need help editing a url for ImportHTML formula - url-parameters

I recently began working with to scrape various websites for data I use in researching stocks. I created an API that pulls 5 yrs of financial data from I then used the export function within to integrate the API I created with google sheets. It works great. However, what I would like to do is be able to edit the path in the formula so that I can use the API to call up the same data for any stock symbol I enter in Sheet1,cell B1 in my spreadsheet. Below is the formula. The stock symbol here is ATW. As you can see you need to specify the exchange in the path as well (in this case it's the NYSE). I want to be able to edit this so that I can enter a stock symbol in cell B1 on my spreadsheet and it will search for that symbol and return the data. Any assistance here would be appreciated. Thanks!
=ImportHtml("", "table", 1)

Here's one way to do it.
Enter the stock symbol in cell B1. It creates the URL in cell C1 and the import function is in cell A2.
The formula in A2 would be
=ImportHtml(C1, "table", 1)
and the formula in C1 would be


Google Sheets: dynamic sum-formula of multiple sheets

I'm working on a call tracking sheet for our sales teams to see their numbers.
Now I've following case I don't know how to solve.
Every sales person has his own sheet with his name.
In the main sheet I want to add up the data from all sellers, which currently happens via the following formula:
='Closer 1'!C4+'Closer 2'!C4+'Closer 3'!C4+'Closer 4'!C4+'Closer 5'!C4+'Closer 6'!C4+'Closer 7'!C4+'Closer 8'!C4
My question now is, how can I dynamically extend the formula with a database table so that when another seller is added, I don't have to adjust a formula?
That the formula is automatically supplemented by the additional person?
Here I added a picture how does it look like: Picture 1
The Sheet of a sales person looks like: Picture 2
Because It would need really much time to change all the formulas for every day of the year.
Thank you very much for your help guys!
My idea is to use INDIRECT function and store sellers names in sum sheet.
This formula treats string as a reference so you can take sheetnames from your spreadsheet.
My sheet you can find here:

Xpath, fetching table with text and images in Google sheets

I'm trying to parse this table into Google Sheets:
And getting the title text from where there are images.
I can't figure out how to get the text from the full table, as well as img/#alt in cases where it's available. I can get the table with
And only the image texts
But I can't seem to do both, is that a limitation of Google Sheets IMPORTXML?
I've tried with OR and other bool operators with no luck. Tried with axes but that was also a no go for me.
I propose something like this :
In B1 we have the url of the webpage.
In B3 we have the following formula to import the first part of the table :
=QUERY(IMPORTHTML(B1;"table";1);"select Col1,Col2,Col3 OFFSET 2";0)
Columns L to O contain the following formulas to get the element names and the ability names (which will be used as a key in a VLOOKUP step). 4 formulas because an ability could have 2 element names. In L3,M3,N3,03 we have :
Formula in E4 is a one liner where the results of 2 VLOOKUP are merged together. We use VLOOKUP to pair each ability name with an element.
To finish, in H3 we have the last part of the table :
=QUERY(IMPORTHTML(B1;"table";1);"select Col5,Col6 OFFSET 2";0)
The rest (colours, borders,..) is standard and conditionnal formatting.
Side note : I'm based in Europe so you might have to change ; with , in the formulas.

Extracting Metadata in Google Sheets ImportXML

Is it still possible to extract metadata like price from a site using ImportXML in Google Sheets?
I have tried multiple different variations on the following page without success:
I should be able to use this formula to return "58.99", but I continuously receive an NA error.
OfficeDepot seems to block the requests from GoogleSheets.
Some clues :
Get the price directly from the .json (we can't use ImportJSON script to load this directly in Sheets since requests are blocked). Change the product id in the url accordingly :
Another option could be to use SerpAPI(commercial)+ImportJSON to fetch the product price from GoogleShooping.
Or you can use the GoogleSearch API(free)+ImportJson. Output :
You need an API key and an ImportJSON script (credits to Brad Jasper) to do this. Once you have installed the script and activated your API key, add a search engine. In the settings, you have to define the target website.
Copy somewhere your search engine id (cx=XXXXXXXXXX). Once this is done and assuming you have the urls in column A, you can paste in cell B2 :
This is for extracting the product id.
In cell C2, you can paste :
We construct the request for the API. You need to add your API key and your search engine id in this formula.
In cell D2, you can paste :
=QUERY(ImportJSON(C2);"SELECT Col1 label Col1''";1)
This for importing the .json result and cleaning it a bit.
Notes : this method could fail with some products (the new ones). I'm based in Europe. So ";" in the formulas should be replaced with ",".

Get meaning for a word from dictionary Using XPath Google sheets importxml function

I'm trying to use the IMPORTXML function in Google sheets to grab the meaning and information words on
I kind of succeeded getting some data from another website, but as a newbie, I got some troubles to get any data when I try on this one in this Google sheet in D6 cell.
=ImportXML(""&A6,"//*[#id='link link--primary link--term']")
Could someone help to educate me with the correct formula?
You're looking for synonyms. Note you can display up to 200 on Power Thesaurus.
To get the 50 first synonyms in one cell (since you have one word per row), you can try this :
Create 50 numbered columns in your GoogleSheet.
Apply this formula to the first cell and drag it to the right.
Then use join formula to get all the words in one cell (XX:XX is the range of your columns, B3:F3 on the provided screenshot).
Result :
Alternatively we could have use this one-liner (and make some cleanup afterwards) but GoogleSheet returns a blank cell whereas the XPath is perfectly valid :

Google ImportXML to Scrape Prices off

A number of investments from are not traded on exchanges and not available via a ticker symbol thru say GoogleFinance etc. For one of these I would like to 'scrape' the daily price directly off of website and into a cell auto-magically.
In Google sheets I thought it would be easy enough using ImportHTML as a table but no luck. I've experimented with ImportXML but cannot seem to figure out how to set the xpath query for the specific price I'm interested in and leaving me confused - keep ending up with a "N/A" cell ("Error: Imported content is empty").
Using this URL:
Could someone take a look and suggest how I might import the daily price (aka unit value) for QREARX into a Google sheet cell using an xpath with ImportXML or other method?
If you slightly change your url prefix to and then add your ticket number at the end like you did in your example: 41091375
then you can use this importxml function to pull in the value your looking for:
