Is chunking.success.endpoint supposed to be called even when there is only a single chunk? - fine-uploader

If I have chunking enabled and a success endpoint defined:
chunking: {
enabled: true,
concurrent: {
enabled: true
success: {
endpoint: "/FileUploadComplete"
The endpoint "/FileUploadComplete" is not hit unless the file is larger than the chunk size. Documentation ( states that "Fine Uploader will send a POST after all chunks have been successfully uploaded for each file."

That is correct. If the file is not chunked, none of the chunking-related logic/options/endpoints apply.


Fineuploader possible solution to force header return true if default server will not return following JSON Data

Not sure if it's possible to force fineuploader to fire true success upload in anyway. im facing the issue of submitting form to a url ""(sample ip due to P&C) where it will return only Status : "OK" without Success : true.
Following is my code, pretty sure that it successfully submitted, but my UI will get error due to the API is not returning the value success.
var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
element: document.getElementById("uploader"),
cors: {
allowXdr: 'true',
request: {
// endpoint: '/upload',
endpoint: '',
params: {
'token': <%- JSON.stringify(token) %>,
This was originally requested in Follow the linked pull request at the end of that issue for updates. – Ray Nicholus 20 hours ago

fineUploader Failed in the Request To endpoint and the cause in onError Callback is UnKnown Reason

kindly i have to pages using fineUploader ,
the first page is working correctly but the second isn't : the response in debugging browser console is:
My Html Body will be existing here.
Simple upload request failed for 0
[Fine Uploader 5.11.8] Error when attempting to parse xhr response
text (Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0)
for the point one :(the request didn't reach the endpoint because i made a tester in the endpoint page if any script accessed it)
so the request in the first page is working and the same request with the same path in endpoint property isn't working in the second
i read many articles with the same error but all of them were not identifying correct endpoint path , which i did correctly and tested in the first Page.
var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
debug: true,
element: document.getElementById('my-uploader'),
request: {
endpoint: "http://localhost/fineuploader/endpoint.php",
// endpoint: "http://localhost/fineuploader/endpoint.php",//commented to prove that i used //both of the relative and absolute paths
chunking: {
enabled: true,
concurrent: {
enabled: true
success: {
endpoint: "http://localhost/fineuploader/endpoint.php?done",
deleteFile: {
enabled: true,
endpoint: "http://localhost/fineuploader/endpoint.php"
retry: {
enableAuto: true,
showButton: true
form:{element:"FormId", },
callbacks: {
onError: function(id, name, errorReason, xhrOrXdr) {
alert(qq.format("Error on file number {} - {}. Reason: {}", id, name, errorReason));
The Answer of Mr Ray Nicholus Here was useful but i want to provide the solution in my case and my mistake, my problem was that in the first page i didn't provide action attribute in form tag and in the second i did , so when i provided in the second page the action of the form a different value than what is specified in
<form id="test" action="form.php">
request: {
endpoint: "http://localhost/fineuploader/endpoint.php",},
the requests were going to the action attribute value path(form.php) not for the above request value (endpoint.php).
It's really very simple, and there is no other answer to this question: either your endpoint is incorrect (and of course the response will be invalid too) or your endpoint is correct but your endpoint is not returning valid JSON. You'll need to look at the response closely to determine the issue.
In your case, your endpoint is returning HTML, not JSON. You'll have to fix this on your server.

Fine-Uploader - retry with "scaling" and "hideScaled" only sends original image

I'm calling Fine-Uploader to upload images with client-side scaling, and I'm hiding the scaled images. If there's a bug in my server-side receiver CGI script then all uploads fail and the image shows a "Retry" button, but clicking it (after fixing the bug!) only causes the failed original image to be resent. The scaled images are lost. Here's the fine-uploader call. What am I missing to get it to resend the scaled images if they failed?
template: 'qq-template-manual-trigger',
request: {
endpoint: 'cgi/fine-uploader.cgi',
thumbnails: {
placeholders: {
waitingPath: PLACEHOLDERS+'waiting-generic.png',
notAvailablePath: PLACEHOLDERS+'not_available-generic.png'
// request client-size scaling - causes upload of "image (size).jpg" in addition to "image.jpg"
scaling: {
sizes: [
{ name: "thumb", maxSize: 200 },
{ name: "popup", maxSize: 600 },
hideScaled: true
autoUpload: false
$('#trigger-upload').click(function() {
From the scaled images documentation page:
Since they will not be represented in the UI, this means that they cannot be deleted, canceled, or manually retried via Fine Uploader's default UI. Failures of these scaled versions will obviously not be apparent to users by default if you elect to hide them from the UI.
If you want to manually retry hidden scaled images, you'll need to get a handle on their IDs and use the retry API method.

Ext Data Session and bad server response ("[W] Ignoring server record: ...")

Our application handles and manages records changes on the client side. We use ExtJS5 Data Session mechanism.
A session tracks records that need to be updated, created or destroyed
on the server. It can also order these operations to ensure that newly
created records properly reference other newly created records by
their new, server-assigned id.
Let me introduce short use case.
User opens and fills a form. Behind the scene fields are binded to entity object which is tracked by session. When user clicks Submit then session is synchronized, i.e. Ext sends requests to the server and parse response. Here I've encountered a problem.
Server returns following object but Ext does not recognize it:
[{"success": false, errorMessage: "error"}]
Ext prints warning:
[W] Ignoring server record: {"success":false}
[W] Ignoring server record: {"success":true}
My question is how should look server response in order to indicate that record is not accepted/saved by backend?
The source code where above warning is printed: (in function doProcess)
Below I put snippet how I'm starting a batch operation (sync session):
var session = this.getViewModel().getSession(),
saveBatch = session.getSaveBatch();
saveBatch.on('complete', function (batch, operation, eOpts) {
// whole batch processing has been completed
saveBatch.on('exception', function (batch, operation, eOpts) {
// exception has been occurred (possible for each operation) (such as HTTP 500)
saveBatch.on('operationcomplete', function (batch, operation, eOpts) {
// single operation has been completed
// now, every operation is marked as successful
update 26.09.2014
Sencha developer has suggested including an id of object in the response. so I've modified server response to:
[{"id": 10, "success": false}]
but this does not solve the problem.
I spend some time on debugging method and I analyzed a sample code from sencha support. Ultimately I've found the solution.
There is my proxy config:
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
// ...
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount',
successProperty: 'success',
messageProperty: 'errorMessage'
Server response when some error occured:
"success": false,
"errorMessage": "<error message>"
Server response when data was successfully saved:
The minimal form for delete or update record without changing data:
"success": true,
The extended form for creating or updating record with changing record data:
"success": true,
"data": [{
clientId: 5, // clientIdProperty
id: 5,
// [optional] fields to change, e.g.:
name: 'new name'
I modified a demo which I have from sencha support:
in proxy config use data2.json for error and data3.json for success response.

S3 Upload Issue

I am trying to upload a file on S3. I have been verified everything couple of times and all looks correct to me, but whenever I am trying to upload file, getting error message saying
responseText =
InvalidArgumentPOST requires exactly one file upload per request.0file3670E4EE52B3BCD5b3rOF/9WJHymo1ZENIOlrct/ZusAJ50AnSIP0df3K3+DdEcAFolJDx8qU6DH2N1l
Can someone please help me to findout what I am doing wrong here?
<div id="s3-fileuploader" class="dropArea"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
//block and unblock UIbased on endpoint url
function setUI(){
$(document).ready(function () {
request: {
endpoint: "https://{!bucketname}",
accessKey: "{!key}"
signature: {
//always included
"expiration": "{!expireStr}",
signature : "{!signedPolicy}",
policy: "{!policy}",
//always included
{"acl": "public-read"},
//always included
{"bucket": "{!bucketname}"},
//not included in IE9 and older or Android 2.3.x and older
{"Content-Type": "{!ContentType}"},
//always included
{"key": "{!key}"},
//always included
{"x-amz-meta-qqfilename": "{!URLENCODE('test.jpg')}"},
cors: {
expected: true, //all requests are expected to be cross-domain requests
sendCredentials: false, //if you want cookies to be sent along with the request
allowXdr: true
autoUpload: true,
debug: true,
text: {
uploadButton: '<i class="icon-plus icon-white">Select Files</i> '
uploadSuccess: {
endpoint: "{!redirectURL}"
//set endpoint
The signature option is supposed to include information about your signature server. Instead you are apparently attaching an (invalid) policy document to this option. Furthermore, you do not create the police document, Fine Uploader creates it for you and passes it to your signature server for signing.
Also you should be using the fineUploaderS3 jquery plugin for this.
It looks like you have not read the documentation that describes how Fine Uploader S3 works. I suggest starting with the guides on the home page of
