Upgrading to cedar-14 when deploying via the heroku - ruby

I tried to migrate my app to cedar-14 stack, but when i do:
heroku stack:set cedar-14
i ve got the message: stack:set` is not a heroku command
What can i do please?

Please use following command to move from cedar to cedar-14
heroku stack:migrate cedar-14 -a <app name>

This error indicates your version of the heroku toolbelt doesn't know this command. You should update to the latest version.
You can check the version you have installed with the heroku version command:
heroku version
heroku-toolbelt/3.42.20 (x86_64-darwin10.8.0) ruby/1.9.3
heroku-cli/4.26.1-bf7a4d8 (amd64-darwin) go1.5.1
The heroku update command should update you to the latest version. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling it from scratch: https://toolbelt.heroku.com/
You also need to make sure you aren't using the gem version of the toolbelt, which has been deprecated for several years. Uninstall it with the gem uninstall heroku command.


Changing Heroku version from gem to toolbelt

I have downloaded the Heroku toolbelt a few times but whenever I run
heroku version
I am getting
I have tried to uninstall the heroku gem but I can't seem to use the heroku toolbelt. What's the correct process to use the toolbelt?
it's likely coming from a Gemfile that is including the heroku gem. Remove it from there.
Alternatively you could include the toolbelt higher in the PATH environment variable than your ruby gems.
I was having the same problem, this what I did:
Install the heroku-toolbelt from the webpage.
go to /usr/local/heroku/bin and run ./heroku version this will throw the version of the current bin, problably this is the version you want to use.
run which heroku this will throw you a path, if the path is diferent that /usr/local/heroku/bin then just: rm -rf path
restart your console/terminal run heroku version
if dosn't work probably you need to add /usr/local/heroku/ to your $PATH.
restart and thats all
I was using oh-my-zshell with the heroku plugin which gave me the error and this is how i solve it, hope work for you.
I restart and suddenly I had the same error again :/ and I fixed by:
gem uninstall heroku and rbenv rehash

Switch from heroku gem to heroku-api topolbelt

Heroku is so good at making things simple...but this...not so much. How do you switch from the heroku gem to the new tool belt? Here are the steps I have taken:
$ heroku version: heroku-gem/2.32.5 (x86_64-darwin11.4.1) ruby/1.9.3 autoupdate
removed 'gem "heroku"' from gem file
added 'gem "heroku-api"' to gemfile
deleted gemfile.lock
$ bundle install
installed toolbelt via the package installer
$ heroku login ... returns "Authentication successful"
$ heroku version: STILL RETURNS heroku-gem/2.32.5 (x86_64-darwin11.4.1) ruby/1.9.3 autoupdate
Two questions:
#1 Why is my version still using the heroku-gem after taking the steps above?
#2 Where do I put "heroku = Heroku::API.new(:api_key => API_KEY)" for use with the heroku-api gem?
Deleting the gemfile.lock file didn't cut it. I had to run gem uninstall heroku (which I had 9 version of)... After that, heroku version showed to tool belt.

Heroku update says I don't have the toolbelt

I have a Rails project that is using heroku_san for deployment. I wanted to give heroku's new toolbelt a shot, so I installed it on my system, which is a Mac Os X, and ran heroku upgrade and I am getting this message:
heroku update is only available from Heroku Toolbelt.
Download and install from https://toolbelt.heroku.com
I already have it installed, though.
The following steps worked for me:
download and install toolbelt: https://toolbelt.heroku.com/
in terminal, "gem uninstall heroku", and then choose "all versions" if you have multiple.
you mentioned you have a gem that depends on the heroku gem, so I'm not sure what to tell you besides to try to eliminate that dependency.

Some heroku commands couldn't find my application

I can find my apps in heroku apps command, and also do some command to read information from app like heroku addons --app appname.
But I couldn't find my apps in some command like heroku addons:add addon_name, heroku pg:reset.
Work commands
heroku apps:
=== My Apps
(Also I can see my apps in heroku web dashboard.)
heroku addons --app my_app_1(not in my_app_1 folder):
=== my_app_1 Configured Add-ons
heroku addons(in my_app_1 folder):
=== my_app_1 Configured Add-ons
Doesn't work commands
heroku addons:add sendgrid(in my_app_1 folder):
! No app specified.
! Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app
heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm my_app_1(in my_app_1 folder):
! Resource not found
Here is my environment.
Max OS X Lion (10.7.4)
rvm 1.13.8 (stable)
ruby 1.9.3p194
heroku 2.26.5
Adding the heroku's remote configuration to git did the trick for me. Validate if you have it configured with git remote -v on the terminal and you should get something like:
heroku git#heroku.com:your-app.git (fetch)
heroku git#heroku.com:your-app.git (push)
if you don't, add it with
git remote add heroku git#heroku.com:your-app.git
It looks like the latest version fo the Heroku gem (2.26.5) is broken. A workaround is to downgrade to 2.26.3.
gem uninstall heroku -v 2.26.5
gem install heroku -v 2.26.3
It looks like you have a conflict between the Heroku gem, and the Heroku Toolbelt. I'm guessing you have installed the Heroku Toolbelt, but still have the Heroku gem in your gem file.
Remove the Heroku gem from your Gemfile and save.
Run the bundle command to update your Gemfile.lock
In Terminal, run gem uninstall heroku (NOTE: there may be multiple versions of the Heroku gem installed, and you'll need to uninstall all of them.)
In Terminal, run heroku addons
If you get heroku: command not found then you don't have the Heroku Toolbelt installed.
Install the Heroku Toolbelt and run the command again.
NOTE: If you're not in the app's directory, you'll need to add --app myapp1 to the Heroku commands.
Hope this helps.

Heroku: This feature is not supported by your client version. error from heroku logs

What causes this?
It occurred when I try to run heroku logs
You need to update the heroku gem (gem update heroku).
If gem update heroku does not work for you, try heroku update.
