Vagrant Running Services between host and guest - vagrant

I am working in a software where I am running a couple of specific web service in the host machine and I want to access them from the guest machine. These are the configuration of my services.
guest IP :
host IP :
The services on the host runs on port 10001, 7000. When I try to connect to the service on port 10001 everything works fine. But I cannot connect to the service in port 7000.
I connect to the service on port 10001 in the host in the following
I connect to the service on port 10001 in the host in the following
I get the message Failed to connect to port 7000: Connection refused.
Can anyone tell me the reason and how to resolve it?

Stop the second service. Reconfigure the first onto 7000 port to see if it still works. If not, try a different port. If so you can rule out firewall/vagrant etc.
If it turns out to be a service specific issue, which IP address does the second service bind to? localhost/ The service might never be accessible via the public IP


cannot ping aws ec2 server or launch webpage after port 80/443 setup

I created a simple web application on AWS ec2 ubuntu instance, but was unable to access the webpage by ip and port from other machines. The application binds on, and this port has been added into ufw allowing list. Within the aws control panel, I also added 80 to the rule lists.
Currently, I could access the port 22 by telnet ip 22 but no way to get responses from ping ipaddress, it shows request timeout. It also blocks on telnet ip 80 without any responses.
Any ideas? Really appreciate it
here are some troubleshooting tips.
Check if the web application is actually running
you can do this simply by doing a telnet ip 80 from the instance itself
disable the internal firewall
try disabling the firewall inside the instance, see whether it's working.
In order for ping to work, enable ICMP protocol in your AWS security group

Not able to access EC2 custom port from remote machine

I have hosted web application (developed in PHP) on Amazon EC2 micro instance. As per default setting, i can access 80, 22, 443 and 3306 ports from remote locations means from Home(terminal window) using telnet command.
I want to open another custom TCP port XXXXX. I have added that port in Security Group. when i am trying to connect that port through telnet command it is always show "Connection refused".
I have been trying to solve this issue for 3 days but could not get successful solution.
Help would be really appreciated.
Adding a port in security group (inbound) ensures that the port can be accessed from outside. Please check following
Is the port open for anywhere ( or for a custom IP. If for custom IP, please check the IP of your machine (search 'what is my ip' on google).
Is there any application listening on the port on EC2 machine.

Xampp port not working

I've got xampp installed on ubuntu. The port which I'm using is 3000. Let's say that my IP address is
When from another device I'm checking port 3000 for page it's saying it is open.
When I'm opening page on my computer it's working. However when I'm opening on another device it's not working.
How is it possible? (The port is open)
*it looks like client is being redirected to localhost.
Let's say you are running Xampp server (apache) on port 8000. In this case, your local server access address would be localhost:8000/ or
Let us consider your ip address to be So in your LAN network, the server access address would be So the address you have used will work in case of devices connected in a LAN network.

Unable to connect to moquette in aws ec2 instance

I am new to MQTT and have been trying to implement MQTT MOquette on AWS EC2, i tried the configuration and installation of broker on my machine and was able to connect and test it from client, however when i do the same from Aws EC2 instance i can see the ports 1883, 8080 listening to ip address but when i connect from client i am not able to connect.
While configuring host in local machine i provided for host and ports 1883, 8080 and on AWS server i provided the private ip for host and ports are 1883, 8080. I have added rules in security groups to allow tcp on 1883 & 8080.
My question is what should be the host value i should use on AWS like private ip or aws url like '' and what would be the url from which i could access broker from client like 'tcp://' or the IP
What would i be doing wrong here ?? stuck with this issue
Thanks All
After some search i was finally able to solve the issue, i was always checking for security groups where everything was right but i missed adding rule in ec2 instance firewall for the ports 1883, 8080. Once its done i was able to connect to the broker from external clients.
Thanks for all who tried to help.

Oracle Connection exception via JDBC

I have installed Oracle 11gR2 on my machine, now when i try to connect to it using IP address as 'localhost' or '' there is no issue, but when I use ip address of machine '' it throws exception: Io exception: Then Network Adapter could not establish the connection.
I have installed ms loopback adapter prior to installation and my machine get IP from DHCP.
do i need to configure any setting oracle config or what i might be missing here?
Before looking at the network you need to check what address your listener is actually configured for. If it's specifying localhost or then you won't be able to access remotely. If it's specifying a different IP previously allocated by DHCP then your current one won't work. If it's a host name, is that resolvable to your DHCP address?
As well as looking at listener.ora, you can try running netstat -an | find "1521" to see what address(es) it's actually listening on.
It's a network issue. Likely a firewall, router or proxy somewhere in the line isn't properly configured to forward the desired port.
Not a programming problem.
localhost and are known to be the local machine. It can bypass a lot of the fluff.
When you try for, it will go and 'ask' a router (or similar) to send the traffic to that IP address. First I'd try to PING the IP address. If that works, I'd try telnet 1521 to see if you can connect to the port without involving JDBC or SQL or anything.
