What happened to my table in my oracle database? - oracle

I have a situation where yesterday my code was working ok, but today I find that my code fails because a SQL query fails on my Oracle database. The query fails because the table used in the query does not exists. I am no Oracle expert so I am reaching out to you Oracle experts out there. Is there a way to see in a log file or log table when my table disappeared and who dropped my table?

Depending on previous configuration one would hope that a production database would have auditing turned on. Try
select * from sys.AUD$
The audit table can log almost every user action including dropping tables or revoking grants but has to be configured.

Assuming you have the recyclebin turned on in your database, you might be able to restore the dropped table. As the user who owns the table, you can run this query:
select * from USER_RECYCLEBIN
or if you have SYS access you can check the query:
Then as a user owns the table, run this FLASHBACK command to restore it:
If you get ORA-38305 you might have a tablespace issue - either run it as a different user or make sure it using a locally managed tablespace.


SQL to limit the types of tables returned when connecting to Oracle Database in Power BI

I have got a connection to an Oracle Database set up in Power BI.
This is working fine, apart from the fact it brings back 9500+ tables that start with "BIN".
Is there some SQL code I can put in the SQL statement section when connecting to the Oracle Database that limits the tables that it returns to ignore any table that begins with 'BIN'?
Tables starting with BIN$ are tables that have been dropped but not purged and are in Oracle's "recycle bin".
The simplest method of not showing them is, if they are no longer required, to PURGE (delete) the tables from the recycle bin and then you will not see them as they will not exist.
You can use (documentation link):
PURGE TABLE BIN$0+xyzabcdefghi123 to get rid of an individual tables with that name (or you can use the original name of the table).
PURGE TABLESPACE tablespace_name USER username; to get rid of all recycled tables in a table space belonging to a single user.
PURGE TABLESPACE tablespace_name; to get rid of all recycled tables in a table space.
PURGE RECYCLEBIN; to get rid of all of the current user's recycled tables.
PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN; to get rid of everything in the recycle bin (assuming you have SYSDBA privileges).
Before purging tables you should make sure that they are really not required as you would need to restore from backups to bring them back.

Oracle Apex ORA-00942: table or view does not exist but it does exist

I worked on an App using my personal workspace. Exported the same and later installed it on a Developer Team workspace.
Several of my pages are getting the ORA-00942: table or view does not exist while running, which doesn't make sense since the tables do exist (I tested this using the 'SQL Commands' option).
Funny thing is that the same code I'm using is actually applied on a different app within the same workspace and it runs perfectly.
Is this normal behavior? Might be due to workspace's configuration?
It could be a "permissions" issue:
Answer: There are several common operations that cause a ORA-00942
Table owner name not specified when logged-in as a non-creator of the table.
ORA-00942 on table import (imp or impdp).
ORA-00942 on materialized view refresh.
This ORA-00942 error on insert is common when the user you are
signed-on as does not have permission to see the table!
Either make the table public and grant DML privileges:
connect myuser/mypass
create public synonym testtable for myuser.testtable
grant insert, select, update, delete on mytable to public;
Also, review the various replies to this thread. For example:
Because this post is the top one found on stackoverflow when searching
for "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist insert", I want to
mention another possible cause of this error (at least in Oracle 12c):
a table uses a sequence to set a default value and the user executing
the insert query does not have select privilege on the sequence. This
was my problem and it took me an unnecessarily long time to figure it
First thing I would check is the parsing schema for the application - see Shared Components -> Security Attributes.
If this is not the same between the two instances of your application, that's the likely explanation.

by mistake i have dropped a table in oracle sql developer, how can I get the table back

i am working on oracle sqldeveloper, i am supposed to drop the table emp12. But i have dropped the table emp1 by mistake. Is there a way, so that i can get the table emp1 again.
drop table emp1;
can we get back dropped table using flasback query.
Contact your database administrator, he will be able to get the data back.
In sql developer, check in the recycle bin. There you can find dropped tables. If you don’t have access to that try with dba user.

:APP_USER usage in SQL query. Oracle Application Express (Apex) 5.0.4

I want to use session variable :APP_USER in query in selection database statement like this:
select * from :APP_USER.data
I have users john.doe and johny.b.
I have table john.doe.data and i want to get all data from this table. Also i have table johny.b.data and when johny.b will login in, I want to get data from table johny.b.data.
I hope you understand my plan, so it is like every user have own data table and I want to display table according to logged in user. What will be the right way to do this?
I would say this would be possible but shouldn't be done. You'd be better off doing select * from apex_user.table (prefix not needed) where column = :APP_USER and having them all in one big table or having a different table (but same apex_schema) per user. How you'd go about creating this table is up to you - you could select a pseudo-table from dual and then only create it when necessary to prefent any table not found issues.
You'll no doubt run into tablespace permission issues down the line or worse - give the apex user more security permissions than it requires if you go down your intended route which will make exporting and importing a nightmare.

Oracle synonym randomly not viewable

here's a tricky case on which 5 peoples including a DBA have been struggling on for days... I offer lifetime consideration to the one which will identify the root cause of the issue.
here it is:
Oracle Client: 10g
Oracle Server: 11g
We have 2 schemas and 1 user:
We have 1 table 'TOTO' which is defined in SCHEMA1 (SCHEMA1.TOTO)
We have a private synonym of table 'TOTO', called 'TOTO' defined in SCHEMA2, created like this:
We have granted SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT priviledges on "SCHEMA2.TOTO " (so on the synonym) to SCHEMA2 (so that any session ran from SCHEMA2 has access to the synonym table)
Our application connects to the DB with USER, then directly switches to SCHEMA2:
Then after that, it tries to perform a select query on the synonym table WITHOUT prefixing the synonym name by SCHEMA1 (this is a constrain of the framework we use):
Most of the times this query works successfully, which is what we expect since we have altered our session to SCHEMA2, by default that where the objects are looked.
But sometimes it fails, with an ORA-00942: table or view does not exist error.
I insist on the fact that between the time when it works and when it fails, nothing has changed, we've just restarted the application (which is of course re-connecting to the DB the same way at each startup).
We've been investigated with a DBA monitoring all the events on USER,SCHEMA1,SCHEMA2 hoping to find an external process modifying the GRANTS on one of thoses, between a success and a failure, but nothing changes. Yet, at some point, randomnly we get the ORA-00942 error, then we restart the application several times and it's back again...
Would someone have an idea or any suggestion/hint that could lead us to identify what we're missing here?
Many thanks for your help!
The grant should go to USER, not to SCHEMA2:
This should solve the problem. If it doesn't, can you please post the result of
SELECT * FROM all_objects WHERE object_name='TOTO';
