Issue while capturing SFTP output to variable - shell

I am not able to store output of below SFTP command to result variable.
The command is
result=`sftp -oPort=$p_port $p_ftp_user_id#$p_host <<EOF
cd $p_remote_dir
echo "$result"
When is fire above command in a shell script output err is like below:
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: dora:0.0 Host key verification
failed. Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
I want this error to be stored in result variable so that i can use it for below validation:
value2=`echo "$result" |grep "failed" |wc -l`
But i getting result as empty. Please help what i m missing here.

You should redirect stderr to stdout for sftp command using 2>&1
result=$(sftp -oPort=$p_port $p_ftp_user_id#$p_host <<EOF 2>&1
cd $p_remote_dir
echo "$result"


how to store the values to a variable

I'm try to get the used storage for a ftp server through lftp.
lftp :~> open username:password#IP
lftp username#IP:~> du
897146 ./volume(sda1)
897146 .
I want to get the value of 897146 from a sh script.
This is what I got so far:
lftp << EOF
echo "$FOO"
But I'm getting
Unknown command `FOO=9544 ./logs'.
Unknown command `9636'.
The du command inside the FTP session will output within the lftp command output. So to get the output of the du command, you need to capture the output of the lftp command inside your variable:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
FOO=$(lftp << EOF | filter_out_things_unrelated_to_du
echo "$FOO"
You will probably need to filter-out the FTP session header and MOTD from the remote FTP server and anything not related with the output of du.

Automatize the cert creation OpenVPN

I do not know why I am getting an error when I run my script with SSH, but when I run the bash from my CA server everything works fine.
I installed my VPN server based on this article
I wrote a bash for the VPN creation but when I try to run it I need to SSH to the other server at some point. If I start the script with SSH in it I got an error message:
>./easyrsa: 341: set: Illegal option -o echo
My bash contain this and run from my VPN server:
sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh username#"CA server IP" "/home/username/ $NAME $PASSWORD"
And contain this:
>./easyrsa sign-req client $NAME
After this run it seems okay but give that error above.
I tried to read after this error and found nothing. :( Hope someone can help because I am hopeless after 4 days of troubleshooting.
Code of VPN script
read -p "Please enter the name of the new certificate : " NAME
read -p "Please enter the Password : " PASSWORD
cd /home/username/EasyRSA-3.0.7/
./easyrsa gen-req $NAME nopass
echo "gen-req done"
cp /home/username/EasyRSA-3.0.7/pki/private/$NAME.key /home/username/client-configs/keys/
echo "cp done"
sshpass -p $PASSWORD scp /home/username/EasyRSA-3.0.7/pki/reqs/$NAME.req username#
echo "scp done"
sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh username# "/home/username/ $NAME $PASSWORD"
echo "ssh done"
cp /tmp/$NAME.crt /home/username/client-configs/keys/
echo "last CP done"
sudo /home/username/client-configs/ $NAME
echo "All Done"
Code on CA server
cd /home/username/EasyRSA-3.0.7/
echo "CD Done"
./easyrsa import-req /tmp/$NAME.req $NAME
echo "Import-req done"
./easyrsa sign-req client $NAME
echo "Sign-req done"
sshpass -p $PASSWORD scp /home/username/EasyRSA-3.0.7/pki/issued/$NAME.crt username#
echo "Scp done"
I was just browsing the code of that easyrsa script here. This one is likely different from yours given the line for the error is 341. On the Github page, it is line 352 and it is part of a function called cleanup. It appears that this function is only attached as a trap (line 2744). Traps are used to catch signals like sigint (interrupt) which is normally sent on the terminal with ctrl+c (and may display a character like ^C). The reason the error only displays in your script is it likely causes a signal to be emitted that you would not normally receive if you ran it manually over ssh.
The error itself is really not an issue.
Code from Github:
Line 352:
(stty echo 2>/dev/null) || { (set -o echo 2>/dev/null) && set -o echo; }
Line 2744:
trap "cleanup" EXIT
It appears that line is just trying to turn terminal output of your typed characters back on (via stty echo). Sometimes programs will disable terminal output somewhere, and then re-enable it when the program finishes. However, if you were to kill the program mid way through (e.g. with ctrl+c), your program would terminate with the terminal output still disabled. This would make the terminal appear to be frozen. It would still work, but would not display the characters you type with your keyboard. The point of the trap is to ensure that terminal output is re-enabled no matter how the program exits.
More info...
At line 567 there is a function that disables echo. Looks like the point is to not show a password to the screen. If you were to kill the program during password reading, echo would remain disabled on the terminal. Likely the reason for the error has more to do with the way you are running the script. For whatever reason it causes stty echo to fail. Line 352 is assuming that the failure is due to stty echo not being a valid command. So on failure ( || ), it tries a different method (set -o echo) of enabling echo. If I try to run that on my terminal, I also get an error (bash 4.2):
-bash: set: echo: invalid option name

stop bash script from outputting in terminal

I believe I have everything setup correctly for my if else statement however it keeps outputting content into my shell terminal as if i ran the command myself. is there anyway i can escape this so i can run these commands without it populating my terminal with text from the results?
ps cax | grep python > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running." &
echo $!
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python &
echo $!
Here is what the output looks like a few minutes after running my bash script
[~]# sh
Process is not running... Starting...
[~]# Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 1 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 2 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
If you want to redirect output from within the shell script, you use exec:
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
This will redirect everything from now on. If you want to output to a log:
exec 1>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To append a log:
exec 1>>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To backup your handles so you can restore them:
exec 3>&1 4>&2
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# Do some stuff
# Restore descriptors
exec 1>&3 2>&4
# Close the descriptors.
exec 3>&- 4>&-
If there is a particular section of a script you want to silence:
echo Hey, check me out, I can make noise!
echo Thats not fair, I am being silenced!
mv -v /tmp/a /tmp/b
echo Me too.
} 1>/dev/null 2>&1
If you want to redirect the "normal (stdout)" output use >/dev/null if you also want to redirect the error output as well use 2>&1 >/dev/null
$ command 2>&1 >/dev/null
I think you have to redirect STDOUT (and may be STDERR) of the python interpreter:
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python >/dev/null 2>&1 &
For further details, please have a look at Bash IO-Redirection.
Hope that helped a bit.
You have two options:
You can redirect standard output to a log file using > /path/to/file
You can redirect standard output to /dev/null to get rid of it completely using > /dev/null
If you want error output redirected as well use &>
See here
Also, not relevant to this particular example, but some bash commands support a 'quiet' or 'silent' flag.
Append >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt to the end of every echo statement
echo "Process is running." >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt
Alternatively, send the output to the file when you run the script from the shell
[~]# sh >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt

BASH: sending commands to ftp and validating status codes

I want to write a bash script that runs ftp on background. I want to some way send commands to it and receive responses. For example a want run ftp, then sent it
user username pass
cd foo
mput *.html
and receive status codes and verify them. I tried to do it this way
tail -n 1 -f in | ftp -n host >> out &
and then reading out file and verifying. But it doesn't work. Can somebody show me the right way? Thanks a lot.
I'd run one set of commands, check the output, and then run the second set in reaction to the output. You could use here-documents for the command sets and command substitution to capture the output in a variable, e.g. like this:
output=$(cat <<EOF | ftp -n host
user username pass
cd foo
mput *.html
if [[ $output =~ "error message" ]]; then
# do stuff

Bash, stdout redirect of commands like scp

I have a bash script with some scp commands inside.
It works very well but, if I try to redirect my stdout with "./ >log", only my explicit echos are shown in the "log" file.
The scp output is missing.
if $C_SFTP; then
Ok, what should I do now?
Thank you
scp is using interactive terminal in order to print that fancy progress bar. Printing that output to a file does not make sense at all, so scp detects when its output is redirected to somewhere else other than a terminal and does disable this output.
What makes sense, however, is redirect its error output into the file in case there are errors. You might want to disable standard output if you want.
There are two possible ways of doing this. First is to invoke your script with redirection of both stderr and stdout into the log file:
./ >log 2>&1
Second, is to tell bash to do this right in your script:
exec 2>&1
if $C_SFTP; then
If you need to check for errors, just verify that $? is 0 after scp command is executed:
if $C_SFTP; then
if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then
echo SOS 2>&1
exit $RET
Another option is to do set -e in your script which tells bash script to report failure as soon as one of commands in scripts fails:
set -e
Hope it helps. Good luck!
You cat simply test your tty with:
[ ~]#echo "hello" >/dev/tty
If that works, try:
[ ~]# scp <user>#<host>:<source> /dev/tty 2>/dev/null
This has worked for me...
Unfortunately SCP's output can't simply be redirected to stdout it seems.
I wanted to get the average transfer speed of my SCP transfer, and the only way that I could manage to do that was to send stderr and stdout to a file, and then to echo the file to stdout again.
For example:
echo "Starting with upload test at `date`:"
scp -v -i /root/.ssh/upload_test_rsa /root/uploadtest.tar.gz speedtest#myhost:/home/speedtest/uploadtest.tar.gz > /tmp/scp.log 2>&1
grep -i bytes /tmp/scp.log
rm -f /tmp/scp.log
echo "Done with upload test at `date`."
Which would result in the following output:
Starting with upload test at Thu Sep 20 13:04:44 SAST 2012:
Transferred: sent 10191920, received 5016 bytes, in 15.7 seconds
Bytes per second: sent 650371.2, received 320.1
Done with upload test at Thu Sep 20 13:05:04 SAST 2012.
I found a rough solution for scp:
$ scp -qv $USER#$HOST:$SRC $DEST
According to the scp man page, -q (quiet) disables the progress meter, as well as disabling all other output. Add -v (verbose) as well, you get heaps of output... and the progress meter is still disabled! Disabling the progress meter allows you to redirect the output to a file.
If you don't need all the authentication debug output, redirect the output to stdout and grep out the bits you don't want:
$ scp -qv $USER#$HOST:$SRC $DEST 2>&1 | grep -v debug
Final output is something like this:
Executing: program /usr/bin/ssh host myhost, user (unspecified), command scp -v -f ~/file.txt
OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
Warning: Permanently added 'myhost,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Authenticated to myhost ([]:22).
Sending file modes: C0644 426 file.txt
Sink: C0644 426 file.txt
Transferred: sent 2744, received 2464 bytes, in 0.0 seconds
Bytes per second: sent 108772.7, received 97673.4
Plus, this can be redirected to a file:
$ scp -qv $USER#$HOST:$SRC $DEST 2>&1 | grep -v debug > scplog.txt
