Any tools to cross check whether all the magento enterprise code has been removed from the community edition after the downgrade - magento

I have downgraded one site from magento enterprise to community edition based on the below blogs/forums, after that we have made few changes to the site work perfectly in the community edition. And the site working fine now and it's live with community version.
And we have applied for the Certification of Compliance to the magento team to close the enterprise agreement, however we got the reply from the magento team there are still few elements related to enterprise code still in the site and needs to be clean up to close the agreement.
We have cross checked the site very closely but we are unable to find a code/option related to enterprise code, even we have requested to the enterprise team to provide the documents/reports which show the enterprise code still in the site but it seems like they will receive the status as true/false, that's it. They don't have any other details.
And let us know, is there any proper tool or suggestions to cross check and find the enterprise code with the site.
Thanks in advance for your support.

You could overwrite all files by the community edition and after that search for the phrase "Magento Enterprise Edition" that is in all Magento Enterprise files description comment.


magento upgrade not listing latest available upgrade in connect manager

I want to upgrade my magento version.
I am using Magento Enterprise editon 1.12
When I goto connect manager and use "Check for upgrade". No upgrade is listed. But Magento 1.14 is latest version and it is not listed.
Any reason on why didn't the available is not listed?
For community edition we can upgrade manually by downloading the latest files and inserting our custom modules in that.
But in Enterprise Edition is there any way to do like that? Because Enterprise Edition is not open source
The same question is posted in this link . Since I am not getting any response, posting the same here
Magento Enterprise is the PAID version. You will need to login to the Magento Account to be able to download the latest version.
In case, of Magento Community, it is free hence it can be upgraded via Magento Connect Manager.
Use the following steps:
Go to
In the top horizontal navigation bar, click My
Account. Log in with your Magento user name and password.
In the left navigation bar, click Downloads.
In the right pane, click Magento Enterprise Edition > Release for the software or Sample Data for the optional sample data.
Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the Magento EE download.
Transfer the installation archive to your development system.
Find the information here:
Hope this helps.

Sitecore 8 Installation Guide

I am trying to install Sitecore 8. I got an error saying "SQL Server Version Not supported - SQLServer (10.50.1600.1)" I tried to find installation document to know database requirements. I could not find anywhere, may be i am looking in wrong place.
Could some one point me out in right direction.
Found it finally,
For someone like me searching the whole internet here is the link
Sitecore 8 installation Guide
Checkout How To Install and Configure Sitecore for the complete guide on installing latest version of sitecore.
Sitecore 8.1 has a specific requirement for the operating system, IIS web server, .Net framework and the database server. Follow the detail sitecore guide for installing the sitecore properly.
IIS Requirements for Sitecore 8.1
IIS 8.5
IIS 8.0
IIS 7.5
IIS 7.0
.NET Framework and Database Requirements for Sitecore
To install Sitecore 8.1 you would need minimum version of .net framework 4.5 and above. Sitecore requires miminum MS Sql server 2008 R2 SP1 or above editions like SQL server 2012, SQL server 2014 and MongoDB Database 2.6x
The site appears to be in beta, so the accepted answer is no longer working.
It appears that the best recommendation, as of now, is to view the general Sitecore 8 downloads page, find the version you want documentation for, and then scroll down that version's page to find the documentation.
Given how hard it is to find the Sitecore 8 page (I had to search their new beta community forums), I much prefer the old SDN site.

DotNetNuke - Best Way to Move From Professional to Community Edition

What is the best process of moving a 200+ MB DotNetNuke site from Professional to Community edition? I am asking the Stackoverflow community since DotNetNuke's standard line is "there is no supported option to switch from PE to CE", or to contact their customer support. However DNN support told a fellow team member tell us that it was not possible to go from Professional to Community, so that was a waste of time.
Based on research there are a couple possibilities for doing this:
Create a new Community Install and then module by module going through and moving it piecemeal. Here -
Make backups of the Professional and then install the Community Edition over it, and then go through the web.config and verify that each piece is correct. Here -
Which one has the most success of converting DotNetNuke Professional Edition to Community Edition? Also, if you know of a better method please share. Thank you for your time.
Looking back at this question the only real way to convert a complicated site is to basically rebuild it which I did successfully. And if you are trying to switch from an older version of Professional to a newer version of Community even more so. I would also like to note that going to Community was the correct decision since none of the extra functionality we even used, and their support was never helpful anyway.
I don't think there's a built-in downgrade feature from Professional to Community Edition. As it was noted here in this question, DNN professional and DNN Community Edition share the same codebase. In other words, DNN Pro is DNN CE with some extra built-in extensions such as document manager, impersonate user, different caching, etc. That means 99.9% of modules and skins will run fine in either edition.
Option 1: Seems tedious but would surely work.
Option 2: I would make a backup copy of the site on a development machine and try to do it there before attempting it on the production server. Please post the results for this if you try it.
Good luck.
Option 1 would work, but I'm not sure about Option 2.
I've heard that this is not supported by DNN, but if you open a support ticket, they can walk you through the process.
This is what I found in their support forum:
If you have troubles with this, I've found DNN on Social Media (G+ and their forums) are more responsive. Sometimes a little prodding is needed.
Late to the party on this one - another option might be to do a portal/site export and then import it into a CE version. It has its own problems with modules that do not support this but if you are HTML content heavy then you can do it.

How to install DNN Upgrade Package 07.00.05 - I have DotNetNuke Community Edition 06.00.00 (2982) hosted on iHostASP.Net

I am more of a DNN end user and not a DNN developer.
When I bought my DNN hosting package from iHostASP.Net about 2 years ago, version 6.0 was the current version for the community edition and set it up for me. I did not make much use of the website until now and I am planning to relaunch my website.
I see that 7.00.05 is the latest community and if I got to the DNN website from the upgrade prompt from my DNN instance, I am taken to
from where all I can do is download a zip file.
How do I have this upgrade package installed? What I have on is a website setup, so I don't have full access to the server itself. All I can access is the Helm Control panel for my website.
I have host access to my website, but can't see how I can have the zip file uploaded or installed in my DNN instance.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Does anyone know of any breaking changes in this upgrade from 6.0.0 to 7.0.05? I am not using any outside module other than what is supplied out of the box in a default DNN community edition.
Thank in advance.
Suggested upgrade path recommends upgrading first to the latest DNN 6, and then to the latest DNN 7. At the moment, this means first upgrading to 06.02.07, and then to 07.00.05.
This is just a recommendation, though. If you get upgrade errors, or the site doesn't work as expected, I would try again with the suggested upgrade path.
DNN system requirements have changed substantially between versions 6 and 7. Support for Windows 2003 servers has been dropped, but I doubt IHostASP.NET has used these for a while.
You likely have FTP access with IHostASP, if so, you can watch this video for how to perform an upgrade
You should also check out the Wiki
Be absolutely sure to back everything up first though, if you don't know how, ask your hosting provider what backup options they provide.

Bug Tracking for Windows and SVN

I'm working as part of a volunatry team creating an open source product with a permissive license. We are currently using Visual SVN Server/TortoiseSVN for source control and TeamCity for our continuous integration builds.
I would like to add a bug tracking component into the mix that will integrate into SVN. Ideally, I'd like to use FogBugz but we have no budget. So, I need an alternative. The requirements are:
Must be free or have a free version supporting at least 20 developers (we're volunteers!)
Must integrate with VisualSVN Server
Must run on Windows
I prefer Microsoft technology (ASP.Net over PHP; SQL Server over MySQL, etc) because we are a Microsoft shop, we have experience with those tools and already have them installed.
Must be able to work with a geographically distributed team
Must work with Express editions of Visual Studio (the developers don't all have the Pro version so we can't rely on Visual Studio add-ins).
I'd like The Community's recommendations, please, for products that meet all of the above requirements.
[Clarification: our license is very close (though not word-for-word) to the MIT license.]
Trac: It is not a Microsoft technology but will integrate well into SVN. There are not many free bug tracking software's that are free on Microsoft technology.
JIRA is free for open source projects and will run on Windows. Subversion integration is available and provided through a plugin.
Try Bugzilla.
Is free
I do not know if integrates with SVN... but I suppose the answer is YES.
Runs on Windows - you must set up few
components, but it actually runs
prety well on IIS, however
installation is a bit tricky.
Bugzilla is Perl and MySQL. However,
as I said I had installed succesfully
Bugzilla on Windows 2003.
Installation of MySql and Perl does
not take a lot of server resources -
we had those two on our ASP.NET +
MSSQL test server, and no performacne
drop had been observed.
Works with distributed team.
Try InDefero, you can even get the hosted way for free if your project is not that big in size.
