set multiple MMCloseDrawerGestureMode gestures - mmdrawercontroller

I am using MMDrawerController and I wish to set multiple closing gestures, anyone know if this is possible? If so how do I accomplish this?
Currently I am doing this:
[destinationViewController setCloseDrawerGestureModeMask:MMCloseDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView];

Don't know if you still need help with this, but to set multiple closing gestures:
[destinationViewController setCloseDrawerGestureModeMask:MMCloseDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView | MMCloseDrawerGestureModeTapCenterView];
Add however many you wish


App Inventor Creating Lists

Hi there i can't seem to find a way to add multiple integers to a list like shown below could anyone tell me how?
i have tried to rearrange the lists using the blue button but i cant get them to go next to each other like that this is what i have so far
Thanks Dan
Make a list as normal then right click and inline them

putting image and text in a "scrollable box" for use with contextmenu

I am junior i C# coding, learned things in console output.
Now i am trying to understand the forms better and trying to make an app in windows form.
My goal is to do a foreach( do enumration) loop what is pinging some hosts from file.
This part i succeeded.
Now i want to present this in a form wiht the next layout.
hostname(text) ipadress(text)
i want the line to be selectable for a contextmenu.
I tried to do it in a textbox, but no succes, so i wanted to try it in a richtextbox but i am not sure if this is the proper choice.
Does anyone know what kind of control i have to use to achieve my goal, and which methods i should use.
I am not asking for writing me the whole code, just help me to think in the right way.
Your help would be very appriciated.

How to add smiley in WP7 using RichTextBox?

Can anyone tell is there any way to add smiley in RichTextBox. If possible kindly provide link or code to proceed
It'll depend on what smiley you want to add but there are lots of options.
For instance:

Fire ResizeEvent in GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

On my site I have a number of Google Maps (v3) that you can select via a TabPanel (one per tab) but there is a problem when you switch tabs. When you select the tab it does not "wake up" the map. To fix this I simply need to use, Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHight()); this will active the resize listener on the map and "wake it up." My problem is that I cant get a pointer to the registered resize handlers for the browser window (it is package protected in therefore I don't know what to use as my source. If anyone has the answer to my solution or another possible solution it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Tom
I am not sure if using resize is the best way of doing this (I haven't embedded a map before), but you could consider using a TabLayoutPanel instead of a TabPanel, and call panel.onResize() instead of firing the resize event. Note that you would need to use *LayoutPanels (or something that implements ProvidesResize) all the way to the root of the document, and your page would need to be rendered in standards mode.
Thanks for your reply but I figured out that these three lines:
HasLatLng center = mapWidget.getMap().getCenter();
Event.trigger(mapWidget.getMap(), "resize");
do the trick. This is basically what happens when the map loads initially. In the onLoad() method for MapWidget it makes a call to super.onLoad() then executes these three lines which "wakes up" the map and preserves the center point.
If you are using GWT-Maps-V3-Api, there is a triggerResize() function in the MapWidget class that does the trick.

How do I programmatically scroll a control in Windows?

I have some controls like TWebBrowser, TRichText etc. which I want to scroll them (horizontally and/or vertically) from my program.
How do I achieve this?
PS: I think that it is doable by sending some messages to their handles but I don't know now which ones.
WM_VSCROLL and/or WM_HSCROLL. GetScrollInfo() to find out how far you can go.
For edit controls, look at the EM_SCROLL and EM_LINESCROLL messages.
