Bundles can't contain multiple app packages for the same processor architecture Windows 10 - visual-studio-2013

I am upgrading (porting) an existing app from 8.1 to Windows 10. When I try to build a package I get this error:
The package with file name "MyWindows10App_1.1.0.0_x64.appx" and package full name "26637BetsySoft.Myversion81App_1.1.0.0_x86__grkkn6rpr1pew"
is not valid in the bundle because the bundle also contains
the package with file name "MyWindows10App_1.1.0.0_x86.appx" and package full name "26637BetsySoft.Myversion81App_1.1.0.0_x86__grkkn6rpr1pew"
which applies to the same processor architecture.
Bundles can't contain multiple app packages for the same processor architecture, or an architecture-neutral app package with any architecture-specific app package.
My Windows 8.1 app was uploaded as an appxBundle and for that reason VS says it will create a bundle by default. Does anybody have any suggestions? I have tried changing the 'platform target' and configuration for the build (several different configurations). I can't get past the error.
additional messages:
Bundle creation failed. C:\WS_VS2015\WalkScore_W10\WalkScore_W10\MakeAppx
Error 0x80080204 - The specified package format is not valid: The package manifest is not valid.


ESP32 with VisualGDB and Component Management

In my application I need to include a dependency to a component from the espressif repository
When I build the project, the toolsuite detects the dependency but cannot update the component because it says that the component manager has not been enabled.
CMake Warning at C:/SysGCC/esp32/esp-idf/v4.4.1/tools/cmake/build.cmake:482 (message):
“idf_component.yml” file was found for components:
However, the component manager is not enabled.
What is the procedure to enable the Component Manager?
I use Visual Studio 2019 16.11.17 / VisualGDB-5.6R6-4622 / Toolchain 8.4.0/8.1.0/r9 / ESP-IDF v4.4.1
I have already found the solution.
On the website idf-component-manager it says:
Starting ESP-IDF v4.4 the idf-component-manager package is installed by default and no extra action is necessary.
Since I use v4.4.1 I don’t need to run the pip command.
To enable the component manager in the project configuration phase, you must add the following variable in the CMakeLists.txt of the project root:
In this way, in the configuration phase, when the idf_component.yml file is found in the main component, the dependency is executed and the referenced component is downloaded:
Solving dependencies requirements
Updating lock file at C:/Users/user/Documents/Tmp/espressif/mb_slave\dependencies.lock
Processing 2 dependencies:
[1/2] espressif/esp-modbus (1.0.4)
[2/2] idf (4.4.1)
— DEBUG: Use esp-modbus component folder: C:/Users/user/Documents/Tmp/espressif/mb_slave/managed_components/espressif__esp-modbus.
This is very important because the freemodbus component has been moved to a separate esp-modbus repository from v5.0.

jpackage MacOS launcher works on sw mfg. iMac, but can't find main() on installed computer

This is an educational Java/Swing app (JDK 16.0.2) which I'm trying to manufacture for MacOS distribution.
I'm using jpackage (jdk-16) to build the installer/launcher. Learning the Terminal/Xcode command line interface has been....interesting.
When I test the installer on the sw mfg. host intel-iMac, it launches correctly, including showing the app's splashscreen and icon set.
But, when I run the same installer on a different intel-iMac then launch, the launcher can't find the main class: (bug replicated on a MacBook Pro)
Excerpt from launcher TerminalExec session:
Error: Could not find or load main class workspace2D.DataflowGeometry2D
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: workspace2D.DataflowGeometry2D
What could cause the launcher to fail to find main() except on the mfg. host iMac?
The installed .cfg file has:
which is the correct reference satisfying the launcher in the first test case.
I finally figured this out. The "jpackage" documentation is weak as far as the necessary preconditions in your file structure for your Java project. All the examples they show are "toy" projects ("HelloWorld")
thus avoiding how a typical app-project as structured.
My mistake was creating my MacOS_Manufacturing folder (a target location for the .jar and for the installer .dmg) OUTSIDE the Project folder.
The --input parameter to jpackage names a folder on the sw mfg. computer whose entire contents will be copied onto the installed computer --> MyApp.app/Contents/app folder. I was naming the Project/bin folder as the "--input", which was copying all the .class files and datafiles -- but NOT the .jar. What threw me off is that my DataflowGeometry2D.class files was sitting right there on the installed computer, and yet the launcher couldn't find it???
The launcher is looking for main-class INSIDE the jar, not as a standalone .class file.
I moved the target location for the .jar on the sw mfg. computer to be inside the Project/bin folder. That guarantees it is copied onto the installed computer during the install.

dotnet add package with source giving an unauthorize error 401 and 404 Not found

we are updating the nuget packages in dotnet application with dotnet add package "package name" from a private feed in Azure Devops.
Recently we updated to .net 5.0.1( I am not sure if its related to the issue.)
But now while running the above command gives error in local machine as well as in azure piplelines.
I have tried the --interactive option and refreshed the PAT for packages etc as well.
command dotnet add "csprojFile" package "mypackageName"
Determining projects to restore...
Writing C:\Users\SirajUrRahman\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD8BD.tmp
info : Adding PackageReference for package 'my package' into project '.\my csproj'.
info : GET https://api.nuget.org/v3/registration5-gz-semver2/mypackageName/index.json
info : NotFound https://api.nuget.org/v3/registration5-gz-semver2/mypackageName/index.json 889ms
error: Unable to load the service index for source https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/myorganization/_packaging/Feed/nuget/v3/index.json.
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
Usage: NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll package add [options]
-h|--help Show help information
--force-english-output Forces the application to run using an invariant, English-based culture.
--package Id of the package to be added.
--version Version of the package to be added.
-d|--dg-file Path to the dependency graph file to be used to restore preview and compatibility check.
-p|--project Path to the project file.
-f|--framework Frameworks for which the package reference should be added.
-n|--no-restore Do not perform restore preview and compatibility check. The added package reference will be unconditional.
-s|--source Specifies NuGet package sources to use during the restore.
--package-directory Directory to restore packages in.
--interactive Allow the command to block and require manual action for operations like authentication.
--prerelease Allows prerelease packages to be installed.
Thanks for any help.
Feel free to ask anything if needed.
This issue was related to .net 5 and there is already a bug created for that on github here is the link for that. https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/10305.

Facing issue while installing packages into library in shinyapp.io

After deployed the R application successfully, getting error message while displaying the dashboard in webpage(An error has occurred. The application failed to start.) by stating that
"Installing packages into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages(new.packages) :
'lib = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"' is not writable
Error in value[[3L]](cond) : unable to install packages
Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted"
So, Without removing all installing packages from the R code, Can you please suggest, is there any way to take support of necessary packages, in free version of shinyapps.io?
Are you trying to have your app install packages in shinyapps.io? I'm pretty sure you can't do that. Any app deployed to shinyapps.io is dependent on making sure the packages required to run the app are available in shinyapps.io. That is part of what the rsconnect package does when you begin to deploy your app. If your app deploys successfully, then the package dependencies should be available in shinyapps.io.
Try removing any "install.packages" code and deploy again.

Native libraries not running on the device

I've put armeabi,armeabi-v7a folders into libs folder and not in maven repository. But I am getting following error while using libgdx:
The library 'gdx-backend-jogl-natives.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device.
The following libraries were found:
Any help will be appreciated.
gdx-backend-jogl-natives.jar file contains the basic information about how to create the window in desktop environment. So when you provide android environment it will conflict with android native library so it throws an error. so you have to remove the native library from the project then check it will execute successfully.
