assign module to K2 category page - joomla

I want to assign some modules into category page of K2. In another words I want to change the K2 category page's module with the one which I want. How am I suppose to do that?

In your project find out this file path
then place the code with your module name
// this is where you want to load your module position
$modules = JModuleHelper::getModules('header');
foreach($modules as $module)
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);
Note: please make the module visible for all page (show all pages)


Get categories in a Prestashop theme

I'd like to get all my categories in my header (header.tpl) of my Prestashop theme but it seems not working well...
My code header.tpl :
{$childCategories= Category::getChildren(0, 0, $active = true, $id_shop = false);}
Issue : Error 500
The code you have written is not valid for smarty. Prestashop uses Smarty to render templates. Please, take a look to the rules if you want to avoid troubles like this. Also, you have a lot of examples in the default theme of Prestashop to learn more about coding in Smarty.
The right code would be:
{assign var='childCategories' value=Category::getChildren(1, 1, true, false)}
Arguments to be passed
$id_parent : The parent category id. The root id category is 1 and the home id category is 2.
$id_lang: The id language. You can check it in the localization area to get the id of a language. If you have enable multiple languages, you could use the $language variable to get the id. List of global variables in Prestashop.
$active: Return only the active caregories.
$id_shop: The id of a shop if you have got multiple shops in an instalation.
Printing variables to debug
If you want debug or see the variables, you could try the following snippets of code:
{* Print only the variable $childCategories *}
{* Print all variables *}
A template header.tpl comes from FrontController.php function displayHeader().
Category doesn't exists there, because header.tpl is a comprehensive template used in all pages.
There are several hooks which you can use adding content there: displayHeader, displayTop, displayLeftColumn, displayRightColumn, displayFooter.
You can add all categories in any module and one of these hooks like that:
$category = new Category((int)Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'), $this->context->language->id);
$sub_categories = $category->getSubCategories($this->context->language->id);
// else code

Magento - Stop child products showing in anchor category

On an anchor category page I'm trying to only show the products directly contained within the category. I don't want to show the products of child categories, it's not appropriate in this case. I really do need to filter the products in my current category, so I need layered navigation, which necessitates an anchor category.
Initially I thought to filter the products in the view.phtml template, but that only filters the products in the view and is not a sensible answer. When I do this I end up with big gaps on my page where child products are present, but simply not displayed. And the product counts (eg. "1-12 of 117 products") are "incorrect".
From what I've read, this is going to require a core rewrite. Probably of an index process. I don't really know where to start with this rewrite, and I'm sure it's going to be rather involved.
Are any of my assumptions wrong? Have you already solved this problem?
Goto app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Product/Collection.php
copy to app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Product/Collection.php
find function addCategoryFilter( and here you you find code
public function addCategoryFilter(Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category)
$this->_productLimitationFilters['category_id'] = $category->getId();
/* start to comment here
if ($category->getIsAnchor()) {
} else {
$this->_productLimitationFilters['category_is_anchor'] = 1;
/* new line */
$this->_productLimitationFilters['category_is_anchor'] = 1;
if ($this->getStoreId() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Abstract::DEFAULT_STORE_ID) {
} else {
return $this;
You don't need a single line of code if I have understood your condition correct. Magento provides the freedom to enter products in any category regardless of their hierarchy.
So consider the following scenario:
Category A->Category a
Then a product can be assigned to only category a and not to category A. This will work in harmony with the entire magento system including layered navigation and no of prouducts shown on page.

Removing id variables in joomla v1.5 router

I have custom Joomla(v1.5) component and currently working with component's router. The problem is I can't remove id numbers from SEF url. I get:
What I want to get:
Take a look at router.php methods below:
function ComponentnameBuildRoute(&$query) {
$segments = array();
$segments[] = $query['city_id'];
$segments[] = $query['item_id'];
case 'pay':
$segments[] = JText::_('payment');
return $segments;
* Function to convert a SEF URL back to a system URL
function ComponentnameParseRoute($segments) {
$var = array();
$cityData = explode(':',$segments[0]);
$vars['city_id'] = $cityData[0];
$itemData = explode(':',$segments[1]);
$vars['item_id'] = $itemData[0];
case JText::_('payment'):
$vars['task'] = 'pay';
return $vars;
Any ideas? Your help would be appreciated.
The best place to start with your router.php file is reading this article (it's a bit dated but still good) and then reviewing the com_content's router.php file (components/com_content/router.php). You will notice that articles do achieve what you want so best to look at working code and got from there.
Longer answer:
You can only get rid of the item ID variables in a path to a content element if a menu item exists that points directly to the item, otherwise there is no way to find the item.
SEF URLs in Joomla! 1.5 etc are made from the alias' of the individual elements
eg. If I have this menu structure:
Recipes (The menu)
-- Seafood (<-- Category blog where category alias is `seafood` )
-- Grilled Snapper (<-- Recipe Item where item alias is `grilled-snapper` )
-- 'Other category' (<-- Another Category blog )
Full ID Removal
In the case where you're building the SEF URL for a recipe you can build the route by looking for the menu item it might appear in by getting the site menu $menu = &JSite::getMenu(); and comparing the query id in the current menu item against id value in the $query array passed in.
If you have a match you can build the segments up using the alias from the menu path and the recipe alias. (And reverse the process in your ParseRoute($segments) method).
So, from this example above you could build a SEF URL to the Grilled Snapper recipe that looks something like: recipes/seafood/grilled-snapper.
Partial ID Removal
Now say you also have another recipe (e.g. 'Garlic Prawns' alias garlic-prawns) that isn't directly linked to a menu but will appear in the 'Seafood' category blog page. In this situation you would end up with recipes/seafood/2:garlic-prawns
If you don't have a match (like the Garlic Prawns), you can build up partial match if your component has list views like category blogs or in our example Recipe category pages... Essentially in this case you look at the current menu item and determine if it's a list/category view that would contain the content item.
If it is then the path to the category/list view form you initial segments, but as there is no menu item for the article you will still have to use the ID of the item in the last element of the URL.
No Menu Item for content item or a list/category view
When the content item is being linked to directly (e.g. from an article, module or search result) and there are no menu items that point to it or could contain it then you can still create a URL without id's in it but you will be providing the path in the form of direct component access URL.
eg. /component/recipes/recipe/ice-cream-sundae where recipes is the name of the component, recipe is the view and ice-cream-sundae is the alias of the article.

Echo Specific Category Description on Magento Frontend

I want to create a page in the Magento CMS, then echo specific category descriptions on it. What is the code snippet i will need to accomplish this. I am assuming I will need to reference the categories' unique id within the database to echo their description...
thanks for the help!
Using PHP:
$categoryId = 15;
$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId);
if($category->getId()) {
echo $category->getDescription(); // Should escape this, blocks have $this->escapeHtml()
I don't know how to do this using magentos email/cms template markup (I don't think its possible) - unless you create a block or widget.

Get Joomla! category from an URL

How can I read the section a certain URI belongs to?
I want to enhance the mod_breadcrumb to put section and category into the HTML. JApplication->getPathway() returns a JPathway which basically holds an assiciative array combining a name and an URL (as $list[]->name and $list[]->link). I think, it should be possible to get the section and category from a link, but don't know how.
A starting point could be the parsing into JURI-Object, but from there I don't know how get get further. Any ideas?
Pretty straight forward...
I assume you want to add category and section for the article and not your custom component.
Check if requested current URL is for article. If it is for article you know the article ID, use this article Id to go database and get catid from #__content, Use this cat_id to go to #__categories and get section (this is section id), go to #__sections to get the proper section name. All this can be done in 1 sql statement.
$breadcrumbs =& JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway();
$breadcrumbs->addItem("SECTION_NAME", JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=SECTION_ID"));
$breadcrumbs->addItem("CATEGOY_NAME", JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=CATEGORY_ID"));
Alternatively, if you know the URL from the breadcrumb item. You can parse it and get IDS. The trick here is not to get the default URI object by JFactory::getURI() because things will get ugly, use JFactory::getURI('YOU_URI_NAME').
// You need to get Your own uri, you do not want to modify default URI
// because this will messup a lot of things
$uri = JFactory::getURI('MyCustomURI');
// Test # 1 [ID = SECTION_ID]
$url = "index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=SECTION_ID";
echo "CURRENT SECTION = " . (int) $uri->getVar('id');
// Test # 2 [ID = 123]
$url = "index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=123";
echo "CURRENT SECTION = " . (int) $uri->getVar('id');
