Is migration required from swift 2 to swift 2.1? - xcode

Xcode 7.1 is now available on app store but before I update xcode I need to be sure that my existing project won't breakdown because of the update. So would updating from xcode 7 to 7.1 run the migration assistant for swift 2 and breakdown my project?

It appears that there weren't any breaking syntax changes. Mostly just quality of life updates for the language (being able to put string literals in string interpolation statements, function covariance/contravariance, etc).


Swift 3 mode has been deprecated

In Xcode 10.1 whenever I build my app I get the warning
Swift 3 mode has been deprecated and will be removed in a later
version of Xcode. Please migrate "My Appp" to Swift 4.2 using "Convert > To Current Swift Syntax…" in the Edit menu. (in target 'My App')
How can I suppress the warning?
I tried to convert but conversion fails and besides that my app depends on some Pods / libraries that I can not convert any way.
Is there a way to stop seeing the warning?
Unfortunately, there's no way to remove this. You'll need to manually update your Pods / libraries to Swift 4.x or wait until someone does the job for you. Otherwise, you won't be able to build your project with a newer Xcode version at some point in the future.
Xcode 10 is the last release that will support Swift 3. Migrate your projects from Swift 3 code to Swift 4.2 syntax by opening the project and choosing Edit > Convert > To Current Swift Syntax… (43101816)
Download Xcode 10.1 to be able to compile your code with Swift 3 or Pod decencies:

How to setup search scope within location and frameworks in Xcode 9

In Xcode 8 setup of new search scope within location and frameworks was very easy:
This functionality is extremely useful for search within all linked frameworks. I often use it, for example, to find error name by code.
But I'm confused with new XCode 9 UI:
How can I achieve the same functionality in Xcode 9?
Updated for Xcode 9 beta 3.
I don't think this achieves the same exact functionality, but it is close:

MonoTouch 4: The type or namespace name 'Outlet' could not be found

I have purchased MonoTouch last October from Novell. Now that I updated to MonoDevelop 2.8.5, and XCode 4.2, my projects won't build because the designer files complain:
The type or namespace name 'Outlet' could not be found
I have Monotouch 4.0.3, and just read in the Transitioning to XCode 4 article that Monotouch or greater is required for XCode 4 support. When I try to update Monotouch, I can only find a MonoTouch 5 dmg, but it complains my current license does not allow me to upgrade to MonoTouch 5 (a natural thing because it now belongs to Xamarin)
So you could help me out with either of the two:
Tell me how I can download MonoTouch or greater (but less than 5 due to licensing - I do not want to buy a new license)
How I can fix the problem of namespace during build
Any directions are greatly appreciated
Tell me how I can download MonoTouch or greater
Please contact
They will be able to validate your license and allow you to download all/any versions you are entitled for.
How I can fix the problem of namespace during build
I don't think you can, without updating to, if you used Xcode's interface builder to develop your user interfaces.
MonoDevelop 2.8 is meant to be used with MonoTouch 5 (and Xcode 4.2), while MonoDevelop 2.6 is for MonoTouch 4.
This is an unfortunate artifact of the changes required in MonoDevelop to properly support iOS 5 (they were substantial, and the extra work required to be backwards compatible with older versions of MonoTouch was deemed to be too big).

Will my Xcode 4 project work in Xcode 3?

Further to this question:
Make UML with the code in xcode4
I wrote some code with Xcode 4. The UML modelling feature in Xcode 3 was removed in Xcode 4.
I would still like to use the UML modelling feature in Xcode 3, will my project written with Xcode 4 work in Xcode 3,
I don't know about your diagrams, but your Xcode 4 project will (mostly) work with Xcode 3. (At least, it ought to work well enough to generate diagrams based on the classes.)
If you’d like to continue using Xcode 4 for development and you have access to another computer or a VMWare image, you could install a copy of Xcode 3 on it and use it to generate diagrams only.
Alternatively, you get a commercial product like Visual Paradigm to reverse engineer your Objective-C source code or start using Xcode 3 again for development (if possible).

New iOS project, free hosted repository: Xcode 4 or Xcode 3.2?

I wonder whether I should start development of a new iOS project in Xcode 4 or 3.2 - on one hand, I know 3.2 (a little), there is lots of info about it out there, and it's stable and proven. On the other hand, Xcode 4 brings some improvements as well. Are the newer previews of Xcode 4 ready for prime time, or are they still too buggy?
I'm especially interested in issues with (and recommendations of) externally hosted repositories, as I was not very happy with how Xcode 3.2 played with the Subversion repository in my last project.
Which one to choose, and which (preferably free and externally hosted) repository to match?
Today (3rd Feb 2011) Apple released the GM-Seed of xcode4. It's now ready for usage and you can compile your apps and release to the app-store. So if you are new with xcode, I would suggest using xcode4.
The new compiler has a lot of optimizations done. The compiler (as far as I can see the results) generates faster code. It's big fun!
The new Userinterface is more reliable. It makes your development a lot faster!
2a. Interface builder is now integrated. You can "drag and drop" your userinterface Item using the "ctrl"-key into your code and xcode creates the source for you! This accelerates creation of userinterfaces a lot!
git support has been added to sourcecontrol, which makes development in teams easier
The new LLVM compiler shows errors immediately while coding. And it displays errors, which xcode3 never mentioned
In xcode4 Apple changed a lot! So if you start with xcode3, you will have a new learning curve with xcode 4. For newbs I suggest: Download the xcode4 goldmaster and get startet with xcode4!
I second JackPearse's endorsement of Xcode 4, with one caveat. Been using Xcode 4 for a couple of days and am really starting to like it. Particularly like the way it shows the changes in each file as you commit. Unfortunately, when you delete a file, it forgets that it will need to be deleted in the repository as well. But the big BUT right now is that Xcode 4 will immediately crash the moment you try to do any Core Data modeling. See also XCode 4 Data Model Versioning bug? here on Stack Overflow. So, if you plan to use Core Data, you'll need to keep Xcode 3 around as well until they fix this.
