How do I get Joomla module title in custom fields? - joomla

I am creating a custom field in Joomla. I have this code:
class JFormFieldEmbed extends JFormField {
protected $type = 'Embed';
public function getInput() {
return $out;
I see in the output $form->data that contains the title but is a protected object.
How do I get Joomla module title in custom fields?
By now my solution with JavaScript:
class JFormFieldEmbed extends JFormField {
protected $type = 'Embed';
public function getInput() {
$script1=htmlentities('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::root().'modules/mod_mydodule/js/script.js" data-title="');
<div id="embedmymodule"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#embedmymodule").html('$script1'+encodeURIComponent( $('[name=\"jform[title]\"]').val() )+'$script2');

This code will output the module title:

Found the answer in the source files of Joomla:
echo $this->form->getValue('title');


mount() function doesn't accept parameters in Livewire?

namespace App\Http\Livewire\Components;
use Livewire\Component;
class PropertyCard extends Component
public $title;
public function mount($title)
$this->title = $title;
public function render()
return view('');
This is Livewire controller
< title="Test 1" />
This livewire component.
Error is
Unable to resolve dependency [Parameter #0 [ $title ]] in class App\Http\Livewire\Components\PropertyCard (View: D:\Projects\Laravel\\resources\views\livewire\new-launch-page.blade.php)
It seems you have missed a double colon (:) before title.
< :title="Test 1"/>
Read more on parameters here.
Public properties dont need to be set in mount. Livewire will automatically detect them. The following snippet does exactly the same as your code:
class PropertyCard extends Component
public $title;
public function render()
return view('');
But that's besides the error you're experiencing. Qirel is correct, there's some component where you aren't setting the title property.

Livewire, modal is not shown, why?
< wire:click="edit">Edit</>
<x-modal.dialog wire:model="edit">
<x-slot name="title">Edit transaction</x-slot>
<x-slot name="content">Hola</x-slot>
<x-slot name="footer">
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class Muestramodal extends Component
public $showEditModal = false;
public function edit()
$this->showEditModal = true;
public function render()
return view('livewire.muestramodal');
Why is not shown modal , with click event button???
Several hours trying to solve this problem.....
Please , can anyone help me? Thanks
need to update your muestramodal.php and extends LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
class Muestramodal extends ModalComponent
public $showEditModal = false;
public function edit()
$this->showEditModal = true;
public function render()
return view('livewire.muestramodal');

URL change issue after form post in Codeigniter

how can i manage url in address bar after posting a form or after loading a page after submission.
Is it possible to manage with routing ?
public function index(){
public function login_process(){
....... code......
$this->load->view('dashboard'); // Url is not changing but view is loaded
Hope this will help you :
Use redirect() method from url helper , make sure you load it in controller or in autoload.php
public function login_process()
....... code......
if($login === TRUE)
/*$this->load->view('dashboard'); */
For more :
You should create another method called dashboard and you should redirect to it like following
class Example_Controller extends CI_Controller {
public function index(){
public function dashboard(){
public function login_process(){
// Your Code
redirect('Example_Controller/' . (($login==true) ? 'dashboard' : 'index'));
replace Example_Controller with your controller name.
and add following lines in routes.php
$route['login'] = 'Example_Controller/index';
$route['dashboard'] = 'Example_Controller/dashboard';

Add template to widgets un magento

I am integrate custom template to widget but its doesn't show the template data. below is my code
<productslider_bestseller type="productslider/bestseller" translate="product slider option" module="productslider">
<name>Best Seller Product</name>
<description type="desc">Enable the Best Seller Product Widget</description>
<best-seller translate="label">
<label>Best Seller</label>
class Sample_Productslider_Block_Bestseller extends Mage_Core_Block_Abstract implements Mage_Widget_Block_Interface
protected function _construct()
protected function _toHtml()
$pageTitle = '';
$headBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head');
if ($headBlock) {
$pageTitle = $headBlock->getTitle();
$html = "test";
$this->assign('best-seller', $html);
return parent::_toHtml();
echo $html;
It show blank page in front when i include widget in cms page.
Any one can help me to find out the issue in my code.
To me your issue consists in extending Mage_Core_Block_Abstract in which _toHtml method return a void string.
Just set your template in your constructor and extends Mage_Core_Block_Template instead of Mage_Core_Block_Abstract
You can assign a template to a block via the constructor (example taken from core file : /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Layer/State.php:43)
public function __construct()
So you would have to do something like this in your __contruct
But what you seems to have trouble with is passing data to this template ?
Then, make is as you would in any other template :
In your block :
public function getSomeExtraHtml(){
return 'test';
In the template :
<?php echo $this->getSomeExtraHtml() ?>
You'll have to set the template in your Block Class
protected function _toHtml()
return parent::_toHtml();
Create a folder under
app/design/frontend/your_theme/default/my_module and add your html file

How do I add a tab to the Sale Order Admin Page?

I want to add a custom tab to the order page in the admin of magento. Is there a way to do this with a simple override?
Assuming you know how to do a module, here are the steps you need to perform:
layout update: in your admin's xml layout file you want to "listening" to the admin's order view rendering handle and add your tab:
<reference name="sales_order_tabs">
<action method="addTab"><name>the_name_of_your_tab</name><block>the_block_alias_of_your_module/path_to_your_tab_file</block></action>
the tab file: I generally try to respect Magento's folder structure, so this file would be in app/code/local-or-community/YourNamespace/YourModule/Block/Adminhtml/Order/View/Tab/File.php and will have at least:
class YourNamespace_YourModule_Block_Adminhtml_Order_View_Tab_File
extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
implements Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Tab_Interface
protected $_chat = null;
protected function _construct()
public function getTabLabel() {
return $this->__('Tab label');
public function getTabTitle() {
return $this->__('Tab title');
public function canShowTab() {
return true;
public function isHidden() {
return false;
public function getOrder(){
return Mage::registry('current_order');
The .phtml file, which has to respect the path you specified in the block's __construct(), and should hace something like:
<div class="entry-edit">
<div class="entry-edit-head">
<h4><?php echo $this->__('a title'); ?></h4>
<div class="fieldset fieldset-wide">
the content you want to show
Hope That Helps
