Open a link without a page reload - ajax

When I click on the link i want page2.html to appear without any reloading of the current page. Despite all trials, when i click on the link it does reload the entire page before displaying page2.html
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function(event) {
var $this = $(this),
url = $"url");
}); < /script>
<a href="#" data-url="page2.html" class="topic-list-item">
<h3 class="topic-title">Internet Protocol Basics</h3>
<div class="topic-description-text">
Learn how Internet Protocol is used

$("a").click(function() {
var $this = $(this),
href = $this.attr("href");
location.href = "#" + href;
See jQuery.fn.load for more details.

try this code it will work
$(document).ready(function () {
$("a").click(function (event) {
var $this = $(this),
url = $"url");
the problem with Digital's code is that he is not using data function to get url as well when we click on then default action for anchor will be called so we need to stop default action so i used event.preventDefault();
also always put your jquery code between $(document).ready block


AJAX: if right click to open a new tab, render the whole page

I use AJAX on a link to insert data into a certain <div> in the same page. However, if the user right-clicks and opens in a new tab, the new page will contain only the data, without other page elements. How can I do to render a whole page for a right-click-new-tab?
<a class=".updateContent" href="...">The link</a>
<div id="content></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.updateContent').click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
Don't use an href. With an href the user has the option to open in a new tab/window or copy/paste no matter what you do (except maybe disable right click entirely but that's annoying). I suggest something like the following:
<a class="updateContent" data-url="...">the link</a>
Then your jQuery
var url = $(this).data('url');

Bootstrap popover and loading content with ajax and django

I know it has been given some answers but I will go for it :). As the title says i want to add popover bootstrap but with ajax loaded content. my html, but i want a Loading message to appear first and then the content.
<p class='entry' data-adjaxload = '/calendar/entry/1'>Title1</p>
<p class='entry' data-adjaxload = '/calendar/entry/2'>Title2</p>
<p class='entry' data-adjaxload = '/calendar/entry/3'>Title3</p>
my django view is the following
def entry_details(request, entry_id):
entry = get_object_or_404(Entry, pk=entry_id)
args = dict(entry=entry, user=request.user)
if request.is_ajax():
return render_to_response('mycal/ajax/entry_details.html', args)
entry_form = EntryForm(instance=entry)
return render_to_response('mycal/entry_details.html', args)
Pretty simple. I am using the same view to either load html content via ajax in the popover, or a details page via normal get request
the ajax details page:
<div class="entry">
and the script
$('p.entry').each(function (){
var i = $(this);
$(i).bind('mouseenter', function(){
success:function (data){
$(i).bind('mouseleave', function(){
But whilst it does run tha ajx and fetches the html, it won't load them onto the popover. How can I change that?
Just fiddled what you are looking for with popover content being updated dynamically using echo/json.
Just roll over the p element and wait for the 3 second delay.
If as you say, the data is being loaded properly then the only change needed is:
var popover ='popover');
popover.options.content = data.text;

Does anyone know why this Ajax wont work?

I have some code, some to change the class of a div, the rest to load content into the ajax div.
The ajax div however, does not load content. Why might this be?
window.onload = function () {
var everyone = document.getElementById('everyone'),
favorites = document.getElementById('favorites');
everyone.onclick = function() {
var otherClasses = favorites.className;
if (otherClasses.contains("Active")) {
everyone.className = 'statusOptionActive';
favorites.className = 'statusOption';
favorites.onclick = function() {
var otherClasses = everyone.className;
if (otherClasses.contains("Active")) {
favorites.className = 'statusOptionActive';
everyone.className = 'statusOption';
function loadXMLDoc(event) {
url: "../home/" + + ".php",
type: "GET",
success: function (result) {
These divs start the ajax code (or should do at least)
<div id="everyone" class="statusOptionActive" onclick="loadXMLDoc('indexEveryone')">Everyone, everywhere</div>
<div id="favorites" class="statusOption" onclick="loadXMLDoc('indexFav')">Favourites Only</div>
Why won't it work :(
Delete your div onclick event,since already you are manipulating your click event in the script.
Edited div
<div id="everyone" class="statusOptionActive">Everyone, everywhere</div>
<div id="favorites" class="statusOption">Favourites Only</div>
And I don know what argument you are passing in to loadXMLDoc('indexFav'); and loadXMLDoc('indexEveryone'); apart from that your javascript code is correct.
Hope this helps
Thank you
One obvious problem I can see is that you pass a string to loadXMLDoc, then you try to access .data on that string.

jQuery: Get next page via ajax and append it with animation

I am getting next page on my wordpress blog using jquery, finding the desired div and appending it to the existing one. This part works without a problem. But, what I need to do is, to add slideDown animation to it.
This is how my working code so far looks like:
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var response = $(data);
var more_div = $(response).find('.FeaturedRow1').html();
I tried adding hide() to response, more_div as well as append lines. In the first case, I get error stating that it cannot set property display of undefined.
In the second case, in the console it display HTML and says "has no method hide". I also tried adding a line $(more_div).hide() but again, I get the error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'display' of undefined".
If I use hide in the 3rd line
it hides the whole FeaturedRow1 div and animates it, that takes me to the top of the div, which is what I don't want.
EDIT: Here's the important HTML structure and jQuery code for the desired section
<div class="FeaturedRow1">
<div class="postspage">
//list of posts here
<div class="navigation">
<span class="loadless">
//hyperlink to previous page
<span class="loadmore">
//hyperlink to next page
When you click on the hyperlink inside the loadmore, the following jQuery code gets called
$('.loadmore a').live('click', function(e) {
var next_page = $(this).attr('href');
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var $response = $(data);
var $more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').hide();
$('.loadless').live('click', function(e) {
if ($('.postpage').length != 1) {
You get error as you are using html method which returns a string not a jQuery object, try the following.
var $response = $(data);
var $more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').hide();
$.get(next_page, function(data) {
var $response = $(data);
var more_div = $response.find('.FeaturedRow1').html();

redirect to another page after ajax function

Can anyone help me with, I am trying to create a download counter to my website.
I have a ajax script that counts up by 1 when the users clicks the download link, the issue I am having is on some browsers it goes to the download link before completing the ajax count script.
Is there a way that I can redirect to the download file once the script has completed. At the moment I have as follows
This is the link :-
<a href='downloads/".$downfile."' onclick=\"Counter('$referid');\"'>Download File</a>
This is the counter script:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function Counter(id)
return false;
This is the php script (clickcounter.php)
$referid = $_GET['id'];
$q = "SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE downid =".$referid;
$r = mysql_query($q);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
$click = stripslashes(trim($row['downcount']));
$download = $row['downfile'];
$countup = $click + 1;
$qUpdate = "UPDATE downloads
SET downcount=$countup
WHERE downid=$referid";
$rUpdate = mysql_query($qUpdate);
A few relatively small modifications should solve the problem. First, change the onclick to the following:
onclick=\"Counter('$referid', this); return false;\"
What we have done is to send in this as the second argument to the Counter function so we have a reference to the clicked link. Secondly, we have added return false, which blocks the browser from navigating to the url specified in the href.
The modified counter function looks like this:
function Counter(id, link) {
$.get("clickcounter.php?id=" + id, function() {
location.href = $(link).attr("href");
We now have a reference to the clicked link. A function has now been specified as the second argument to $.get(). This is the success-function, which is called when the ajax call has been successfully called. Inside that function we now redirect to the url specified in the href attribute on the clicked link.
I feel I should point out that the recommended way is to bind the onclick using jQuery separate from the html. The referid can be stored in a data attribute (which I chose to call data-rid):
<a href='downloads/".$downfile."' class='dl' data-rid='$referid'>Download File</a>
Then you bind the onclick for all download links (a elements with a "dl" class):
$(function() {
$("a.dl").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("data-rid");
var href = $(this).attr("href");
$.get("clickcounter.php?id=" + id, function() {
location.href = href;
return false;
(I feel I should point out that the code has not been tested, so it's possible that a typo has snuck in somewhere)
