Data deleted from parse instllation table - parse-platform

My app is inserting/updating parse instllation table when user do login.
Yesterday 20-10-2015, i had 5 records in installtion table, suddenly 2 records have been deleted?.
I was not able to send push, when I checked I found 2 records for 2 users have been deleted from the instllation table!!
Any Idea what could be the reason?

Deleting a record from Installation class requires master key. This means you either have to delete the records directly from Parse dashboard or use your master key.


How to delete jDateChooser from database

I have a problem when I want to delete the data in JDateChoose from database(Localhost) and the table.
When I want to delete it, the message said it's success but from the table and the database there still a data.
In youtube, I don't find the right solution to my problem. But when I use this syntax :
The field is deleted from the JDatePicker but not the table and database

Add record to MS Access table fails - wrong auto id value

I need to add records to a table which has a unique id field. Up until recently I did this via a query but find today it doesn't work.
I tried manually copying a record and I tried manually inputting a new record. In both cases Access created a record with id=1306 but the next id would have been 1899. Consequently there was an error msg = The changes you made were not successful because they would create duplicate id...
Every time I go through this process the trial id clocks on 1 and is now 1309.
I am prevented from editing this manually. The table is related to many other tables and vice versa.
Any ideas please.
The table was created under Access 2003 or earlier. The edition running now is 2013.
Thanks - Stewart.
Fixed by running Repair & Compact.
Wrong/duplicate generated Autonumbers are a sign that something is broken in the database.
Further reading:
Allen Browne: Fixing AutoNumbers when Access assigns negatives or duplicates

Error when merging two accounts: A record with these values already exists

I am trying to merge two accounts and get the following error:
Duplicate Record
A record with these values already exists. A duplicate record cannot be created. Select one or more unique values and try again.
The Download Log File-button is greyed out and not clickable.
These accounts can successfully be merged with other accounts, but never with each other. There are no parent or child accounts set on any of the two accounts.
I recommend enabling tracing to be able to debug which SQL statement is failing.
In my case it turned out that there was a Customer Relationship (the kind of pre-2011 Relationship Role which has since been replaced with Connections) created between the two accounts. Deleting the Customer Relationship resulted in the merge succeeding without any issues.

How to fix virtuemart?

When I am trying to configure shop details (virtueamart), I am receiving this message every time
JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 830 and can not save the changes.
Virtueamart :
You have the latest version
This is due to user id 830 is mismatched in DB .
that is from #__users tables this 830 is removed and some other tables this user id exists.
Please check all the tables that related to user data like, #__user_details,#__virtuemart_userinfo, order info etc.
Also make sure this user id removed from all user data related tables. This may happen due to manual removal of users data from tables.
Other wise you have to create an entry in user table with this id.
Hope its get fixed..

Oracle Database Design View or Table?

I'm new to database design and faced a problem while trying to design one. Here's my system:
There are 3 different softwares (SW_A, SW_B, SW_C) and 500-600 users. Each user can use any of the softwares and do some work. Each work is sent to the database approx. 6 times per minute. (Randomly for users and software)
I want a database to keep all user actions related to the softwares for archive and also want to keep track instant actions for all users related to these softwares. (Only the latest action for distinct users for each software)
So I designed sth. like that:
Columns :
When a new data comes, it updates INSTANT_DATA table's related row if that UserID exists, inserts new row with UserID and data if not. Then inserts the same data to DATA_ARCHIVE table.
The question is: Is there a better way for this kind of work? Views maybe?
(I've read sth. about materialized views but not sure how to use it here.)
Only the latest action for distinct users for each software
Your INSTANT table should have a unique composite key on (USERID,SOFTWAREID) so that it is not possible to have more than one row relating to a user's use of a software.
The ARCHIVE table does not require such a unique key or constraint.
You would insert into INSTANT if a row for (USERID, SOFTWARE) does not exist, or update the row if it already exists.
Typically, an insert/update trigger would be placed on the INSTANT table, to insert a row into ARCHIVE whenever a change happens to INSTANT.
EDIT: alternatively, you could maintain a single table, and have a view that selected only the latest action per user per software. You'd need to timestamp every action and place a composite index (non-unique) on (USERID,SOFTWAREID). The decision on which approach to take might be based on relative performance. I would tend to favor the trigger if the Latest Action information was needed frequently.
