How to change display font in xcode 7.0.1 - xcode

Typically I can change display font by taking these steps: open xcode -> preferences -> Fonts & Colors -> Choose font.
In choosing font page, it has four tabs named: Collection, Family, Typeface and Size. In 'Collection' tab I can choose monospace font.
My question is: After updating to xcode 7.0.1, the Collection tab is disappear, so I can't choose a monospace font.
PS:When I'm dragging the bounds to resize the window, the collection tab will appear. Once I loose the drag action then the collection tab disappear again.
Thanks for any help, even a little hint is OK.

I solved this problem by adding a new theme in "font & color" page, for example duplicate 'default' and name it 'hello'.
Then open folder '/Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes'. You can see a file named 'hello.dvtcolortheme'.
Edit this file to change the font.


Show Assistant Editor missing in Xcode 11?

In Xcode 10, the toolbar had an inter-locking ring icon which showed the assistant editor, it's missing in Xcode 11.
In Xcode 10, the toolbar had an inter-locking ring icon which showed the assistant editor, it's missing in Xcode 11.
The interface has changed a little, but the functionality is still there. The top right corner of the editor pane has two buttons:
Clicking the left button, which looks like lines of text, displays the popup menu, where you can choose various editor configuration options. Clicking the right button just narrows the existing editor and adds another one next to it.
Some of the same options are also available in the Editor menu in the main menu bar.
Update: This is from the Xcode 11 beta release notes, and perhaps more fully explains why the UI was changed:
Editors can be added to any window without needing the Assistant Editor. Editors are added using the “Add Editor” button in the jump bar or the File > New > Editor command. Each editor can now be in one of three modes: “Editor Only”, “Editor and Assistant” or “Editor and Canvas”. The latter two modes automatically show relevant content when available. When using multiple editors, the View > Editor > Focus command can be used to temporarily expand the active editor to fill the entire window, hiding other editors. For source control support, the Code Review button in the Toolbar replaces the Comparison Editor. The “Show Authors” command is now available from the Source Editor’s Editor menu. The SCM Log is now in the Inspector Area. (43806898)
With multiple editors possible in a window, you need editor-specific controls for showing the ancillary views like the assistant editor, author view, etc.
From SMGreenfield's comment:
Sometimes I want to look at a different part of the same darn document. There has always been a way to do this, but it involved jumping through hoops.
Just add another editor: click the Add Editor button in the upper right corner of the editor, or choose File > New > Editor. The new editor will default to showing the same file you were working on in the existing editor.
If new editors show up on the right of the existing editor and you'd prefer them to stack vertically, you can choose View > Change Editor Orientation. If you want them to stack horizontally most of the time (the default) but just want one to show up below, choose File > New > Editor Below.
Shortcuts :
control + option + command + return : Show Assistant Editor
command + return : Show Editor only (hide Assistant Editor)
Using Editor on the Toolbar
It has moved, to show it click on icon with horizontal lines and select Assistant.
In Xcode 11 we now have multiple editor panes. You can summon a second pane, a third pane, as many as you like.
When you have a second pane, it does not have to be an automatic assistant. In other words, the editor pane itself either is an assistant or it is not. So if it is not, it is manual. And if it is, it is automatic.
To toggle between being an assistant and being an ordinary pane, choose Assistant from the Editor menu:
If Assistant is checked, this is an assistant and is automatic. What it displays depends automatically on some other pane.
If Assistant is unchecked, this is an ordinary editor pane and is manual. You can display anything you like in this editor.
In case you can't use Add Editor button just use shortcut:
Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Turn Assistant on by navigating to the following in Xcode 11:-
Xcode > Editor > Assistant
For Xcode 11.2.1
command + option + return
Main Menu -> Editor -> Line View
it is worth noting, that you can also open the assistant editor by alt-clicking the file

How to change FileMerge's font/settings/preferences?

For some time now, I can't change FileMerge's font. Then it suddenly started using a Helvetica-like font (sans serif, variable width) for files it doesn't recognize (like typescript source files). That could be changed temporarily to monaco by changing the font to ... Helvetica. Yes, it's very weird.
But now, it shows all text white on white, and only the changed section is visible because of the different background and I cannot change it. I've tried to locate all the pref files, and reinstalled Xcode, but the text remains white on white.
Does anyone know how to change that, or where which (pref) file to change?
It could be a write permission issue, since I'm running it from a non-admin account.
This feature is completely broken, so you have to edit the theme file manually. It's located here:
The file itself is plaintext XML. Even though it's pretty straightforward, I recommend backing it up first.
For example, if you want to increase the font size from "11.0" to "14.0", just do a find and replace.
You might be tempted to copy in a theme from Xcode. Don't bother. The font sizes don't appear to take effect, and FileMerge expects a white background, so darker themes won't work correctly.
The other answers didn't work for me (as I didn't have any theme files), but the following did:
Open FileMerge
Go to Preferences
Click the 'Set...' button under 'Font'
Click the top of the Fonts window so that it gets focus (this is the key step - if the Fonts window doesn't get focus the changes won't stick). If the Fonts window has focus, you should see your changes reflected in the FileMerge Preferences window live as you make them.
The solution was to delete the folder ~/Library/Developer/FileMerge. It did not solve the font problem (typescript files rendered with proportional font of different size, which causes problems for long files).
For me also the font panel settings have no effect at all. Same problem in XCode "Font & Colors" preferences.
For your colors problem, I would try quitting FileMerge, archiving the preference file, and relaunching:
mv ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
FileMerge has a XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme setting:
defaults read XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme
I've tried setting that:
defaults write XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme "Presentation.xccolortheme"
But I don't see a difference. So maybe Apple is in the middle of revising this feature.
In addition to the answers already given, if those do not work, check that the files you are comparing are plain text and not rich text. If they're rich text, file merge will get the font attributes from the files themselves, hence you will not be able to affect the size of the font. You could instead open the files in a text editor and either convert them to plain text, or increase the size of the font manually.
None of this helped in my case on Big Sur, but this did the job. Requires sudo throughout so be careful.
Make a copy of a theme within the xcode bundle:
sudo cp "/Applications/ (Light).xccolortheme" "/Applications/"
Edit (in xcode for example) ~/Library/Preferences/ Select the new theme by setting the XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme value to fileComp.xccolortheme
Edit the font values in new theme file fileComp.xccolortheme. Quit and restart FileMerge each time to apply.

Increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2

I have a problem with increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2. I tried to use screenshot form editor .but Im not able to find Fonts & Colors option in tools or menu.
I also tried to press down Alt+z and scroll up or down (mouse wheel) and also use command + but nothing happens.
With third one --fontsize (I have no idea where I should put it...). Could you help me with making fonts a bit bigger?:)
I just solved problem:) On Mac settings are in a different place:preferences in Netbeans
fonts a color changing. Netbeans
You have to go to the left up corner, near to the apple mark, there you have NetBeans preferences. After clicking on Netbeans preferences just search for 'font' and here is font size changing option.:)
edit: And if you didnt start a project, you need to create a new project on Netbeans then Fonts&Colors section will be available in options menu.
I think you are a mac user.
You need to look at this for config file location.
And I also found this. Try this one too.
1.Use Command + , to open the options
2.Select Fonts & Colors tab
3.Click the button in the Font section (button is next to the Font textbox)
4.Change the Font, style and size as needed
In Mac
simply click on the netbeans (upper left corner)
then-> preferences...
a new window will be open and select the font&color Tab
then on right side there will be a font option then click on the "..." option
and then change according to your wish

Xcode 5 displays text file with a smaller/different font after my initial edit

I added an empty file called notes.txt to my project in Xcode 5. It is a list of comments that start with either an asterisk or hyphen, along with some blank lines. While editing it initially, the font size was fine. But after viewing some source files and coming back to notes.txt, the font was suddenly noticeably smaller.
I'm not seeing any font settings in the File Inspector in the Utilities view on the right side of the Xcode window. The file type is "Default - Plain Text". I tried changing this to "Objective-C Source" to see if that would have any effect, but it didn't.
The theme I'm using in Xcode's Fonts & Colors pref pane is Midnight, with Menlo Regular - 14.0 for the source editor, and Menlo Regular - 13.0 for the console (but I'm about to set that to 14.0 as well). However, the notes.txt file seems to be using a font of size 10 or 11. How can I fix this?
Edit: I just added a new line to the file, and I can see that the smaller text is in fact a different font. In the picture below, line 23 is old text and line 25 is new text. Line 25 looks like the Menlo font that I'd expect.
I think its a bug in Xcode 5.0
You can temporary fix it by right click on the text file -> open as -> preview, and then right click -> open as -> source code again.

How to modify the style property of a font on Windows?

Note that this question continues from Is it possible to coax Visual Studio 2008 into using italics for comments?
If the long question title got you, here's the problem:
How to convert the style property of the Consolas Italic font to Bold without actually modifying any of its actual glyphs? That is, we want the font to be still the same (i.e., Italic) we merely want the OS to believe that it's now a Bold font.
Please just don't mention the name of a tool (Ex: fontforge), but describe the steps to achieve this or point to such a description.
Alright, I've successfully used FontForge to create a copy of Consolas (although this should work with any font) with the bold style actually being italics.
These are the steps that I followed:
Install FontForge. It's a lot easier to do this on linux than on windows/cygwin. I used a Ubuntu VM ("sudo apt-get install fontforge").
Open Consola.ttf (the "normal" style font) in FontForge.
Select Element -> Font Info.
Change the Fontname, Family Name, and Name for Humans, all to the same thing. I used 'ConsolasVS'.
Click Ok. Click 'Yes' to let FontForge generate a new GUID for the font.
Select File -> Generate Fonts. Make sure you've got "TrueType" selected. Uncheck "Validate before saving". Click Save.
Now open Consolai.ttf (the italic style font) in FontForge.
Go back to Element -> Font Info.
Change the Font names as before, and where it currently says "Italic", change that to "Bold".
Go to the OS/2 tab, change the font weight to "700 Bold".
Go to the Mac tab, change the style set to Bold.
Click Ok. Allow a new GUID to be generated again.
File -> Generate Fonts, as before.
Copy your two new ttf files into your \Windows\FONTS\ folder.
You can now have nice italic comments with Consolas in VS2008. Hooray!
I did the italics-as-bold trick on Consolas back in July 2007 and posted a screenshot of it on my blog.
I used FontLab which does a great job but a custom tool to copy and set the header would be the best bet as you can't modify and redistribute Consolas and FontLab costs $699.
If you want to go down the FontLab route the open up the regular and italic versions and go into the File > Font Info... menu option and use the Names and Copyright section.
In there set them both fonts Family Name to a new name then flip the checkboxes on the italic version to indicate bold instead of italic and select Normal from the Weight list box and Italic in the Style Name list box.
Save and install :)
