I have two hashes:
a = {"0"=>"name", "1"=>"email"}
b = {"0"=>"source", "1"=>"info", "2"=>"extra", "3"=>"name"}
I want a hash created by doing the following:
1) When the two hashes contain identical values, keep value of original hash and discard value of second hash.
2) When the values of second hash are not in first hash, just add to the end of new hash, making sure that the key is ordered.
with this result:
{"0"=>"name", "1"=>"email", "2"=>"source", "3"=>"info", "4"=>"extra"}
I did it this ugly way:
l1 = a.keys.length
l2 = b.keys.length
max = l1 > l2 ? l1 : l2
counter = l1
result = {}
max.times do |i|
unless a.values.include? b[i.to_s]
result[counter.to_s] = b[i.to_s]
counter += 1
Is there a built-in ruby method or utility that could achieve this same task in a cleaner fashion?
(a.values + b.values).uniq.map.with_index{|v, i| [i.to_s, v]}.to_h
# => {"0"=>"name", "1"=>"email", "2"=>"source", "3"=>"info", "4"=>"extra"}
First create an array containing the values in the hash. This can be accomplished with the concat method. Now that we have an array, we can call the uniq method to retrieve all unique values. This also preserves the order.
a = { "0" => "name", "1" => "email" }
b = { "0" => "source", "1" => "info", "2" => "extra", "3" => "name" }
values = a.values.concat(b.values).uniq
A shortcut to generating a hash in Ruby is with this trick.
{0=>"name", 1=>"email", 2=>"source", 3=>"info", 4=>"extra"}
a = {"0"=>"name", "1"=>"email"}
b = {"0"=>"source", "1"=>"info", "2"=>"extra", "3"=>"name"}
key = (a.size-1).to_s
#=> "1"
b.each_value.with_object(a) { |v,h| (h[key.next!] = v) unless h.value?(v) }
#=> {"0"=>"name", "1"=>"email", "2"=>"source", "3"=>"info", "4"=>"extra"}
Given the hash
person = {
"cats"=> 2,
"dogs"=> 1
I wish to construct the array
["cats", "cats", "dogs"]
"cats" appears twice because person["cats"] #=> 2. For the same reason "dogs" appears once. If the hash had a third key-value pair "pigs"=>3, I would want to return the array
["cats", "cats", "dogs", "pigs", "pigs", "pigs"]
I tried the following code.
arr = person.to_a
i = 0
new_arr = []
while i < arr.length
el = arr[i][0]
final = [new_arr << el]
print final.flatten
i += 1
This displays
["cats"]["cats", "dogs"] => nil
but does not seem to return a value.
#=> ["cats", "dogs"]
As you see, I am not getting the answer I wanted and do not understand why print displays what I show above.
I would like to know what is wrong with my code and what would be a better way of doing this.
flat_map method will flatten multiple arrays into one
Array operator * creates array with multiple values
result = person.flat_map {|key, value| [key] * value}
# => ["cats", "cats", "dogs"]
Ruby has a lot of nice methods to work with collections. I believe it is better to use them instead of while loop.
You can iterate through the hash using inject
method. The first parameter in the block is the resulting array, that accumulates the result of each iteration, the second is a key/value pair.
person.inject([]) do |array, (key, value)|
array + Array.new(value, key)
Or it can be rewritten as a one line.
person.inject([]) { |array, (key, value)| array + Array.new(value, key) }
I have two hashes like this:
hash1 = Hash.new
hash1["part1"] = "test1"
hash1["part2"] = "test2"
hash1["part3"] = "test3"
hash2 = Hash.new
hash2["part1"] = "test1"
hash2["part2"] = "test2"
hash2["part3"] = "test4"
Expected output: part3
Basically, I want to iterate both of the hashes and print out "part3" because the value for "part3" is different in the hash. I can guarantee that the keys for both hashes will be the same, the values might be different. I want to print out the keys when their values are different?
I have tried iterating both hashes at once and comparing values but does not seem to give the right solution.
The cool thing about Ruby is that it is so high level that it is often basically English:
Print keys from the first hash if the values in the two hashes are different:
hash1.keys.each { |key| puts key if hash1[key] != hash2[key] }
Select the first hash keys that have different values in the two hashes and print each of them:
hash1.keys.select { |key| hash1[key] != hash2[key] }.each { |key| puts key }
Edit: I'll leave this should it be of interest, but #ndn's solution is certainly better.
p hash1.merge(hash2) { |_,v1,v2| v1==v2 }.reject { |_,v| v }.keys
# ["part3"]
hash1["part1"] = "test99"
p hash1.merge(hash2) { |_,v1,v2| v1==v2 }.reject { |_,v| v }.keys
# ["part1", "part3"]
This uses the form of Hash#merge that employs a block (here { |_,v1,v2| v1==v2 }) to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. See the doc for an explanation of the three block variables, _, v1 and v2. The first block variable equals the common key. I've used the local variable _ for that, as is customary when the variable is not used in the block calculation.
The steps (for the original hash1):
g = hash1.merge(hash2) { |_,v1,v2| v1==v2 }
#=> {"part1"=>true, "part2"=>true, "part3"=>false}
h = g.reject { |_,v| v }
#=> {"part3"=>false}
#=> ["part3"]
The obvious way is that of ndn, here a solution without blocks by converting to arrays, joining them and subtracting the elements that are the same, followed by converting back to hash and asking for the keys.
Next time it would be better to include what you tried so far.
((hash1.to_a + hash2.to_a) - (hash1.to_a & hash2.to_a)).to_h.keys
# ["part3"]
What's the best way of converting a dot notation path (or even an array of strings) into a nested hash key-value? Ex: I need to convert 'foo.bar.baz' equal to 'qux' like this:
'foo' => {
'bar' => {
'baz' => 'qux'
I've done this in PHP, but I managed that by creating a key in the array and then setting a tmp variable to that array key's value by reference so any changes would also take place in the array.
Try this
f = "root/sub-1/sub-2/file"
f.split("/").reverse.inject{|a,n| {n=>a}} #=>{"root"=>{"sub-1"=>{"sub-2"=>"file"}}}
I'd probably use recursion. For example:
def hasherizer(arr, value)
if arr.empty?
{}.tap do |hash|
hash[arr.shift] = hasherizer(arr, value)
This results in:
> hasherizer 'foo.bar.baz'.split('.'), 'qux'
=> {"foo"=>{"bar"=>{"baz"=>"qux"}}}
I like this method below which operates on itself (or your own hash class). It'll create new hash keys or reuse/append to existing keys in a hash to add or update the value.
# set a new or existing nested key's value by a dotted-string key
def dotkey_set(dottedkey, value, deep_hash = self)
keys = dottedkey.to_s.split('.')
first = keys.first
if keys.length == 1
deep_hash[first] = value
# in the case that we are creating a hash from a dotted key, we'll assign a default
deep_hash[first] = (deep_hash[first] || {})
dotkey_set(keys.slice(1..-1).join('.'), value, deep_hash[first])
hash = {}
hash.dotkey_set('how.are.you', 'good')
# => "good"
# => {"how"=>{"are"=>{"you"=>"good"}}}
hash.dotkey_set('how.goes.it', 'fine')
# => "fine"
# => {"how"=>{"are"=>{"you"=>"good"}, "goes"=>{"it"=>"fine"}}}
I did something similar when I wrote an HTTP server that had to move all the parameters passed in the request into a multiple value hash which might contain arrays or strings or hashes...
You can look at the code for the Plezi server and framework... although the code over there deals with values surrounded with []...
It could possibly be adjusted like so:
def add_param_to_hash param_name, param_value, target_hash = {}
a = target_hash
p = param_name.split(/[\/\.]/)
val = param_value
# the following, somewhat complex line, runs through the existing (?) tree, making sure to preserve existing values and add values where needed.
p.each_index { |i| p[i].strip! ; n = p[i].match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? p[i].to_i : p[i].to_sym ; p[i+1] ? [ ( a[n] ||= ( p[i+1].empty? ? [] : {} ) ), ( a = a[n]) ] : ( a.is_a?(Hash) ? (a[n] ? (a[n].is_a?(Array) ? (a << val) : a[n] = [a[n], val] ) : (a[n] = val) ) : (a << val) ) }
rescue Exception => e
warn "(Silent): parameters parse error for #{param_name} ... maybe conflicts with a different set?"
target_hash[param_name] = param_value
This should preserve existing values while adding new values if they exist.
The long line looks something like this when broken down:
def add_param_to_hash param_name, param_value, target_hash = {}
# a will hold the object to which we Add.
# As we walk the tree we change `a`. we start at the root...
a = target_hash
p = param_name.split(/[\/\.]/)
val = param_value
# the following, somewhat complex line, runs through the existing (?) tree, making sure to preserve existing values and add values where needed.
p.each_index do |i|
# converts the current key string to either numbers or symbols... you might want to replace this with: n=p[i]
n = p[i].match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? p[i].to_i : p[i].to_sym
if p[i+1]
a[n] ||= ( p[i+1].empty? ? [] : {} ) # is the new object we'll add to
a = a[n] # move to the next branch.
if a.is_a?(Hash)
if a[n]
if a[n].is_a?(Array)
a << val
a[n] = [a[n], val]
a[n] = val
a << val
rescue Exception => e
warn "(Silent): parameters parse error for #{param_name} ... maybe conflicts with a different set?"
target_hash[param_name] = param_value
Brrr... Looking at the code like this, I wonder what I was thinking...
I have an associative array in ruby which I want to convert into a hash. This hash will represent the first values as key and sum of their second values as its value.
x = [[1,2],[1,3],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,5],[0,4],[1,6],[0,9],[1,9]]
How can I get a hash like the following from this associative array?
:0 => <sum_of_second_values_with_0_as_first_values>,
:1 => <sum_of_second_values_with_1_as_first_values>
It is not very beautiful but it works.
x = [[1,2],[1,3],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,5],[0,4],[1,6],[0,9],[1,9]]
p Hash[
.map do |key, val|
] # => {1=>25, 0=>19}
On second thought, this is simpler:
result = Hash.new(0)
x.each{|item| result[item.first] += item.last}
p result # => {1=>25, 0=>19}
An easy solution using reduce.
It starts with an empty Hash and iterates over all elements of x.
For each pair it adds its value to the hash element at key (if this index wasn't set before, default is 0). The last line sets the memory variable hash for the next iteration.
x.reduce(Hash.new(0)) { |hash, pair|
key, value = pair
hash[key] += value
EDIT: set hash default at initialization
x = [[1,2],[1,3],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,5],[0,4],[1,6],[0,9],[1,9]]
arr_0,arr_1 = x.partition{|a,b| a==0 }
# => {0=>19, 1=>25}
x = [[1,2],[1,3],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[1,5],[0,4],[1,6],[0,9],[1,9]]
hsh = x.group_by{|a| a.first}.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |(k,v),h|
# => {1=>25, 0=>19}
each_with_object also works
each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) {|(first,last), h| h[first] += last }
# => {1=>25, 0=>19}
So I have two arrays of hashes:
a = [{"b"=>123,"c"=>456}, {"b"=>456,"c"=>555}]
b = [{"c"=>456,"d"=>789}, {"b"=>222,"c"=>444}]
How would I concatenate them with the condition that the value of the key c is equivalent in both a and b? Meaning I want to be able to concatenate with the condition of a['c'] == b['c']
This is the result I want to get:
final_array = [{"b"=>123,"c"=>456,"d"=>789}, {"b"=>456,"c"=>555}, {"b"=>222,"c"=>444}]
a = [{"b"=>123,"c"=>456}, {"b"=>456,"c"=>555}]
b = [{"c"=>456,"d"=>789}, {"b"=>222,"c"=>444}]
p a.zip(b).map{|h1,h2| h1["c"] == h2["c"] ? h1.merge(h2) : [h1 ,h2]}.flatten
# => [{"b"=>123, "c"=>456, "d"=>789}, {"b"=>456, "c"=>555}, {"b"=>222, "c"=>444}]
a = [{"b"=>123,"c"=>456}, {"b"=>456,"c"=>555}]
b = [{"c"=>456,"d"=>789}, {"b"=>222,"c"=>444}]
def merge_hashes_with_equal_values(array_of_hashes, key)
array_of_hashes.sort { |a,b| a[key] <=> b[key] }.
chunk { |h| h[key] }.
each_with_object([]) { |h, result| result << h.last.inject(&:merge) }
p merge_hashes_with_equal_values(a + b, 'c')
# => [{"b"=>222, "c"=>444}, {"c"=>456, "d"=>789, "b"=>123}, {"b"=>456, "c"=>555}]
Concatenate the arrays first, and pass it to the method with the hash key to combine on. Sorting that array then places the hashes to merge next to each other in another array, which makes merging a bit easier to program for. Here I chose #chunk to handle detection of continuous runs of hashes with equal keys to merge, and #each_with_object to compile the final array.
Since this method takes one array to work on, the length of the starting arrays does not need to be equal, and the ordering of those arrays does not matter. A downside is that the keys to operate on must contain a sortable value (no nils, for example).
Here is yet another approach to the problem, this one using a hash to build the result:
def merge_hashes_with_equal_values(array_of_hashes, key)
result = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
remainder = []
array_of_hashes.each_with_object(result) do |h, answer|
if h.has_key?(key)
remainder << h
end.values + remainder
Enumerable#flat_map and Hash#update are the perfect methods for this purpose :
a = [{"b"=>123,"c"=>456}, {"b"=>456,"c"=>555}]
b = [{"c"=>456,"d"=>789}, {"b"=>222,"c"=>444}]
p a.zip(b).flat_map{|k,v| next k.update(v) if k["c"] == v["c"];[k,v]}
# >> [{"b"=>123, "c"=>456, "d"=>789}, {"b"=>456, "c"=>555}, {"b"=>222, "c"=>444}]