How can I introduce input lag (keyboard and mouse) to my system? - windows

(I work in QA, this really is for legitimate use.)
I'm trying to come up with a way to introduce forced input lag for both keyboard and mouse (in Windows). Like, when I press 'A' on the keyboard, I want to introduce a very slight delay before the OS processes that A. Or if I move the mouse, I'd like the same mouse speed, but just with the same slight delay before it kicks in. This lag needs to be present across any threads, not just the one that kicked off the process. But, the lag doesn't have to be to-the-millisecond precise every time.
I'm not even sure how to go about setting this up. I'm capable of writing it in whatever language/environment we may need, I'm just not sure where to start. I think something like AutoHotkey may be able to do what I want by essentially making an arbitrary key call a macro that delays very slightly before sending that key, but I'm not sure what function calls I may need to make it happen. Or, maybe there's a way in C to get at the input across the OS before it kicks in. I'm just not sure.
Can anyone can point me to some resources or a language/function(s) that can accomplish this? (Or even an already existing program or service.)

If you want purely software solution, I’m afraid you’ll need to develop a filter driver for your keyboard and mouse. Very expensive to develop.
Instead, you can plug your mouse and keyboard into somewhere else, have the input messages come through the network, and then introduce network latency. You could use second PC + VNC software, or second PC + software USB/IP, or hardware USB/IP device like this one.
There’s an easy but less reliable way.
You could develop a system-wide WH_KEYBOARD_LL and WH_MOUSE_LL hooks, discard original messages, and after a while send the delayed messages with SendInput API. This should work mostly, however there’re cases where it wont, e.g. I don’t expect anything happens with most videogames because raw input.


Can you get notifications of a computer not being used in Cocoa?

I'm looking for a (likely) NSNotification which signals when a computer hasn't been used in x amount of time. Or it would be acceptable to have a notification that tells you every 1 or two minutes if it has been inactive since the last time.
It doesn't have to be a NSNotification, I just guessed based on other notifications that this would be how they were distributed.
Bonus points, anything special needed to pause NSTimers using this information?
The question is rather broad, by computer I assume you mean the same computer the application is running on. If you are talking about another computer then the issue is more complex as one case of not beeing used for another computer is that it is turned off and then no notification can be sent. Thus if you are looking for a solution for any computer you need to implement some form of ping/heartbeat functionality.
If you mean on the same computer you still need to define what not beeing used means. No mouse or keyboard activity perhaps. But what about a user listening to music or watching youtube - is that in use or not?
In any case I think you cannot hope for a system message when it is not in use. I think you need to track the absence of messages that prove it is in use. One very heavy-handed appoach would be to trap all mouse and keyboard action and check how long ago you got the last such activity. This could be used as an indication of no activity.
For example the class method on NSEvent + (id)addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask: NSEventMask)mask handler:(void (^)(NSEvent*))block could be something to look into - but be prepared to handle a lot of events I suspect.

Is it possible to create a virtual IOHIDDevice from userspace?

I have an HID device that is somewhat unfortunately designed (the Griffin Powermate) in that as you turn it, the input value for the "Rotation Axis" HID element doesn't change unless the speed of rotation dramatically changes or unless the direction changes. It sends many HID reports (angular resolution appears to be about 4deg, in that I get ~90 reports per revolution - not great, but whatever...), but they all report the same value (generally -1 or 1 for CCW and CW respectively -- if you turn faster, it will report -2 & 2, and so on, but you have to turn much faster. As a result of this unfortunate behavior, I'm finding this thing largely useless.
It occurred to me that I might be able to write a background userspace app that seized the physical device and presented another, virtual device with some minor additions so as to cause an input value change for every report (like a wrap-around accumulator, which the HID spec has support for -- God only knows why Griffin didn't do this themselves.)
But I'm not seeing how one would go about creating the kernel side object for the virtual device from userspace, and I'm starting to think it might not be possible. I saw this question, and its indications are not good, but it's low on details.
Alternately, if there's a way for me to spoof reports on the existing device, I suppose that would do it as well, since I could set it back to zero immediately after it reports -1 or 1.
Any ideas?
First of all, you can simulate input events via Quartz Event Services but this might not suffice for your purposes, as that's mainly designed for simulating keyboard and mouse events.
Second, the HID driver family of the IOKit framework contains a user client on the (global) IOHIDResource service, called IOHIDResourceDeviceUserClient. It appears that this can spawn IOHIDUserDevice instances on command from user space. In particular, the userspace IOKitLib contains a IOHIDUserDeviceCreate function which seems to be supposed to be able to do this. The HID family source code even comes with a little demo of this which creates a virtual keyboard of sorts. Unfortunately, although I can get this to build, it fails on the IOHIDUserDeviceCreate call. (I can see in IORegistryExplorer that the IOHIDResourceDeviceUserClient instance is never created.) I've not investigated this further due to lack of time, but it seems worth pursuing if you need its functionality.

PowerBuilder 12.1 production performance issues causing asynchrony?

We have a legacy PowerBuilder 12.1 Classic application with an Oracle 11g back end, and are experiencing performance issues in production that we cannot reproduce in our test environments.
The window in question has shared grid/freeform DataWindows and buttons to open other response windows, which when closed cause the grid to re-retrieve.
The grid has a very expensive query behind it, several columns receive their values from function calls with some very intense SQL within, however it still runs within a couple seconds, even in production.
The only consistency in when the errors occur is that it seems to be more likely if they attempt to navigate to the other windows quickly. The buttons that open said windows are assuming that a certain instance variable is set with the appropriate value from the row in focus in the grid. However, in this scenario, the instance variable has not yet been set, even though it looks like the row focus change has occurred. This is causing null reference exceptions that shouldn't be possible.
The end users' network connectivity is often sluggish, and their hardware isn't any less capable than ours. I want to blame the network, but I attempted to reproduce this myself in development by intentionally slowing down the SQL so that I could attempt to click a button, however everything happened as I expected: clicking the button didn't happen until after retrieve and all the other events finished.
My gut tells me that for some reason things aren't running synchronously when they should, and the only factor I can imagine is the speed of the SQL, whether from the query being slow, or the network being slow, but when I tried reproducing that effect things still happened in the proper sequence. The only suspect code is that the datawindow ancestor posts a user event called ue_post_rfc from rowfocuschanged, and this event does a Yield(). ue_post_rfc is where code goes instead of rowfocuschanged.
Is there any way Yield() would cause these problems, without manifesting itself in test environments, even when SQL is artificially slowed?
While your message may not give enough information to give you a recipe to solve your problem, it does give me a hint towards a common point of hard-to-diagnose failures that I see often in PowerBuilder systems.
The sequence of development events goes something like this
Developer develops code where there is a dependence on one event firing before another event, often a dependence through instance or global variables
This event sequence has been something the developer has observed, but isn't documented as a guaranteed sequence (like the AcceptText() sequence or the Update() sequence are documented)
I find this a lot with posted events, and I'm not talking about event and post-event where post-event is posted from event, but more like between post-ItemChanged and post-GetFocus
Something changes the sequence of events, breaking the code. Things that I've seen change non-guaranteed sequences of events include:
PowerBuilder version change
Operating system change
Hardware change
The application running with other applications taxing the system resources
Whoever is now in charge of solving this, has no clue what is going on or how to deal with it, so they start peppering the code with Yield() statements (I've literally seen comments beside a Yield() that said "I don't know why this works, but it solves problem X")
Note that Yield() allows any and all events in the message queue to be processed, while this developer really wants only one particular event to get through
Also note that the commonly-seen-in-my-career DO ... LOOP UNTIL (NOT Yield()) could loop infinitely on a heavily loaded system
Something happens to change the event sequence again
Now when the Yield() occurs, there is a different sequence of messages in the queue to be processed, and not the message the developer had wanted to be processed
Things start failing again
My advice to get rid of this problem (if this is your problem) is to either:
Get rid of the cross-event dependence
Get rid of event sequence assumptions
Manage the event sequence yourself
Good luck,
P.S. Here's a couple of quotes from your question that make me think of Yield() (not that I don't love the opportunity to jump all over Yield() grin)
The only consistency in when the errors occur is that it seems to be
more likely if they attempt to navigate to the other windows quickly.
Seen this when the user tries to initiate (let's say for example) two actions very quickly. If the script from the first action contains a Yield(), the script from the second action will both start and finish before the first action finishes. This can be true of any combination of user actions (e.g. button clicks, menu clicks, tabs, window closings... you coded with the possibility that the window isn't there anymore after the Yield() was done, right? If not, join the 99% of those that code Yield(), don't, and live dangerously) and system events (e.g. GetFocus, Deactivate, Timer)
My gut tells me that for some reason things aren't running
synchronously when they should
You're right. PowerBuilder (unless you force it) runs synchronously. However, if one event is starting before another finishes (see above), then you're going to get behaviours that look like asynchronous behaviours.
There's nothing definitive in what you've said, but you did ask about Yield(). The really kicker to nail this down is if you could reproduce this with a PBDEBUG trace; you'd see which event(s) is(are) surprising you. However, the amount that PBDEBUG slows things down affects event sequences and queuing, which may or may not be helpful.

Secure data encryption and validation

Imagine a game for one player, which consists of a number of tests. On completing all of the tests, the player has the option to upload the results to a server - the player who gets the best results wins a big prize. The server needs to be able to validate the result data to see if it has been hacked or even spammed. Any thoughts on how that might be robustly implemented?
Basically you can't. Not even with encryption, code obfuscation or anything else. "Never trust the client"!
The only way to make sure no manipulation is involved is having every bit of game logic on the server and exposing only a GUI to the user. You could then send the commands (keystrokes, button clicks, etc.) the player issues to the server, validate them there (even this is not that easy!), handle all the necessary game logic and send back the result.
Of course this is unfeasible if your game involves anything timing-related, because for every player action there will be a delay until the player gets back the result and sees an effect.
For most games all of this is overkill and you just make sure they are difficult to manipulate.
Anti-hacking tools are available that can endlessly complicate the communication between server and client, obfuscate memory and routines, modify themselves every time they run, and so on.
Trouble is, most of the anti-hacking tools routinely get hacked, and if the prize is big enough, yours probably will be too. Even rootkits can get rooted. Not to mention the behavior looks so much like a virus that it'll set off warning bells galore and likely end up with a lot of frustrated former customers.
If it's a walled garden like an iPhone, I believe there are tools to ensure the phone isn't jailbroken, I'm not sure if they can be fooled, but that still leaves the problem that anyone could decode the communication and upload their own from something else entirely.

Speeding up text output on Windows, for a console

We have an application that has one or more text console windows that all essentially represent serial ports (text input and output, character by character). These windows have turned into a major performance problem in the way they are currently code... we manage to spend a very significant chunk of time in them.
The current code is structured by having the window living its own little life, and the main application thread driving it across "SendMessage()" calls. This message-passing seems to be the cause of incredible overhead. Basically, having a detour through the OS feels to be the wrong thing to do.
Note that we do draw text lines as a whole where appropriate, so that easy optimization is already done.
I am not an expert in Windows coding, so I need to ask the community if there is some other architecture to drive the display of text in a window than sending messages like this? It seems pretty heavyweight.
Note that this is in C++ or plain C, as the main application is a portable C/C++/some other languages program that also runs on Linux and Solaris.
We did some more investigations, seems that half of the overhead is preparing and sending each message using SendMessage, and the other half is the actual screen drawing. The SendMessage is done between functions in the same file...
So I guess all the advice given below is correct:
Look for how much things are redrawn
Draw things directly
Chunk drawing operations in time, to not send every character to the screen, aiming for 10 to 20 Hz update rate of the serial console.
Can you accept ALL answers?
I agree with Will Dean that the drawing in a console window or a text box is a performance bottleneck by itself. You first need to be sure that this isn't your problem. You say that you draw each line as a whole, but even this could be a problem, if the data throughput is too high.
I recommend that you don't use the SendMessage to pass data from the main application to the text window. Instead, use some other means of communication. Are these in the same process? If not, you could use shared memory. Even a file in the disk could do in some circumstances. Have the main application write to this file and the text console read from it. You could send a SendMessage notification to the text console to inform it to update the view. But do not send the message whenever a new line arrives. Define a minimum interval between two subsequent updates.
You should try profiling properly, but in lieu of that I would stop worrying about the SendMessage, which almost certainly not your problem, and think about the redrawing of the window itself.
You describe these are 'text console windows', but then say you have multiple of them - are they actually Windows Consoles? Or are they something your application is drawing?
If the latter, then I would be looking at measuring my paint code, and whether I'm invalidating too much of a window on each update.
Are the output windows part of the same application? It almost sounds like they aren't...
If they are, you should look into the Observer design pattern to get away from SendMessage(). I've used it for the same type of use case, and it worked beautifully for me.
If you can't make a change like that, perhaps you could buffer your output for something like 100ms so that you don't have so many out-going messages per second, but it should also update at a comfortable rate.
Are the output windows part of the
same application? It almost sounds
like they aren't...
Yes they are, all in the same process.
I did not write this code... but it seems like SendMessage is a bit heavy for this all in one application case.
You describe these are 'text console
windows', but then say you have
multiple of them - are they actually
Windows Consoles? Or are they
something your application is drawing?
Our app is drawing them, they are not regular windows consoles.
Note that we also need to get data back when a user types into the console, as we quite often have interactive serial sessions. Think of it as very similar to what you would see in a serial terminal program -- but using an external application is obviously even more expensive than what we have now.
If you can't make a change like that,
perhaps you could buffer your output
for something like 100ms so that you
don't have so many out-going messages
per second, but it should also update
at a comfortable rate.
Good point. Right now, every single character output causes a message to be sent.
And when we scroll the window up when a newline comes, then we redraw it line-by-line.
Note that we also have a scrollback buffer of arbitrary size, but scrolling back is an interactive case with much lower performance requirements.
