What is app.aps file in Visual C++? - visual-studio

I just discovered a misterious file in my (new) Visual Studio 2012 C++/CLI project: app.aps.
I can find no reference on the internet about it. What is it meant for? Can I safely delete it? It seems so. Should I ignore or include in my commits to source version control?

It's a generated file for designer efficiency, you can ignore it in source control:
File created by Microsoft Visual C++, a software development application; stores the binary representation of a resource included with the project; enables the application to load resources more quickly.

APS files are the binary versions of resource files. As resource editor does not directly read the .rc and resource.h files, the resource compiler turns them into the APS file.
Reference - Files Affected by Resource Editing


Is it safe to delete .dsp and .dsw files?

I've been given a Visual Studio project which has come with the following files:
After reading the Project and Solution Files Microsoft Docs it says for Projname.vcxproj:
The project file. It stores information specific to each project. (In earlier versions, this file was named Projname.vcproj or Projname.dsp.) For an example of a C++ project file (.vcxproj), see Project Files.
And this Microsoft Docs page says:
For convenience, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 provides a project file for each sample. This file has the DSP extension. An Allsamp.dsw workspace file is also provided in the main directory so that you can compile all the samples at once from within Visual Studio.
Does that mean that if I have the .vcxproj file, I can safely delete the .dsp and .dsw files?
Assume I do not care to ever recompile using Visual Studio 6.0 in the future.
.sln is equivalent to .dsw in VC6.0
.vcxproj is equivalent to .dsp in VC6.0
As far as I'm concerned ,if you have the .vcxproj file , you can safely delete the .dsp and .dsw files?

Trouble with opening a .res file

I recently obtained some files with the extension of .res
The problem I am facing right now is that I am unable to open it using different kinds of Resource Editors.
Here are the list of programs I have tried:
Visual Studio 2017
Delphi Decompiler
XN Resource Editor
And here is an example of the content of the file when opened in Notepad++: http://i.imgur.com/fcmEfED.jpg
What could be the cause of me being unable to open this file? Am I missing anything?
.res files are to .rc files like .obj. or .lib files to .cpp files - they are the compiled version of the resource definition files.
Don't expect that file to be editable by the likes of Notepad, treat it as any other compiled binary file. Especially since it really is a compiled binary file.
Having said that - when you "import" that file for use in your app you need to explicitly specify it in the list of "import libraries" (unlike a .lib file which the linker could infer from the list of dependencies). At least that is the case with MSVC++ 2015 (haven't tried it on 2017 yet)

How can a XAML file be compiled into multiple projects in Visual Studio?

I have 2 copies of a solution, each of which is compiled against a different version of the same 3rd party API and a different .NET framework version.
Solution A - compiled against v2012 of a 3rd party API and .NET 4.0
Solution B - compiled against v2011 of a 3rd party API and .NET 3.5
Solution A contains all the source files and Solution B links to these files (using "Add as Link" in Visual Studio).
Conditional compilation is used to include code that is specific to one solution or the other.
My solution contains some XAML (WPF Windows, User Controls & Resource Dictionaries). Solution B links to these XAML files and compiles ok, but when I run it I get a Set property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source' threw an exception exception.
I've Reflectored over both versions of the assembly and there are differences in the resource names.
For example, one project contains a Windows/MyWindow.xaml file and the compiled assembly from Solution A contains a windows/mywindow.baml resource, while in the assembly from Solution B the name of the resource is just mywindow.baml.
Is there a way to compile the same XAML file into multiple projects?
if you are on Windows7/Vista/2008 (not XP), maybe try using Windows link not a Visual Studio Link.
So with a Windows link, it is the same file on disk, but appear as separate files in each project directory. (Yes, changing the file in either location changes it in both locations because the file is really in one location with a pointer in two locations)

Getting Visual Studio to build pseudo-language (qps-ploc) satellite assemblies

I've generated pseudo-localized versions of an app's resource files (for example Order Summary and Payment is localized as [[[[[Òŕd̂ër̊ S̀úm̂m̈år̀ý ân̈d̊ P̀áŷm̈e̊ǹt́]]]]]) so that we can test for localizability bugs ahead of getting actual translations.
I have named them using the qps-ploc resource identifier to match the existing pseudo-locale identifier, e.g. my pseudo-localized version of Details.resx is named Details.qps-ploc.resx.
However when I add these resx files to the project, Visual Studio ignores them. If I rename them using a "real" language code (such as Details.fr-FR.resx) then Visual Studio does create a subfolder named with this language code and builds the satellite assembly.
So it looks to me like Visual Studio rejects qps-ploc (without even a build warning). Am I missing something or can anyone suggest a way to get these qps-ploc resources built as part of my Visual Studio project?
The qps- locales work fine in my ASP.NET web application with .resx files (not compiled resource dll), however, I did find this MS article on enabling pseudo locales in the registry. Perhaps it will help.
Using Pseudo-Locales for Localization Testing
Additionally, you may wish to create custom locales, as given in this MS article:
How to: Create Custom Cultures
Best regards.

Including an external library in Visual Studio 2010 project

I'm new to visual studio and can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere.
I'm working on a project in VC++ with VS2010. I have another project that builds into a .lib file set up as a reference, but can't figure out how to actually include the headers. Google has proved useless. Please help!
Generally this is done by adding the directory where the include files live to the project's "Additional Include Directories" property (in the "C/C++ | General" property page).
Note that the location can be a relative path if the different projects will always be at the same file system level relative to one another, or they can use VS macros or environment variables.
