Emacs24.5 for Windows 64bit TLS support - windows

I want use emacs24.5 on my windows10 64bit laptop and I want use https ,but when I download gnuutil32 from sourceforce and add all dlls into emacs installations bin directory .it does not work,somebody can tell me what's wrong?

I started to use emacs-24.3-bin-i386.zip, I had the same problem as you, I copied the gnuutil32 dlls into emacs's bin and it doesn't work.
So I think the dlls may work on mingw32, I download emacs-25.1-x86_64-w64-mingw32.zip, the mingw32 version, and the gnuutil32 dlls as well.
If you use 64bit emacs, you may find alternative 64bit dlls.


Can't build with mozilla-apk-cli without zip/unzip

I'm trying to build a packaged open web app with mozilla-apk-cli. But when I try it tells me I need to install unzip and zip from Info-zip. But the Info-zip site is beyond dated and the .msi I ran from there doesn't appear to have done anything.
I'm on Windows 8.1 64bit.
How am I expected to do this?
Until #Ozten fixes this, you might want to just get some binaries somewhere else, like gnuwin32 (zip, unzip) and put then somewhere in your PATH.
I'm the author of mozilla-apk-cli. I don't develop on Windows, so I need your help!
1) I'll do some digging, I assumed (wrongly) that Info-zip would install on Windows 8.1 64-bit
2) What is the preferred tool for zip/unzip from the command line on Windows 8.1? Can you point me at it's documentation?
Thanks for your help in improving mozilla-apk-cli.
Also: I've filed https://github.com/mozilla/apk-cli/issues/3
Update: I've documented how to install Info-ZIP. Thanks to Myk and nmaier.
I've tested this fix on Windows 8.1 and was able to build an APK.

Linux tools to inspect Windows DLLs

I have to debug a problem with Windows DLLs, but I'm running Linux exclusively, so I was wondering whether there are (preferably command-line) tools to inspect Windows DLLs under Linux. What I'm looking for is mainly the list of exported symbols.
Use "winedump -j export file.dll"
winedump is part of Wine
Have you checked if Dependency Walker will work under wine?
(just a WAG)
How to use it on the command line (Run it from the same directory as the DLL):
wine /full/path/to/depends.exe /c /of:output.txt dynamic-library.dll
works nicely. Tested with several Windows DLLs 64 bits

What is PnPUtil.exe location in 64bit systems?

I would like to install my USB device driver [.inf file] using PnPUtil.exe utility on both 32bit and 64bit systems for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
I tested on my machine [Windows 7 32bit] and everything was fine because PnpUtil.exe is located in: C:\Windows\System32\PnPUtil.exe.
But in 64bit Windows 7 the utility is not in this directory.
When I tried installing driver on different Windows 7 - 64bit machine I could found PnPUtil.exe in this location: C:\WIndows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-pnputil_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_5958b438d6388d15\pnputil.exe
and the test was also fine.
So how can I exactly detect this directory on all platforms?
I noticed the path is dependent on built of Windows version - 6.1.7600.16385 - but how to detect the rest of path?
Or is the path always the same on all 64 bit platforms? And what about Vista?
The location of PnPUtil.exe seen from you installer application depends on the bitness of your installer:
32bit installer on 32bit Windows: %WinDir%\System32
64bit installer on 64bit Windows: %WinDir%\System32
32bit installer on 64bit Windows: %WinDir%\Sysnative (Windows Vista and up)
More info here:
I recently came across this problem while trying to create an installer for ReplicatorG, which includes the Arduino drivers and some drivers specific to the Makerbot Replicator.
It seemed that there isn't any way to determine the location of PnPutil, and I instead had to acquire Microsoft's DIFx and use their redistributable DPinst.
There were a couple of strange things about DPinst that made it difficult to use. The first is that it didn't seem to run properly if it was located in a directory tree with spaces in the path. Who knows why. The second was that, because the Arduino drivers are unsigned, it needed to be run in legacy mode to keep from popping up a big, red dialog warning the user. To run it in legacy mode you use the /lm flag, but the flag must be lowercase. Again, it's unclear why.
In the end, I had the installer copy dpinst and each of the drivers to a folder in the temporary directory and then run dpinst. It pops up a nice little wizard and tells the user which drivers were installed.
From C:\WIndows\winsxs\
dir /s PnPUtil.*
will scan subdirectories

CVSNT install hangs forever in Windows XP 64-bit

I need to access some source code stored on SourceForge using CVS.
I used (many computers ago) to use WinCVS, so I downloaded it from SourceForge and installed it on this machine, which runs Windows XP 64-bit (latest SP).
However, during the second part of the install, when it tries to install CVSNT, the install asks all the usual questions, and hangs during the actual install.
I have traced the install using ProcMon, and the installer starts up, creates a temporary file in my temp directory (which is on drive E:), and then executes it.
I can't see any particular reason why the install hangs - there is no obvious loop. Both the original installer, and the temporary file create 2 threads, and one thread exits. So I guess the other thread is waiting for something which never happens.
Any idea how to proceed from here?
The issue is that the installer doesn't like the default installation path of c:\Program files (x86)\cvsnt — if you use c:\cvsnt the installer will proceed.
Update: this appears correct. If you still would like it in the default location under C:\Program Files (x86)..., use the 8.3 name (you can find it with dir /x), usually C:\PROGRA~2. As you can see in the screenshot, the last step appears correctly now. With a path with a space in it, it would hang forever.
Second part of wincvs --> cvsnt.exe get hangs with windows 7 due to incompatible, So you may try tortoiseCVS. It has the portable version and also working fine
SOLUTION FOR Windows 8 64-bit:
On Windows 8 64-bit I was unable to install CVSNT (even to c:\cvsnt), but I solved the problem by simple copy the whole CVTNT directory from my old pc.
I copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\cvsnt (exact location where wincvs expected to find cvsnt).
We had a similar problem on a machine at work (the difference being it was Windows 7 64-bit in our case). Even though the user had admin privileges, we were only able to resolve the issue by logging on directly as the admin before installing cvsnt.
Do not install the version of CVSNT that comes with WinCVS. It's an old, outdated, buggy version. Install a later release (at least

qt configuration on windows

I'm having some trouble installing and configuring qt on my vista laptop.
I'm trying to setup a development environment on my laptop where I compile from the command line, because that's how the environment is setup on my university's linux machines, so I don't want to tie myself to some IDE .. (plus, real programmers use the command line!)
I haven't used the command line before for C++ development, it was all MSVC, so now I'm having a bit of trouble.
I'm still using MSVC, but from the command line. I practically have no idea what's going on, I just know that I have to run:
to compile my code!
I downloaded the opensource version of qt, and did the configuration, and tried a simple qt application (from a tutorial) and it worked, it compiled and executed pretty much as expected.
Now, when I decided to run another project that uses opengl, I got the following error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'qgl.h': No such file
or directory
I'm not sure where does the compiler look for header files, and I didn't copy any header files anywhere, I assume that configure.exe worked its magic somehow and added the include directory to one or more enviroment variables or to some registery location or whatever other peculier places that the MSVC compiler searches for to find include directories.
However, what I did was search my C:\qt\include\ folder to make sure that qgl.h exists, and sure enough there it was. so why can't nmake find it?
I think the actual solution to this is in your pro file:
QT += opengl
If you want to stay with the command line anyway (plus use it on a linux box later / parallel) I'd suggest at least trying out the MinGW version of Qt. I'm using it regularly, and besides of the non-existance of a GUI it works pretty well. Using MinGW also has the advantage that you can simply download and install the MinGW edition of Qt and don't need to reconfigure or recompile anything.
Also, trying out QtCreator might be interesting. It's still beta and requires the beta Qt 4.5 but it's a nice small IDE that integrates nicely with gcc.
Two potential solutions (they solved issues at my workplace)
Do you have qt include and bin folders in the PATH variable? I think the doc says only one of these is needed, but one of the students had Vista and putting the other in the PATH variable solved a "Cannot open include file" problem.
If you're using MSVC did you run configure and nmake from the Visual Studio command prompt? We had problems when using the bare windows Command Prompt because the VS one adds a lot of temporary environment variables to the configure process.
Good luck
Install the complete Qt SDK for Windows which includes Qt 4.6 SDK, Qt Creator 1.3, and MinGW.
It will also install "Qt Command Prompt" launcher that you can use to build Qt apps from the command line.
I'm sure you're more familiar with MSVC than MinGW, as I do too (I've been using MSVC 6.0 to MSVC# 2008 for developing .NET apps).
But try MinGW with Qt and I think it's better for long term. I do some C++ development on Linux too so getting familiar with MinGW will be beneficial for you in cross-platform C++/Qt development.
For more info, see Installation of Qt 4.6 SDK for Windows.
Qmake generates Makefile from *.pro file located in current directory. It has qt path compiled in. Type "qmake -v" to see it. You can't move qt's dir after compiling it. If You haven't moved it, first maybe try to install Qt following instruction from INSTALL file. Good luck.
The opensource version of Qt does not provide profiles (mkspecs in qt terms) so qmake can generate nmake (msvc) compatible makefiles.
You have to use mingw/gcc.
