VAST/VPAID tag ssp - vast

I have VAST/VPAID tag. According to the documentation type of the tag indicates by video object in line 'api'. If in all bid request 'api' is empty. How do you know that the player supports vpaid?
Thanks for any reply.

The answer was simple, SSP just do not support the VPAID.


How to give custom name when printjs library used

I am able to do print functionality using printjs but i want to give custom name which i failed to do it.Any suggestions would help me to achieve this.
Print.js has a property named documentTitle where you can pass a document title when printing html, json and images. It also has a header option as well if that's what you are looking for. Take a look at the lib api options here:

Get Region of the video viewers using YouTube API

I'm in the research using YouTube-Data-Api. I get like count, comment count like that. I need to get region(Country) list of the viewers of that video one by one in my list. How do I get that.
No you can't, it is only for user who upload the video. In youtube api v3 docs. A url is given something like{video->id}&key={$key->key}&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status&regionCode=es
The part of url in which regionCode is given by you. It is only application if The regionCode parameter instructs the API to select a video chart available in the specified region. This parameter can only be used in conjunction with the chart parameter. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For more information You can use this below link.
Hope it helps you.

Changing NameFormat in SAML 2.0

We are using SAML 2.0. We are supposed to integrate with an external client.
The customer is requesting use to change the following
NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress" instead of NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"
Can we do that. If yes, how?
NameFormat is an attribute of Attribute element under AttributeStatement element of SAML assertion. SAML Core Specification mentions three attribute name format identifiers:
Now, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress is a name ID format identifier. It is used as the value of the attribute Format of either NameID, NameIDPolicy, or Issuer element.
When you mentioned that you want to replace urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic with urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress, it puzzles me because they are used for different purposes.
Perhaps you can clarify your question?
In your AuthnRequest, you should have something like:
<samlp:NameIDPolicy xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
Change the format in there e.g. the format above is "transient".

rel="canonical" html5 unable to validate

Should the link attribute rel="canonical" validate against html5?
It is the first time I am using this and I am getting the following validation errors:
"Bad value canonical for attribute rel on element link: Keyword canonical is not registered."
It kind of suggests it shouldnt although I cant find any concrete documentation on this.
Edit - Here is the line that is throwing the validator off:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://dev.local/" />
I have tried it with and without the closing slash
Validator is marking canonical invalid because canonical is a recent addition (as Gutmann pointed out) and the validation tool does not update real time. The W3C tells us why canonical is on the Micorformats wiki but does not validate. It is because the updates of wiki data in the validator are manual.
You will see this in the validation reporting:
"A whitespace-separated list of link types listed as allowed on in the HTML specification or listed as an allowed on on the Microformats wiki without duplicate keywords in the list. Note that updates of the wiki data in the validator are manual and do not happen in real time"
This will validate on their next manual update.
There is no definition for the canonical rel in the HTML5 spec, but it does also say that:
The rel attribute has no default value. If the attribute is omitted or if none of the values in the attribute are recognized by the user agent, then the document has no particular relationship with the destination resource other than there being a hyperlink between the two.
So, it's not technically conforming HTML5, but it will simply be ignored by UAs which don't understand it.
Use this data-rel
<link data-rel="canonical" href="http://dev.local/" />
In error description they do reference Microformats wiki as list of valid link types, their list contains "canonical" link type.
I believe that this a temporary bug in validator because it reported error for rel="canonical" only on my HTML5 website, but not on my other XHTML website.
From what I can gather from the output of the validator and the part of the spec that defines the link's rel attribute I'd say the validator is marking the document as invalid due to the "canonical" type being only a proposal and not part of the official linkTypes right now.
At the same time that page also says ...
Types defined as extensions in the
Microformats wiki existing-rel-values
page with the status "proposed" or
"ratified" may be used with the rel
attribute on link, a, and area
elements in accordance to the "Effect
on..." field. [MFREL]
The validation message refers to this list of currently valid extensions to the "official catalog".
Up until June 2 this list did not contain the canonical link type so the validator was IMO correct in marking the document as invalid.
But now that the canonical type is is in the list of proposed types, I think this is just a matter of time before also the validator will recognize it :-)

doing NSURLRequest and pass value through form-variable

i would like to do a HTTP POST method to communicate with an ASPX page.
I will need to pass the value through form-variable.
how can i achieve it on objective-c?
This was the first entry on Google. Please search Google prior to asking questions here :)
