Setting up Neo4j shell tools and import graphml in community version 2.3.0 [Windows] - shell

I am having the Neo4j community version 2.3.0 installed on my windows machine.I am trying to install neo4j-shell tools in my windows machine.I tried copying the jar files and its not helping. Is there a limitation of this feature in community version?

There is no limit, you just have to put them in the right directory.
It works best with the zip distribution on windows. Then you can just follow the readme.


How to install ElasticSearch on Windows?

I am new for elasticsearch.I searched in google about elasticsearch and how to install it.Is JDK is required for elasticsearch install and configure in windows OS.Please anyone suggest solution.
If you search in google for "elasticsearch install windows" you can find this link
Which shows you note "Elasticsearch requires Java 8 or later. Use the official Oracle distribution or an open-source distribution such as OpenJDK."
Recent versions of Elasticsearch have an MSI package with a GUI installer. That's the easiest way to install.
If you prefer a manual install, you'll need to:
get the ZIP file
download and install Java, then set JAVA_HOME under System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
finally, you can start Elasticsearch (via elasticsearch.bat) or install it as a service via elasticsearch-service.bat install

Apache on Windows

I want to install Apache server on Windows.
The book says that i can go to official site and download latest Apache version (Book year 2008, and in example showed 2.2.9v, and this example how to install on Windows, not Linux). So i go to this address, and there latest version 2.4.7, but its .tar.bz2 and .tar.gz extension, and how i understand it will be difficult to install it cause its on Linux, for Windows must be .msi, but there no file with that extension, only 2.0.65 version and older. I understand that in Linux maybe appear earlier Apache version, but how it's real that in 2008 year, there was 2.2.9 version, but now in 2014 the latest .msi version 2.0.65 ?
Easy! Here you go:
You'll find the latest Apache HTTP server's there pre-built for you (Binaries).
Edit: They are not provided in .MSI files like Apache would but you can unzip the files to C:\Apache2 and set it up manually, like a true developer!

Installing ADT plugin 16.0.1 on Eclipse Indigo- windows

When I try to install the ADT 16.0.1 plugin on Eclipse Indigo java developer edition release 1 or Helios normal edition release 2, I get the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile
Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
I've tried to lookup the package it's refering to on apache, JDK reference and android developer reference but no luck!
This's not my first time installing ADT, I already have it installed on Ubuntu and it works. I also had the old release (ADT 15) installed on Eclipse galileo on windows, but I re-installed windows (i'm running windows 7 ultimate by the way) and I can run the old release but it's very good developing with ICS API-s.
So, if anyone could help, it would be highly appreciated.
Lots of people have this type of problem with many different required items missing.
The last time I had this problem it was fixed by going to Window->Preferences
Then selecting Install/Update->Available Software Sites
Make sure everything listed is checked
In my installation I have:
You may also need to run Eclipse as an administrator
I was able to install the ADT Plugin only after
I moved the eclipse folder to a location without spaces (e.g.: c:\development\android\eclipse
I ran the Eclipse Update procedure as administrator
Also I am using the 32bit version even though I use windows7 64bit.
you just need to run as administrator
run Eclipse with compatibility mode winXP pack 2 and Run as Administrator.
You can find it by Right clicking Eclipse.exe > Properties > Compatibility Tab

How to install multiple TRAC versions on Windows

We have been using TRAC 0.11.1 for quite some time now and have a lot of projects running with it. Now we are facing a migration to a new server and would like to start using TRAC 0.12.2.
Of course migrating all 0.11.1 projects to 0.12.2 would be possible, but would also be a lot of work while a lot of them only remain for reference. For new projects, we would like to benefit from the new functionality in 0.12.2.
So, we would like to combine a 0.11 installation to maintain the existing projects and start using 0.12 for the new projects. We run Python 2.6.6 on Windows with mod_wsgi in Apache. We have studied a solution on the TRAC website, but it is for Linux. Also information on the mod_wsgi wiki ( seems to work only on Linux, as it uses a daemon mode which is not available on Windows.
Anybody has suggestions how to use both TRAC 0.11 and 0.12 on the same Python installation on Windows?
install both versions of Trac outside of the Python environment (like c:\trac\11 and c:\trac\12)
define separate virtual hosts for each group of projects
in each virtual host at the beginning of each .wsgi alter the path like:
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'c:/trac/11')
# sys.path.insert(0, 'c:/trac/12')
I'm currently using this method for Django (on Apache + mod_wsgi)

Installing Subversion on top of already installed Apache?

I have a working WAMP environment (Apache Friends). I decided to try Subversion and downloaded CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32.exe. On the download page there were packages including Apache server which I did not use - because I didn't want to replace my current Apache installation.
I just installed the one that did not include Apache, and now I want to configure it to work with my current Apache. What should I do?
Is there an easy step by step tutorial to explain this?
There's lots of tutorials such as the XAMPP (apache friends) version and the WAMP version
If all you want to do is create a repository and do checkins and updates locally on your windows machine then just install TortoiseSVN. Tortoisesvn only installs the shell extension for windows explorer, not any command line svn executables. To get those you have to download them separately and make sure they're the same version of svn that tortoise uses or you'll get errors about version mismatches when using the command line svn.
