Can i add a package of a newer version of Mikrotik to older one? - mikrotik

I'm trying to add user-manager package to my mikrotik Os version 6.28 but on only newer or legacy packages versions exist. Will it work or i need the package of the same version?

It's better to use the same version; so either upgrade to 6.32.2 (or whatever current version) and add user manager package, either download 6.28 specific stuff from some 3rd party website, like


What is user interface for JuliaHub/CUDD_jll

Julia has a package for binary decision diagrams called CUDD_jll available from JuliaHub. The package is able to install and compile on the Apple M1 architecture. It does appear to install and compile on macOS v13 running Julia v1.82. But the user interface from an older package CUDD does not appear to be compatible with CUDD_jll.
What is needed is a test or examples revealing user commands for initializing cudd, defining logical variables, and the basic operations of AND, OR, NOT.
Does anyone have such information they will share?
_jll packages are generally not meant to be used directly, they're backend dependencies that will be automatically installed when you add a package that uses them.
In this case, CUDD.jl is the package you want to install and work with. That will automatically install CUDD_jll as a dependency and use it. Actually, the current CUDD.jl doesn't yet use CUDD_jll as a backend. It instead does its own download of the CUDD library, from a source that doesn't provide M1-compatible binaries. CUDD_jll is a recent effort to change that. It does provide binaries for the M1 architecture, but is yet to be merged in as a backend.
In the meantime, you can try ] add CUDD#update-to-yggdrasil to directly add the branch that uses CUDA_jll as the backend, and see if that works for you. (Once the PR gets merged, you can remove this branch-specific dependency and ] add CUDD like before.)
The Apple M1 system is not compatible with CUDD. My mistake, sorry.

How can I find packages already installed on my computer that have a chocolatey equivalent?

I would like to replace as many packages on my computer with the corresponding chocolatey packages, so they can be upgrade automatically.
Is there a possibility to scan the installed Apps and point out which of them have a chocolatey equivalent?
Thanks a bunch!
Yes, but it's probably not what you want to hear.
You can do this with the Package Synchronization feature, but this feature requires a Chocolatey for Business license (C4B). Automatic Synchronization is a similarly named feature (all paid licenses have it), but this only removes packages for which the related software was uninstalled outside of Chocolatey.
With the free version, you will have to instead synchronize your package state manually.
Note: I don't recommend doing this for packages you don't maintain on the community feed. The likelihood of getting malware is low, but I'd be more concerned with a poor search term causing the wrong package to get installed instead, or accidentally installing a less "official" package maintained by someone who is not as diligent with updates or has abandoned the package.
However, this should be a perfectly safe procedure for packages you develop and maintain (and in reality you'll probably know all the package ids and versions anyways, so you'll skip straight to step 3). Doubly so if you are installing from a private feed you or your organization controls.
Query your installed programs from Windows. Take note of the version you have installed so you can install the correct version.
Do a package search for each one, recording the package ID for each one.
choco list --order-by-popularity --version VERSION should help you avoid less official or less maintained packages for the same software, and get you the correct package version. Top of the list is the most popular.
This is not perfect as some software really only gets installed by a single version of the package, but either self updates or pulls from a latest URL. In these cases the package version is not usually updated or accurate.
Install each software per package ID you have. Do this one command at a time so you can specify the correct version.
choco install -n skips running the installation PowerShell script so it effectively only "imports" the package for management without performing the install.

Library version issues and conflicts

Dear expert community,
I so often face problems that software will not compile or work because libraries (specifically .so files) are too new.
If I try to install the old library (apt-get on Ubuntu) I can get errors that it is "not installable" because of conflicts...
So following problems arise in my mind:
1) how to install old libraries/packages together with newer ones for example on Arch Linux or Ubuntu Linux ?
2) how to avoid conflicts: the older library should be used (linked) only with the "problematic old" software and/or if I specify this explicitly ?
3) how can I check with cmake, make or the autotools if a specific (old) library version is installed and in case not automatically get it and install it and use it without conflict with a newer version ?
Thank to any expert for a help
Linux package managers normally don't allow installing multiple versions of the same package. You have to install older versions yourself, by hand, from source, preferably to some private place like /usr/old-versions.
You link problematic software like this:
<link command> -L /usr/old-versions/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/old-versions/lib
and it automatically uses the old version of the library.
There is no way to do that automatically.
Note that you may need to compile against older versions of library headers too, not just link against old versions of the libraries.

How can I install Entity Framework 4.2?

This used to be trivial via Nuget but now, I can only find 5.0 in Nuget. How can I specifically install version 4.2? We are trying to upgrade from 4.0 to 4.2 but aren't ready for a major upgrade to 5.0 at this time. This is one of those problems that comes up when they decide to not release MSIs (or at least .ZIPs with DLLs in them, which really is all I need here).
NOTE: This is NOT a duplicate of this question. The difference is that I can't find 4.2 in Nuget anymore. At the time of that question, it was easy/obvious to find.
As you pointed out, you can install an older package by adding -Version <version you want> to the the Install-Package command. If you take a look at the NuGet gallery; when you select a package, scroll to the bottom, you will find the Version History. Here you can select the version you want:
Clicking one of the versions will show you the package details along with the command to install the selected version.
I think I figured it out. Check out this page. At the bottom, it lists the older versions of EntityFramewor and, when you click on it, it takes you to the details of that specific version, including the Nuget command to install it. For example, Entity Framework can be installed via:
PM> Install-Package EntityFramework -Version
I've not actually done this yet, but I think this is exactly what I was looking for.

How can i update all versions of my own module magento using the same file mysql4-upgrade

I want to know if there's any way to update from all versions (Example: 1.7.1, 1.7.2...) to version 1.8.0 using a single file (Example: mysql4-upgrade-1.7.0-1.8.0) from my own module.
there is a delimiter for that?
It's not possible to do this in the same file.
When Magento upgrades from one version to another, it will also upgrade all versions in between provided you have the files set up.
So if someone has 1.7.0, and wants to go to 1.8.0, Magento will upgrade from 1.7.0-1.7.1, then 1.7.1-1.7.2 and then from 1.7.0-1.8.0 - providing you include all the files.
Read some more on upgrade paths here:
