Jmeter error message while doing load test - jmeter

jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine: Notifying test listeners of end of test
2015/10/27 13:01:24 INFO - jmeter.gui.util.JMeterMenuBar: setRunning(false,local)
2015/10/27 13:01:35 INFO - jmeter.gui.action.template.TemplateManager: Reading templates from:C:\Users\A5WKVZZ\Downloads\apache-jmeter-2.13\apache-jmeter-2.13\bin\templates\templates.xml
The above is the error log that appears when i ran the load test on my application .it stopped with warning and the log display is above .Can some body help me how to debug and run load test successfully?
Thanks in Advance

I don't see any errors in the output, looks absolutely normal.
To debug your JMeter test:
Open JMeter GUI
Add View Results Tree listener
Run your test with 1-2 users and 1-2 loops.
Inspect requests/responses details to ensure your script is doing what it needs to do. Check variable values (you may wish to use Debug Sampler for it) if you correlated or parametrised something, make sure that you get logged in, there are no errors, etc.
Once you happy with your test behaviour increase virtual users number according to your load scenario and run JMeter in non-GUI mode like
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/script.jmx -l /path/to/resultsfile.jtl
You'll be seeing some diagnostic output and metrics like
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using example.jmx
Starting the test # Wed Oct 28 18:59:00 CET 2015 (1446055140362)
Waiting for possible shutdown message on port 4445
summary + 1 in 1s = 1.0/s Avg: 318 Min: 318 Max: 318 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 47 Started: 47 Finished: 0
summary + 749 in 2.4s = 312.5/s Avg: 160 Min: 134 Max: 483 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 0 Started: 50 Finished: 50
summary = 750 in 3.4s = 219.6/s Avg: 160 Min: 134 Max: 483 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Tidying up ... # Wed Oct 28 18:59:03 CET 2015 (1446055143862)
... end of run
Upon test completion open JMeter GUI again, add listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report, locate your .jtl results file using "Browse" button and analyse the output.
See How to debug your Apache JMeter script guide for more debugging tips and gotchas.

instead of web site URL i tried with Website IP and port number which i got from the site ip analyzer.It worked fine and got the test with out warning


PIPE Connection to jenkins timing out

Any help sooner would be greatly appreciated
I am using PIPE to connect to Jenkins pipeline from BB and using the below code in my BB.yml
- step: &functionalTest
name: functional test
image: python:3.9
- pipe: atlassian/jenkins-job-trigger:0.1.1
JENKINS_URL: '<<myJenkinsURL>>'
JENKINS_USER: '<<myJenkinsUser>>'
JOB_NAME: '<<myJenkinsJob>>'
WAIT: 'true'
It was working fine until last week. However, since Friday I can see number failures in BB pipeline with the timeout. Though the Jenkins job is successful and took only 4 mins and 56 secs to execute all test cases. Also I have WAIT_MAX_TIMEOUT: 500 (almost 8 mins max timeout)
✖ Timeout while waiting for jenkins job with build number 254 to be completed
PS: Jenkins job for this build ID is successful in 5 mins (including the Sonar report generation)

JMeter test not stopping after duration ends in distribution mode

I'm running a very simple JMeter test with Basic Thread Group and HTTP Sampler. The duration set for execution is 10 min (600 sec). enter image description here
The test ran and stopped itself (after 10 min) successfully on my local both in JMeter GUI as well as CLI mode.
However, when I run the same test in distributed mode, the test does not stop itself and gets hanged. I've been observing this issue mostly with thread count 200 and above.
Some of the JMeter properties I have overridden:
"server.rmi.ssl.disable": "true",
"jmeterengine.nongui.maxport": JMETER_EXEC_PORT,
"jmeterengine.nongui.port": JMETER_EXEC_PORT,
"client.tries": str(3),
"client.retries_delay": str(5000),
"client.rmi.localport": CLIENT_RMI_LOCALPORT,
"server.rmi.localport": SERVER_RMI_LOCALPORT,
"server_port": SERVER_PORT,
"server.exitaftertest": "true",
"jmeterengine.stopfail.system.exit": "true",
"jmeterengine.remote.system.exit": "true",
"jmeterengine.force.system.exit": "true",
"": "csv",
"": "true",
"beanshell.server.file": "./extras/startup.bsh",
"": "true",
"jpgc.repo.sendstats": "false",
Here're the JMeter CLI commands I'm using for JMeter client and server respectively:
// JMeter Client -n -f -t {testPlan} -j jmeter.log -l report.csv -LINFO -Lorg.apache.http=DEBUG -Lorg.apache.http.wire=ERROR -Ljmeter.engine=DEBUG -X -R {serverIPs}
// JMeter Server -s -Jbeanshell.server.port={beanshellServerPort}
Any help pointers to make sure the test ends after the specified
Can this be controlled/enforced by any JMeter
Is it something related to Basic thread group v/s
thread group plugins like Concurrency/Ultimate thread group?
Example test run:
I tried to run this test plan with 10 workers out of which 6 were successfully finished while 4 of them hanged. Please find the logs and test plan here.
Also, why does the Summariser show Active + Finished threads more than Started?
Looking into the log it seems that JMeter didn't finish all the threads after reporting the test completion:
2020-12-16 08:19:48,933 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Thread finished: Group 1-86
2020-12-16 08:25:22,926 INFO o.a.j.e.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: Shutting test ...
2020-12-16 08:25:22,927 INFO o.a.j.e.RemoteJMeterEngineImpl: ... stopped
2020-12-16 08:25:22,928 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping: Group 1-78
2020-12-16 08:25:22,928 INFO o.a.j.t.JMeterThread: Stopping: Group 1-190
You need to compare log files from the slaves which are failing with the ones which are passing, it will allow you to detect any inconsistencies.
One of possible reasons I can think of is that you allocated too little JVM Heap space, at least one controller is using default 1 GB of heap which might be not sufficient for executing your test for 200+ virtual users. Consider ramping-up this to a higher value. See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article for more details on this and other JMeter performance and tuning tips
If the issue persists the only way of finding out the cause of why threads are stuck is taking a thread dump

Why does the .jmx file is not running in jmeter?

I'm getting an error when I tried to run a jmx file in Jmeter.
Thread Name: Thread Group 1-1
Sample Start: 2019-09-19 11:49:31 IST
Load time: 11
Connect Time: 0
Latency: 0
Size in bytes: 2255
Headers size in bytes: 0
Body size in bytes: 2255
Sample Count: 1
Error Count: 1
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: connect timed out
Response headers:
HTTPSampleResult fields:
DataEncoding: null
The .jmx file is running normally, the error you're getting indicates that JMeter's HTTP Request couldn't establish connection with the application under test within the bounds of the maximum connect time defined.
Make sure that the application under test is reachable from the machine where JMeter is running using telnet client or equivalent. If it isn't - you need to contact your network administrator to clarify what's going on and why application is not reachable
If you can access the application under test using telnet command it might be the case you need to increase timeouts under HTTP Request Defaults

Jenkins - jmeter performance plugin - Build step 'Publish Performance test result report' changed build result to FAILURE Finished: FAILURE

I m trying to generate performance report through jenkins peformance plug-in, when ever i try to perform build now. i get the error
- Started by user Mukesh kumar
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Aug17- Jmeter test
[Aug17- Jmeter test] $ cmd /c call C:\windows\TEMP\jenkins2034852437917248179.bat
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Aug17- Jmeter test>C:\Users\ux010725\Downloads\Softwares\Jmeter\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t C:\Users\ux010725\Downloads\Softwares\Jmeter\apache-jmeter-4.0\TestPlan_Aug14.jmx -l Mukesh_Reports\r2.xml
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using C:\Users\ux010725\Downloads\Softwares\Jmeter\apache-jmeter-4.0\TestPlan_Aug14.jmx
Starting the test # Fri Aug 17 15:48:37 IST 2018 (1534501117309)
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port 4445
summary = 42 in 00:00:09 = 4.6/s Avg: 208 Min: 113 Max: 2358 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Tidying up ... # Fri Aug 17 15:48:47 IST 2018 (1534501127021)
... end of run
Cannot detect file type because of error: Failed to copy C:\Users\ux010725\Downloads\Softwares\Jmeter\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\Mukesh_Reports\r2.xml to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\Aug17- Jmeter test\builds\17\temp\r2.xml
Build step 'Publish Performance test result report' changed build result to FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE
Try removing spaces in « Aug17- jmeter test »
This might explain the failure

End Time of Scheduler for Thread Group Thread Group is in the past in Jmeter sheduler mode testing

Unable to run Jmeter test plan in scheduler mode in distributed testing.
We are using Bamboo pipeline with dockerized Jmeter, able to run in normal mode successfully however when tried the same test plan in scheduler mode facing an error with 'Endtime' value.
The current test plan after setting (scheduler mode is checked, forever is checked, delay is set to 0 and duration is set to 1800 seconds) and Start and End time kept as it is.
Jmeter version: 3.1
<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">10</stringProp>
<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.ramp_time">1</stringProp>
<longProp name="ThreadGroup.start_time">1518153310000</longProp>
<longProp name="ThreadGroup.end_time">1518153310000</longProp>
<boolProp name="ThreadGroup.scheduler">true</boolProp>
<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.1800">1800</stringProp>
<stringProp name="ThreadGroup.delay">0</stringProp>
When run the test: getting below error "Error occurred compiling the tree:
End Time (2018/02/09 05:15:10) of Scheduler for Thread Group Thread Group
is in the past, fix value of End Time field" though scheduler, forever is true
root#081459cc5d34:/jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.1/bin# jmeter -n -t
Writing log file to: /jmeter/apache-jmeter-3.1/bin/jmeter.log
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using /home/new.jmx
Starting the test # Fri Feb 09 05:35:49 UTC 2018 (1518154549080)
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port 4445
Error occurred compiling the tree:
End Time (2018/02/09 05:15:10) of Scheduler for Thread Group Thread Group
is in
the past, fix value of End Time field,
see log file for more details
summary = 0 in 00:00:00 = ******/s Avg: 0 Min: 9223372036854775807
-9223372036854775808 Err: 0 (0.00%)
Tidying up ... # Fri Feb 09 05:35:49 UTC 2018 (1518154549166)
... end of run
Note: able to run the same test plan when set 'start and end time' by removing values for duration, delay.
Please guide.
Able to overcome issue in the latest Jmeter 4.0 release, our tests are running successfully.
