When running Firefox from JPM CSS doesn't load - firefox

I am testing a Firefox extension using jpm run. I am using Firefox 42.0 on Windows 10.
It seems if I test my extension, all pages appear to have SSL certificate issues and the CSS doesn't load for a number of pages.
For example, the Firefox homepage (https://www.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/windows-10/welcome/?utm_source=firefox-browser&utm_medium=firefox-browser&utm_content=firstrun) looks like this:
And Twitter (https://twitter.com/) looks like this:
Also, Facebook gives an SSL certificate warning:
It works fine if I run Firefox normally however I get the above issue if I run Firefox or Firefox Developer Edition using jpm run.
I thought it was something my extension was doing, so I tested it with the Mozilla JPM Tutorial and got the same issue.
How can I get Firefox to load properly using jpm?
EDIT: There is a work around. If I run jpm run --profile <path_to_profile> (specifying my Firefox profile) it will work fine (thanks "Tew" from #extdev on irc.mozilla.org. I suppose this means the issue is with the profile jpm is using for Firefox?
Still looking for a proper solution though.


Problem opening Jupiter "lab" (not Jupiter notebook) specifically with the Opera browser parameter macOS

Does anybody know how to successfully pass "Opera" parameter/argument when opening Jupyter Lab from macOS Terminal?
jupyter lab --browser=opera
I tried the above command and the output throws an error saying it could not find a web browser. If I use "jupyter lab --browser=safari" it works just fine.
Also, respectfully I am not interested in the other workaround to use c.NotebookApp.browser in the --generate-config as I've spent hours on that possible solution and it is not working with Opera no matter how I slice it (see my comment here: Open Jupyter Notebooks with Opera on Mac)
From what I tried out on my own, the --browser and its equivalent --ServerApp.browser flags are currently available only for 3 browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (I don't use Opera; but doing the same test for Microsoft Edge yields the same result, even though it uses the same engine Chrome does). So, you can either ask for this feature on their GitHub repository here, or simply use --no-browser and copy the resulting link into Opera.
P.S: I even tried out --generate-config, and it probably has the same limitation as --browser, Opera is simply unsupported for this type of operation.

After using Selenium on macOS, Chrome isn't the same

I installed selenium and used a python program to run chrome using selenium on my MacBook Air. Before there was an error on selenium, and after installing googlechrome drivers for selenium and creating a PATH using terminal, it opened a separate google chrome page that showed Chrome is being controlled by automated test software.
After around 30 minutes of running python and using selenium, I saved and closed out of everything.
In the next 2 minutes, I reopened Google Chrome to search something about web scraping, and the browser was the same one used by selenium. It still showed the Chrome is being controlled by automated test software notice, and there was a Chrome Automation Extension.
I tried:
logging in and syncing, but syncing was not available.
opening Google Chrome from application folder and dock, but nothing changed
deleting Google Chrome and reinstalling, but nothing changed
I don't know how to fix this. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I found out that the chromedriver was still running in the background. After I closed it using activity monitor, the problem was solved.

How to develop firefox add-on

I am developing a firefox add-on using SDK, and use jpm run to test it.
But everytime I changed someting in my code, I have to close my browser and than use jpm run to start browser and test it.
Can I update it without restart firefox?
I have made some search on google, some people told me that I should use Extension Auto-Installer add-on.(https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/autoinstaller/)
As its description says, this extension will listen a port at localhost(by default, at 8888)
After I installed it, I use the command wget --post-file=tieba.xpi http://localhost:8888/ to post my add-on, and here is what wget returned
and nothing happend in my firefox.
Is there any mistake in my operation?
Or is there any way to debug my add-on without restart firefox?

Do I have to use `jpm run` every time I change the Firefox add-on I'm developing?

I've gone over the Mozilla Developer Network "Getting Started (jpm)" guide to getting started with Firefox add-on development.
This guide suggests that to see the effects of changes that I make to my add-on's code I need to:
Close Firefox
Rebuild the add-on.
Run it in Firefox again.
Do I really have to rebuild my package and run it a new instance of Firefox to see my changes?
Is there an alternative way to refresh the add-on code from within the browser?
You can combine jpm with the Extension Auto Installer add-on like this:
jpm post --post-url http://localhost:8888/
Or using watchpost to automate the process:
jpm watchpost --post-url http://localhost:8888/

not able to run in chrome

iam not able to run selenium rc with chrome.it runs fine in
firefox.Any one sucessful in running in chrome browser?
These links will help:
Sauce Labs: Available browsers
Google Groups: Selenium Users > Browser Strings
These are Browser Strings are available:
This is Google Chrome and not to be confused with *chrome which is
actually Firefox.
This one is a little confusing. The 'chrome' of a web browser is the
usable space for the web page. That is, if the display is 1024x768,
the chrome will be smaller. The title, menu, toolbars, status bar,
etc. will reduce the usable space, i.e. the chrome. Google Chrome was
called Chrome because one of the main goals was to maximize the
chrome. Selenium was using the keyword *chrome before Google Chrome
and it was using it for Firefox.
Are you using *googlechrome as the browser string? If so, you need to be using 2.0a6. Chrome is utterly broken in 1.0.3 and 2.0a7.
