Mendeley's standard IEEE CSL file creates improper bibliography - ieee

I have been using Mendeley's Microsoft Word plugin to easily reference papers in my Mendeley Desktop library.
However, I've noticed that the IEEE format for the bibliography/citation is incorrect with regards to referencing conference proceedings and theses.
On the IEEE citation guide:
It shows that the city of the conference should be included in the citation of a conference paper. However, Mendeley's IEEE CSL file does not include this detail.
<macro name="event">
<if type="paper-conference speech" match="any">
<!-- Published Conference Paper -->
<if variable="container-title">
<group delimiter=", ">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="in"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="event-place"/>
Should be changed to:
<macro name="event">
<if type="paper-conference speech" match="any">
<!-- Published Conference Paper -->
<if variable="container-title">
<group delimiter=", ">
<group delimiter=" ">
<text term="in"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
Since event-place is not a keyword that maps to the "city" field in Mendeley; the correct variable is "publisher-place".

Two options, use this formatted one that I just made, or follow the steps I did to make this change in the CSL Visual Editor.
Just use the corrected file
While in Mendeley Desktop, go to View menu, "Citation Style ->" and click "More Styles..."
Click on the tab "Get More Styles", and enter the following link into the "Download Style:" text box, then click Download
Make your own corrections
While in Mendeley Desktop, go to View menu, "Citation Style ->" and click "More Styles..."
Right Click on IEEE and choose "Copy Style Link"
Open up a web browser, and paste the link and hit enter, it should download a file called "ieee.csl"
Open up a web browser that isn't Chrome, as this doesn't work in Chrome, and go to the page
Login using your Mendeley credentials
Click on the "Visual editor" tab at the top if it's not already selected.
Hover over "Style" and choose "Load Style..."
Browse and select the "ieee.csl" file that was downloaded earlier.
Under "STYLE INFO" and "Info", rename the Title to something new.
Navigate to the following
--->Else-of paper-conference OR...
----->event (macro)
------->If paper-conference OR speech
--------->If container-title
----------->event-place (variable)
Click on event-place (variable) and in the editable section to the right, change the variable from "event-place" to "publisher-place"
Then go back to the Style menu and choose "Save Style As..."
Save this style, and it should automatically add it to your Mendeley Desktop

Mendeley does not show the thesis citations correctly in IEEE format. It should be like this:
[1] J. K. Author, “Title of thesis,” M.S. thesis, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year.
[2] J. K. Author, “Title of dissertation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State,
However, the thesis type and department name are not showing!!


Why doesn't the <asp:Label> component display Hint for Style property in VS 2019?

The bounty expires tomorrow. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty.
HelloCW is looking for an answer from a reputable source.
When I enter a space key in the <asp:Label ..... ></asp:Label> code , the VS 2019 will popup a window to display all properties for the <asp:Label> component , so I can select a property to custmize it, you can see Image A.
The Code A is correct, I customize the Style property, but I find all properties listed the popup window (Image A ) doesn't display the Style property, why?
Code A
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Info" Style="margin-top:10px;" ></asp:Label>
Image A

How can I find (and rehabilitate, if necessary) the Code Snippet I created?

I created a code snippet (the first of many, hopefully) using mainly this article as guidance.
It seemed to work. Here are the steps I took:
First, I created this file with the code snippet (HtmlTableRowWithTwoCells.snippet):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets xmlns="">
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
<!-- The Title of the snippet, this will be shown in the snippets manager. -->
<Title>Create a 2-Cell HTML Table Row</Title>
<!-- The description of the snippet. -->
<Description>Creates a 2-Cell Row to be added to an HtmlTable</Description>
<!-- The author of the snippet. -->
<Author>Warble P. McGorkle for Platypi R Us (Duckbills Unlimited)</Author>
<!-- The set of characters that must be keyed in to insert the snippet. -->
<!-- The set of snippet types we're dealing with - either Expansion or -->
<!-- Now we have the snippet itself. -->
<ToolTip>Enter the Row instance name</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Enter the name for Cell 1</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Enter the name for Cell 2</ToolTip>
<!-- Sepecify the code language and the actual snippet content. -->
<Code Language="CSharp" Kind="any">
var $RowName$ = new HtmlTableRow();
var $Cell1Name$ = new HtmlTableCell();
var $Cell2Name$ = new HtmlTableCell();
Then, I created this "manifest" file (.vscontent):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<VSContent xmlns="" >
<DisplayName>Inserts a 2-Cell HTML Table Row</DisplayName>
<Description>Inserts a 2-Cell Row to be added to an HtmlTable</Description>
<FileContentType>Code Snippet</FileContentType>
<Attribute name="lang" value="csharp"/>
I zipped those two files together, renamed the extension from .zip to .vsi, 2-clicked it, and installed it into the "My Code Snippets" folder here with these steps:
And it indicates the snippet was installed in a reasonable location:
Yet, when I attempt to add a Code Snippet in VS, the only categories I see are these (no "My Code Snippets"):
When I select Tools > Code Snippets Manager..., I can navigate to Visual C# > My Code Snippets, but it is empty.
When I use the Code Snippets Manager's "Import" button and navigate to the location of the snippet and attempt to add the snippet file, I get, "The snippet files chosen were not valid."
Why does it tell me it installed successfully, when it apparently didn't (or where is it hiding)? What flaming hoop did I neglect to catapult myself through?
Is the "weird" name of the "manifest" file possibly the problem? ".vscontent" seems odd to me, but that's what the article referenced above says to name it. Perhaps that was just on oversight, and it should really be [snippetName].vscontent?
Apparently, naming the "manifest" file *.vscontent" is not the problem. Maybe it's a problem, but it's not the problem, because I named it the same as the .snippets file (except for the extension), went through the installation process again, and got the same exact results: seeming success, actual demoralization.
BTW, by default, when choosing a category into which to place the snippet, the Code Snipeets Manager puts a checkbox in "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2005 > My Code Snippets". I had previously unticked that and ticked the topmost "My Code Snippets"; this time I retained the default selection, PLUS my preferred location/category PLUS "Visual C#"
But alas and anon, the only category of those that seems to dispaly via Ctrl+K, X in VS is C#, and the expected shortcut ("row2") does not appear in the snippet dropdown.
Here's an easier way (and, as a bonus, it works):
Download the Snippets Designer:
Write the code directly in Visual Studio:
var RowName = new HtmlTableRow();
var Cell1Name = new HtmlTableCell();
var Cell2Name = new HtmlTableCell();
Right-click and select "Export as Snippet"
This puts the code in the Snippet Designer. Here's what it looks like after setting a few properties, and electing which parts of the code would be replaceable:
This is quite easy - sure beats the "olde-fashioned" way I was trying (which would have been okay, had it worked).
All I had to do was right-click the elements of code I wanted to replace on adding a new snippet, set the snippet's shortcut and description properties in Solution Explorer, save it, and voila!
Now mashing Ctrl+K, X in VS shows the snippet in "My Code Snippets" along with its description and shortcut:
Selecting it adds the snippet with the replacement strings highlighted:

Add image to Welcome.aml with Sandcastle

First of, I've searched far and wide about this issue, and it should be working.
I want to add a picture to my Welcome.aml with Sandcastle.
Inside the Welcome.aml:
<title>Short process description</title>
A short description
<image xlink:href="ShortProcess"/>
I've added the image to my media folder and uses the Image ID in xlink:href.
But nothing appears.
Log files mention it here:
Copying images and creating the media map file...
C:\blaablaaa\blaaaa\Doc\Doc\Media\ShortProcess.jpg -> C:\blaablaaa\blaaaa\Doc\Doc\Help\Working\Media\ShortProcess.jpg
Generating conceptual topic files
Anyone got an idea?
I did some documentations for my own projects and tumbled acros a very important fact
[cite]... Also, make sure the href ID on the image element matches the
ImageId property on the image file in the project explorer window. If
you use the Entity References window to list the images in the
project, you can drag and drop them from there into the documents and
they will be added with the proper element name and ID[/cite]
citation taken from Sandcastle discussion forum
Usage in my latest demo project
For further details you may have a look at mediaLink description at sandcastle itself.
Apperantly medialinkInLine didn't work for me. Even though it worked for a co-worker.
<title>Short process for BladeSet</title>
A rough description of the BladeSet application.
<image xlink:href="Short process for BladeSet"/>

Firefox Addon Using preferences as RightClick Submenu

I´m currently developing an Add-On for Firefox and I have two preferences where as in the first, the user can enter IDs comma seperated. (I.e.: 29, 39, 110).
In the second preference goes the associated name for the ID. i.e. Name for ID 29, Name for ID 39, Name for 110.
In my ff-overlay.xul I have:
<menupopup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
<menu id="addto" label="Add Video to ">
<menuitem label="NAME" oncommand="insert(ID)" />
I want a menuitem for every ID there is,
display the name and pass the ID as a parameter to my function.
Is this possible to do? Thank you in advance
You can make the menu on runtime see this snippet here:
Some explanation on how I made that script, and some simplifications are seen in the topic here: can I add a context menu to a widget?

How can I creating an autocomplete textbox with the "Search" magnifying Glass

If I create a textbox in a Firefox with a type of "autocomplete" I am able to get autocomplete working properly. However, the textbox is a intended to be used as search textbox (with autocomplete). Thus, in addition to autocomplete I also want the standard UI used when the textbox has a type of "search." In particular, Firefox shows a magnifying glass that turns into an "X" when the user types into it.
Is there a clean (or, failing that, not so clean) way of accomplishing this?
Firefox Searchbar ,the one on right top usually, has type="autocomplete" and has the searchbutton
First: browser.xul of firefox has a toolbaritem which searchbar nested in it.
<toolbaritem id="search-container" title="&searchItem.title;"
align="center" class="chromeclass-toolbar-additional"
flex="100" persist="width" removable="true">
<searchbar id="searchbar" flex="1"/>
searchbar has the following css property in browser.css.
searchbar {
-moz-binding: url("chrome://browser/content/search/search.xml#searchbar");
That url in css property brings us to search.xml which has the textbox and the searchbutton is added to textbox in a hbox as far as i can understand.
<xul:textbox class="searchbar-textbox"
<xul:button class="searchbar-engine-button"
<xul:image class="searchbar-engine-image" xbl:inherits="src"/>
<xul:image class="searchbar-dropmarker-image"/>
<xul:menupopup class="searchbar-popup"
<xul:menuitem class="open-engine-manager"
<xul:hbox class="search-go-container">
<xul:image class="search-go-button"
tooltiptext="&searchEndCap.label;" />
Well this is not an total answer, but gives a head start for you or others who may contribute I guess. For further detail you can dig omni.jar in mozilla firefox directory.
