Visual Studio 2013 .csproj not automatically saving - visual-studio

We have come across a problem where our .csproj file does not save until we do Save All. This is causing issues as it is often not pulled into git and send up having missing file errors when trying to build. I know that in VS 2013 2012+, the .csproj file is supposed to save whenever a build occurs. Publishing causes a build to take place so there is no reason for it not to save.


Error when rebuild the setup project in c#

Im getting below error when im going to rebuild my setup project in visual studio 2015.Please advice to resolve this:
The message means that the install of Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) is broken, so Windows is attempting to repair it. Also, it looks like it was installed from the internet, which resulted in the setup being performed from a temp folder that has since been deleted. It is always better to download the setup (such as the MSI file) and save it somewhere. It is also possible that the C:\Windows\installer folder has been damaged or has had files deleted because normally the repair would be performed from there, which might have been happening for a long time but you wouldn't have noticed until the cached MSI file was removed from /windows/installer.
The fix is to get hold of the exact same MSI file that was used to install VS 2010 Shell MSI file and save it somewhere, and browse to it when this happens again.
The cause might be a conflict between VS 2010 and VS 2015, or some removed or changed shared files. The application event log will have an MsiInstaller entry that says what is missing.

Can I force Visual Studio (2010) to do a "Save All" when I build my solution?

I have a recurring frustration with Visual Studio 2010. I'll add a new file to a project, build, run tests - all good. Then I'll commit and push my changes (I'm using GitExtensions and GitHub)
Finally, I'll exit Visual Studio - and get asked if I want to save changes to MyProject.csproj. Sure enough, after saving changes, the .csproj file now shows local modifications in GitExtensions - which means the previous commit/push actually pushed broken code, because I'd pushed the new file without the corresponding .csproj file reference. All because Visual Studio doesn't actually save your .csproj file when you add new files to your project - although it seems to compile it quite happily without your changes being saved to disk yet...
Is there any way I can force Visual Studio to do a "save all" whenever I add a new file - or whenever I run some frequent command, like building the solution?
Look under Tools --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> Build And Run --> Before Building (Save all changes) for the option.
Later versions of VS (2012+) should always save your projects when building.

Visual Studio 2008 always saves SLN file on exit

Got a bit of a weird problem. I'm checking a solution out of TFS source control, and not making any changes to it; just opening it using the SLN file. If I then close Visual Studio (or do a Save All), Visual Studio prompts me to save the SLN file. Even if I do (by overwriting it, it's a read-only file), it continues to do this every time I open and close the solution, as if I'd added a project or something. Why would Visual Studio do this? What's causing it to think the solution has changed and needs saving?
OK, problem solved. As we're using TFS for source control, you're meant to check in the SLN file's corresponding .vssscc file. As we'd checked in the .vspscc for the various projects the SLN file pointed to but not the SLN's .vssscc file, Visual studio didn't consider the solution to be bound. :-)
Fixed it by going to File | Source Control | Change Source Control, then binding the SLN file to the solution's root dir on the TFS server. This created the solution's .vssscc file, which we've checked into source control. Subsequent checkouts now don't cause the problem.
I would start by letting it save the solution and then doing a visual diff of the version that it saved vs the one held in source control to see what the problem is. It could just be white space formatting. Also, are you the only person suffering this (if others are using the same solution?)

Visual Studio and TortoiseHg: folder not visible in VS

I created a C# project and added it to source control (mercurial). I can edit files in VS, commit it and push it using TortoiseHg. It goes to the server. When some one pulls they get the files.
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
However, now someone pulled the latest code from the server - and they got the new file (it is visible through windows explorer), but when they open the solution in VS, they don't see the file.
Does someone have an idea what is wrong here? or things I should check? Thank you for the help.
P.S. I have visual studio 2010 express (so I can't use the VisualHg plugin).
Visual Studio caches changes to the solution and project until an explicit save or a build. In your comment:
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
I see that an updated .sln or .vcproj file was not mentioned and checked in. Did you see an update to either of these files via TortoiseHg? If not, make sure to build or save your project after a change like this.
Did you make sure that the Visual Studio Project File or Solution file is being updated and committed?
VS solution contains projects and each project select managed files by metadata(***.vcproj file). It's not the way include all files from root directory.
So, your co-workers can see new added files by in following two ways.
1) share project file(***.vcproj)
2) manually add files in each person's VS instance.

Why does one of my project's GUIDs change when I build the project in VS 2005?

For two of my VS 2005 C++ projects, VS wants to write to the .sln file when I build the projects. I have got a number of other VS 2005 C++ projects where this is not the case. It is a problem as due to the fact that we have ClearCase source control integrated with our VS 2005 installations and when we try and run an overnight build via batch files, the build pauses as a ClearCase check out dialog box is displayed.
Looking at what VS is changing in the .sln files, it is the second GUID on the project line.
Before building:
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "InterCommClientB", "InterCommClientB.vcproj", "{A2AF232A-7F27-4340-81D5-8ABFD10994D2}"
After building:
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "InterCommClientB", "InterCommClientB.vcproj", "{67BE85B7-3234-484E-88FB-4F0E42096583}"
Any help gratefully received. I am new to VS 2005, as we have only recently migrated from VC++ 6.0, so apologies if I have missed something obvious.
We are running VS 2005 Professional Edition, with SP1 installed.
I had similar problem. It seems that when converting projects from old versions of VS (like 6 or 2003) VS 2010 is not adding Project GUID to the .vcxproj file. Because of that when you open solution including such project VS will recreate GUID for such project, and will change .sln file but will not change .vcxproj file. So another time you open such solution the situation will be the same and the .sln file may change again.
See this:
I am guessing here, but it looks like some changes have been made to the InterCommClientB project(project, not the files in the project). When this happens the sln is updated, in this case only the project GUID.
My best guess to resolve this issue would be to manually build the solution and then checkin the changes. This way the sln file won't change on build.
My second best guess is that you already made this changes at your computer and it is working fine, but you did not get lattest version on the pc where you do the night build .
This might be totally out there - but sometimes Visual Studio fails to check-in a Solution file when it's been modified and while the Solution is open in Visual Studio. Try closing Visual Studio, and only then committing the Solution file.
If it isn't that, there might be some other agency causing the Solution file to need to change the GUIDs its using. In one instance, I was using .NET tools from National Instruments, and they has a licensing scheme that would trigger that sort of action (modification of extraneous files for not good reason) whenever I went to do a rebuild.
Please take a careful look at the output from the build (in the log, or the output window) - you may find some further clues there!
