Where does Elasticsearch store its data? - elasticsearch

So I have this Elasticsearch installation, in insert data with logstash, visualize them with kibana.
Everything in the conf file is commented, so it's using the default folders which are relative to the elastic search folder.
1/ I store data with logstash
2/ I look at them with kibana
3/ I close the instance of elastic seach, kibana and logstash
4/ I DELETE their folders
5/ I re-extract everything and reconfigure them
6/ I go into kibana and the data are still there
How is this possible?
This command will however delete the data : curl -XDELETE ''
ps : forgot to say that I'm on windows

If you've installed ES on Linux, the default data folder is in /var/lib/elasticsearch (CentOS) or /var/lib/elasticsearch/data (Ubuntu)
If you're on Windows or if you've simply extracted ES from the ZIP/TGZ file, then you should have a data sub-folder in the extraction folder.

Have a look into the Nodes Stats and try
On Windows 10 with ElasticSearch 7 it shows:
"path" : "C:\\ProgramData\\Elastic\\Elasticsearch\\data\\nodes\\0"

According to the documentation the data is stored in a folder called "data" in the elastic search root directory.

If you run the Windows MSI installer (at least for 5.5.x), the default location for data files is:
The config and logs directories are siblings of data.

Elastic search is storing data under the folder 'Data' as mentioned above answers.
Is there any other elastic search instance available on your local network?
If yes, please check the cluster name. If you use same cluster name in the same network it will share data.
Refer this link for more info.

On centos:

It should be in your extracted elasticsearch. Something like es/data


In Elassandra not able to access elastic search url

Hi, I am new to Elassandra. I want to make setup(windows 10) and hit queries from elastic search url in stored documents. I have installed Elassandra and start it is working fine but i am not able to access elastic search url. I also tried to configure host and http.port in elasticsearch.yml but it did not work.
from bin i am running cassandra -f -e. here is no error in logs but still not able to access ES on localhost:9200
Please help me out on the steps.
Thanks in advance.

How to create filebeat index pattern in kibana?

I'm currently using ELK stack with filebeat. I'm able to map the apache log file contents to Elasticsearch server in json format. Now I would like to know how to create a index pattern for filebeat in kibana? Followed below link but that did not help.
As stated on the page you linked, "To load this pattern, you can use the script that’s provided for importing dashboards." So before you will see the filebeat-* index pattern you should run the ./scripts/import_dashboards tool then refresh the page. This will write the index pattern into the .kibana index used by Kibana.
For Linux when installed by rpm or deb the command is:
/usr/share/filebeat/scripts/import_dashboards -es http://elasticsearch:9200
If you are using the tar or zip package the command is located in the scripts directory of the package.
You can further manage or modify index patterns in Kibana by going to Management -> Index Patterns.

Elasticsearch Shard Location

I am trying to setup an elasticsearch cluster and have a question thats bothering me. I am transitioning from Marklogic to Elasticsearch and have this concept of storing data on a different disk rather than on the same disk where my software i.e. MarkLogic is installed. I know how to do it in MarkLogic but somehow can not find anything on this on elasticsearch. Can anyone point me to a document that can help me configure my shard on a different machine where elasticsearch is not installed?
You simply need to change the path.data setting in your elasticsearch.yml configuration file:
- /mnt/hda1
- /mnt/hda2
- /mnt/hda3
You can use a single location or several and when you do, ES will store your index data on those locations. Note that data pertaining to a given shard will always be located at the same path location.

Raw field disappear in Kibana

I have my ELK installed and use a logstash file to configure the log txt files. However, when I open kibana, I could not see the .raw field data. How can I see that?
You may go to the elasticsearch forum to ask

Log storage location ELK stack

I am doing centralized logging using logstash. I am using logstash-forwarder on the shipper node and ELK stack on the collector node.I wanted to know the location where the logs are stored in elasticsearch i didn't see any data files created where the logs are stored.Do anyone has idea about this?
Login to the server that runs Elasticsearch
If it's an ubuntu box, open the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
Check out the path.data configuration
The files are stored on that location
Good luck.
I agree with #Tomer but the default path to logs in case of ubuntu is
In /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml the path to data path is commented out by default.
So the default path to logs is /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log
As others have pointed out, path.data will be where Elasticsearch stores its data (in your case indexed logs) and path.logs is where Elasticsearch stores its own logs.
If you can't find elasticsearch.yml, you can have a look at the command line, where you'll find something like -Des.path.conf=/opt/elasticsearch/config
If path.data/path.logs aren't set, they should be under a data/logs directory under path.home. In my case, the command line shows -Des.path.home=/opt/elasticsearch
