The new force property on UITouch is great, but I would like to get some values I can put it in relation to. For example the value the OS uses to start a peek and the value it uses for a pop. Of course I could make my own ones up, but the ones iOS uses internally depend on accessiblity settings as well and therefore differ from device to device. Has anyone got any ideas on how to solve this?
I've been developing on iOS for some time, but am very new to Cocoa development, and something seemingly very simple is stumping me.
I have an NSTableView, hooked up to a subclass of NSWindowController as both datasource and delegate. I have an array of "File" objects (my model class) and want to populate one column of my tableview with file types, and another with timestamps.
The dataSource methods are definitely being called, as verified by setting breakpoints. In fact, I end up with an appropriate number of rows that are selectable...but none of them display anything. I even tried returning an arbitrary string literal in objectValueForTableColumn, for all rows and columns, and still nothing.
I think I'm probably stuck on how tableViews work in iOS, but obviously they are very different here...I am used to configuring and returning a cell myself, but here we just pass AnyObject??? How exactly does the tableView know how to display AnyObject? I'm really struggling with the conceptual understanding here. Appreciate any help.
I added ARC to an app I'm working on. Unfortunately, it crashes. I found that the automatic script which updates all apps to ARC gave __unsafe_unretained qualifier to all id< protocolName> type.
Why isn't it a weak type? I have deployed the app and all its sub-projects to iOS 5, and therefore I do have weak qualifiers.
My main problem is if I declare those delegates as strong, I'll have a retain-cycle. If I do not, the next time I call them they will be zombies. I checked and before my app crash, the delegate is NSZombie.
What is the cause of this crash and how can it be prevented?
The qualifiers __unsafe_unretained and week have quite a few things in common. They both won't increase the retain count for example. If for example a view controller holds an __unsafe_unretained IBOutlet to a UIView and you remove that very UIView from the view hierarchy, then you (given that you don't retain the view anywhere else) will decrease the retain count and most likely dealloc the UIView. The pointer however will still point to that location and is left dangling. Not nice but also not problematic if you know what happened. Weak properties help you avoiding dangling pointers by nullifying the property when the object gets to a retain count of 0.
Now, if your app crashes or the properties show up as zombies, then they are being released - by whichever class though.
One statement that is not entirely correct is that if you retain the property instead, you'll create a retain cycle. There is the possibility of creating retain cycles though but it really depends on your implementation, not just the property declaration. When you retain an object, you take ownership and until you're done with that object, prevent it from being deallocated by increasing its retain count. If your delegate gets released already while you hold a weak pointer, you won't prevent it from being released. I am assuming you deal with modal view controllers here - UIPopoverController to be precise (just a guess).
You should use instruments and look at the lifecycle of your object and see who retains/releases it. It could be helpful to know. Otherwise, you could paste some code and maybe there will be a nice person here to help you find the issue.
Took some time but i solved it:
I deployed the .xcodeproj projects to iOS 5, but the targets were left in iOS 4.3 deployment. When i fixed it (it's in the 'build settings' for each target) - i could change all '__unsafe_unretained' to '__weak', and all 'unsafe_unretained' to 'weak'.
To avoid retain cycle those delegates should be weak, and they won't be zombies anymore (because they are weak and not unsafe_unretained), and the app won't crash anymore.
If i was still using iOS4.3-, and there isn't unsafe_unretained qualifer, i should only assign nil to those delegates after i don't need them anymore.
I need to create/use a NSTableView programmatically. From the documentation, it seems that I would implement the NSTableViewDataSource protocol. But the function tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: suggest (because of the row index) that I would have to manually take care of the sorting. Is that right? Also, as this is called on every redisplay, that might be slow because I am using Python and it would mean a Python call for every row/column.
I wonder wether it make sense to use Cocoa binding and wether that would be more simple. In any case, I would have to do that programmatically and I am a bit stumbled about how to that. From other examples, I guess I would create a NSArrayController and bind it all together somehow.
Also, I want to have it working on older MacOSX, so I guess I have to use the cell-based NSTableView, whatever that means.
The data source will be static and is not editable, i.e. I can just provide a NSArray with the data.
There are three ways to use NSTableViews: 1) delegate methods; 2) NSArrayController; or 3) Bindings. My best advice to you is to learn all three of these in Xcode on a Cocoa ObjC project first before attempting to do this in python. Note: I'd also recommend that you first learn how to do these via nibs and then figure out how to do it programmatically (again in Xcode on a Cococa ObjC project before attempting it in python).
If you understand how Interface Builder (view in Xcode 4, app pre-Xcode4) bindings work then for the following code "Bind To" corresponds to myController, "Controller Key" would be "selection", and the Model Key Path would be "fullPath".
[myView bind: #"valuePath"
toObject: myController
withKeyPath: #"selection.fullPath"
options: nil];
You just need to sort your array once, then when the delegate method is called access the appropriate index in the array.
You really should have a good read of the Table View Programming Guide.
I'd really appreciate an answer to this, but can't afford a bounty (!).
Here we have a very simple GUI: the user just enters a source word and a target word in two text boxes, then presses a button. Then a lot of whirring takes place, and half a second later an answer is shown. The user goes on doing this until bored, then closes the app. Naturally, when the app restarts, the focus should be on the source, and I am hoping there is a neater way of achieving this than the one described. The commenter below has confirmed my feeling that the problem was an artefact of Lion persistence, which is a real nuisance in simple cases like this.
I set an NSTextField as First Responder (using the window's makeFirstResponder) in the awakeFromNib method of a simple 'controller' class, in a simple Cocoa application in Xcode 4.3, running under Lion.
The makeFirstResponder works fine the first time the app is loaded after reboot, but on every rerun the focus is set to the last field accessed. (I had tried connecting the window's initialFirstResponder outlet to the desired NSTextField, but got the same problem).
I fixed it finally by calling an initialisation function from the NSApplication delegate, and putting the makeFirstResponder call there.
The fix is a bit messy - I added a global variable to the controller, and initialised it to self in awakeFromNib.
I add the information that the Cocoa part of the app is simple, but the bulk of it is a mass of STL stuff in .cpp files, ported from Windows.
Deselect the "Restorable" check box in the attributes inspector for your window in IB. Of course, you then won't have the other behaviors you get with a restorable window like remembering its position and size.
I am trying to get something like in this screenshot
in cocoa, I mean a custom list control. Do you know how this kind of things can be done?
Thanks in advance for your help,
NSTableView now supports view-based rows with variable heights:
- (NSTableViewRowSizeStyle)rowSizeStyle
Return Value
The row style style. See NSTableViewRowSizeStyle for the supported options.
The row size style can be modified on a row by row basis by invoking the delegate method tableView:heightOfRow:, if implemented.
The rowSizeStyle defaults to NSTableViewRowSizeStyleCustom. NSTableViewRowSizeStyleCustom indicates to use the rowHeight of the table, instead of the pre-determined system values.
Generally, rowSizeStyle should always be NSTableViewRowSizeStyleCustom except for "source lists". To implement variable row heights, set the value to NSTableViewRowSizeStyleCustom and implement tableView:heightOfRow: in the delegate.
Available in OS X v10.7 and later.
Original Answer:
An approach, that's more modern than view hacking NSTableView would be either one of these:
SDListView - Clone of NSCollectionView, but with
variable-height items and only using a
single column.
PXListView - An optimized list view control for Mac
OS X 10.5 and greater. It was created
after I wrote this post on the
PXListView is licensed under the New
BSD license.
PXListView uses similar optimizations
as UITableView for the iPhone, by
enqueuing and dequeuing NSViews which
are used to display rows, in order to
keep a low memory footprint when there
are a large number of rows in the
list, yet still allowing each row to
be represented by an NSView, which is
easier than dealing with cells.
The architecture of the control is
based on the list view controls which
are present in both Tweetie (Mac) and
Echofon (Mac).
The project is still very much a work
in progress, and as such no
documentation exists at current.
[Edit: it case it wasn't obvious: the class descriptions seen above are quotations of course ;) Where "I" in the latter one actually refers to "Alex Rozanski", not me.]
This is a simple NSTableView with a redrawn table cell which consists of NSImageView and a fiew customized NSTextFields.