Prevent cygwin bash from logging error on shebang - bash

When running bash scripts in cygwin from the Windows command prompt, I always get a error on line 1, even when the script runs correctly
C:\ImageMagickWatchFolder>bash .\whitebalance
.\whitebalance: line 1: #!/bin/bash: No such file or directory
... (rest of script output)
(whitebalance is the filename of the script)
I've tried replacing line 1 of the script with
among others, and just eliminating it entirely, all to no avail. (Some give No such file or directory and some give command not found). In particular, with first line empty, it gives
C:\ImageMagickWatchFolder>bash .\whitebalance
.\whitebalance: line 1: $'\357\273\277': command not found
I also tried switching line ending styles from unix to windows but that just made things worse.
To the first comment below:
C:\ImageMagickWatchFolder>head -n 2 whitebalance | cat -A

Figured it out. I had been saving the script in Notepad++ in UTF-8-BOM encoding. When changed to UTF-8 or ANSI, the error no longer occurred.

It's impossible to tell from here, but one common way this happens is because of line endings. Make sure your script does not have \r\n (Windows-style) line endings. bash will ignore these but the shebang will still not work: it will try to find /bin/bash\r, and fail.


Why does curl command on windows generate a /bin/bash: line /: $'\r' : command not found error?

I am trying to install Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) — a tool to help manage the Operators running on your cluster — from the official documentation, but I keep getting the error below. What could possibly be wrong?
This is the result from the command:
curl -sL | bash -s v0.22.0
/bin/bash: line 2: $'\r': command not found
/bin/bash: line 3: $'\r': command not found
/bin/bash: line 5: $'\r': command not found
: invalid option6: set: -
set: usage: set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCEHPT] [-o option-name] [--] [-] [arg ...]
/bin/bash: line 7: $'\r': command not found
/bin/bash: line 9: $'\r': command not found
/bin/bash: line 60: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I've tried removing the existing curl and downloaded and installed another version but the issue has still persisted. Most solutions online are for Linux users and they all lead to Windows path settings and files issues.
I haven't found one tackling installing a file using curl.
I'll gladly accept any help.
Using PowerShell on Windows, you must explicitly ensure that the stdout lines emitted by curl.exe are separated with Unix-format LF-only newlines, \n, when PowerShell passes them on to bash, given that bash, like other Unix shells, doesn't recognize Windows-format CRLF newlines, \r\n:
The simplest way to avoid the problem is to call via cmd /c:
cmd /c 'curl -sL | bash -s v0.22.0'
cmd.exe's pipeline (|) (as well as its redirection operator, >), unlike PowerShell's (see below), acts as a raw byte conduit, so it simply streams whatever bytes curl.exe outputs to the receiving bash call, unaltered.
Fixing the problem on the PowerShell side requires more work, and is inherently slower:
curl -sL
) -join "`n"
) + "`n" | bash -s v0.22.0
Note: `n is a PowerShell escape sequence that produces a literal LF character, analogous to \n in certain bash contexts.
It is important to note that, as of PowerShell 7.2.x, passing raw bytes through the pipeline is not supported: external-program stdout output is invariably decoded into .NET strings on reading, and re-encoded based on the $OutputEncoding preference variable when writing to an(other) external program.
See this answer for more information, and GitHub issue #1908 for potential future support for raw byte streaming between external programs and on redirection to a file.
That is, PowerShell invariably interprets output from external programs, such as curl.exe, as text, and sends it line by line through the pipeline, as .NET string objects (the PowerShell pipeline in general conducts (.NET) objects).
Note that these lines (strings) do not have a trailing newline themselves; that is, the information about what specific newline sequences originally separated the lines is lost at that point (PowerShell itself recognizes CRLF and LF newlines interchangeably).
However, if the receiving command is also an external program, PowerShell adds a trailing platform-native newline to each line, which on Windows is a CRLF newline - this is what caused the problem.
By collecting the lines in an array up front, using (...), they can be sent as a single, LF-separated multi-line string, using the -joinoperator, as shown above.
Note that PowerShell appends a trailing platform-native newline to this single, multi-line string too, but a stray \r\n at the very end of the input is in effect ignored by bash, assuming that the last true input line ends in \n, which is what the extra + "`n" at the end of the expression ensures.
However, there are scenarios where this trailing CRLF newline does cause problems - see this answer for an example and workarounds via the platform-native shell.
To start off, I need to be clear about a few things:
Based on the tags to the question, I see we are in PowerShell rather than a linux/unix or even Windows cmd shell
In spite of this, we are using Unix curl (probably curl.exe), and not the PowerShell alias for Invoke-WebRequest. We know this because of the -sL argument. If Powershell was using the alias, we'd see a completely different error.
Next, I need to talk briefly about line endings. Instead of just a single LF (\n) character as seen in Unix/linux and expected by bash, Windows by default uses the two-character LF/CR pair (\n\r) for line endings.
With all that background out of the way, I can now explain what's causing the problem. It's this single pipe character:
This a PowerShell pipe, not a Unix pipe, so the operation puts the output of the curl program in the PowerShell pipeline in order to send it to the bash interpreter. Each line is an individual item on the pipeline, and as such no longer includes any original line breaks. PowerShell pipeline will "correct" this before calling bash using the default line ending for the system, which in this case is the LF/CR pair used by Windows. Now when bash tries to interpret the input, it sees an extra \r character after every line and doesn't know what to do with it.
The trick is most of what we might do in Powershell to strip out those extra characters is still gonna get sent through another pipe after we're done. I guess we could tell curl to write the file to disk without ever using a pipe, and then tell bash to run the saved file, but that's awkward, extra work, and much slower.
But we can do a little better. PowerShell by default treats each line returned by curl as a separate item on the pipeline. We can "trick" it to instead putting one big item on the pipeline using the -join operation. That will give us one big string that can go on the pipeline as a single element. It will still end up with an extra \r character, but by the time bash sees it the script will have done it's work.
Code to make this work is found in the other answer, and they deserve all the credit for the solution. The purpose of my post is to do a little better job explaining what's going on: why we have a problem, and why the solution works, since I had to read through that answer a couple times to really get it.

Why is there no such file or directory_profile?

I am using Windows and MobaXterm.
I created a .bash_profile file in the ~ directory and the following line
alias sbp="source ~/.bash_profile"
is the only code in that file.
However, when I was trying to do sbp, I got an error.
This works on my Mac and it used to work on my old Windows computer (but that one has some water damage so it broke down). Why does this not work now?
Thanks in advance!
From the way that error message is garbled I'm pretty sure that the .bash_profile file you created has DOS/Windows-style line endings, consisting of a carriage return character followed by a newline character. Unix tools expect unix-style line endings consisting of just a newline; if they see DOS/Windows-style endings, they'll treat the carriage return as part of the content of the line. In this case, bash will treat the carriage return as part of the alias definition, and therefore part of the filename to filename to source. Try running alias sbp | cat -vt to print the alias with invisible characters shown; my guess is it'll print alias sbp='source ~/.bash_profile^M' (where the ^M is cat -vt's way of representing the carriage return).
Solution: convert the file to unix format, and either switch to a text editor that knows how to save in unix format, or change your settings in the current editor to do it. For conversion, there are a number of semi-standard tools like dos2unix and fromdos. If you don't have any of those, this answer has some other options.
BTW, the reason the error message is garbled is that the CR gets printed as part of the error message, and the terminal treats that as an instruction to go back to the beginning of the line; it then prints the rest of the message over top of the beginning of the message. It's a little like this:
-bash: /home/dir/path/.bash_profile
: No such file or directory
...but with the second line printed over the first, so it comes out as:
: No such file or directory_profile

Bash adding unknown extra characters to command in script

I am currently trying to create a script that executes a program 100 times, with different parameters, typically pretty simple, but it's adding strange characters into the output filename that is passed into the command call for the program, the script i have written goes as follows
for i in {1..100}
do ./generaterandomizedlist 10 input/input_10_$i.txt
I've taken a small screenshot of the output file name here
(extra characters are not recognized by chrome so simply pasting the name doesn't work)
It doesn't do this when i manually call the command issued in the script, any ideas?
Your script has some stray CRs in it. Use dos2unix or tr to fix it.

Bash script OS detect and if and wget

Bash script OS detect and if and wget problem. I tried os bit detect itself and it work normaly.
Edit: I found that was space after every "fi"
Ful bash
But now i get unexpected end of file.
Edit: I copied same text from pastebin i copied to pastebin and now it works. How is that possible ? Pastebin add extra empty lines This is orig file
I keep getting
[root#localhost ~]# sh
: command not found line 28: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
' line 28: `fi
The code:
if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "64" ]
# 64-bit stuff here
# 32-bit stuff here
I think we would need to see line 28 of the script; as that's where the error occurred; you have only posted 14 lines, and which comprise only a single control statement and two commands. FWIW, that code looks' like it should run, although you may wish to put the URI's in "quotes", incase they contain unusual characters.
You must have had Windows newlines in the file. It's a common problem when using Windows editors for *nix shell scripts. – l0b0

sed can not work in script file in Windows

I once write a simple sed command like this
while I run it in command line:
sed 's/==/EQU' filename
it works well, replace the '==' with 'EQU', but while I write the command to a script file named replace.sed, run it in this way:
sed -f replace.sed filename
there is a error, says that
sed: file replace.sed line 1: unknwon option to 's'
What I want to ask is that is there any problem with my script file replace.sed while it run in windows?
The unknown option is almost invariably a rogue character after the trailing / (which is missing from your command line version, by the way so it should complain about an unterminated command).
Have a look at you replace.sed again. You may have a funny character at the end, which could include the ' if you forgot to delete it, or even a CTRL-M DOS-style line ending, though CygWin seems to handle this okay - you haven't specified which sed you're using (that may help).
Okay, based on your edit, it looks like one of my scattergun of suggestions was right :-) You had CTRL-M at the end of the line because of the CR/LF line endings:
At the end of each line in the *.sed file, there was a 'CR\LF' pair, and that the problem, but you cannot see it by default, I use notepad to delete them manually and fix the problem. But I have not find a way to delete it automatically or do not contain the 'new-line' style while edit a new text file in windows.
You may want to get your hands on a more powerful editor like Notepad++ or gVim (my favourite) but, in fact, you do have a tool that can get rid of those characters :-) It's called sed.
sed 's/\015//g' replace.sed >replace2.sed
should get rid of all the CR characters from your file and give you a replace2.sed that you can use for your real job.
