In ruby, get substring based on substring match - ruby

In Ruby,
I have one string like this :
I would like to get '123' from the id.
what is the easy way to get it?
I don't want to create JSON and parse it, it could be a way but too much for this case.

Load the JSON parser and parse it.
Yes, you thought that would be too much work. It isn't. Why? An extensive JSON library comes with Ruby. The library is probably already loaded. It's very easy to use. It's very fast. It's very flexible, you'll have the whole data structure to work with.
And, most importantly, writing your own parser for balanced delimiters (ie. quotes) is either a lot of work to get right, or too simple and it misses plenty of edge cases like spaces or escapes. This answer and this answer are good examples of that.
The only caveat is your string isn't quite valid JSON, it needs the hash delimiters around it.
require 'json'
almost_json = '"name":"jucy","id":123,"property":"abc"'
my_hash = JSON.parse('{' + almost_json + '}')
puts my_hash["id"]

'"name":"jucy","id":123,"property":"abc"'[/"id":(\d+),/, 1].to_i

Here are a few ways other than converting the JSON string to a hash.
s = '"name":"jucy","id":123,"property":"abc"'
Regex with a capture group
s[/\"id\":\s*(\d+)/,1] #=> "123"
Regex with a positive lookbehind
s[/(?<=\"id\":)\d+/] #=> "123"
This requires the number of spaces between the colon and first digit to be fixed. I have assumed zero spaces.
Regex with \K (forget everything matched so far)
s[/\"id\":\s*\K\d+/] #=> "123"
Find index where id: begins, convert to an integer and back to a string
s[s.index('"id":')+5..-1].to_i.to_s #=> "123"
Look for digits...
...if, as in your example, the substring is comprised of the only digits in the string:
s[/\d+/] #=> "123"


Case-sensitive substitutions with gsub

As an exercise, I'm working on an accent translation dictionary. My dictionary is contained in a hash, and I'm thinking of using #gsub! to run inputted strings through the translator.
I'm wondering if there's any way to make the substitutions case-sensitive. For example, I want "didja" to translate to "did you" and "Didja" to translate to "Did you", but I don't want to have to create multiple dictionary entries to deal with case.
I know I can use regex syntax to find strings to replace case-insensitively, with str.gsub!(/#{x}/i,dictionary[x]) where x is a variable. The problem is that this replaces "Didja" with "did you", rather than matching the original case.
Is there any way to make it match the original case?
Suppose we have:
a method to_key that converts a string str to a key in a hash DICTIONARY; and
a method transform that converts the pair [str, DICTIONARY[to_key(str)]] to the replacement for str.
Then str is to be replaced with:
transform(str, DICTIONARY[to_key(str)]])
Without lose of generality, I think we can assume that DICTIONARY's keys and values are all of the same case (say, lower case) and that to_key is simply:
def to_key(str)
So all that is necessary is to define the method transform. However, the specification provided does not imply a unique mapping. We therefore must decide what transform should do.
For example, suppose the rule is simply that, if the first character of str and the first character of the dictionary value are both letters, the latter is to be converted to upper case if the former is upper case. Then:
def transform(str, dict_value)
(str[0] =~ /[A-Z]/) ? dict_value.capitalize : dict_value
(I originally had dict_value[0] = dict_value[0].upcase if..., but came to my senses after reading #sawa's answer.)
Note that if DICTIONARY['cat'] => 'dog', 'Cat' will be converted to 'Dog'.
One might think that another possibility is that all characters of str that are letters should maintain their case. This is problematic, however, as the dictionary mapping may (without further specification) remove letters, and it may not be clear from DICTIONARY[str] which letters of str were removed, some of which may be lower case and others upper case.
It is not clear what capitalization patterns you have in mind. I assume that you only need to deal with words that are all low case or all low case except the first letter.
str.gsub!(/#{x}/i){|x| x.downcase! ? dictionary[x].capitalize : dictionary[x]}
I don't think this is possible since in this scenario you need to specify the exact string that must take place of the replaced string.
With that in mind, this is the best I can suggest:
subs = {'didja' => 'did you'}
subs.clone.each{ |k, v| subs[k.capitalize] = v.capitalize }
# if you want to replace all occurrences i.e. even substrings:
regex = /#{subs.keys.join('|')}/
# if you want to remove complete words only: (as the Tin man points out)
regex = /\b(?:#{subs.keys.join('|')})\b/ # \b checks for word-boundaries
"didja Didja".gsub(regex, subs)
Because in your example, the case-sensitive character isn't to be replaced by another value, you could use this:
regex = /(?<=(d))idja/i # again, keep in mind the substrings
"didja Didja".gsub(regex, "id you")

Ruby Regular Expression lookahead to Split at pipe unless contained in brackets

I'm trying to decode the following string:
body = '{type:paragaph|class:red|content:[class:intro|body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]}'
body << '{type:image|class:grid|content:[id:1|title:image1][id:2|title:image2][id:3|title:image3]}'
I need the string to split at the pipes but not where a pipe is contained with square brackets, to do this I think I need to perform a lookahead as described here: How to split string by ',' unless ',' is within brackets using Regex?
My attempt(still splits at every pipe):
x = self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/ *\|(?!\]) */)}
["type:paragaph", "class:red", "content:[class:intro", "body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]"]
["type:image", "class:grid", "content:[id:1", "title:image1][id:2", "title:image2][id:3", "title:image3]"]
["type:paragaph", "class:red", "content:[class:intro|body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]"]
["type:image", "class:grid", "content:[id:1|title:image1][id:2|title:image2][id:3|title:image3]"]
Does anyone know the regex required here?
Is it possible to match this regex? I can't seem to modify it correctly Regular Expression to match underscores not surrounded by brackets?
I modified the answer here Split string in Ruby, ignoring contents of parentheses? to get:
self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/\|\s*(?=[^\[\]]*(?:\[|$))/)}
Seems to do the trick. Though I'm sure if there's any shortfalls.
Dealing with nested structures that have identical syntax is going to make things difficult for you.
You could try a recursive descent parser (a quick Google turned up - not sure if any good)
Personally, I'd go for something really hacky - some gsubs that convert your string into JSON, then parse with a JSON parser :-). That's not particularly easy either, though, but here goes:
require 'json'
b1 = body.gsub(/([^\[\|\]\:\}\{]+)/,'"\1"').gsub(':[',':[{').gsub('][','},{').gsub(']','}]').gsub('}{','},{').gsub('|',',')
JSON.parse('[' + b1 + ']')
It wasn't easy because the string format apparently uses [foo:bar][baz:bam] to represent an array of hashes. If you have a chance to modify the serialised format to make it easier, I would take it.
I modified the answer here Split string in Ruby, ignoring contents of parentheses? to get:
self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/\|\s*(?=[^\[\]]*(?:\[|$))/)}
Seems to do the trick. If it has any shortfalls please suggest something better.

Regex can this be achieved

I'm too ambitious or is there a way do this
to add a string if not present ?
remove a the same string if present?
Do all of this using Regex and avoid the if else statement
Here an example
I have string
so can the substring location_manager be added or removed with regards to above conditions
basically I'm looking to avoid the if else statement and do all of this plainly in regex
The some_regex will remove location_manager from the string if present else it will add it
Am I over over ambitions
You will need to use some sort of logic.
str += ',location_manager' unless str.gsub!(/location_manager,/,'')
I'm assuming that if it's not present you append it to the end of the string
Regex will not actually add or remove anything in any language that I am aware of. It is simply used to match. You must use some other language construct (a regex based replacement function for example) to achieve this functionality. It would probably help to mention your specific language so as to get help from those users.
Here's one kinda off-the-wall solution. It doesn't use regexes, but it also doesn't use any if/else statements either. It's more academic than production-worthy.
Assumptions: Your string is a comma-separated list of titles, and that these are a unique set (no duplicates), and that order doesn't matter:
titles =','))
#=> #<Set: {"admin", "artist", "location_manager", "event_manager"}>
titles_to_toggle = ["location_manager"]
#=> ["location_manager"]
titles ^= titles_to_toggle
#=> #<Set: {"admin", "artist", "event_manager"}>
titles ^= titles_to_toggle
#=> #<Set: {"location_manager", "admin", "artist", "event_manager"}>
#=> "location_manager,admin,artist,event_manager"
All this assumes that you're using a string as a kind of set. If so, you should probably just use a set. If not, and you actually need string-manipulation functions to operate on it, there's probably no way around except for using if-else, or a variant, such as the ternary operator, or unless, or Bergi's answer
Also worth noting regarding regex as a solution: Make sure you consider the edge cases. If 'location_manager' is in the middle of the string, will you remove the extraneous comma? Will you handle removing commas correctly if it's at the beginning or the end of the string? Will you correctly add commas when it's added? For these reasons treating a set as a set or array instead of a string makes more sense.
No. Regex can only match/test whether "a string" is present (or not). Then, the function you've used can do something based on that result, for example replace can remove a match.
Yet, you want to do two actions (each can be done with regex), remove if present and add if not. You can't execute them sequentially, because they overlap - you need to execute either the one or the other. This is where if-else structures (or ternary operators) come into play, and they are required if there is no library/native function that contains them to do exactly this job. I doubt there is one in Ruby.
If you want to avoid the if-else-statement (for one-liners or expressions), you can use the ternary operator. Or, you can use a labda expression returning the correct value:
# kind of pseudo code
string.replace(/location,?|$/, function($0) return $0 ? "" : ",location" )
This matches the string "location" (with optional comma) or the string end, and replaces that with nothing if a match was found or the string ",location" otherwise. I'm sure you can adapt this to Ruby.
to remove something matching a pattern is really easy:
then choose the string to replace the match -in your case an empty string- and pass everything to the replace method.
The other operation you suggested was more difficult to achieve with regex only. Maybe someone knows a better answer

A more elegant way to parse a string with ruby regular expression using variable grouping?

At the moment I have a regular expression that looks like this:
It matches at least 1, and at most 3 instances of a long list of words and makes the matching words for each group available via the corresponding variable.
Is there a way to revise this so that I can return the result for each word in the string without specifying the number of groups beforehand?
works but only returns the last match separately , because there is only one group.
OK, so I found a solution to this.
It doesn't look like it is possible to create an unknown number of groups, so I went digging for another way of achieving the desired outcome: To be able to tell if a string was made up of words in a given list; and to match the longest words possible in each position.
I have been reading Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl and it shed some light on things for me. It turns out that NFA based Regexp engines (like the one used in Ruby) are sequential as well as lazy/greedy. This means that you can dictate how a pattern is matched using the order in which you give it choices. This explains why scan was returning variable results, it was looking for the first word in the list that matched the criteria and then moved on to the next match. By design it was not looking for the longest match, but the first one. So in order to rectify this all I needed to do was reorder the array of words used to generate the regular expression from alphabetical order, to length order (longest to shortest).
array = %w[ as ascarid car id ]
list = array.sort_by {|word| -word.length }
regexp = Regexp.union(list)
Now the first match found by scan will be the longest word available. It is also pretty simple to tell if a string contains only words in the list using scan:
if "ascarid".scan(regexp).join.length == word.length
return true
return false
Thanks to everyone that posted in response to this question, I hope that this will help others in the future.
You could do it in two steps:
Use /^(cat|dog|bird)+$/ (or better /\A(cat|dog|bird)+\z/) to make sure it matches.
Then string.scan(/cat|dog|bird/) to get the pieces.
You could also use split and a Set to do both at once. Suppose you have your words in the array a and your string in s, then:
words =
re = /(#{{|w| Regexp.quote(w)}.join('|')})/
parts = s.split(re).reject(&:empty?)
if(parts.any? {|w| !words.include?(w) })
# 's' didn't match what you expected so throw a
# hissy fit, format the hard drive, set fire to
# the backups, or whatever is appropriate.
# Everything you were looking for is in 'parts'
# so you can check the length (if you care about
# how many matches there were) or something useful
# and productive.
When you use split with a pattern that contains groups then
the respective matches will be returned in the array as well.
In this case, the split will hand us something like ["", "cat", "", "dog"] and the empty strings will only occur between the separators that we're looking for and so we can reject them and pretend they don't exist. This may be an unexpected use of split since we're more interested in the delimiters more than what is being delimited (except to make sure that nothing is being delimited) but it gets the job done.
Based on your comments, it looks like you want an ordered alternation so that (ascarid|car|as|id) would try to match from left to right. I can't find anything in the Ruby Oniguruma (the Ruby 1.9 regex engine) docs that says that | is ordered or unordered; Perl's alternation appears to be specified (or at least strongly implied) to be ordered and Ruby's certainly behaves as though it is ordered:
>> 'pancakes' =~ /(pan|pancakes)/; puts $1
So you could sort your words from longest to shortest when building your regex:
re = /(#{a.sort_by{|w| -w.length}.map{|w| Regexp.quote(w)}.join('|')})/
and hope that Oniguruma really will match alternations from left to right. AFAIK, Ruby's regexes will be eager because they support backreferences and lazy/non-greedy matching so this approach should be safe.
Or you could be properly paranoid and parse it in steps; first you'd make sure your string looks like what you want:
if(s !~ /\A(#{{|w| Regexp.quote(w)}.join('|')})+\z/)
# Bail out and complain that 's' doesn't look right
The group your words by length:
by_length = a.group_by(&:length)
and scan for the groups from the longest words to the shortest words:
# This loses the order of the substrings within 's'...
matches = [ ]
by_length.keys.sort_by { |k| -k }.each do |group|
re = /(#{{|w| Regexp.quote(w)}.join('|')})/
s.gsub!(re) { |w| matches.push(w); '' }
# 's' should now be empty and the matched substrings will be
# in 'matches'
There is still room for possible overlaps in these approaches but at least you'd be extracting the longest matches.
If you need to repeat parts of a regex, one option is to store the repeated part in a variable and just reference that, for example:
r = "(cat|dog|bird)"
You can do it with .Net regular expressions. If I write the following in PowerShell
$pat = [regex] "^(cat|dog|bird)+$"
$m = $pat.match('birddogcatbird')
$m.groups[1].captures | %{$_.value}
then I get
when I run it. I know even less about IronRuby than I do about PowerShell, but perhaps this means you can do it in IronRuby as well.

how to convert strings like "this is an example" to "this-is-an-example" under ruby

How do I convert strings like "this is an example" to "this-is-an-example" under ruby?
The simplest version:
"this is an example".tr(" ", "-")
#=> "this-is-an-example"
You could also do something like this, which is slightly more robust and easier to extend by updating the regular expression:
"this is an example".gsub(/\s+/, "-")
#=> "this-is-an-example"
The above will replace all chunks of white space (any combination of multiple spaces, tabs, newlines) to a single dash.
See the String class reference for more details about the methods that can be used to manipulate strings in Ruby.
If you are trying to generate a string that can be used in a URL, you should also consider stripping other non-alphanumeric characters (especially the ones that have special meaning in URLs), or replacing them with an alphanumeric equivalent (example, as suggested by Rob Cameron in his answer).
If you are trying to make something that is a good URL slug, there are lots of ways to do it.
Generally, you want to remove everything that is not a letter or number, and then replace all whitespace characters with dashes.
s = "this is an 'example'"
s = s.gsub(/\W+/, ' ').strip
s = s.gsub(/\s+/,'-')
At the end s will equal "this-is-an-example"
I used the source code from a ruby testing library called contest to get this particular way to do it.
If you're using Rails take a look at parameterize(), it does exactly what you're looking for:
foo = "Hello, world!"
foo.parameterize => 'hello-world'
