xpath issue with selectSingleNode when switch to XML 6 - xpath

This is my XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Revision Index="1"/>
When using DomDocument(ver 3) I could run the following(In VB6):
Set objNode = objDom.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//.[#Index = '1']")
This is to identify that this attribute exists with it's value.
Now after moving to DomDocument60(ver 6) this line fails.
How should I re-write it so it works with DomDocument60?
Thanks in advance

You could try using the XPath:
This will select all Revision nodes in the document that have the attribute Index="1".


Parsing out contents of XML tag in Ruby

I have an XML, that as I understand it has already been parsed by tags. My goal is to parse all the information that is in the <GetResidentsContactInfoResult> tag. In this tag of the sample xml below there are two records in here which begin each with the Lease PropertyId key. How can I iterate over the <GetResidentsContactInfoResult> tag and print out the key/value pairs for each record? I'm new to Ruby and working with XML files, is this something I can do with Nokogiri?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<GetResidentsContactInfoResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<GetResidentsContactInfoResult><PropertyResidents><Lease PropertyId="21M" BldgID="00" UnitID="0903" ResiID="3" occustatuscode="P" occustatuscodedescription="Previous" MoveInDate="2016-01-07T00:00:00" MoveOutDate="2016-02-06T00:00:00" LeaseBeginDate="2016-01-07T00:00:00" LeaseEndDate="2017-01-31T00:00:00" MktgSource="DBY" PrimaryEmail="noemail1#fake.com"><Occupant PropertyId="21M" BldgID="00" UnitID="0903" ResiID="3" OccuSeqNo="3444755" OccuFirstName="Efren" OccuLastName="Cerda" Phone2No="(832) 693-9448" ResponsibleFlag="Responsible" /></Lease><Lease PropertyId="21M" BldgID="00" UnitID="0908" ResiID="2" occustatuscode="P" occustatuscodedescription="Previous" MoveInDate="2016-02-20T00:00:00" MoveOutDate="2016-04-25T00:00:00" LeaseBeginDate="2016-02-20T00:00:00" LeaseEndDate="2017-02-28T00:00:00" MktgSource="PW" PrimaryEmail="noemail1#fake.com"><Occupant PropertyId="21M" BldgID="00" UnitID="0908" ResiID="2" OccuSeqNo="3451301" OccuFirstName="Donna" OccuLastName="Mclean" Phone2No="(713) 785-4240" ResponsibleFlag="Responsible" /></Lease></PropertyResidents></GetResidentsContactInfoResult>
This uses Nokogiri to find all the GetResidentsContactInfoResponse elements, and then Active Support to convert the inner text to a hash of key-value pairs.
Read "sparklemotion/nokogiri" and "Tutorials" regarding installing and using Nokogiri.
Read "Active Support Core Extensions" about more capabilities of Active Support (though the guide does not include Hash.from_xml). To install it simply do gem install activesupport.
I assume you're fine with Nokogiri as you mentioned it in your question.
If you don't want to use Active Support, consider looking into "Convert a Nokogiri document to a Ruby Hash" as an alternative to the line Hash.from_xml(elm.text):
# Needed in order to use the `Hash.from_xml`
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions'
def find_key_values(str)
doc = Nokogiri::XML(str)
# Ignore namespaces for easier traversal
doc.css('GetResidentsContactInfoResponse').map do |elm|
# Option 1: if your XML above is stored in a variable called `string`
find_key_values string
# Option 2: if your XML above is stored in a file
find_key_values File.open('/path/to/file')
Which returns:
"Phone2No"=>"(832) 693-9448",
"Phone2No"=>"(713) 785-4240",

XPath fails when using XmlUtil (UFT 12.0)

Given the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<WFContext xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/entity/message/2003/" soapenv:actor="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
<getCustomerInformation xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/getCustomerInformation/2012/05/">
<initiatorInformation xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/shared/common/2011/11/">
<initiatorCompanyNbr xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/entity/message/2003/">114</initiatorCompanyNbr>
<custNbr xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/entity/party/2003/">287586861901211</custNbr>
<customerViewList xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/getCustomerInformationCommon/2012/05/">
<generalInformationPreferences201205 xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/common/2012/05/">
<formattedNameIndicator xmlns="">true</formattedNameIndicator>
<includeTaxCertificationIndicator xmlns="">true</includeTaxCertificationIndicator>
<individualGeneralInformationPreferences xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/common/2012/05/">
<includeMinorIndicator xmlns="">true</includeMinorIndicator>
I am trying to access the getCustomerInformation tag using relative XPath in VBScript.
XMLDataFile = "C:\testReqfile.xml"
Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
Print xmlDoc.ToString
'xmlDoc.AddNamespace "ns","xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
Set childrenObj = xmlDoc.ChildElementsByPath("//*[contains(#xmlns,'getCustomerInformation')]")
msgbox childrenObj.Count
But is failing to return a node.
Your XPath expression does not work because xmlns as in
<getCustomerInformation xmlns="http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/getCustomerInformation/2012/05/">
is a default namespace, not an attribute. Therefore, it cannot be accessed with #xmlns.
But it seems you do not have to rely on the namespace at all, because the element name ("getCustomer Information") is telling already. To bypass the problem of those elements being in a namespace, use local-name() to select elements by their name.
Set childrenObj = xmlDoc.ChildElementsByPath("//*[local-name() = 'getCustomerInformation']")
As #Mathias Müller already explained in his answer, xmlns defines a namespace and can thus not be accessed like a regular attribute. I don't have experience with XmlUtil, but in standard VBScript you could select the node(s) like this:
Set xml = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
xml.async = False
xml.load "C:\path\to\your.xml"
If xml.ParseError Then
WScript.Echo xml.ParseError.Reason
WScript.Quit 1
End If
'define a namespace alias "ns"
uri = "http://service.wellsfargo.com/provider/ecpr/customerProfile/inquiry/getCustomerInformation/2012/05/"
xml.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:ns='" & uri & "'"
'select nodes using the namespace alias
Set nodes = xml.SelectNodes("//ns:getCustomerInformation")

soapui how to get the list of nodes by using local-name in xpath expression?

I am using soapui for automation testing. I am trying to write a xpath expression to do the property transfer with following xml
<snapshots query="after=2014-04-16 12:30:00-0700" mask="op" xmlns="http://ws.example.com/roma/201907" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<offer entityId="6500588"/>
<offer entityId="6500589"/>
<offer entityId="6500590"/>
<offer entityId="6557335">
<status name="Completed">C</status>
<startDate basis="GMT-4">2013-04-01</startDate>
<endDate basis="GMT-4">2014-04-15</endDate>
<sourceKey-Ref entityId="36KTV" code="KPA513C36KTV" uri="/snapshot/sourcekey/36KTV"/>
<venue code="28">
<currencyDetail currency="USD">
<offer entityId="6557336">
<status name="Completed">C</status>
<startDate basis="GMT-4">2013-04-01</startDate>
<endDate basis="GMT-4">2014-04-15</endDate>
<sourceKey-Ref entityId="36KTV" code="KPA513C36KTV" uri="/snapshot/sourcekey/36KTV"/>
<venue code="28">
<currencyDetail currency="USD">
<offer entityId="6557337">
<status name="Completed">C</status>
<startDate basis="GMT-4">2013-04-01</startDate>
<endDate basis="GMT-4">2014-04-15</endDate>
<sourceKey-Ref entityId="36KTV" code="KPA513C36KTV" uri="/snapshot/sourcekey/36KTV"/>
<venue code="28">
<currencyDetail currency="USD">
I would like to have all hpKeycode using local-name() in the XPath expression. I tried
but this gives me only the first node which is 189161. This
also does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can try with XQuery. In the property transfer step select Use XQuery checkbox as you see in the image below. And use this code:
declare namespace soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/';
declare namespace ns1='http://ws.example.com/roma/201907';
for $id in //*[local-name()='hpKeycode'] return string($id)
If you want to avoid the use of XQuery, you can add three Transfers on your property transfer, on each one use:
First id
Second id
Third id
Hope this helps,
This would not work in the way you expect it to because you are pulling a single set of values. You would need to specify what node branch you want further up the tree.
Its like road ways... if you were giving someone directions you would need to inform them which way to go for each fork in the road. Lets say you wanted to tell them how to get to one of 3 possible airports each located in a different city. If you said "as you arrive at airports 1,2, and 3 enter the 2nd". They would be baffled and say something like "what city though?" and maybe "its not possible for them to exist in the same location".
Here is what you would want given the xml you provided (both work in soapui).
Xpath 2.0
Xpath 1.0
Hope this more detailed explanation helps!

Testing Nokogiri XML generation with blank nodes

I'm having a bit of trouble testing some XML generation using Nokogiri when the node is blank. I'm using Minitest to compare the generated XML string with a template fixture file. My test fails with the blank node as Minitest is comparing <Node></Node> with <Node />.
XML Generation
builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new encoding: "UTF-8" do |xml|
xml.FileName #object.filename
Template file
This is the file I'm using as a fixture in my tests
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Minitest output
3) Failure:
--- expected
+++ actual
## -25,7 +25,7 ##
<Header />
- <FileName/>
+ <FileName></FileName>
As you can see, MiniTest is trying to compare a self-closing tag with a non-self-closing tag and making the test fail. Changing the fixture tag to a self-closing one results, strangely, in exactly the same error message.
It's because sometimes #object.filename is nil - if I have a blank XML node (as in xml.Header above) using a self-closing tag in my fixture works no problem.
I would use XML schema in this case:
def test_that_xml_data_conforms_to_schema
xml_data = ...
schema_data = ...
fragment = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml_data)
schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema(schema_data)
assert schema.valid?(fragment)

Get value of XML attribute with namespace

I'm parsing a pptx file and ran into an issue. This is a sample of the source XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<p:presentation xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" xmlns:p="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships">
<p:sldMasterId id="2147483648" r:id="rId2"/>
<p:sldId id="256" r:id="rId3"/>
<p:sldSz cx="10080625" cy="7559675"/>
<p:notesSz cx="7772400" cy="10058400"/>
I need to to get the r:id attribute value in the sldMasterId tag.
doc = Nokogiri::XML(path_to_pptx)
returns 2147483648 but I need rId2, which is the r:id attribute value.
I found the attribute_with_ns(name, namespace) method, but
doc.xpath('p:presentation/p:sldMasterIdLst/p:sldMasterId').attribute_with_ns('id', 'r')
returns nil.
You can reference the namespace of attributes in your xpath the same way you reference element namespaces:
If you want to use attribute_with_ns, you need to use the actual namespace, not just the prefix:
.attribute_with_ns('id', "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships")
If you need to distinguish attributes with the same name, with different namespaces use attribute_nodes instead.
doc.xpath('p:presentation/p:sldMasterIdLst/p:sldMasterId').each do |element|
element.attribute_nodes().select do |node|
puts node if node.namespace && node.namespace.prefix == "r"
