Ansible arista EOS - ansible

I am trying to configure a EOS switch using ansible. I have established connection between them using SSH keys, and tested the connection. I wrote a simple playbook and trying to execute it. But I am getting a msg: unsupported parameter for module: transport
My playbook
- hosts: EOS
gather_facts: no
- arista.eos
- name: Configuring VLAN
eos_vlan: vlanid=150
transport={{ transport }}
username={{ username }}
password={{ password }}
register: vlan_cfg_output
- debug: var=vlan_cfg_output
In my inventory file
Arista ansible_ssh_host=

Which versions of the following are you using?
I ran a test using SSH with your playbook and hosts file and it worked fine on one of my switches.
PS: There is a mailing for questions, Also, you can raise issues here: Both of these options are better than SO.

While this might not completely answer your question, the arista.eos role is deprecated


using netconf_get in an ansible playbook

I am testing out using netconf via Ansible and I keep getting this error when running the playbook:
AuthenticationException('Authentication timeout.',)
I am ablte to use ssh over port 830 to my Cisco device from the scripting server:
ssh cisco# -p 830 -s netconf
This is the playbook:
- name: My Playbook
hosts: 'my_host'
gather_facts: false
- name: Execute the get_config RPC
display: json
register: result
- name: Print the configuration as JSON
var: result.output
And the inventory is something like this:
look_for_keys = False
host_key_checking = False
ansible_ssh_pass = 'cisco'
ansible_user = 'cisco'
my_host ansible_host= ansible_network_os=iosxr ansible_connection=netconf
I should add, I see this error on the console of the cisco device when attempting the play above:
Sep 8 17:37:42.218 UTC: SSHD_[67398]: %SECURITY-SSHD-3-ERR_GENERAL :
Failed to receive User authentication request
Looks like I have found the answer to my own question.
I decided to just write my own netconf module in python and I was getting the same error.
So I switched to using python installed on another machine and the same code works.
Seems like there is an issue with the version of python installed on that server...

Ansible pre-check before run playbook

Is it possible to add a condition before to run a playbook which check if there is a title, a description, the environment and the versions on the playbook ?
For example my test.yml playbook:
#Apache servers
#version 2.1.1
#Testing for secure the webserver
And I would like to check if all the comment before are present before to run this task !
I tried to test this solution :
name: run Apachetest playbook
include: test.yml
when: "{{ lookup('file', 'test.yml').split('\n')[1] == '#Apache servers' }}"
But still not working...
Comments are, well, comments. They do not impact the execution and are just ignored. So there is no way, and actually no real reason, to check if comments are present or not. You would need to implement that yourself.
To check playbooks, roles, etc. there is ansible-lint which will verify the syntax and some best practices (e.g. if you use a command or shell for something there is a module for) but this does not verify comments (again, checking for comments does not make sense from a execution perspective, as they are ignored).
You want some information to be present in your playbook, that is what I understand. If I was you, I would either create a git hook, that verifies if the information is present before letting you push that code to your repository or establish a proper review-process, where the reviewer only accepts a merge/pull request, if the information is present.
Otherwise, here is the code, that will do what you are trying to do:
#Apache server
- hosts: all
- name: set fact
pb: "{{ lookup('file', 'test.yml').split('\n')[1] }}"
- name: check if we found it
msg: 'found'
when: "'#Apache server' in pb"
You could use the apache role for apache installed like that
- hosts: apache
sudo: yes
- name: install apache2
apt: name=apache2 update_cache=yes state=latest
have a look here how-to-install-apache-on-ansible

how to set different python interpreters for local and remote hosts

Playbook 1
when we first connect to a remote host/s, the remote host will already have some python version installed - the auto-discovery feature will find it
now we install ansible-docker on the remote host
from this time on: the ansible-docker docs suggest to use ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/env python-docker
Playbook 2
We connect to the same host/s again, but now we must use the /usr/bin/env python-docker python interpreter
What is the best way to do this?
Currently we set ansible_python_interpreter on the playbook level of Playbook 2:
- name: DaqMon app
- ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ '/usr/bin/env python-docker' }}"
This works, but this will also change the python interpreter of the local actions. And thus the local actions will fail, because (python-docker does not exist locally).
the current workaround is to explicitly specify the ansible_python_interpreter on every local-action which is tedious and error-prone
the ideal solution is, if we could add '/usr/bin/env python-docker' as fallback to interpreter-python-fallback - but I think this is not possible
is there a way to set the python interpreter only for the remote hosts - and keep the default for the localhost?
or is it possible to explicitly override the python interpreter for the local host?
You should set the ansible_python_interpreter on the host level.
So yes, it's possible to explicitly set the interpreter for localhost in your inventory.
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python
And I assume that you could also use set_fact on hostvars[<host>].ansible_python_interpreter on your localhost or docker host.
There is a brillant article about set_fact on hostvars ! ;-P
Thanks to the other useful answers I found an easy solution:
on the playbook level we set the python interpreter to /usr/bin/env python-docker
then we use a set_fact task to override the interpreter for localhost only
we must also delegate the facts
we can use the magic ansible_playbook_python variable, which refers to the python interpreter that was used on the (local) Ansible host to start the playbook: see Ansible docs
Here are the important parts at the start of Playbook 2:
- name: Playbook 2
- ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ '/usr/bin/env python-docker' }}"
- set_fact:
ansible_python_interpreter: '{{ ansible_playbook_python }}'
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: true
Try to use set_fact for ansible_python_interpreter at host level in the first playbook.
Globally, use the interpreter_python key in the [defaults] section of the ansible.cfg file.
interpreter_python = auto_silent

How to create a file locally with ansible templates on the development machine

I'm starting out with ansible and I'm looking for a way to create a boilerplate project on the server and on the local environment with ansible playbooks.
I want to use ansible templates locally to create some generic files.
But how would i take ansible to execute something locally?
I read something with local_action but i guess i did not get this right.
This is for the webbserver...but how do i take this and create some files locally?
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: someuser
- name: create some file
template: src=~/workspace/ansible_templates/somefile_template.j2 dest=/etc/somefile/apps-available/someproject.ini
You can delegate tasks with the param delegate_to to any host you like, for example:
- name: create some file
template: src=~/workspace/ansible_templates/somefile_template.j2 dest=/etc/somefile/apps-available/someproject.ini
delegate_to: localhost
See Playbook Delegation in the docs.
If your playbook should in general run locally and no external hosts are involved though, you can simply create a group which contains localhost and then run the playbook against this group. In your inventory:
localhost ansible_connection=local
and then in your playbook:
hosts: local
Ansible has a local_action directive to support these scenarios which avoids the localhost and/or ansible_connection workarounds and is covered in the Delegation docs.
To modify your original example to use local_action:
- name: create some file
local_action: template src=~/workspace/ansible_templates/somefile_template.j2 dest=/etc/somefile/apps-available/someproject.ini
which looks cleaner.
If you cannot do/allow localhost SSH, you can split the playbook on local actions and remote actions.
The connection: local says to not use SSH for a playbook, as shown here:
# myplaybook.yml
- hosts: remote_machines
- debug: msg="do stuff in the remote machines"
- hosts:
connection: local
- debug: msg="ran in local ansible machine"
- hosts: remote_machines
- debug: msg="do more stuff in remote machines"

Ansible ec2 only provision required servers

I've got a basic Ansible playbook like so:
- name: Provision ec2 servers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Configure {{ application_name }} servers
hosts: webservers
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
remote_user: ubuntu
- setup_git_repo: no
- update_apt_cache: yes
- env_vars/common.yml
- env_vars/remote.yml
- common
- db
- memcached
- web
with the following inventory:
[localhost] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python
The Provision ec2 servers task does what you'd expect. It creates an ec2 instance; it also creates a host group [webservers] and adds the created instance IP to it.
The Configure {{ application_name }} servers step then configures that server, installing everything I need.
So far so good, this all does exactly what I want and everything seems to work.
Here's where I'm stuck. I want to be able to fire up an ec2 instance for different roles. Ideally I'd create a dbserver, a webserver and maybe a memcached server. I'd like to be able to deploy any part(s) of this infrastructure in isolation, e.g. create and provision just the db servers
The only ways I can think of to make this work... well, they don't work.
I tried simply declaring the host groups without hosts in the inventory:
but that's a syntax error.
I would be okay with explicitly provisioning each server and declaring the host group it is for, like so:
- name: Provision webservers
hosts: webservers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Provision dbservers
hosts: dbservers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Provision memcachedservers
hosts: memcachedservers
connection: local
- aws
but those groups don't exist until after the respective step is complete, so I don't think that will work either.
I've seen lots about dynamic inventories, but I haven't been able to understand how that would help me. I've also looked through countless examples of ansible ec2 provisioning projects, they are all invariably either provisioning pre-existing ec2 instances, or just create a single instance and install everything on it.
In the end I realised it made much more sense to just separate the different parts of the stack into separate playbooks, with a full-stack playbook that called each of them.
My remote hosts file stayed largely the same as above. An example of one of the playbooks for a specific part of the stack is:
- name: Provision ec2 apiservers
hosts: apiservers #important bit
connection: local #important bit
- host_group: apiservers
- security_group: blah
- aws
- name: Configure {{ application_name }} apiservers
hosts: apiservers:! #important bit
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
remote_user: ubuntu
- env_vars/common.yml
- env_vars/remote.yml
- setup_git_repo: no
- update_apt_cache: yes
- common
- db
- memcached
- web
This means that the first step of each layer's play adds a new host to the apiservers group, with the second step (Configure ... apiservers) then being able to exclude the localhost without getting a no hosts matching error.
The wrapping playbook is dead simple, just:
- name: Deploy all the {{ application_name }} things!
hosts: all
- include: webservers.yml
- include: apiservers.yml
I'm very much a beginner w/regards to ansible, so please do take this for what it is, some guy's attempt to find something that works. There may be better options and this could violate best practice all over the place.
ec2_module supports an "exact_count" property, not just a "count" property.
It will create (or terminate!) instances that match specified tags ("instance_tags")
