CanvasJS code relies on for in loop and that's fragile - canvasjs

There are a few lines of code in Canvas JS relying on the for in loop, without the use of the hasOwnProperty inside the loop.
When some other library extends the array prototype, it breaks CanvasJS.
In v1.7.0 GA, line 2406:
for (index in plotAreaElements) {
If you have extended the array prototype with a, let's say, a function called "first", the code above will try to invoke "render" on the first function, and that breaks CanvasJS.
Really bad.
Can anybody fix this?

This was reported in the CanvasJS-forum and bug has been fixed. Please refer to this link to get an internal build.


DIA SDK how to get parent function of FuncDebugStart / FuncDebugEnd?

The documentation for SymTagFuncDebugStart and SymTagFuncDebugEnd state that calling IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent will return a symbol for the enclosing function. I interpret this as I will get an IDiaSymbol whose get_symTag method returns SymTagFunction. However, when I do this it returns me the SymTagCompiland and not the function. So the documentation appears wrong, but worse I'm not sure how to actually tie the SymTagFuncDebugStart and SymTagFuncDebugEnd to the containing SymTagFunction.
Does anyone know? A few dumps suggest that SymTagFuncDebugStart and SymTagFuncDebugEnd always come immediately after the corresponding SymTagFunction when enumerating the symbols via IEnumSymbols. Or put another way, that if IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId returns n for the function, it will return n+1 and n+2 respectively for the func debug start and func debug end.
But I can't be sure this is always true, and this seems unreliable and hackish.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the correct way to do this?
Could you paste your code here? I guess there is something wrong in your code. Call get_lexicalParent on SymTagFuncDebugStart and SymTagFuncDebugEnd should return the symbol associated the enclosing function (SymTagFunction).
I got this working eventually. The problem is that when you enumerate all the symbols in the global scope using SymTagNull, you will find the FuncDebugStart and FuncDebugEnd symbols. The lexical parent of these symbols is the global scope, because it's the "parent" in the sense that it vended you the pointers to the FuncDebugStart and FuncDebugEnd symbols.
If you get the FuncDebugStart and FuncDebugEnd by calling findChildren on an actual SymTagFunction symbol, however, then its lexical parent will in fact be the original function. So this was an issue of unclear documentation.

Mathematica - can I define a block of code using a single variable?

It has been a while since I've used Mathematica, and I looked all throughout the help menu. I think one problem I'm having is that I do not know what exactly to look up. I have a block of code, with things like appending lists and doing basic math, that I want to define as a single variable.
My goal is to loop through a sequence and when needed I wanted to call a block of code that I will be using several times throughout the loop. I am guessing I should just put it all in a loop anyway, but I would like to be able to define it all as one function.
It seems like this should be an easy and straightforward procedure. Am I missing something simple?
This is the basic format for a function definition in Mathematica.
statement1; statement2; returnStatement ]
Your question is not entirely clear, but I interpret that you want something like this:
facRand[] :=
({b, x} = Last#FactorInteger[RandomInteger[1*^12]]; Print[b])
Now every time facRand[] is called a new random integer is factored, global variables b and x are assigned, and the value of b is printed. This could also be done with Function:
facRand =
({b, x} = Last#FactorInteger[RandomInteger[1*^12]]; Print[b]) &
This is also called with facRand[]. This form is standard, and allows addressing or passing the symbol facRand without triggering evaluation.

Recommendations for "Dynamic/interactive" debugging of functions in R?

When debugging a function I usually use
And that works quite well for me.
However, sometimes I am trying to debug a complex function that I don't know. In which case, I can find that inside that function there is another function that I would like to "go into" ("debug") - so to better understand how the entire process works.
So one way of doing it would be to do:
# when finding a function I want to debug inside the function, run again:
The question is - is there a better/smarter way to do interactive debugging (as I have described) that I might be missing?
p.s: I am aware that there where various questions asked on the subject on SO (see here). Yet I wasn't able to come across a similar question/solution to what I asked here.
Not entirely sure about the use case, but when you encounter a problem, you can call the function traceback(). That will show the path of your function call through the stack until it hit its problem. You could, if you were inclined to work your way down from the top, call debug on each of the functions given in the list before making your function call. Then you would be walking through the entire process from the beginning.
Here's an example of how you could do this in a more systematic way, by creating a function to step through it:
walk.through <- function() {
tb <- unlist(.Traceback)
if(is.null(tb)) stop("no traceback to use for debugging")
assign("", matrix(unlist(strsplit(tb, "\\(")), nrow=2)[1,], envir=.GlobalEnv)
lapply(, function(x) debug(get(x)))
print(paste("Now debugging functions:", paste(, collapse=",")))
unwalk.through <- function() {
lapply(, function(x) undebug(get(as.character(x))))
print(paste("Now undebugging functions:", paste(, collapse=",")))
rm(list="", envir=.GlobalEnv)
Here's a dummy example of using it:
foo <- function(x) { print(1); bar(2) }
bar <- function(x) { x + a.variable.which.does.not.exist }
# now step through the functions
# undebug those functions again...
IMO, that doesn't seem like the most sensible thing to do. It makes more sense to simply go into the function where the problem occurs (i.e. at the lowest level) and work your way backwards.
I've already outlined the logic behind this basic routine in "favorite debugging trick".
I like options(error=recover) as detailed previously on SO. Things then stop at the point of error and one can inspect.
(I'm the author of the 'debug' package where 'mtrace' lives)
If the definition of 'SubFunction' lives outside 'MyFunction', then you can just mtrace 'SubFunction' and don't need to mtrace 'MyFunction'. And functions run faster if they're not 'mtrace'd, so it's good to mtrace only as little as you need to. (But you probably know those things already!)
If 'MyFunction' is only defined inside 'SubFunction', one trick that might help is to use a conditional breakpoint in 'MyFunction'. You'll need to 'mtrace( MyFunction)', then run it, and when the debugging window appears, find out what line 'MyFunction' is defined in. Say it's line 17. Then the following should work:
D(n)> bp( 1, F) # don't bother showing the window for MyFunction again
D(n)> bp( 18, { mtrace( SubFunction); FALSE})
D(n)> go()
It should be clear what this does (or it will be if you try it).
The only downsides are: the need to do it again whenever you change the code of 'MyFunction', and; the slowing-down that might occur through 'MyFunction' itself being mtraced.
You could also experiment with adding a 'debug.sub' argument to 'MyFunction', that defaults to FALSE. In the code of 'MyFunction', then add this line immediately after the definition of 'SubFunction':
if( debug.sub) mtrace( SubFunction)
That avoids any need to mtrace 'MyFunction' itself, but does require you to be able to change its code.

scala coalesces multiple function call parameters into a Tuple -- can this be disabled?

This is a troublesome violation of type safety in my project, so I'm looking for a way to disable it. It seems that if a function takes an AnyRef (or a java.lang.Object), you can call the function with any combination of parameters, and Scala will coalesce the parameters into a Tuple object and invoke the function.
In my case the function isn't expecting a Tuple, and fails at runtime. I would expect this situation to be caught at compile time.
object WhyTuple {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
fooIt("foo", "bar")
def fooIt(o: AnyRef) {
No implicits or Predef at play here at all -- just good old fashioned compiler magic. You can find it in the type checker. I can't locate it in the spec right now.
If you're motivated enough, you could add a -X option to the compiler prevent this.
Alternatively, you could avoid writing arity-1 methods that accept a supertype of TupleN.
What about something like this:
object Qx2 {
#deprecated def callingWithATupleProducesAWarning(a: Product) = 2
def callingWithATupleProducesAWarning(a: Any) = 3
Tuples have the Product trait, so any call to callingWithATupleProducesAWarning that passes a tuple will produce a deprecation warning.
Edit: According to people better informed than me, the following answer is actually wrong: see this answer. Thanks Aaron Novstrup for pointing this out.
This is actually a quirk of the parser, not of the type system or the compiler. Scala allows zero- or one-arg functions to be invoked without parentheses, but not functions with more than one argument. So as Fred Haslam says, what you've written isn't an invocation with two arguments, it's an invocation with one tuple-valued argument. However, if the method did take two arguments, the invocation would be a two-arg invocation. It seems like the meaning of the code affects how it parses (which is a bit suckful).
As for what you can actually do about this, that's tricky. If the method really did require two arguments, this problem would go away (i.e. if someone then mistakenly tried to call it with one argument or with three, they'd get a compile error as you expect). Don't suppose there's some extra parameter you've been putting off adding to that method? :)
The compile is capable of interpreting methods without round brackets. So it takes the round brackets in the fooIt to mean Tuple. Your call is the same as:
fooIt( ("foo","bar") )
That being said, you can cause the method to exclude the call, and retrieve the value if you use some wrapper like Some(AnyRef) or Tuple1(AnyRef).
I think the definition of (x, y) in Predef is responsible. The "-Yno-predefs" compiler flag might be of some use, assuming you're willing to do the work of manually importing any implicits you otherwise need. By that I mean that you'll have to add import scala.Predef._ all over the place.
Could you also add a two-param override, which would prevent the compiler applying the syntactic sugar? By making the types taking suitably obscure you're unlikely to get false positives. E.g:
object WhyTuple {
class DummyType
def fooIt(a: DummyType, b: DummyType) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dummy function - should not be called")

General programming - calling a non void method but not using value

This is general programming, but if it makes a difference, I'm using objective-c. Suppose there's a method that returns a value, and also performs some actions, but you don't care about the value it returns, only the stuff that it does. Would you just call the method as if it was void? Or place the result in a variable and then delete it or forget about it? State your opinion, what you would do if you had this situation.
A common example of this is printf, which returns an int... but you rarely see this:
int val = printf("Hello World");
Yeah just call the method as if it was void. You probably do it all the time without noticing it. The assignment operator '=' actually returns a value, but it's very rarely used.
It depends on the environment (the language, the tools, the coding standard, ...).
For example in C, it is perfectly possible to call a function without using its value. With some functions like printf, which returns an int, it is done all the time.
Sometimes not using a value will cause a warning, which is undesirable. Assigning the value to a variable and then not using it will just cause another warning about an unused variable. For this case the solution is to cast the result to void by prefixing the call with (void), e.g.
(void) my_function_returning_a_value_i_want_to_ignore().
There are two separate issues here, actually:
Should you care about returned value?
Should you assign it to a variable you're not going to use?
The answer to #2 is a resounding "NO" - unless, of course, you're working with a language where that would be illegal (early Turbo Pascal comes to mind). There's absolutely no point in defining a variable only to throw it away.
First part is not so easy. Generally, there is a reason value is returned - for idempotent functions the result is function's sole purpose; for non-idempotent it usually represents some sort of return code signifying whether operation was completed normally. There are exceptions, of course - like method chaining.
If this is common in .Net (for example), there's probably an issue with the code breaking CQS.
When I call a function that returns a value that I ignore, it's usually because I'm doing it in a test to verify behavior. Here's an example in C#:
public void StatService_should_call_StatValueRepository_for_GetPercentageValues()
var statValueRepository = new Mock<IStatValueRepository>();
new StatService(null, statValueRepository.Object).GetValuesOf<PercentageStatValue>();
statValueRepository.Verify(x => x.GetStatValues());
I don't really care about the return type, I just want to verify that a method was called on a fake object.
In C it is very common, but there are places where it is ok to do so and other places where it really isn't. Later versions of GCC have a function attribute so that you can get a warning when a function is used without checking the return value:
The warn_unused_result attribute causes a warning to be emitted if a caller of the function with this attribute does not use its return value. This is useful for functions where not checking the result is either a security problem or always a bug, such as realloc.
int fn () __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
int foo ()
if (fn () < 0) return -1;
fn ();
return 0;
results in warning on line 5.
Last time I used this there was no way of turning off the generated warning, which causes problems when you're compiling 3rd-party code you don't want to modify. Also, there is of course no way to check if the user actually does something sensible with the returned value.
