image Effect android using GPUImage - android-library

I am not even aware of Image Effects, I am trying to use Image filter to one image on which i have done with Drawing. For Drawing i have used DrawingView but now for effect i googled it and i have came to know that it can b apply using GLSurfaceView, ImageView, etc but i dont know
it can be apply to DrawingView?
Now i have tried GPUImage i found some code from github but not worked for me because i dont even know how i works
Steps to use GPUImage for image effects?
i have reffered this examples:
(this is not using GPUImage but somehow main goal is image effect)
(Download Library from Here - ver- 1.1.1)
(Nothing happning to image when clicking menu) (What is that i did not understand: code? then why Library folder is there?)
already asked questions but not worked
How to apply effects to camera images?
(Complex for me)
How to add image effects in android ?
and many more available but i dont know how to do that.. Anybody can suggest something better.. Thanks in Advance.

First question: You should try again and run GPU lib follow link It should work if you config project properly
Second question: Don't use other libraries for Image effects, because it is written by Java code, you will face with Out of memory problem, take time for each effect by Java code also, it is really annoy. GPU lib is written by C++ and it is really cool to apply for Image editor apps
Hope you run GPU sample successfully


UE4 import Animation during runtime

I wanna know if it's possible or if anyone already worked on this function.
Basically what I want to do is using the Assimp library to import FBX& Animation inside, when import the FBX file there is an Animation inside, but don't really know how to use this Animation to convert what I can use to trigger it.
Is anyone have any idea about it, thanks in advance
Using the Assimp library in UE4 is fairly straightforward. Copy the dll into “YourGame/Binaries/Win32 or Win64/” on Windows for example, and then you need to import the includes header source, which you can do in the main game library or create a separate plugin for it. Then under your Build.cs file add the line PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(LibrariesPath, "assimp-vc140-mt.lib"));
The steps are the same if you want to create a separate plugin for it. As far as the animations go UE4 is using fbx in the background, so I can tell you from experience that you can get vertex transforms and apply them directly to UE4 mesh. I would look into using UProceduralMeshComponent for this though, that is what it's made for.
The Unreal Forums have a couple guides on doing exactly this.

Download multiple files from a website instantly

There is this website called Texture Haven, which has a lot of free textures to use for blender, only problem is it takes a lot of work to download them all manually.
So my question is: Would there be a way to download them all instantly with some kind of script?
Texture Haven:
Have you tried looking for web-downloaders with Python? I'm not sure if it will work but you can try some of these:
Let me know if this works out for you. Otherwise you'll just have to manually download the packages. You could also try out other websites for blender textures like: not sure if you can install entire packages at once but it's fairly easy to install lot's of textures.
You could also look for some add-ons for blender like
I hope this works out for you and happy blending!
Edit: format

Three.js Typeface.js offline

the problem is obvious from the title, offline. It was used to convert fonts and used in conjunction with THREE.TextGeometry. But if it is offline, how is now possible to use custom fonts in three.js?
I made a new converter that outputs the same files as typeface.js.
I loaded the source, but as far as I can see there is no chance to create the JS-font-files with this distribution. Maybe for someone with deep perl-knowledge...? In any case I installed perl, the ppm and dmake but trying to exec the Makefile only leads to errormessages about missing files. No - this is no alternative to the online-converter. Even worser: I didn't find any other converter or another side using the same one (cufon seems to create another format). So let's hope the site comes back to live - otherwise the great textfeature of three.js is worth nothing in the moment.

Is it possible to change the resolution of specific image with Jython?

this is my first question of stackoverflow and I'm really happy to share information with you guys.
I'm making some Jython scripts that change resolution of specific image, to compare two different images. One of them is reference image, the other is random image that I want to change resolution. I have tried a lot with many tools like Fiji, but I couldn't be satisfied at all.
Is there any library that is able to resize or change image resolution? Or how can I import libraries of Fiji to my scripts and project?
Please help me.. I haven't solved this for about a month. Thank you guys.

THREE.js seems to not work on localhost server

I am just starting out with THREE and have come across some odd failures which I believe are due to localhost / same-origin-poicy.
In short I created my own animation using armatures in Blender and exported using the three.js exporter plugin. The model displays but the animation doesn't run.
I used the online skinning animation example as the basis for the code and thought I may have incorrectly stripped out certain code that was causing it to fail but after looking for a couple of hours I have come to the conclusion I haven't ripped out anything incorrectly so...
To test if the example code worked locally I copied the online skinning animation example code including the buffalo.js/png files, modified the file references to map to my local copy and tried to run it in a local IIS server and all I get is the stats and no animation or model.
I checked the firebug console and only had a coupe of depreciation warnings no errors. I also checked with my model and code and I get no errors or warnings...
Anyone had this experience before? (I tested in chrome/firefox both had same behaviour)
Am happy to post code but the JSONLoader(ed) model is massive.
Thanks (and sorry for the long windedness of this SO question)
When it comes to running things on your local machine, have you tried the steps on this wiki page? How to run things locally
One example on the page suggests: chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
It's possible that your issue is related to the steps taken during your export. Without the exact errors or screenshots it's difficult to know where the issue originates from. Things to look out for:
Is your model being exported at the first frame?
Do you have the latest .py export plugin for Blender?
Using the latest version of Three.js?
Tried using THREE.SkinnedMesh?
Here is an article that gives you a brief overview of what is required for animated meshes within Three.js: Skeletal Animation
This second article provides a much more detailed tutorial, complete with example code at the bottom of the page: Skeletal Animation +1
In order to rule out same origin policy you can actually disable the security checks chrome uses when it starts up by adding this to the target window on your shortcut properties
see here for more information : Disable same origin policy in Chrome
