i.e., all solutions I saw either used a string, or another integer to reverse the number, or some other data structures.
Although languages like Java wrap around on integer overflow, this behavior is undefined in languages like C. (Try reversing 2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE) in Java)
Workaround could to be to use a long or something but, stylistically, I don't quite like that approach.
Now, the concept of a palindromic number is that the number should read the same forwards and backwards. Great. Using this information, we can compare the first digit and the last digit. Trick is, for the first digit, we need the order of the number. Say, 12321. Dividing this by 10000 would get us the leading 1. The trailing 1 can be retrieved by taking the mod with 10. Now, to reduce this to 232. (12321 % 10000)/10 = (2321)/10 = 232. And now, the 10000 would need to be reduced by a factor of 2. So, now on to the Java code...
private static boolean isPalindrome(int n) {
if (n < 0)
return false;
int div = 1;
// find the divisor
while (n / div >= 10)
div *= 10;
// any number less than 10 is a palindrome
while (n != 0) {
int leading = n / div;
int trailing = n % 10;
if (leading != trailing)
return false;
// % with div gets rid of leading digit
// dividing result by 10 gets rid of trailing digit
n = (n % div) / 10;
// got rid of 2 numbers, update div accordingly
div /= 100;
return true;
Edited as per Hardik's suggestion to cover the cases where there are zeroes in the number.
Fastest way I know:
bool is_pal(int n) {
if (n % 10 == 0) return 0;
int r = 0;
while (r < n) {
r = 10 * r + n % 10;
n /= 10;
return n == r || n == r / 10;
In Python, there is a fast, iterative way.
def reverse(n):
while n>0:
newnum = newnum*10 + n % 10
return newnum
def palindrome(n):
return n == reverse(n)
This also prevents memory issues with recursion (like StackOverflow error in Java)
Just for fun, this one also works.
a = num;
b = 0;
if (a % 10 == 0)
return a == 0;
do {
b = 10 * b + a % 10;
if (a == b)
return true;
a = a / 10;
} while (a > b);
return a == b;
except making the number a string and then reversing the string.
Why dismiss that solution? It's easy to implement and readable. If you were asked with no computer at hand whether 2**10-23 is a decimal palindrome, you'd surely test it by writing it out in decimal.
In Python at least, the slogan 'string operations are slower than arithmetic' is actually false. I compared Smink's arithmetical algorithm to simple string reversal int(str(i)[::-1]). There was no significant difference in speed - it happened string reversal was marginally faster.
In compiled languages (C/C++) the slogan might hold, but one risks overflow errors with large numbers.
def reverse(n):
rev = 0
while n > 0:
rev = rev * 10 + n % 10
n = n // 10
return rev
upper = 10**6
def strung():
for i in range(upper):
def arithmetic():
for i in range(upper):
import timeit
print "strung", timeit.timeit("strung()", setup="from __main__ import strung", number=1)
print "arithmetic", timeit.timeit("arithmetic()", setup="from __main__ import arithmetic", number=1)
Results in seconds (lower is better):
strung 1.50960231881
arithmetic 1.69729960569
I answered the Euler problem using a very brute-forcy way. Naturally, there was a much smarter algorithm at display when I got to the new unlocked associated forum thread. Namely, a member who went by the handle Begoner had such a novel approach, that I decided to reimplement my solution using his algorithm. His version was in Python (using nested loops) and I reimplemented it in Clojure (using a single loop/recur).
Here for your amusement:
(defn palindrome? [n]
(let [len (count n)]
(= (first n) (last n))
(or (>= 1 (count n))
(palindrome? (. n (substring 1 (dec len))))))))
(defn begoners-palindrome []
(loop [mx 0
mxI 0
mxJ 0
i 999
j 990]
(if (> i 100)
(let [product (* i j)]
(if (and (> product mx) (palindrome? (str product)))
(recur product i j
(if (> j 100) i (dec i))
(if (> j 100) (- j 11) 990))
(recur mx mxI mxJ
(if (> j 100) i (dec i))
(if (> j 100) (- j 11) 990))))
(time (prn (begoners-palindrome)))
There were Common Lisp answers as well, but they were ungrokable to me.
Here is an Scheme version that constructs a function that will work against any base. It has a redundancy check: return false quickly if the number is a multiple of the base (ends in 0).
And it doesn't rebuild the entire reversed number, only half.
That's all we need.
(define make-palindrome-tester
(lambda (base)
(lambda (n)
((= 0 (modulo n base)) #f)
((Q (lambda (h t)
((< h t) #f)
((= h t) #t)
((h2 (quotient h base))
(m (- h (* h2 base))))
((= h2 t) #t)
(Q h2 (+ (* base t) m))))))))))
(Q n 0)))))))
Recursive solution in ruby, without converting the number to string.
def palindrome?(x, a=x, b=0)
return x==b if a<1
palindrome?(x, a/10, b*10 + a%10)
Golang version:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
n := 123454321
r := reverse(n)
fmt.Println(r == n)
func reverse(n int) int {
r := 0
for {
if n > 0 {
r = r*10 + n%10
n = n / 10
} else {
return r
Pop off the first and last digits and compare them until you run out. There may be a digit left, or not, but either way, if all the popped off digits match, it is a palindrome.
Here is one more solution in c++ using templates . This solution will work for case insensitive palindrome string comparison .
template <typename bidirection_iter>
bool palindrome(bidirection_iter first, bidirection_iter last)
while(first != last && first != --last)
if(::toupper(*first) != ::toupper(*last))
return false;
return true;
a method with a little better constant factor than #sminks method:
while (num>rev) {
num /=2;
if (num==rev) print PALINDROME; exit(0);
num=num*10+lastDigit; // This line is required as a number with odd number of bits will necessary end up being smaller even if it is a palindrome
if (num==rev) print PALINDROME
here's a f# version:
let reverseNumber n =
let rec loop acc = function
|0 -> acc
|x -> loop (acc * 10 + x % 10) (x/10)
loop 0 n
let isPalindrome = function
| x when x = reverseNumber x -> true
| _ -> false
A number is palindromic if its string representation is palindromic:
def is_palindrome(s):
return all(s[i] == s[-(i + 1)] for i in range(len(s)//2))
def number_palindrome(n):
return is_palindrome(str(n))
def palindrome(n):
d = []
while (n > 0):
d.append(n % 10)
n //= 10
for i in range(len(d)/2):
if (d[i] != d[-(i+1)]):
return "Fail."
return "Pass."
To check the given number is Palindrome or not (Java Code)
class CheckPalindrome{
public static void main(String str[]){
int a=242, n=a, b=a, rev=0;
a=n%10; n=n/10;rev=rev*10+a;
System.out.println(a+" "+n+" "+rev); // to see the logic
if(rev==b) System.out.println("Palindrome");
else System.out.println("Not Palindrome");
A lot of the solutions posted here reverses the integer and stores it in a variable which uses extra space which is O(n), but here is a solution with O(1) space.
def isPalindrome(num):
if num < 0:
return False
if num == 0:
return True
from math import log10
length = int(log10(num))
while length > 0:
right = num % 10
left = num / 10**length
if right != left:
return False
num %= 10**length
num /= 10
length -= 2
return True
I always use this python solution due to its compactness.
def isPalindrome(number):
return int(str(number)[::-1])==number
int reverse(int num)
assert(num >= 0); // for non-negative integers only.
int rev = 0;
while (num != 0)
rev = rev * 10 + num % 10;
num /= 10;
return rev;
This seemed to work too, but did you consider the possibility that the reversed number might overflow? If it overflows, the behavior is language specific (For Java the number wraps around on overflow, but in C/C++ its behavior is undefined). Yuck.
It turns out that comparing from the two ends is easier. First, compare the first and last digit. If they are not the same, it must not be a palindrome. If they are the same, chop off one digit from both ends and continue until you have no digits left, which you conclude that it must be a palindrome.
Now, getting and chopping the last digit is easy. However, getting and chopping the first digit in a generic way requires some thought. The solution below takes care of it.
int isIntPalindrome(int x)
if (x < 0)
return 0;
int div = 1;
while (x / div >= 10)
div *= 10;
while (x != 0)
int l = x / div;
int r = x % 10;
if (l != r)
return 0;
x = (x % div) / 10;
div /= 100;
return 1;
Try this:
reverse = 0;
remainder = 0;
count = 0;
while (number > reverse)
remainder = number % 10;
reverse = reverse * 10 + remainder;
number = number / 10;
if (reverse == number)
Console.WriteLine("Your number is a palindrome");
number = number * 10 + remainder;
if (reverse == number)
Console.WriteLine("your number is a palindrome");
Console.WriteLine("your number is not a palindrome");
Here is a solution usings lists as stacks in python :
def isPalindromicNum(n):
is 'n' a palindromic number?
ns = list(str(n))
for n in ns:
if n != ns.pop():
return False
return True
popping the stack only considers the rightmost side of the number for comparison and it fails fast to reduce checks
public class Numbers
public static void main(int givenNum)
int n= givenNum
int rev=0;
//To extract the last digit
int digit=n%10;
//To store it in reverse
//To throw the last digit
//To check if a number is palindrome or not
System.out.println(givenNum+"is a palindrome ");
System.out.pritnln(givenNum+"is not a palindrome");
let isPalindrome (n:int) =
let l1 = n.ToString() |> List.ofSeq |> List.rev
let rec isPalindromeInt l1 l2 =
match (l1,l2) with
| (h1::rest1,h2::rest2) -> if (h1 = h2) then isPalindromeInt rest1 rest2 else false
| _ -> true
isPalindromeInt l1 (n.ToString() |> List.ofSeq)
checkPalindrome(int number)
int lsd, msd,len;
len = log10(number);
msd = (number/pow(10,len)); // "most significant digit"
lsd = number%10; // "least significant digit"
number/=10; // change of LSD
number-=msd*pow(10,--len); // change of MSD, due to change of MSD
len-=1; // due to change in LSD
} else {return 1;}
return 0;
