I am attempting to create a Websockets- based application using the Grizzly Websockets bundles. I am doing this in Apache Felix using Bndtools.
Unfortunately, I seem to have all the needed dependencies, but the Grizzly bundles are failing to load due to the following failure:
org.glassfish.grizzly.websockets-server-2.3.23Unable to resolve
org.glassfish.grizzly.websockets-server [23](R 23.0): missing
requirement [org.glassfish.grizzly.websockets-server [23](R 23.0)]
osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=sun.misc) Unresolved
requirements: [[org.glassfish.grizzly.websockets-server [23](R 23.0)]
osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=sun.misc)]
I have researched this failure, originally looking for a bundle, only to discover that apparently this is some kind of JVM library that is really not needed. I have seen workarounds and solutions that involve adding a line to a conf/config.properties file:
I understand that this is a dangerous workaround, and there are rumors of "safer" solutions to this problem. They all involve making changes to tags or to the config.properties file.
Unfortunately, in a Bndtools environment, there are apparently no such tags or files for me to edit!
Or, at least, I cannot find these things in my Bndtools project.
Is there some way to fix this "sun.misc" problem within a Bndtools- based project? I am using Bndtools repository and am wondering which of the various "bnd" files I need to edit, as well as what to put into those files.
Someone please advise...
You need to add -runsystempackages: sun.misc to the bnd/bndrun file.
The best tool for that is https://github.com/diffplug/osgiX
You just will change PKG=sun.misc(or another package) in gradle.properties and run gradlew build.
It will generate bundle-fragment, which you will can add to your class path.
The bundle then contains:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Export-Package: sun.misc
Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:=framework
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-License: public domain - http://unlicense.org/
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.diffplug.osgi.extension.sun.misc
Bundle-Version: 0.0.0
Currently I have a situation, where I develop a project, then run mvn install and it get's put into my local Maven repository as a simple JAR file
Then, I have a crafted by some other guys "environment" which includes a whole lot of bundles and stuff, and is ultimately run via mvn pax:run and it takes like 5 minutes to run
I would like to be able to just run felix:update <bundle-name> but I cannot fill the gap between a Maven JAR artifact in local Maven repo, and a ready-for-provisioning bundle that I could put somewhere to just run felix:update or whatever, maybe uninstall/install
When I try to run mvn pax:create-bundle with my project, it throws a Containing project does not have packaging type 'pom' exception
Any help is highly appreciated
UPDATE: I've noticed that problems with re-installed bundle begin in it's activator, with a ClassNotFoundException (although the class mentioned is and always present in the bundle, so it must an issue with classpath, ClassLoader setup or whatever)
at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation BundleWiringImpl.java:1574 at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400 BundleWiringImpl.java:79 at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass BundleWiringImpl.java:2018 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ClassLoader.java:357 at some.external.adapters.package.guice.SomeModule.configure SomeModule.java:46 at com.google.inject.AbstractModule.configure AbstractModule.java:59
If you have a path to a file which is the newly built bundle, you can update it from the Gogo shell as follows:
felix:update <bundleid> file:/path/to/file
Where <bundleid> is the numeric ID of the bundle that you want to update. The refresh command is needed in case any bundles depend on or import packages from the bundle you are updating; this command will cause the Framework to attempt to re-resolve them using the new dependency.
I am happy to accept #neil-bartlett's answer, though I have to add some more context:
1) one of the biggest issues I had initially is that a JAR-file in local Maven repo IS NOT THE SAME as an OSGi bundle. In order to create bundle, I had to run mvn bundle:bundle AFTER mvn install. And the bundle got created in target/ folder.
2) afterwards, in a GoGo shell, I could indeed run felix:update <bundle-id> file:C:/Users/blablabla/bundle-SNAPSHOT-2.0.jar, and for some reasons, these days it just works. The exceptions, mentioned in updates to original post, are indeed occurring, but they do not prevent proper installation of an updated bundle.
I'm trying to use the servlet-api version 3 in an Adobe CQ5 installation, without much success.
there is already a bundle that exports the javax.servlet package (version 2.5), so I deployed a bundle with version 3.1.0. this bundle starts ok.
The problem is starting the bundle that uses the api v3. I am getting an OSGi exception that I cannot fully understand:
POST /system/console/bundles/250 HTTP/1.1] cqse-httpservice %bundles.pluginTitle: Cannot start (org.osgi.framework.BundleException:
Constraint violation for package 'javax.servlet' when resolving module 250.9 between existing import 266.0.javax.servlet
BLAMED ON [[250.9] package; (&(package=javax.servlet)(version>=3.0.0)(!(version>=4.0.0)))]
and uses constraint 22.1.javax.servlet
BLAMED ON [[250.9] package; (package=com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms), [210.0] package;
(&(package=org.apache.sling.api.resource)(version>=2.0.0)), [93.0]
package; (&(package=javax.servlet)(version>=2.4.0))])
bundle 266 exports javax.servlet v=3.10 (I installed this one)
bundle 22 exports javax.servlet v=2.5 (provided by CQ5)
bundle 250 (mine) imports javax.servlet,version=[3.0,4) from 266. It also imports packages from 210 and 93.
bundle 210 imports javax.servelt v=2.5 from 22 (but the import in manifest does not have a version. maybe this is the problem?)
bundle 93 has javax.servlet; version="2.4" in the Import-package. but it resolved to javax.servlet,version=2.5.0 from (22) somehow.
The problem seems to be around the dependencies of bundle 250, but Im not sure what is the problem. AFAIK two versions of a package can coexist in an OSGi container. bundles 210 and 93 are running without issues.
This is most likely due to the fact that the used http-service only supports servlet 2.5 that's why this is the pre-installed servlet version. Since you installed a servlet 3.0 api your bundle does resolve but as it tries to export a service which is picked up by the http-service you run into this issue. The root cause is the http-service implementation that is used. I don't know if this would work but you might try to replace the http service version by using Pax-Web 2 or 3 instead. Pax-Web does support Servlet API since version 2.
After reading the article left in the comments, I noticed that dependencies of my bundle expose classes of the servlet api 2.5. This is causing the constraint and prevents my bundle. If I understand correctly the classpath from bundle 210 is expanded up to my bundle.
So, the only option will be to remove the dependency of my bundle with the other bundles, which I am afraid I cannot do. I will have to deal without the V3 api
How can I create a simple bundle with an Activator in bndtools?
It keeps saying that:
The JAR is empty: The instructions for the JAR named com.myproj did not cause any content to be included, this is likely wrong bnd.bnd /com.myproj Unknown Bndtools Problem Marker
Unused Private-Package instructions, no such package(s) on the class path: [com.myproj] bnd.bnd /com.myproj Unknown Bndtools Problem Marker
The way I create this project in Eclipse is:
Create new "Bndtools OSGi project"
Right click, configure - Convert to Maven project
Create Activator.java in package com.myproj.
Add com.myproj to private packages
Set activator to com.Activator
Here is my bnd file:
Bundle-Activator: com.myproj.Activator
Private-Package: com.myproj
My generated jar is empty. Any tips?
P.S.: Here is my eclipse project (exported as a zip-archive) in case it sheds any light on things: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9162958/scraper.zip
My guess is that "Convert to Maven project" is the trouble. This likely has changed the Eclipse classpath for the project from the bnd default bin folder to 'target/classes'. Can you confirm that it works without converting to maven?
bnd can work with other places for the bin folder, you must set the ${bin} property (preferably in cnf/build.bnd). There are some writeups how to use bndtools with maven. The reason that bnd does not follow Eclipse's settings here is that they are not available without Eclipse and a design goal of bnd is that it builds anywhere: the bnd file must therefore be the final arbiter of information.
Anyway one more tip ... activators are not the right way to build OSGi builds since they are an evil singleton. Declarative services is far superior and we should actually have used a similar mechanism when we designed OSGi.
My setup:
Eclipse Luna 4.4.0 (20140612-0600)
Bndtools 2.3.0.REL-20140510-023245
Here is how I made it work:
I downloaded you exported scraper.zip.
Created and empty workspace in Eclipse.
Imported your project from the ZIP archive into the empty workspace.
The default cnf project was automatically created.
By default, bnd is configured to use the bin directory for compiled *.class files while your Eclipse project is configured to use target/classes. Therefore, I had to change this settings in cnf/build.bnd by adding a single line:
bin: target/classes
Now, after cleaning and rebuilding the project, bnd creates generated/scraper.jar that contains your Activator.class.
You could also adapt your project configuration to use the bin directory instead of target/classes but I assume that you will use Maven later on.
When using bndtools, it sometimes helps when you start with an empty workspace and import your projects one-by-one.
There is a bug in bndtools 2.4 which causes some problems if there are multiple source directories per project. Therefore, I'm still using version 2.3
Is it possible? Or do I have to try to install it?
I'll assume you're talking about OSGi Release 4, since in OSGi Release 3 and earlier any valid JAR file was also a valid OSGi bundle.
Simply read the JAR's manifest using the standard Java APIs in the java.util.jar package. The minimum headers required to be a valid R4 bundle are:
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: ...
As BJ points out, the "id" of the bundle is assigned when it is installed, but what many people take to be the "id" is actually the Bundle Symbolic Name.
You can check for the Bundle-Name, or a host of Bunde-XXX properties within the *meta-inf/manifest.m*f jar file.
The bundle id is assigned by the framework when the bundle is installed. Thus only an installed bundle has a bundle id.
My goal is to create an Excel 2007 document (XLSX) in an Eclipse RCP Environment (Excel 2003 is simple). I don't want to place the POI jars inside a /lib folder, instead I want to use a working POI OSGI bundle from my target definition.
All my attempts so far have failed to create a working OSGI bundle of POI 3.8. What I did so far:
I merged all relevant JAR files with the Ant zip task:
I ran the bnd tool with the wrap parameter: java -jar biz.aQute.bnd.jar wrap ./poi-3.8-beta3-20110606-merged.jar
I had to bundle the jars in the /ooxml-lib folder separately, with bnd:
This leads to ClassNotFoundExceptions for org.w3c.dom.Node because xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar exports four classes from this package org.w3c.dom. Normally the JavaSE-RuntimeEnvironment would export these.
I deleted the org/w3c/dom folder from xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar and rebundled the jar but I got other ClassNotFoundExceptions.
This is where I got so far. I think working with bnd wrap is not enough. Probably I must create a bnd.properties file and have explicit Export-Package/Import-Package statements but which work?
So, has anyone successfully managed to create a working POI 3.8 OSGI bundle?
If you don't need that specific version, simply use http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/bundle/version/detail?name=com.springsource.org.apache.poi&version=3.0.2.FINAL that page lists it's dependencies etc (which you can also download or reference if you're using Maven/Ivy)
May be http://engroup.sourceforge.net/maven2/engroup/osgi/commons/poi-osgi/3.1/ or http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/search?query=poi can provide some inspiration (in the first link there's a maven POM that lists the (bnd) instructions in the bundle plugin section).
Why are you merging the jars? Why not try wrapping each individually?
A second thing to try is to use existing OSGi'd jars of xmlbeans, stax-api and dom4j
Also you can configure what the JRE (system bundle) exports using "org.osgi.framework.system.packages" - so you can choose not to export org.w3c.dom
I was able to do after some serious head banging. You can see the POM file over here:
I had to repackage XMLBeans 2.3.0 and embed in the bundle.
I don't know about 3.8, but creating working OSGi bundle for 3.7 is quite easy with Bnd.
-classpath: poi-3.7-20101029.jar,
Bundle-Name: Apache POI
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.poi
Bundle-Version: 3.7.0
Bundle-ClassPath: .
Private-Package: *
Export-Package: org.apache.poi.*;-split-package:=merge-first
Import-Package: !org.openxmlformats.schemas*, \
!schemasMicrosoftComOfficePowerpoint*, \
!schemasMicrosoftComOfficeWord*, \
junit*;resolution:=optional, \
org.apache.commons.logging;resolution:=optional, \
Include-Resource: #poi-3.7-20101029.jar, \
#poi-ooxml-3.7-20101029.jar, \
#poi-ooxml-schemas-3.7-20101029.jar, \
If you are interested in a working example of the approach with BND, you can have a look at this project, providing a pom and a bnd file (inspired by Jarek's answer):
Running "mvn install" gives you an "OSGi-flavored" POI jar, which can be found as well here:
You might have to play a bit with the bnd file to make it create the exact OSGi bundle you need (maybe you don't need all the dependencies, or you want to mark them as optional).
You will find all the documentation needed on the bnd homepage. I recommend starting with this page if you haven't used this great tool before.