Mac OS X "El Capitan": cannot read user set Bash environment variables - macos

I have a shell script that exports a couple of environment variables that are needed for building a software project (Android Keystore Location).
Usually when I call the script the environment variables are exported, and the IDE can access them, so does the export command on the Bash Terminal.
Since I installed Mac OS X El Capitan, the environment variable set by the Bash command
export FOO="bar"
are not returned when I try to access them by
echo $FOO
on the shell. Instead I only get a empty line returned.
If I use printenv from within the shell script $F00 is displayed.
When I call printenv from the Cash terminal $FOO is missing.
I read that the OS X "El Capitan" updates fixes some security issues concerning bash. Could that be the cause ?

You cannot modify or export variables in the shell with a shebang script (a script whose first line begins with #! and the pathname of an executable), if that's what you're doing, because that creates a separate process to execute the script and any variables it exports are only visible to its child processes.
You can only arrange for a script to modify variables in the current shell by executing the script within the current process with . (or source) for example.
For example, the ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bash_logout scripts are executed directly by the shell, so they can set or export variables to be inherited by commands and sub-shells run from the shell.

I am having a similar issue. It seems that environment variables are not being propagated to child processes from bash. I solved it by explicitly adding the variables I need to the child.
export MYVAR=foo
MYVAR=$MYVAR ./executable_to_launch
I would be interested to see if someone has found a better solution.


Accessing environment variables in bash script

I have a bash script where I am trying to use values of some environment variables. Those variables are defined - I see the keys and values if I run printenv.
Also, these variables are defined and exported like
export FOO="bar"
in both ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc.
I am trying to execute the script via ./script-name which fails to get the environment variables. If I run sudo -E ./script-name, that somehow gets the script the variables it needs.
Confused as to why these variables aren't available to the script even when they are exported in above files.
The only thing I can think of, is that for some reason, the shell process which you are calling to run the script, does not have full read access to your current environment.
ls -al /usr/bin/bash
ls -al /bin/sh
Assuming neither of them are symlinks, make sure that your current user has read and execute priveleges. A safer (in security terms) option, would be for you to install bash in ~/opt, and use #!~/opt/bin/bash as your shebang line.

Set global Environment variable on Mac OS Mojave

I've searched for an answer and read about different ways to do that in Mac but some of them are not relevant for Mojave or just didn't work for me.
I need to set Environment variable in terminal (bash), run script that creates processes, and I would like those processes to know the value of those environment variables.
How can I do that?
btw - writing export ENV_NAME=ENV_VAL in .bashrc or in .bash_profile didn't work.
Works for me. Have you RTFM? For example, ~/.bashrc is only read by interactive shells, not shell scripts. And ~/.bash_profile is only read by login shells. Again, shell scripts don't usually use the -l flag that would make them login shells. Also, if you put an export VAR=value statement in your ~/.bashrc it won't affect your current interactive shell. You need to start a new shell; e.g., by typing exec bash. Once you do that you should find the env var is defined. And it will be inherited by any process, including a shell script, you launch from that interactive session.
Note that if you run your script via crontab, for example, then you'll need a different means of setting the env var. For example, by using the --init-file flag or the BASH_ENV env var.

bash not finding function when new bash shell open

I am on MacOS. I recently upgraded to Mojave. I'm running the Homebrew version of GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0).
When I open a new bash shell by issuing the bash command, I get the following error every time I issue a new command:
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
The error is getting generated from the following line in my .bashrc file that customizes my command line with the git :
export PS1="\[\033[32m\]iMac5K# \[\033[33;1m\]\w:\[\033[m\]\[\033[33m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] "
(Note: my .bashrc file is sourced by my .bash_profile file.)
The parse_git_brach is in my .bashrc file so I'm not sure why I am getting this error. Even after I manually source .bashrc, I still get the error.
Issuing which bash yields:
When you just run bash without -l or -i, it doesn't execute .bash_profile or .bashrc itself, but only honors variables it received through the environment.
When you export a variable, you're exposing it to child processes... through the environment.
So, your child shell receives the PS1 definition, but it doesn't receive the function that PS1 requires!
You have some options here:
Export the function alongside the PS1 definition that uses it. That is, export -f parse_git_branch. This has an important caveat in that only shells which read exported functions (which is to say, in practice, bash) will get any benefit from this fix.
Stop exporting the PS1. That is, just take the export off the line PS1='...'.
Set BASH_ENV=$HOME/.bashrc and ENV=$HOME/.bashrc, which will instruct even noninteractive shells to run .bashrc (of course, this can change the way scripts execute, and is thus at a risk for causing bugs in other software; moreover, the latter means your .bashrc needs to be written to be safe for non-bash shells).

Export environment variables using script

I need to set some environment variables in Ubuntu. I do the following and it works:
export PATH="/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/bin:/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/tcl8.5.10/unix:/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/tk8.5.10/unix:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/otcl-1.14:/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/lib"
export TCL_LIBRARY="/home/vagrant/ns-allinone-2.35/tcl8.5.10/library"
But I move the same thing in a script and execute it, the environment variables are not getting set.
Where am I going wrong? How to accomplish this?
If you just run the script, the environment variables get destroyed when the script finishes.
Use . That way the commands get executed in the current shell (environment).
When you run a command in the shell, the shell creates a subprocess (child process). All the environment variables which were defined or changed down in the subprocess will be lost to the parent process.
However if you source a script, you force the script to run in the current process. That means environment variables in the script you ran will not be lost.
One thing that may help is if you will want those variables set for all of your sessions you can place the same commands in your .bashrc file by running the following command and pasting the lines in the file.
vim ~/.bashrc
and the run
source ~/.bashrc
in any terminals you currently are running. If you start any new terminals they will automatically have your directories added to your path.

Shell script problem to set my env

We have few executable which need some environment setting.
We manually running those scripts before running the executable
$ . setenv.ksh
We have to encompass call these in one script to avoid the manual work.
We written a sh script like
. setenv.ksh
./abc &
Still the environments are not setting in that session. I think the “. setenv.ksh” runs with fork and it’s not setting the environment.
Please me to solve this problem. Which command we use to run the setenv.ksh so, this will work fine.
I notice the environment script is called setenv.ksh but you try to run it from /bin/sh. Maybe your system has a shell other than ksh as /bin/sh and it misparses something it setenv.ksh. Try changing the shebang line to #!/bin/ksh (or whatever the path to ksh is on your system).
In setenv.ksh, you need to export all environment variables you set so that any sub-shell will inherit the values:
export MYENV=myValue
