I'm getting this error when playing an m3u8 file on the Chromecast
Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'addSourceBuffer' on 'MediaSource': The type provided ('video/mp2t; codecs="avc1.77.40,mp4a.40.34"') is unsupported.
I know in the past I was given a line to replace avc1.66.* with .30 codecs when processing the manifest, should I do the same for this?
I'm trying to upload shape file for geoserver and I'm getting this error when I upload the same feature type 10 times in to different datastores.
I'm getting this warning,
WARN [rest.catalog] - Feature type surface_zone_line-line already exists in namespace MyWorkSpace, attempting to rename
And In the next line this error is showing,
ERROR java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource named 'surface_zone_line-line9' already exists in namespace: 'MyWorkSpace'
That renaming worked well up to 9 feature types but It didn't work for 10th.
Please help!
GeoServer Version 2.14.1
I am using FFMPEG for converting mp4 to m3u8 format on an Ubuntu local machine. But I am facing an error Encoding Failed.
My controller code is:
The error is:
Config file is
How can I solve this? Thanks
Calling tensorflow_datasets.load('cycle_gan/apple2orange') works fine
but tensorflow_datasets.load('cycle_gan/vangogh2photo') gives me an error.
I've tried this on my desktop and laptop and both gave the same error message.
Here's the code I ran and the error message I got:
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
dataset = tfds.load('cycle_gan/vangogh2photo',
data_dir='data', batch_size=1, download=True, in_memory=False)
InvalidArgumentError: Failed to create a NewWriteableFile: data\downloads\extracted\ZIP.peop.eecs.berk.edu_taes_park_Cycl_data_vanNiw0c-cL4JRL2gjUnWYOr9woVN9V1peDW4GG0decqv8.zip.incomplete_bf327518b23f41ee9a3a469cc0b541ba\vangogh2photo\testB\2014-12-10 12:08:40.jpg : The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
; Unknown error
then it says
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ExtractError: Error while extracting data\downloads\peop.eecs.berk.edu_taes_park_Cycl_data_vanNiw0c-cL4JRL2gjUnWYOr9woVN9V1peDW4GG0decqv8.zip to data\downloads\extracted\ZIP.peop.eecs.berk.edu_taes_park_Cycl_data_vanNiw0c-cL4JRL2gjUnWYOr9woVN9V1peDW4GG0decqv8.zip : Failed to create a NewWriteableFile: data\downloads\extracted\ZIP.peop.eecs.berk.edu_taes_park_Cycl_data_vanNiw0c-cL4JRL2gjUnWYOr9woVN9V1peDW4GG0decqv8.zip.incomplete_bf327518b23f41ee9a3a469cc0b541ba\vangogh2photo\testB\2014-12-10 12:08:40.jpg : The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
; Unknown error
How do I fix this?
Which OS are you using?
There is an issue with some datasets on Windows when composing the URLs to fetch the files or the URLs where to save them locally.
For the Oxford Pets III dataset, the link below provides the fix:
Perhaps something similar may apply here?
Video documentation on the Appcelerator website explains that if I'm running into errors during the titanium-connection-test that we should ask for support.
Currently I am getting two errors:
Testing logging in against api.appcelerator.net using cURL
Failed: Unexpected end of input
Testing logging in against dashboard.appcelerator.com using cURL
Failed: Unexpected end of input
All other tests passed green. Any idea how I can fix these issues?
Video Source: http://videos.appcelerator.com/video/XmWEDgSP/Installing-Appcelerator-Studio/bSvBEOmi/Get-Started
I am running whck performance tests on our camera, the test that currently fails is:
Webcam Performance System Test - WNCameraRequirements
the test iterates thourgh the camera media types and records a etl file as expected, its stops and closes the camera but then the test fails due to the parsing of the etl file, the logs:
Start Operation: parseEtl average 250 endGuid
{B8197C10-845F-40ca-82AB-9341E98CFC2B} endId 215 max 275 name Time to
switch Preview MediaTypes scenario DiffEventSeries skip 1 startGuid
{B8197C10-845F-40ca-82AB-9341E98CFC2B} startId 243
Parsing Etl: previewIterateMediaTypes_7-20_10-22-58.etl
Warning: CoCreateInstance(CLSID_EtwFilter, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IEtwFilter,
(void**)spEtwFilter.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()) failed with
* File: testsrc\multimediatest\common\helpers\capture\videocaptureperf\videocaptureperf.cpp
Ln: 260
Warning: DiffEventSeries( etlFileName, pszStartEventGuid,
startId, pszEndEventGuid, endId, &min, &max, &ave, skip,
m_spLog.Get()) failed with REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (0x80040154)
* File: testsrc\multimediatest\common\helpers\capture\captureengine\captureengineautomation.cpp
Ln: 2109
Error: parseEtl Failed with error REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG
I tried searcing for a missing dll for ETW but I found nothing related. seems like theres a bug in the whck test while trying to parse the generated etl file... is this Error seems familier to anyone??
I used the wrong whql tests platform version (needed x64), and I needed to regsvr32 etwpatterns.dll. that being said, this test is filtered out by microsoft (whql filters) so we eventually ignored it.