Werid behviour of cmd + tab on Mac OSX after upgrade to El Capitan - macos

I have this weird problem, i often use cmd+tab to switch between opened applications. After upgrading my OS to El Capitan it started to behave weird. Sometimes it doesn't switch to last focused window but it switches to last application visible on that bar which is displayed after pressing this shortcut. It really freaks me out. Please help.
To explain this problem better i've recorded a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6gKsCTLt00 when this bug occurs i stop for a while and point my cursor on the application item on that bar.
I have to mention than all this time i'm using cmd+tab only, without shift pressed.


Qt/Qml TextField receives keystroke twice when creating SDL window on macOS

I created a Qt application with QML which contains a TextField. If I call SDL_CreateWindow() to create a new SDL2 window, typing in the TextField will duplicate every character. For example, if I type "hello" in the TextField, it will show "hheelllloo".
This only occurs after the creation of the SDL window. Also, this happens only on macOS. I compile the same application on Windows and Linux, and this problem is not visible.
I have also seen a similar bug in my Mac game using Cocoa windows with SDL2 2.0.14.
If the text fields are in a modal window, you could,,as a workaround call, SDL_EventState(SDL_TEXTINPUT, SDL_DISABLE) before displaying the modal window and call SDL_EventState(SDL_TEXTINPUT, SDL_ENABLE) when it closes.
With a non-modal window, you could try disabling the SDL text input when the window becomes active and enable when inactive.
Hope that helped.
Hopefully someone will fix this bug soon. I may look into it myself at some point soon. Note that I am not an SDL maintainer.

When I switch desktops in macOS with multiple displays, why is focus switching to another unexpected application (iTerm2 or VSCode in my case)?

I have a MacBook Pro running Catalina with an additional display. I typically have my development-related apps on one display (iTerm2, VSCode, etc.) and everything else on the other display (Chrome, Slack, etc.)
Sometimes (not all the time), when I switch desktops (Ctrl+left or Ctrl+right), access an app using Spotlight (Cmd+space and type), or use Cmd+Tab to switch applications, the focus would suddenly jump to iTerm2 or VSCode. This happens even if iTerm2 or VSCode isn't currently showing; for example, if I try to switch to Chrome on display 1 and iTerm2 is on a different hidden desktop on display 2, Chrome would appear on display 1 and then display 2 would show the desktop containing iTerm2 sliding into view (along with focusing iTerm2).
This severely impacts workflow, since this behavior is unpredictable and involves a lot of typing in the wrong application and reaching for the mouse. What is causing this behavior?
I found that it only happens when I have windows of the same app on both screens.
Say I switch desktop on a screen 1 and Chrome should become active there, then if I also have a Chrome window on my screen 2, it's actually the one on screen 2 that becomes active. Very frustrating..
This bug still exists in macOS Big Sur 11.4. Another symptom is that, after the erroneous focusing happens, manually switching to a space with no windows in it will leave that focused app focused, after briefly focusing Finder, rather than just focusing Finder. It's this last erroneous focusing that causes the space-switching.
Workaround: when it happens, invoke "Show All" from the menu bar (I have a keyboard shortcut for this). Note that switching to an empty space now does a single focusing of Finder, and no further space-switching happens.

Mac sending weird keystrokes in terminal

Quite often but not always I'd receive some strange keystrokes in my terminal(OS X El Capitan). It looks like a sequence of:
this is so annoying especially when I have vim open it seems to bring up identifier search and I have to hit Enter to continue each time. I can verify this happens in iterm2 as well.
Did this ever happen to anyone else?
Those are an artifact of the changes in El Capitan to support xterm-style mouse protocol. The odd characters can tell a program when the mouse has moved in/out of the window (or clicked to gain/lose focus).
Some application you have run turns on this feature without handling it properly (or stopping it when the application ends).
Further reading:
FocusIn/FocusOut (XTerm Control Sequences)
Mouse Tracking (XTerm Control Sequences)

IntelliJ 12 fullscreen mode yosemite

Trying to achieve something that should be quite easy, activating the full screen mode in intelliJ12 on a mac with Yosemite.
I can only maximise the windows (green window button with the +) but it's not running in full screen ( like any other app with the double arrow green button).
I have been searching quite a while for a solution, tested the shortcut cmd ctrl F did nothing and in view menu ain't got anything related to full screen.
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, v12 doesn't support the OS X fullscreen feature, you have to upgrade to v13 at least.
If you wanna stay at the old version, just try this Fullscreen plugin, hope it works.

Tabbing between Xcode project windows?

Basically I am supposed to press Command + the [`~] button that is above the Tab.
This question has been answered twice here:
Tabbing between Xcode projects?
Navigate Between Projects in XCode 4.0
But it just wont work for me, has anything changed in the xcode versions? or the way the mac behaves?
When I press this combination all I hear is the "invalid" sound.
I am using the newest Mac OS mountain lion.
Sorry if this belong to the super user stack overflow I just figured more Xcode users would be found here.
I can do the swipe on the mouse pad to bring the screen where I see all the active windows for the current application... but this is much slower than just tabbing between the 2 projects I'm usually working with.
Do I infer from your comment about using the three finger swipe (for Mission Control) that the second window is not on the same desktop as the other windows? The command+` sequence only jumps between windows on the same desktop, not between different desktops (which is not to be confused with two physical monitors, which you can jump between, if you have multiple monitors hooked up to your computer).
The inability of command+` to not jump between desktops is a little curious, because command+tab, which jumps between apps, does go across desktops. If you want to jump between desktops, you can press control+1 or control+2 to jump to desktop 1 or 2, respectively. It should be noted, though, that while that might be a good alternative when trying to jump between your two desktops, though it admittedly selects the last active window in that other desktop, not necessarily a window from your current app in that other desktop. Also control+left and control+right let you jump between desktops, too.
This is a Mac OS "feature", not an Xcode issue, I believe. The command+` ability to jump between windows (but not windows across Mission Control desktops) is the same behavior across the Mac OS.
If this keyboard shortcut is not working at all, in any app, even within a single Mission Control desktop, then you don't need to worry about Xcode settings, but rather focus your attention on the keyboard settings:
You might want to look at your "Move focus to the next window" keyboard shortcut. There have been reported problems of people with international keyboards not getting this to work properly, but by clicking on (and thereby selecting) the command+` graphic, you can try using different keyboard shortcut, and see if that does it for you.
I have mountain lion as far as i know.
How about this?
control + down
You'll get the current application windows.
Below them there should be a horizontal list of recent projects for Xcode (both opened and closed). With arrows left or right choose the project (it should be highlighted with blue) and press enter.
