Read PE files in C - portable-executable

I'm attempting to read a PE file in C.
I have code MZ and then, I don't know to code e_lfanew.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
errno_t err;
FILE *fp = NULL;
char *buffer;
err = fopen_s(&fp, "D:\\pe.exe", "rb");
printf("----------dos header---------- \n");
buffer = new char[3]; // malloc: cap phat bo nho//
memset(buffer, 0x0, sizeof(char)* 3); // memset: gan gia tri cho buffer//
fread(buffer, 2 * sizeof(char), 1, fp);
printf("e_magic: %s \n", buffer);
Also, I am aware this is possible via the Win32 API; however, I want to learn from this and do it myself.

Typically one would define a struct called DOS_Header and read the complete struct from the file. That struct then has a field e_lfanew which can directly be accessed without pointer arithmetics etc.
e_lfanew then points to the PE signature (PE\0\0), followed by the COFF header. Then the story repeats: create a struct called COFF_Header and read the complete struct from the file...

As #thomas weller said you need to typecast your buffer to IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.
The last field tells you where the PE header is, then read that offset and typecast the buffer to IMAGE_NT_HEADER. The other way is to just map the file in and typecast the relevant buffers memory.

To get details about any header information you can directly fill it to the structure for example
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER imgDosHdr = {0};
FILE *fp = fopen("Path_to_Pe","rb");
if(fp == NULL) return;
Hence you can get all the details of PE file Header by Setting the


copy_from_user is fetching unexpected data

I want to use the write sycall for copying a struct
from userspace to kernel.
In both user and kernel space, the struct is defined as
struct packet{
unsigned char packet[256];
int length;
}__attribute__ ((packed));
User space uses a local variable of type struct packet and passes it to the write syscall.
struct packet p;
/* ... (fill in data) */
printf("packet.length: %d\n",packet.length); /* looks correct */
result = write(uartFD, &p, sizeof(struct packet));
The kernel side looks like this, checking for correct length is done, just removed from example.
/* write syscall */
ssize_t packet_write(
struct file *file_ptr,
const char __user *user_buffer,
size_t count, loff_t *position)
struct packet p;
int retval;
if (copy_from_user((void*)&p, user_buffer, sizeof(struct packet))){
retval = -EACCES;
goto err;
/* looks wrong - different numbers like 96373062 or 96373958 */
printk("packet length: %d\n",p.length);
The opposite direction using read sycall is working as expected:
/* read syscall */
struct packet p;
/* ... (fill in data) */
copy_to_user(user_buffer, (void*)&p, sizeof(struct packet));
/* userspace */
read(uartFD, (void*)&packet, sizeof(struct packet));
What am I doing wrong with write syscall?
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
This is solved - it was my own silly. Both copying an integer and an unsigned char buffer separately was working, so it had to be something about the struct.
One site was packed, the other was not... reusing old code...

What is the use of 'i2c_get_clientdata" and "i2c_set_clientdata"

I have been studying I2C driver (client) code for a while.
I have seen this function "i2c_get_clientdata" and "i2c_set_clientdata" every where.
I have seen the this question here .
Use of pointer to structure instead of creating static local copy
Some times i think like it is like "container_of" macro to get a pointer to the structure.
But still i didn't understood properly why to use it and when to use it.
Below i am posting a sample code where I see its usage.
If any one could help me understand why it is used there and when we shall use it when we write our own drivers.
struct max6875_data {
struct i2c_client *fake_client;
struct mutex update_lock;
u32 valid;
unsigned long last_updated[USER_EEPROM_SLICES];
static ssize_t max6875_read(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,
struct bin_attribute *bin_attr,
char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
struct i2c_client *client = kobj_to_i2c_client(kobj);
struct max6875_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
int slice, max_slice;
return 0;
if (off + count > USER_EEPROM_SIZE)
count = USER_EEPROM_SIZE - off;
/* refresh slices which contain requested bytes */
max_slice = (off + count - 1) >> SLICE_BITS;
for (slice = (off >> SLICE_BITS); slice <= max_slice; slice++)
max6875_update_slice(client, slice);
memcpy(buf, &data->data[off], count);
return count;
Those functions are used to get/set the void *driver_data pointer that is part of the struct device, itself part of struct i2c_client.
This is a void pointer that is for the driver to use. One would use this pointer mainly to pass driver related data around.
That is what is happening in your example. The max6875_read is a callback getting a structu kobject. That kobject is an i2c_client which is enough to communicate with the underlying device using the driver_data pointer here allows to get back the driver related data (instead of using global variables for example).

Using an old device file for char device driver

I have two questions as I'm trying device drivers as a beginner.
I created one module , loaded it, it dynamically took major number 251 say. Number of minor devices is kept 1 only i.e minor number 0. For testing , I tried echo and cat on the device file (created using mknod) and it works as expected. Now if I unload the module but don't remove /dev entry and again load the module with same major number and try writing/reading to same device file which was used previously, kernel crashes. I know we shouldn't do this but just want to understand what happens in this scenario which causes this crash. I think something that VFS does.
When I do cat on device file, the read keeps on happening indefinitely. why? To stop that needed to use offset manipulation. This looks to be because buffer length is coming as 32768 as default to read?
EDIT: further in this I added one ioctl function as below, then I'm getting error regarding the storage class of init and cleanup function, which work well if no ioctl is defined. Not getting the link between ioctl and the init/cleanup functions' storage class. Updated code is posted. Errors are below:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:95:12: error: invalid storage class for function ‘flow_init’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: In function ‘flow_init’:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:98:2: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: In function ‘flow_ioctl’:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:112:13: error: invalid storage class for function ‘flow_terminate’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:119:1: error: invalid storage class for function ‘__inittest’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:119:1: warning: ‘alias’ attribute ignored [-Wattributes]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: error: invalid storage class for function ‘__exittest’
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: warning: ‘alias’ attribute ignored [-Wattributes]
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:120:1: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c: At top level:
/home/diwakar/Documents/my_modules/first_test_module/flowTest.c:73:13: warning: ‘flow_ioctl’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
Below is the code:
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define BUF_LEN 80
#define FLOWTEST_MAGIC 'f'
int minor_num=0,i;
int num_devices=1;
int fopen=0,counter=0,ioctl_test;
static struct cdev ms_flow_cd;
static char c;
///// Open , close and rest of the things
static int flow_open(struct inode *f_inode, struct file *f_file)
printk(KERN_ALERT "flowtest device: OPEN\n");
return SUCCESS;
static ssize_t flow_read(struct file *f_file, char __user *buf, size_t
len, loff_t *off)
printk(KERN_INFO "flowtest Driver: READ()\nlength len=%d, Offset = %d\n",len,*off);
/* Check to avoid the infinitely printing on screen. Return 1 on first read, and 0 on subsequent read */
return 0;
printk(KERN_INFO "Copying...\n");
printk(KERN_INFO "Copied : %s\n",buf);
*off = *off+1;
return 1; // Return 1 on first read
static ssize_t flow_write(struct file *f_file, const char __user *buf,
size_t len, loff_t *off)
printk(KERN_INFO "flowtest Driver: WRITE()\n");
if (copy_from_user(&c,buf+len-2,1) != 0)
return -EFAULT;
printk(KERN_INFO "Length len = %d\n\nLast character written is - %c\n",len,*(buf+len-2));
return len;
static int flow_close(struct inode *i, struct file *f)
printk(KERN_INFO "ms_tty Device: CLOSE()\n");
return 0;
///* ioctl commands *///
static long flow_ioctl (struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
switch(cmd) {
return ioctl_test;
return -ENOTTY;
///////////////////File operations structure below/////////////////////////
struct file_operations flow_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.llseek = NULL,
.read = flow_read,
.write = flow_write,
.unlocked_ioctl = flow_ioctl,
.open = flow_open,
.release = flow_close
static int flow_init(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Here with flowTest module ... loading...\n");
int result=0;
dev_t dev=0;
result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, minor_num,
num_devices,"mod_flowtest"); // allocate major number dynamically.
printk(KERN_ALERT "Major allocated = %d",i);
return 0;
static void flow_terminate(void)
dev_t devno=MKDEV(i,0); // wrap major/minor numbers in a dev_t structure , to pass for deassigning.
printk(KERN_ALERT "Going out... exiting...\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(devno,num_devices); //remove entry from the /proc/devices
1- You're missing cdev_del() in your cleanup function. Which means the device stays registered, but the functions to handle it are unloaded, thus the crash. Also, cdev_add probably fails on the next load, but you don't know because you're not checking return values.
2- It looks ok... you modify offset, return the correct number of bytes, and then return 0 if offset is 1, which indicates EOF. But you should really check for *off >= 1.
The length passed into your read handler function comes all the way from user-land read(). If the user opens the device file and calls read(fd, buf, 32768);, that just means the user wants to read up to 32768 bytes of data. That length gets passed all the way to your read handler. If you don't have 32768 bytes of data to supply, you supply what you have, and return the length. Now, the user code isn't sure if that's the end of the file or not, so it tries for another 32768 read. You really have no data now, so you return 0, which tells the user code that it has hit EOF, so it stops.
In summary, what you're seeing as some sort of default value at the read handler is just the block size that the utility cat uses to read anything. If you want to see a different number show up at your read function, try using dd instead, since it lets you specify the block size.
dd if=/dev/flowtest of=/dev/null bs=512 count=1
In addition, this should read one block and stop, since you're specifying count=1. If you omit count=1, it will look more like cat, and try to read until EOF.
For 2, make sure you start your module as a char device when using mknod.
mknod /dev/you_device c major_number minor_number

Regarding how the parameters to the read function is passed in simple char driver

I am newbei to driver programming i am started writing the simple char driver . Then i created special file for my char driver mknod /dev/simple-driver c 250 0 .when it type cat /dev/simple-driver. it shows the string "Hello world from Kernel mode!". i know that function
static const char g_s_Hello_World_string[] = "Hello world tamil_vanan!\n\0";
static const ssize_t g_s_Hello_World_size = sizeof(g_s_Hello_World_string);
static ssize_t device_file_read(
struct file *file_ptr
, char __user *user_buffer
, size_t count
, loff_t *possition)
printk( KERN_NOTICE "Simple-driver: Device file is read at offset =
%i, read bytes count = %u", (int)*possition , (unsigned int)count );
if( *possition >= g_s_Hello_World_size )
return 0;
if( *possition + count > g_s_Hello_World_size )
count = g_s_Hello_World_size - *possition;
if( copy_to_user(user_buffer, g_s_Hello_World_string + *possition, count) != 0 )
return -EFAULT;
*possition += count;
return count;
is get called . This is mapped to (*read) in file_opreation structure of my driver .My question is how this function is get called , how the parameters like struct file,char,count, offset are passed bcoz is i simply typed cat command ..Please elabroate how this happening
In Linux all are considered as files. The type of file, whether it is a driver file or normal file depends upon the mount point where it is mounted.
For Eg: If we consider your case : cat /dev/simple-driver traverses back to the mount point of device files.
From the device file name simple-driver it retrieves Major and Minor number.
From those number(especially from minor number) it associates the driver file for your character driver.
From the driver it uses struct file ops structure to find the read function, which is nothing but your read function:
static ssize_t device_file_read(struct file *file_ptr, char __user *user_buffer, size_t count, loff_t *possition)
User_buffer will always take sizeof(size_t count).It is better to keep a check of buffer(In some cases it throws warning)
String is copied to User_buffer(copy_to_user is used to check kernel flags during copy operation).
postion is 0 for first copy and it increments in the order of count:position+=count.
Once read function returns the buffer to cat. and cat flushes the buffer contents on std_out which is nothing but your console.
cat will use some posix version of read call from glibc. Glibc will put the arguments on the stack or in registers (this depends on your hardware architecture) and will switch to kernel mode. In the kernel the values will be copied to the kernel stack. And in the end your read function will be called.

Unexpected output

The following code is supposed to print out the names of all the sections in the specified exe (c:\linked list.exe in this case), but it produces some bizarre output.
int main()
FILE *fp;
int i;
if((fp = fopen("c:\\Linked List.exe","rb"))==NULL)
std::cout<<"unable to open";
pimsh = (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)malloc(sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * imnth.FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
the issue with you code, is which you are not reading for the correct location the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS struture, you must set the offset of the file to the value of imdh.e_lfanew using fseek(fp, imdh.e_lfanew, 0); and then read the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS record.
Try this modified code.
#include "stdafx.h"
int main()
FILE *fp;
int i;
if((fp = fopen("c:\\Linked List.exe","rb"))==NULL)
std::cout<<"unable to open";
//set the pointer of the file to the location of the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS record
fseek(fp, imdh.e_lfanew, 0);
pimsh = (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)malloc(sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * imnth.FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
Also take a look to these articles about the PE Format.
An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format
Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format
Yes it is possible to remove the DOS Stub from an Image. If this stub exists, the Windows Loader ignores it. If this stub does not exist, the Windows Loader is happy with it.
