progress indicator for bash script without dialog or pv - bash

I've written a bash script to truncate through a server list and perform various commands. I would like to incorporate a progress indicator like a percent complete while the script is running. I found a script online to perform this but it's not working properly and I am unsure how to utilize it.
The dialog command is not an option here as I am working with nsh
while [[ $i -lt 11 ]]; do
## \r = carriage return
## \c = suppress linefeed
echo -en "\r$i%\c\b"
(( i=i+1 ))
sleep 1
exit 0
For testing purposes I am only connecting to each server and echoing the hostname.
for i in $(cat serverlist.txt)
nexec -i hostname
How can I utilize the first code snipped to show the progress while going through the list of servers in the code above?

To keep track of your progress, you'll want to store the list of servers in an array, so you know how many there are:
mapfile -t servers <serverlist.txt # servers is an array
n=${#servers[#]} # how many
for server in "${servers[#]}"; do
progress=$(( i * 100 / n ))
nexec ...
echo "you are ${progress}% complete"

write_status() {
# print initial, empty progress bar
for (( i=0; i<columns; i++ )); do printf '-'; done; printf '\r'
# every time we read a line, print a progress bar with one more item complete
while read -r; do
done=$(( done + 1 ))
pct=$(( done * columns / total ))
for ((i=0; i<pct; i++)); do
printf '+'
for ((i=pct; i<columns; i++)); do
printf '-'
printf '\r'
if (( done == total )); then break; fi
# read server names into an array; the below is bash 4.x syntax
readarray -t servers <serverlist.txt
# direct FD 4 to the a subshell running the write_status function
exec 4> >(write_status "${#servers[#]}")
for hostname in "${servers[#]}"; do
nexec -i "$hostname" # actually run the command
echo >&4 # ...and notify write_status that it completed
If you wanted to parallelize the remote commands, you can do that by replacing the for loop at the bottom with the following:
for hostname in "${servers[#]}"; do
(nexec -i "$hostname"; echo >&4) &
If your shell is a version of bash prior to 4.0, then the readarray -t servers <serverlist can be replaced with the following:
servers=( )
while IFS= read -r server; do servers+=( "$server" ); done <serverlist.txt


Simulating command history and editing inside a looping bash script

I'd like to have a bash script that implements some of the functionality of the bash command line itself: namely, command history and vi-style command editing.
The script would loop forever (until crtl/d) and read input from the user in terminal, treating each line as a command. The commands are actually a set of shell scripts that I have already written which are designed to support a photo work flow. The same edit and recall functionality should be available in this interpreted environment.
Having bash command history and command editing functions in this script would be very desirable.
Was looking for a way to mimic command history within script as well, couldn't find much on it online, so built a simple one myself. Not exacly what you asked for, but might give you, or anyone else some references.
It really just is one big function that does nothing else than handle the prompt like behaviour and return the on screen string from pressing enter. It allows for browsing of appointed history file, while saving new input, to go back to. Auto indent or moving the marker is not implemented below. I think the script require bash version 4, with the arithmetic shells, but change to an older syntax and bash 3 should work. It's not fully tested yet.
Use it as:
./ /optional/path/to/history_file
The script
# vim: ts=4:
function getInput() {
local hist_file="${1:-.script_hist}";
local result="";
local escape_char=$(printf "\u1b")
local tab=$(echo -e "\t");
local backspace=$(cat << eof
0000000 005177
local curr_hist=0;
local curr_cmd="";
function browseHistory() {
! test -s "$hist_file" && return 1;
local max_hist="$(cat "$hist_file" | wc -l || echo 0)";
curr_hist=$((curr_hist + "$1"));
(( curr_hist > max_hist )) && curr_hist=$max_hist;
if (( curr_hist <= 0 )); then
return 1;
result="$(sed -n "$((max_hist - curr_hist + 1))p" < "$hist_file")";
return 0;
while true; do
# empty IFS, read one char
IFS= read -rsn1 input
if [[ $input == $escape_char ]]; then
# read two more chars, this is for non alphanumeric input
read -rsn2 input
# check special case for backspace or tab first
# then move onto arrow keys or anything else in case
if [[ $(echo "$input" | od) = "$backspace" ]]; then
# delete last character of current on screen string
elif [ "$input" = "$tab" ]; then
# replace with function call for autofill or something
# it's unused but added in case it would be useful later on
case $input in
! browseHistory '1' && result=$curr_cmd;
! browseHistory '-1' && result=$curr_cmd;
'[D') continue ;; # left, does nothing right now
'[C') continue ;; # right, this is still left to do
# matches enter and returns on screen string
[[ "$input" == "" ]] && break;
# store current command, for going back after browsing history
(( curr_hist == 0 )) && curr_cmd="$result";
echo -en "\r\033[K";
echo -en "${result}"
test -n "$result" && echo "$result" >> "$hist_file";
return 0;
getInput $1

How to make a progress bar that stays on screen in bash? [duplicate]

When scripting in bash or any other shell in *NIX, while running a command that will take more than a few seconds, a progress bar is needed.
For example, copying a big file, opening a big tar file.
What ways do you recommend to add progress bars to shell scripts?
You can implement this by overwriting a line. Use \r to go back to the beginning of the line without writing \n to the terminal.
Write \n when you're done to advance the line.
Use echo -ne to:
not print \n and
to recognize escape sequences like \r.
Here's a demo:
echo -ne '##### (33%)\r'
sleep 1
echo -ne '############# (66%)\r'
sleep 1
echo -ne '####################### (100%)\r'
echo -ne '\n'
In a comment below, puk mentions this "fails" if you start with a long line and then want to write a short line: In this case, you'll need to overwrite the length of the long line (e.g., with spaces).
You may also be interested in how to do a spinner:
Can I do a spinner in Bash?
echo -n ' '
while true
printf "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}"
Each time the loop iterates, it displays the next character in the sp
string, wrapping around as it reaches the end. (i is the position of
the current character to display and ${#sp} is the length of the sp
The \b string is replaced by a 'backspace' character. Alternatively,
you could play with \r to go back to the beginning of the line.
If you want it to slow down, put a sleep command inside the loop
(after the printf).
A POSIX equivalent would be:
printf ' '
while true; do
printf '\b%.1s' "$sp"
If you already have a loop which does a lot of work, you can call the
following function at the beginning of each iteration to update the
spin() {
printf "\b${sp:sc++:1}"
((sc==${#sp})) && sc=0
endspin() {
printf "\r%s\n" "$#"
until work_done; do
some_work ...
Got an easy progress bar function that i wrote the other day:
# 1. Create ProgressBar function
# 1.1 Input is currentState($1) and totalState($2)
function ProgressBar {
# Process data
let _progress=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100
let _done=(${_progress}*4)/10
let _left=40-$_done
# Build progressbar string lengths
_fill=$(printf "%${_done}s")
_empty=$(printf "%${_left}s")
# 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line
# 1.2.1 Output example:
# Progress : [########################################] 100%
printf "\rProgress : [${_fill// /#}${_empty// /-}] ${_progress}%%"
# Variables
# This accounts as the "totalState" variable for the ProgressBar function
# Proof of concept
for number in $(seq ${_start} ${_end})
sleep 0.1
ProgressBar ${number} ${_end}
printf '\nFinished!\n'
Or snag it from,
Use the Linux command pv.
It doesn't know the size if it's in the middle of the pipeline, but it gives a speed and total, and from there you can figure out how long it should take and get feedback so you know it hasn't hung.
I was looking for something more sexy than the selected answer, so did my own script.
I put it on github
progress-bar() {
local duration=${1}
already_done() { for ((done=0; done<$elapsed; done++)); do printf "▇"; done }
remaining() { for ((remain=$elapsed; remain<$duration; remain++)); do printf " "; done }
percentage() { printf "| %s%%" $(( (($elapsed)*100)/($duration)*100/100 )); }
clean_line() { printf "\r"; }
for (( elapsed=1; elapsed<=$duration; elapsed++ )); do
already_done; remaining; percentage
sleep 1
progress-bar 100
Some posts have showed how to display the command's progress. In order to calculate it, you'll need to see how much you've progressed. On BSD systems some commands, such as dd(1), accept a SIGINFO signal, and will report their progress. On Linux systems some commands will respond similarly to SIGUSR1. If this facility is available, you can pipe your input through dd to monitor the number of bytes processed.
Alternatively, you can use lsof to obtain the offset of the file's read pointer, and thereby calculate the progress. I've written a command, named pmonitor, that displays the progress of processing a specified process or file. With it you can do things, such as the following.
$ pmonitor -c gzip
/home/dds/data/mysql-2015-04-01.sql.gz 58.06%
An earlier version of Linux and FreeBSD shell scripts appears on my blog ("Monitor Process Progress on Unix").
Haven't seen anything similar and all custom functions here seem to focus on rendering alone so... my very simple POSIX compliant solution below with step by step explanations because this question isn't trivial.
Rendering the progress bar is very easy. Estimating how much of it should render is a different matter. This is how to render (animate) the progress bar - you can copy&paste this example to a file and run it:
BAR='####################' # this is full bar, e.g. 20 chars
for i in {1..20}; do
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}" # print $i chars of $BAR from 0 position
sleep .1 # wait 100ms between "frames"
{1..20} - values from 1 to 20
echo - print to terminal (i.e. to stdout)
echo -n - print without new line at the end
echo -e - interpret special characters while printing
"\r" - carriage return, a special char to return to the beginning of the line
You can make it render any content at any speed so this method is very universal, e.g. often used for visualization of "hacking" in silly movies, no kidding.
Full answer (from zero to working example)
The meat of the problem is how to determine the $i value, i.e. how much of the progress bar to display. In the above example I just let it increment in for loop to illustrate the principle but a real life application would use an infinite loop and calculate the $i variable on each iteration. To make said calculation it needs the following ingredients:
how much work there is to be done
how much work has been done so far
In case of cp it needs the size of a source file and the size of the target file:
cp "$src" "$tgt" & # the & forks the `cp` process so the rest
# of the code runs without waiting (async)
src_size=$(stat -c%s "$src") # how much there is to do
while true; do
tgt_size=$(stat -c%s "$tgt") # how much has been done so far
i=$(( $tgt_size * 20 / $src_size ))
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}"
if [ $tgt_size == $src_size ]; then
echo "" # add a new line at the end
break; # break the loop
sleep .1
foo=$(bar) - run bar in a subprocess and save its stdout to $foo
stat - print file stats to stdout
stat -c - print a formatted value
%s - format for total size
In case of operations like file unpacking, calculating the source size is slightly more difficult but still as easy as getting the size of an uncompressed file:
src_size=$(gzip -l "$src" | tail -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
gzip -l - print info about zip archive
tail -n1 - work with 1 line from the bottom
tr -s ' ' - translate multiple spaces into one ("squeeze" them)
cut -d' ' -f3 - cut 3rd space-delimited field (column)
Here's the meat of the problem I mentioned before. This solution is less and less general. All calculations of the actual progress are tightly bound to the domain you're trying to visualize, is it a single file operation, a timer countdown, a rising number of files in a directory, operation on multiple files, etc., therefore, it can't be reused. The only reusable part is progress bar rendering. To reuse it you need to abstract it and save in a file (e.g. /usr/lib/, then define functions that calculate input values specific to your domain. This is how a generalized code could look like (I also made the $BAR dynamic because people were asking for it, the rest should be clear by now):
BAR=$(printf %${BAR_length}s | tr ' ' $BAR_character)
work_todo=$(get_work_todo) # how much there is to do
while true; do
work_done=$(get_work_done) # how much has been done so far
i=$(( $work_done * $BAR_length / $work_todo ))
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}"
if [ $work_done == $work_todo ]; then
echo ""
sleep .1
printf - a builtin for printing stuff in a given format
printf %50s - print nothing but pad it with 50 spaces
tr ' ' '#' - translate every space to hash sign
And this is how you'd use it:
function get_work_todo() {
echo $(stat -c%s "$src")
function get_work_done() {
[ -e "$tgt" ] && # if target file exists
echo $(stat -c%s "$tgt") || # echo its size, else
echo 0 # echo zero
cp "$src" "$tgt" & # copy in the background
source /usr/lib/ # execute the progress bar
Obviously you can wrap this in a function, rewrite to work with piped streams, grab forked process ID with $! and pass it to so it could guess how to calculate work to do and work done, whatever's your poison.
Side notes
I get asked about these two things most often:
${}: in above examples I use ${foo:A:B}. The technical term for this syntax is Parameter Expansion, a built-in shell functionality that allows to manipulate a variable (parameter), e.g. to trim a string with : but also to do other things - it does not spawn a subshell. The most prominent description of parameter expansion I can think of (that isn't fully POSIX compatible but lets the reader understand the concept well) is in the man bash page.
$(): in above examples I use foo=$(bar). It spawns a separate shell in a subprocess (a.k.a. a Subshell), runs the bar command in it and assigns its standard output to a $foo variable. It's not the same as Process Substitution and it's something entirely different than pipe (|). Most importantly, it works. Some say this should be avoided because it's slow. I argue this is "a okay" here because whatever this code is trying to visualise lasts long enough to require a progress bar. In other words, subshells are not the bottleneck. Calling a subshell also saves me the effort of explaining why return isn't what most people think it is, what is an Exit Status and why passing values from functions in shells is not what shell functions are good at in general. To find out more about all of it I, again, highly recommend the man bash page.
If your shell is actually running sh instead of bash, or really old bash, like default osx, it may choke on echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}". The exact error is Bad substitution. If this happens to you, per the comment section, you can instead use echo -ne "\r$(expr "x$name" : "x.\{0,$num_skip\}\(.\{0,$num_keep\}\)")" to do a more portable posix-compatible / less readable substring match.
A complete, working /bin/sh example:
get_work_todo() {
echo $src
do_work() {
echo "$(( $1 + 1 ))"
BAR=$(printf %${BAR_length}s | tr ' ' $BAR_character)
work_todo=$(get_work_todo) # how much there is to do
while true; do
work_done="$(do_work $work_done)"
i=$(( $work_done * $BAR_length / $work_todo ))
n=$(( $BAR_length - $i ))
printf "\r$(expr "x$BAR" : "x.\{0,$n\}\(.\{0,$i\}\)")"
if [ $work_done = $work_todo ]; then
echo "\n"
sleep .1
APT style progress bar (Does not break normal output)
EDIT: For an updated version check my github page
I was not satisfied with the responses on this question. What I was personally looking for was a fancy progress bar as is seen by APT.
I had a look at the C source code for APT and decided to write my own equivalent for bash.
This progress bar will stay nicely at the bottom of the terminal and will not interfere with any output sent to the terminal.
Please do note that the bar is currently fixed at 100 characters wide. If you want scale it to the size of the terminal, this is fairly easy to accomplish as well (The updated version on my github page handles this well).
I will post my script here.
Usage example:
source ./
echo "This is some output"
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 2"
draw_progress_bar 10
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 3"
draw_progress_bar 50
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 4"
draw_progress_bar 90
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 5"
The script (I strongly recommend the version on my github instead):
# This code was inspired by the open source C code of the APT progress bar
# Usage:
# Source this script
# setup_scroll_area
# draw_progress_bar 10
# draw_progress_bar 90
# destroy_scroll_area
function setup_scroll_area() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines-1
# Scroll down a bit to avoid visual glitch when the screen area shrinks by one row
echo -en "\n"
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Set scroll region (this will place the cursor in the top left)
echo -en "\033[0;${lines}r"
# Restore cursor but ensure its inside the scrolling area
# Start empty progress bar
draw_progress_bar 0
function destroy_scroll_area() {
lines=$(tput lines)
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Set scroll region (this will place the cursor in the top left)
echo -en "\033[0;${lines}r"
# Restore cursor but ensure its inside the scrolling area
# We are done so clear the scroll bar
# Scroll down a bit to avoid visual glitch when the screen area grows by one row
echo -en "\n\n"
function draw_progress_bar() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Move cursor position to last row
echo -en "\033[${lines};0f"
# Clear progress bar
tput el
# Draw progress bar
print_bar_text $percentage
# Restore cursor position
function clear_progress_bar() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Move cursor position to last row
echo -en "\033[${lines};0f"
# clear progress bar
tput el
# Restore cursor position
function print_bar_text() {
local percentage=$1
# Prepare progress bar
let remainder=100-$percentage
progress_bar=$(echo -ne "["; echo -en "${COLOR_FG}${COLOR_BG}"; printf_new "#" $percentage; echo -en "${RESTORE_FG}${RESTORE_BG}"; printf_new "." $remainder; echo -ne "]");
# Print progress bar
if [ $1 -gt 99 ]
echo -ne "${progress_bar}"
echo -ne "${progress_bar}"
printf_new() {
v=$(printf "%-${num}s" "$str")
echo -ne "${v// /$str}"
GNU tar has a useful option which gives a functionality of a simple progress bar.
(...) Another available checkpoint action is ‘dot’ (or ‘.’). It instructs tar to print a single dot on the standard listing stream, e.g.:
$ tar -c --checkpoint=1000 --checkpoint-action=dot /var
The same effect may be obtained by:
$ tar -c --checkpoint=.1000 /var
Hires (floating point) progress bar
Sorry for this not so short answer. In this answer I will use integer to render floating point, UTF-8 fonts for rendering progress bar more finely, and parallelise another task (sha1sum) in order to follow his progression, all of this with minimal resource footprint using pure bash and no forks.
For impatiens: Please test code (copy/paste in a new terminal window) at Now do it! (in the middle), with
either: Last animated demo (near end of this.),
either Practical sample (at end).
All demos here use read -t <float seconds> && break instead of sleep. So all loop could be nicely stopped by hitting Return key.
Yet Another Bash Progress Bar...
As there is already a lot of answer here, I want to add some hints about performances and precision.
1. Avoid forks!
Because a progress bar are intented to run while other process are working, this must be a nice process...
So avoid using forks when not needed. Sample: instead of
mysmiley=$(printf '%b' \\U1F60E)
printf -v mysmiley '%b' \\U1F60E
Explanation: When you run var=$(command), you initiate a new process to execute command and send his output to variable $var once terminated. This is very resource expensive. Please compare:
time for ((i=2500;i--;)){ mysmiley=$(printf '%b' \\U1F60E);}
time for ((i=2500;i--;)){ printf -v mysmiley '%b' \\U1F60E;}
bc -l <<<'2.292/.017'
On my host, same work of assigning $mysmiley (just 2500 time), seem ~135x slower / more expensive by using fork than by using built-in printf -v.
echo $mysmiley
So your function have to not print (or output) anything. Your function have to attribute his answer to a variable.
2. Use integer as pseudo floating point
Here is a very small and quick function to compute percents from integers, with integer and answer a pseudo floating point number:
local p=00$(($1*100000/$2))
printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3}
# percent <integer to compare> <reference integer> <variable name>
percent 33333 50000 testvar
printf '%8s%%\n' "$testvar"
3. Hires console graphic using UTF-8: ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
To render this characters using bash, you could:
printf -v chars '\\U258%X ' {15..8}
printf '%b\n' "$chars"
▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
printf %b\ \\U258{{f..a},9,8}
▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
Then we have to use 8x string width as graphic width.
Now do it!
This function is named percentBar because it render a bar from argument submited in percents (floating):
percentBar () {
local prct totlen=$((8*$2)) lastchar barstring blankstring;
printf -v prct %.2f "$1"
((prct=10#${prct/.}*totlen/10000, prct%8)) &&
printf -v lastchar '\\U258%X' $(( 16 - prct%8 )) ||
printf -v barstring '%*s' $((prct/8)) ''
printf -v barstring '%b' "${barstring// /\\U2588}$lastchar"
printf -v blankstring '%*s' $(((totlen-prct)/8)) ''
printf -v "$3" '%s%s' "$barstring" "$blankstring"
# percentBar <float percent> <int string width> <variable name>
percentBar 42.42 $COLUMNS bar1
echo "$bar1"
To show little differences:
percentBar 42.24 $COLUMNS bar2
printf "%s\n" "$bar1" "$bar2"
With colors
As rendered variable is a fixed widht string, using color is easy:
percentBar 72.1 24 bar
printf 'Show this: \e[44;33;1m%s\e[0m at %s%%\n' "$bar" 72.1
Little animation:
for i in {0..10000..33} 10000;do i=0$i
printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
percentBar $p $((COLUMNS-9)) bar
printf '\r|%s|%6.2f%%' "$bar" $p
read -srt .002 _ && break # console sleep avoiding fork
clear; for i in {0..10000..33} 10000;do i=0$i
printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
percentBar $p $((COLUMNS-7)) bar
printf '\r\e[47;30m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%' "$bar" $p
read -srt .002 _ && break
Last animated demo
Another demo showing different sizes and colored output:
printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\e[8A\e7'&&for i in {0..9999..99} 10000;do
o=1 i=0$i;printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
for l in 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 40 $((COLUMNS-7));do
percentBar $p $l bar$((o++));done
[ "$p" = "100.00" ] && read -rst .8 _;printf \\e8
printf '%s\e[48;5;23;38;5;41m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%%b' 'In 1 char width: ' \
"$bar1" $p ,\\n 'with 2 chars: ' "$bar2" $p ,\\n 'or 3 chars: ' \
"$bar3" $p ,\\n 'in 5 characters: ' "$bar4" $p ,\\n 'in 8 chars: ' \
"$bar5" $p .\\n 'There are 13 chars: ' "$bar6" $p ,\\n '20 chars: '\
"$bar7" $p ,\\n 'then 40 chars' "$bar8" $p \
', or full width:\n' '' "$bar9" $p ''
((10#$i)) || read -st .5 _; read -st .1 _ && break
Could produce something like this:
Practical GNU/Linux sample 1: kind of sleep with progress bar
Rewrite feb 2023: Turn into more usefull displaySleep function suitable to use as displayed timeout read:
This sleep show a progress bar with 50 refresh by seconds (tunnable)
percent(){ local p=00$(($1*100000/$2));printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3};}
displaySleep() {
local -i refrBySeconds=50
local -i _start=${EPOCHREALTIME/.} reqslp target crtslp crtp cols cpos dlen
local strng percent prctbar tleft
[[ $COLUMNS ]] && cols=${COLUMNS} || read -r cols < <(tput cols)
refrBySeconds=' 1000000 / refrBySeconds '
printf -v strng %.6f $1
printf '\E[6n' && IFS=\; read -sdR _ cpos
dlen=${#strng}-1 cols=' cols - dlen - cpos -1 '
printf \\e7
reqslp=10#${strng/.} target=reqslp+_start
for ((;${EPOCHREALTIME/.}<target;)){
crtslp='( target - crtp ) > refrBySeconds? refrBySeconds: target - crtp'
strng=00000$crtslp crtp+=-_start
printf -v strng %.6f ${strng::-6}.${strng: -6}
percent $crtp $reqslp percent
percentBar $percent $cols prctbar
printf '\e8\e[36;48;5;23m%s\e[0m%*.4fs' \
"$prctbar" "$dlen" ${tleft::-6}.${tleft: -6}
IFS= read -rsn1 -t $strng ${2:-_} && { echo; return;}
percentBar 100 $cols prctbar
printf '\e8\e[36;48;5;30m%s\e[0m%*.4fs\n' "$prctbar" "$dlen" 0
This will keep current cursor position to fill only the rest of line (full line if current cursor position is 1). This could be useful for displaying some kind of prompt:
Practical GNU/Linux sample 2: sha1sum with progress bar
Under linux, you could find a lot of usefull infos under /proc pseudo filesystem, so using previoulsy defined functions percentBar and percent, here is sha1progress:
percent(){ local p=00$(($1*100000/$2));printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3};}
sha1Progress() {
local -i totsize crtpos cols=$(tput cols) sha1in sha1pid
local sha1res percent prctbar
exec {sha1in}< <(exec sha1sum -b - <"$1")
read -r totsize < <(stat -Lc %s "$1")
while ! read -ru $sha1in -t .025 sha1res _; do
read -r _ crtpos < /proc/$sha1pid/fdinfo/0
percent $crtpos $totsize percent
percentBar $percent $((cols-8)) prctbar
printf '\r\e[44;38;5;25m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%' "$prctbar" $percent;
printf "\r%s %s\e[K\n" $sha1res "$1"
Of course, 25 ms timeout mean approx 40 refresh per second. This could look overkill, but work fine on my host, and anyway, this can be tunned.
exec {sha1in}< create a new file descriptor for the output of
<( ... ) forked task run in background
sha1sum -b - <"$1" ensuring input came from STDIN (fd/0)
while ! read -ru $sha1in -t .025 sha1res _ While no input read from subtask, in 25 ms...
/proc/$sha1pid/fdinfo/0 kernel variable showing information about file descriptor 0 (STDIN) of task $sha1pid
A simpler method that works on my system using the pipeview ( pv ) utility.
tar -Ocf - $srcdir | pv -i 1 -w 50 -berps `du -bs $srcdir | awk '{print $1}'` | 7za a -si $outfile
This lets you visualize that a command is still executing:
while :;do echo -n .;sleep 1;done &
trap "kill $!" EXIT #Die with parent if we die prematurely
tar zxf packages.tar.gz; # or any other command here
kill $! && trap " " EXIT #Kill the loop and unset the trap or else the pid might get reassigned and we might end up killing a completely different process
This will create an infinite while loop that executes in the background and echoes a "." every second. This will display . in the shell. Run the tar command or any a command you want. When that command finishes executing then kill the last job running in the background - which is the infinite while loop.
Here is how it might look
Uploading a file
[##################################################] 100% (137921 / 137921 bytes)
Waiting for a job to complete
[######################### ] 50% (15 / 30 seconds)
Simple function that implements it
You can just copy-paste it to your script. It does not require anything else to work.
PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH=50 # progress bar length in characters
draw_progress_bar() {
# Arguments: current value, max value, unit of measurement (optional)
local __value=$1
local __max=$2
local __unit=${3:-""} # if unit is not supplied, do not display it
# Calculate percentage
if (( $__max < 1 )); then __max=1; fi # anti zero division protection
local __percentage=$(( 100 - ($__max*100 - $__value*100) / $__max ))
# Rescale the bar according to the progress bar width
local __num_bar=$(( $__percentage * $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH / 100 ))
# Draw progress bar
printf "["
for b in $(seq 1 $__num_bar); do printf "#"; done
for s in $(seq 1 $(( $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH - $__num_bar ))); do printf " "; done
printf "] $__percentage%% ($__value / $__max $__unit)\r"
Usage example
Here, we upload a file and redraw the progress bar at each iteration. It does not matter what job is actually performed as long as we can get 2 values: max value and current value.
In the example below the max value is file_size and the current value is supplied by some function and is called uploaded_bytes.
# Uploading a file
while true; do
# Get current value of uploaded bytes
# Draw a progress bar
draw_progress_bar $uploaded_bytes $file_size "bytes"
# Check if we reached 100%
if [ $uploaded_bytes == $file_size ]; then break; fi
sleep 1 # Wait before redrawing
# Go to the newline at the end of upload
printf "\n"
I needed a progress bar for iterating over the lines in a csv file. Was able to adapt cprn's code into something useful for me:
totalLines=$(wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}') # num. lines in file
# --- iterate over lines in csv file ---
while IFS=, read -r _ col1 col2 col3; do
# update progress bar
count=$(($count + 1))
percent=$((($count * 100 / $totalLines * 100) / 100))
i=$(($percent * $barLen / 100))
echo -ne "\r[${BAR:0:$i}${FILL:$i:barLen}] $count/$totalLines ($percent%)"
# other stuff
done <$file
Looks like this:
[##----------------------------] 17128/218210 (7%)
Most unix commands will not give you the sort of direct feedback from which you can do this.
Some will give you output on stdout or stderr that you can use.
For something like tar you could use the -v switch and pipe the output to a program that updates a small animation for each line it reads. As tar writes out a list of files it's unravelled the program can update the animation. To do a percent complete you would have to know the number of files and count the lines.
cp doesn't give this sort of output as far as I know. To monitor the progress of cp you would have to monitor the source and destination files and watch the size of the destination. You could write a small c program using the stat (2) system call to get the file size. This would read the size of the source then poll the destination file and update a % complete bar based on the size of the file written to date.
I needed a progress bar that would fit in popup bubble message (notify-send) to represent TV volume level. Recently I've been writing a music player in python and the TV picture is turned off most of the time.
Sample output from terminal
Bash script
# Show a progress bar at step number $1 (from 0 to 100)
function is_int() { test "$#" -eq "$#" 2> /dev/null; }
# Parameter 1 must be integer
if ! is_int "$1" ; then
echo "Not an integer: ${1}"
exit 1
# Parameter 1 must be >= 0 and <= 100
if [ "$1" -ge 0 ] && [ "$1" -le 100 ] 2>/dev/null
echo bad volume: ${1}
exit 1
# Main function designed for quickly copying to another program
Main () {
Bar="" # Progress Bar / Volume level
Len=25 # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
Div=4 # Divisor into Volume for # of blocks
Fill="▒" # Fill up to $Len
Arr=( "▉" "▎" "▌" "▊" ) # UTF-8 left blocks: 7/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
FullBlock=$((${1} / Div)) # Number of full blocks
PartBlock=$((${1} % Div)) # Size of partial block (array index)
while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}" # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
(( FullBlock-- )) # Decrement full blocks counter
# If remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then
while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do
Bar="$Bar$Fill" # Pad Progress Bar with fill character
echo Volume: "$1 $Bar"
exit 0 # Remove this line when copying into program
} # Main
Main "$#"
Test bash script
Use this script to test the progress bar in the terminal.
# test_progress_bar3
Main () {
tput civis # Turn off cursor
for ((i=0; i<=100; i++)); do
CurrLevel=$(./progress_bar3 "$i") # Generate progress bar 0 to 100
echo -ne "$CurrLevel"\\r # Reprint overtop same line
sleep .04
echo -e \\n # Advance line to keep last progress
echo "$0 Done"
tput cnorm # Turn cursor back on
} # Main
Main "$#"
This section details how notify-send is used to quickly spam popup bubble messages to the desktop. This is required because volume level can change many times a second and the default bubble message behavior is for a message to stay on the desktop for many seconds.
Sample popup bubble message
Popup bubble message bash code
From the script above the main function was copied to a new functioned called VolumeBar in an existing bash script called tvpowered. The exit 0 command in the copied main function was removed.
Here's how to call it and let Ubuntu's notify-send command know we will be spamming popup bubble message:
VolumeBar $CurrVolume
# Ask Ubuntu:
notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
-h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
--icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/audio-speakers.png \
"Volume: $CurrVolume $Bar"
This is the new line which tells notify-send to immediately replace last popup bubble:
-h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
volume groups the popup bubble messages together and new messages in this group immediately replaces the previous. You can use anything instead of volume.
My solution displays the percentage of the tarball that
is currently being uncompressed and written. I use this
when writing out 2GB root filesystem images. You really
need a progress bar for these things. What I do is use
gzip --list to get the total uncompressed size of the
tarball. From that I calculate the blocking-factor needed
to divide the file into 100 parts. Finally, I print a
checkpoint message for each block. For a 2GB file this
gives about 10MB a block. If that is too big then you can
divide the BLOCKING_FACTOR by 10 or 100, but then it's
harder to print pretty output in terms of a percentage.
Assuming you are using Bash then you can use the
following shell function
untar_progress ()
BLOCKING_FACTOR=$(gzip --list ${TARBALL} |
perl -MPOSIX -ane '$.==2 && print ceil $F[1]/50688')
tar --blocking-factor=${BLOCKING_FACTOR} --checkpoint=1 \
--checkpoint-action='ttyout=Wrote %u% \r' -zxf ${TARBALL}
First of all bar is not the only one pipe progress meter. The other (maybe even more known) is pv (pipe viewer).
Secondly bar and pv can be used for example like this:
$ bar file1 | wc -l
$ pv file1 | wc -l
or even:
$ tail -n 100 file1 | bar | wc -l
$ tail -n 100 file1 | pv | wc -l
one useful trick if you want to make use of bar and pv in commands that are working with files given in arguments, like e.g. copy file1 file2, is to use process substitution:
$ copy <(bar file1) file2
$ copy <(pv file1) file2
Process substitution is a bash magic thing that creates temporary fifo pipe files /dev/fd/ and connect stdout from runned process (inside parenthesis) through this pipe and copy sees it just like an ordinary file (with one exception, it can only read it forwards).
bar command itself allows also for copying. After man bar:
bar --in-file /dev/rmt/1cbn --out-file \
tape-restore.tar --size 2.4g --buffer-size 64k
But process substitution is in my opinion more generic way to do it. An it uses cp program itself.
Many answers describe writing your own commands for printing out '\r' + $some_sort_of_progress_msg. The problem sometimes is that printing out hundreds of these updates per second will slow down the process.
However, if any of your processes produce output (eg 7z a -r newZipFile myFolder will output each filename as it compresses it) then a simpler, fast, painless and customisable solution exists.
Install the python module tqdm.
$ sudo pip install tqdm
$ # now have fun
$ 7z a -r -bd newZipFile myFolder | tqdm >> /dev/null
$ # if we know the expected total, we can have a bar!
$ 7z a -r -bd newZipFile myFolder | grep -o Compressing | tqdm --total $(find myFolder -type f | wc -l) >> /dev/null
Help: tqdm -h. An example using more options:
$ find / -name '*.py' -exec cat \{} \; | tqdm --unit loc --unit_scale True | wc -l
As a bonus you can also use tqdm to wrap iterables in python code.
Based on the work of Edouard Lopez, I created a progress bar that fits the size of the screen, whatever it is. Check it out.
It's also posted on Git Hub.
# Progress bar by Adriano Pinaffo
# Available at
# Inspired on work by Edouard Lopez (
# Version 1.0
# Date April, 28th 2017
function error {
echo "Usage: $0 [SECONDS]"
case $1 in
1) echo "Pass one argument only"
exit 1
2) echo "Parameter must be a number"
exit 2
*) echo "Unknown error"
exit 999
[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && error 1
[[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || error 2
barsize=$((`tput cols` - 7))
unity=$(($barsize / $duration))
for (( elapsed=1; elapsed<=$duration; elapsed++ ))
# Elapsed
let curr_bar+=$unity
[[ $increment -eq 0 ]] || {
[[ $skip -eq 1 ]] &&
{ [[ $(($elapsed%($duration/$increment))) -eq 0 ]] && let curr_bar++; } ||
{ [[ $(($elapsed%$skip)) -ne 0 ]] && let curr_bar++; }
[[ $elapsed -eq 1 && $increment -eq 1 && $skip -ne 1 ]] && let curr_bar++
[[ $(($barsize-$curr_bar)) -eq 1 ]] && let curr_bar++
[[ $curr_bar -lt $barsize ]] || curr_bar=$barsize
for (( filled=0; filled<=$curr_bar; filled++ )); do
printf "▇"
# Remaining
for (( remain=$curr_bar; remain<$barsize; remain++ )); do
printf " "
# Percentage
printf "| %s%%" $(( ($elapsed*100)/$duration))
# Return
sleep 1
printf "\r"
printf "\n"
exit 0
I prefer to use dialog with the --gauge param. Is used very often in .deb package installations and other basic configuration stuff of many distros. So you don't need to reinvent the wheel... again
Just put an int value from 1 to 100 #stdin. One basic and silly example:
for a in {1..100}; do sleep .1s; echo $a| dialog --gauge "waiting" 7 30; done
I have this /bin/Wait file (with chmod u+x perms) for cooking purposes :P
INIT=`/bin/date +%s`
FUTURE=`/bin/date -d "$1" +%s`
[ $FUTURE -a $FUTURE -eq $FUTURE ] || exit
DIFF=`echo "$FUTURE - $INIT"|bc -l`
while [ $INIT -le $FUTURE -a $NOW -lt $FUTURE ]; do
NOW=`/bin/date +%s`
STEP=`echo "$NOW - $INIT"|bc -l`
SLEFT=`echo "$FUTURE - $NOW"|bc -l`
MLEFT=`echo "scale=2;$SLEFT/60"|bc -l`
TEXT="$SLEFT seconds left ($MLEFT minutes)";
TITLE="Waiting $1: $2"
sleep 1s
PTG=`echo "scale=0;$STEP * 100 / $DIFF"|bc -l`
echo $PTG| dialog --title "$TITLE" --gauge "$TEXT" 7 72
if [ "$2" == "" ]; then msg="Espera terminada: $1";audio="Listo";
else msg=$2;audio=$2;fi
/usr/bin/notify-send --icon=stock_appointment-reminder-excl "$msg"
espeak -v spanish "$audio"
So I can put:
Wait "34 min" "warm up the oven"
Wait "dec 31" "happy new year"
This is only applicable using gnome zenity. Zenity provides a great native interface to bash scripts:
From Zenity Progress Bar Example:
echo "10" ; sleep 1
echo "# Updating mail logs" ; sleep 1
echo "20" ; sleep 1
echo "# Resetting cron jobs" ; sleep 1
echo "50" ; sleep 1
echo "This line will just be ignored" ; sleep 1
echo "75" ; sleep 1
echo "# Rebooting system" ; sleep 1
echo "100" ; sleep 1
) |
zenity --progress \
--title="Update System Logs" \
--text="Scanning mail logs..." \
if [ "$?" = -1 ] ; then
zenity --error \
--text="Update canceled."
for me easiest to use and best looking so far is command pv or bar like some guy already wrote
for example: need to make a backup of entire drive with dd
normally you use dd if="$input_drive_path" of="$output_file_path"
with pv you can make it like this :
dd if="$input_drive_path" | pv | dd of="$output_file_path"
and the progress goes directly to STDOUT as this:
7.46GB 0:33:40 [3.78MB/s] [ <=> ]
after it is done summary comes up
15654912+0 records in
15654912+0 records out
8015314944 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 2020.49 s, 4.0 MB/s
To indicate progress of activity, try the following commands:
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r\\" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r|" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r/" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r-"; done;
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: \\" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: |" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: /" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: -"; done;
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>>"; sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>>>"; done;
while true; do sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:Active:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:aCtive:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:acTive:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:actIve:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:actiVe:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:activE:"; done;
One can use flags/variables inside the while loop to check and display the value/extent of progress.
Create 40 percent progress: progreSh 40
It may be achieved in a pretty simple way:
iterate from 0 to 100 with for loop
sleep every step for 25ms (0.25 second)
append to the $bar variable another = sign to make the progress bar wider
echo progress bar and percentage (\r cleans line and returns to the beginning of the line; -ne makes echo doesn't add newline at the end and parses \r special character)
function progress {
for (( x=0; x <= 100; x++ )); do
sleep 0.25
echo -ne "$bar ${x}%\r"
echo -e "\n"
$ progress
> ========== 10% # here: after 2.5 seconds
$ progress
> ============================== 30% # here: after 7.5 seconds
function progress {
for (( x=0; x <= 100; x++ )); do
sleep 0.05
bar="${bar} "
echo -ne "\r"
echo -ne "\e[43m$bar\e[0m"
local left="$(( 100 - $x ))"
printf " %${left}s"
echo -n "${x}%"
echo -e "\n"
To make a progress bar colorful, you can use formatting escape sequence - here the progress bar is yellow: \e[43m, then we reset custom settings with \e[0m, otherwise it would affect further input even when the progress bar is done.
I used an answer from Creating string of repeated characters in shell script for char repeating. I have two relatively small bash versions for scripts that need to display progress bar (for example, a loop that goes through many files, but not useful for big tar files or copy operations). The faster one consists of two functions, one to prepare the strings for bar display:
preparebar() {
# $1 - bar length
# $2 - bar char
barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1")
barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")
and one to display a progress bar:
progressbar() {
# $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar)
# $2 - max number
if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
printf "\r $barspaces\r"
printf "\r[%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]\r" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
It could be used as:
preparebar 50 "#"
which means prepare strings for bar with 50 "#" characters, and after that:
progressbar 35 80
will display the number of "#" characters that corresponds to 35/80 ratio:
[##################### ]
Be aware that function displays the bar on the same line over and over until you (or some other program) prints a newline. If you put -1 as first parameter, the bar would be erased:
progressbar -1 80
The slower version is all in one function:
progressbar() {
# $1 - number
# $2 - max number
# $3 - number of '#' characters
if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
printf "\r %*s\r" "$3"
printf "\r[%*s" "$i" | tr ' ' '#'
printf "%*s]\r" "$j"
and it can be used as (the same example as above):
progressbar 35 80 50
If you need progressbar on stderr, just add >&2 at the end of each printf command.
Using suggestions listed above, I decided to implement my own progress bar.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
main() {
for (( i = 0; i <= 100; i=$i + 1)); do
progress_bar "$i"
sleep 0.1;
progress_bar "done"
exit 0
progress_bar() {
if [ "$1" == "done" ]; then
progress_message="$percent_done %"
percent_none="$(( 100 - $percent_done ))"
[ "$percent_done" -gt 0 ] && local done_bar="$(printf '#%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_done))"
[ "$percent_none" -gt 0 ] && local none_bar="$(printf '~%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_none))"
# print the progress bar to the screen
printf "\r Progress: [%s%s] %s %s${new_line}" \
"$done_bar" \
"$none_bar" \
"${spinner:x++%${#spinner}:1}" \
main "$#"
Flexible version with randomized colors, a string to manipulate and date.
function spinner() {
local PID="$1"
local str="${2:-Processing!}"
local delay="0.1"
# tput civis # hide cursor
while ( kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null )
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙉 🙊 🙈 $str 🙈 🙊 🙉 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙈 🙉 🙉 $str 🙊 🙉 🙈 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙊 🙈 🙊 $str 🙉 🙈 🙊 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ ✅ ✅ ✅ Done! ✅ ✅ ✅ ]"; sleep "$delay"
# tput cnorm # restore cursor
return 0
# your long running proccess pushed to the background
sleep 20 &
# spinner capture-previous-proccess-id string
spinner $! 'Working!'
output example:
[04/06/2020 03:22:24][ 🙊 🙈 🙊 Seeding! 🙉 🙈 🙊 ]
I did a pure shell version for an embedded system taking advantage of:
/usr/bin/dd's SIGUSR1 signal handling feature.
Basically, if you send a 'kill SIGUSR1 $(pid_of_running_dd_process)', it'll output
a summary of throughput speed and amount transferred.
backgrounding dd and then querying it regularly for updates, and generating
hash ticks like old-school ftp clients used to.
Using /dev/stdout as the destination for non-stdout friendly programs like scp
The end result allows you to take any file transfer operation and get progress update that looks like old-school FTP 'hash' output where you'd just get a hash mark for every X bytes.
This is hardly production quality code, but you get the idea. I think it's cute.
For what it's worth, the actual byte-count might not be reflected correctly in the number of hashes - you may have one more or less depending on rounding issues. Don't use this as part of a test script, it's just eye-candy. And, yes, I'm aware this is terribly inefficient - it's a shell script and I make no apologies for it.
Examples with wget, scp and tftp provided at the end. It should work with anything that has emits data. Make sure to use /dev/stdout for programs that aren't stdout friendly.
# Copyright (C) Nathan Ramella ( 2010
# LGPLv2 license
# If you use this, send me an email to say thanks and let me know what your product
# is so I can tell all my friends I'm a big man on the internet!
progress_filter() {
local START=$(date +"%s")
local SIZE=1
local DURATION=1
local BLKSZ=51200
local TMPFILE=/tmp/tmpfile
local PROGRESS=/tmp/tftp.progress
rm -f ${PROGRESS}
dd bs=$BLKSZ of=${TMPFILE} 2>&1 \
| grep --line-buffered -E '[[:digit:]]* bytes' \
| awk '{ print $1 }' >> ${PROGRESS} &
# Loop while the 'dd' exists. It would be 'more better' if we
# actually looked for the specific child ID of the running
# process by identifying which child process it was. If someone
# else is running dd, it will mess things up.
# My PID handling is dumb, it assumes you only have one running dd on
# the system, this should be fixed to just get the PID of the child
# process from the shell.
while [ $(pidof dd) -gt 1 ]; do
# PROTIP: You can sleep partial seconds (at least on linux)
sleep .5
# Force dd to update us on it's progress (which gets
# redirected to $PROGRESS file.
# dumb pid handling again
pkill -USR1 dd
# Don't print anything unless we've got 1 block or more.
# This allows for stdin/stderr interactions to occur
# without printing a hash erroneously.
# Also makes it possible for you to background 'scp',
# but still use the /dev/stdout trick _even_ if scp
# (inevitably) asks for a password.
# Fancy!
if [ $XFER_BLKS -gt 0 ]; then
printf "#%0.s" $(seq 0 $XFER_BLKS)
local SIZE=$(stat -c"%s" $TMPFILE)
local NOW=$(date +"%s")
if [ $NOW -eq 0 ]; then
local KBPS=$((SIZE/DURATION/1024))
local MD5=$(md5sum $TMPFILE | awk '{ print $1 }')
# This function prints out ugly stuff suitable for eval()
# rather than a pretty string. This makes it a bit more
# flexible if you have a custom format (or dare I say, locale?)
printf "\nDURATION=%d\nBYTES=%d\nKBPS=%f\nMD5=%s\n" \
echo "wget"
wget -q -O /dev/stdout | progress_filter
echo "tftp"
tftp -l /dev/stdout -g -r something/firmware.bin | progress_filter
echo "scp"
scp user# /dev/stdout | progress_filter

diff on two program with same input?

while read inputline
i=`expr $i + 1`
./a.out > test/temp;
while [$i -gt 0]
echo ${array[$i]}
i=`expr $i - 1`;
./test > test/temp1;
while [$j -gt 0]
echo ${array[$j]}
j=`expr $j - 1`;
diff test/temp1 test/temp
What's wrong with the above code? Essentially what it's meant to do is take some input from stdin and then provide the same input to two separate programs and then put their output into another file and then diff them. How come it doesn't work?
I see a few things that could be problems.
First, usually the path to sh is /bin/sh. I would expect the shebang line to be something like this:
This may not be causing an error, however, if you're calling sh on the command line.
Second, the output from your while loops needs to be redirected to your executables:
while [ $i -lt $lines ]
echo ${array[$i]}
i=`expr $i + 1`;
} | ./a.out > test/temp;
Note: I tested this on Mac OS X and Linux, and sh is aliased to bash on both operating systems. I'm not entirely sure that this construct works in plain old sh.
Third, the indexing is off in your while loops: it should go from 0 to $i - 1 (or from $i - 1 to 0). As written in your example, it goes from $i to 1.
Finally, "test" is used as both your executable name and the output directory name. Here's what I ended up with:
while read inputline
lines=`expr $lines + 1`
while [ $i -lt $lines ]
echo ${array[$i]}
i=`expr $i + 1`;
} | ./a.out > test/temp;
while [ $i -lt $lines ]
echo ${array[$i]}
i=`expr $i + 1`;
} | ./b.out > test/temp1;
diff test/temp1 test/temp
Another way to do what you want would be to store your test input in a file and just use piping to feed the input to the programs. For example, if your input is stored in input.txt then you can do this:
cat input.txt | a.out > test/temp
cat input.txt | b.out > test/temp1
diff test/temp test/temp1
Another approach is to capture stdin like this:
input=$(cat -)
printf "%s" "$input" | ./a.out > test/temp
printf "%s" "$input" | ./test > test/temp1
diff test/temp test/temp1
or, using bash process substitution and here-strings:
input=$(cat -)
diff <(./a.out <<< "$input") <(./test <<< "$input")
What's wrong?
The semi-colons are not necessary, though they do no harm.
The initial input loop looks OK.
The assignment j=i is quite different from j=$i.
You run the program ./a.out without supplying it any input.
You then have a loop that was meant to echo the input. It provides the input backwards compared with the way it was read.
You repeat the program execution of ./test without supplying any input, followed by a repeat loop that was meant to echo the input, but this one fails because of the misassignment.
You then run diff on the two outputs produced from uncertain inputs.
You do not clean up the temporary files.
How to do it
This script is simple - except that it ensures that temporary files are cleaned up.
trap "rm -f $tmp.?; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
cat - > $tmp.1
./a.out < $tmp.1 > $tmp.2
./test < $tmp.1 > $tmp.3
diff $tmp.2 $tmp.3
rm -f $tmp.?
trap 0
exit 0
The first step is to capture the input in a file $tmp.1. Then run the two test programs, capturing the output in files $tmp.2 and $tmp.3. Then take the difference of the two files.
The first trap line ensures that the temporary files are removed when the shell exits, or if it receives a signal from the set { HUP, INT, QUIT, PIPE, TERM }. The second trap line cancels the 'exit' trap, so that the script can exit successfully. (You can relay the exit status of diff to the calling program (shell) by capturing its exit status status=$? and then using exit $status.)
If all you want to do is supply the same stdin to two programs you might like to use process substitution together with tee. Assuming you can cat your input from a file (or just using the tee part, if you want it interactive-ish) you could use something like this:
cat input | tee >(./p1 > p1.out) >(./p2 > p2.out) && diff p1.out p2.out

How to resize progress bar according to available space?

I am looking to get an effect where the length of my progress bar resizes accordingly to my PuTTY window. This effect is accomplished with wget's progress bar.
Here is my program I use in my bash scripts to create a progress bar:
maxwidth=50 # line length (in characters)
current=0 max=0 i=0
if (( $current > $max ))
echo >&2 "current value must be smaller max. value"
exit 1
percent=`awk 'BEGIN{printf("%5.2f", '$current' / '$max' * 100)}'`
echo -ne " ["
while (( $i < $maxwidth ))
if (( $i <= $chars ));then
echo -ne $filled_char
echo -ne $blank_char
echo -ne "] $percent%\r"
if (( $current == $max )); then
echo -ne "\r"
Here is an example of how I use it, this example finds all Tor Onion proxies Exit nodes and bans the IP under a custom chain:
# get IP address of eth0 network interface
IP_ADDRESS=$(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/ {split ($2,A,":"); print A[2]}')
if ! iptables -L "$IPTABLES_CHAINNAME" -n >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then #If chain doesn't exist
iptables -N "$IPTABLES_CHAINNAME" >/dev/null 2>&1 #Create it
wget -q -O - -U NoSuchBrowser/1.0 > temp_tor_list1
sed -i 's|RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} \^||g' temp_tor_list1
sed -i 's|\$.*$||g' temp_tor_list1
sed -i 's|\\||g' temp_tor_list1
sed -i 's|Rewrite.*$||g' temp_tor_list1
wget -q -O - "$IP_ADDRESS&port=80" -U NoSuchBrowser/1.0 > temp_tor_list2
wget -q -O - "$IP_ADDRESS&port=9998" -U NoSuchBrowser/1.0 >> temp_tor_list2
sed -i 's|^#.*$||g' temp_tor_list2
CMD=$(cat temp_tor_list1 temp_tor_list2 | uniq | sort)
UBOUND=$(echo "$CMD" | grep -cve '^\s*$')
for IP in $CMD; do
_progress_bar $COUNT $UBOUND
rm temp_tor*
I realized that first example people may not want to use so here is a more simple concept:
for i in {1..100}; do
_progress_bar $i 100
I made a few changes to your script:
Converted it to a function. If you want to keep it in a separate file so it's available to multiple scripts, just source the file in each of your scripts. Doing this eliminates the overhead of repeatedly calling an external script.
Eliminated the while loop (which should have been a for ((i=0; $i < $maxwidth; i++)) loop anyway) for a drastic speed-up.
Changed your arithmetic expressions so they evaluate immediately instead of setting them to strings for later evaluation.
Removed dollar signs from variable names where they appear in arithmetic contexts.
Changed echo -en to printf.
Made a few other changes
Changed the AWK output so "100.00%" is decimal aligned with smaller values.
Changed the AWK command to use variable passing instead of "inside-out: quoting.
Here is the result:
_progress_bar () {
local maxwidth=50 # line length (in characters)
local filled_char="#"
local blank_char="."
local current=0 max=0 i=0
local complete remain
if (( current > max ))
echo >&2 "current value must be smaller than max. value"
return 1
percent=$(awk -v "c=$current" -v "m=$max" 'BEGIN{printf("%6.2f", c / m * 100)}')
(( chars = current * maxwidth / max))
# sprintf n zeros into the var named as the arg to -v
printf -v complete '%0*.*d' '' "$chars" ''
printf -v remain '%0*.*d' '' "$((maxwidth - chars))" ''
# replace the zeros with the desired char
printf ' [%s%s] %s%%\r' "$complete" "$remain" "$percent"
What was the question? Oh, see BashFAQ/091. Use tput or bash -i and $COLUMNS. If you use bash -i, however, be aware that it will have the overhead of processing your startup files
After some google searching I did find the following:
tput cols will return the amount of columns, much like Sdaz's suggested COLUMNS var.
Therefore I am going with:
maxwidth=$(tput cols) unless someone else has a more bulletproof way without requiring tput
Bash exports the LINES and COLUMNS envvars to the window rows and column counts, respectively. Furthermore, when you resize the putty window, via the SSH or telnet protocols, there is sufficient logic in the protocol to send a WINCH signal to the active shell, which then resets these values to the new window dimensions.
In your bash script, use the COLUMNS variable to set the current dimensions, and divide 100 / progbarlen (progbarlen based on a portion of the COLUMNS variable) to get how many percentage points make up one character, and advance them as your progress moves along. To handle the resizing dynamically, add a handler for SIGWINCH (via trap) and have it reread the COLUMNS envvar, and redraw the progress bar using the new dimensions.
(I haven't tested this in a shell script, and there may be some additional logic required, but this is how bash detects/handles resizing.)

How to add a progress bar to a shell script?

When scripting in bash or any other shell in *NIX, while running a command that will take more than a few seconds, a progress bar is needed.
For example, copying a big file, opening a big tar file.
What ways do you recommend to add progress bars to shell scripts?
You can implement this by overwriting a line. Use \r to go back to the beginning of the line without writing \n to the terminal.
Write \n when you're done to advance the line.
Use echo -ne to:
not print \n and
to recognize escape sequences like \r.
Here's a demo:
echo -ne '##### (33%)\r'
sleep 1
echo -ne '############# (66%)\r'
sleep 1
echo -ne '####################### (100%)\r'
echo -ne '\n'
In a comment below, puk mentions this "fails" if you start with a long line and then want to write a short line: In this case, you'll need to overwrite the length of the long line (e.g., with spaces).
You may also be interested in how to do a spinner:
Can I do a spinner in Bash?
echo -n ' '
while true
printf "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}"
Each time the loop iterates, it displays the next character in the sp
string, wrapping around as it reaches the end. (i is the position of
the current character to display and ${#sp} is the length of the sp
The \b string is replaced by a 'backspace' character. Alternatively,
you could play with \r to go back to the beginning of the line.
If you want it to slow down, put a sleep command inside the loop
(after the printf).
A POSIX equivalent would be:
printf ' '
while true; do
printf '\b%.1s' "$sp"
If you already have a loop which does a lot of work, you can call the
following function at the beginning of each iteration to update the
spin() {
printf "\b${sp:sc++:1}"
((sc==${#sp})) && sc=0
endspin() {
printf "\r%s\n" "$#"
until work_done; do
some_work ...
Got an easy progress bar function that i wrote the other day:
# 1. Create ProgressBar function
# 1.1 Input is currentState($1) and totalState($2)
function ProgressBar {
# Process data
let _progress=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100
let _done=(${_progress}*4)/10
let _left=40-$_done
# Build progressbar string lengths
_fill=$(printf "%${_done}s")
_empty=$(printf "%${_left}s")
# 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line
# 1.2.1 Output example:
# Progress : [########################################] 100%
printf "\rProgress : [${_fill// /#}${_empty// /-}] ${_progress}%%"
# Variables
# This accounts as the "totalState" variable for the ProgressBar function
# Proof of concept
for number in $(seq ${_start} ${_end})
sleep 0.1
ProgressBar ${number} ${_end}
printf '\nFinished!\n'
Or snag it from,
Use the Linux command pv.
It doesn't know the size if it's in the middle of the pipeline, but it gives a speed and total, and from there you can figure out how long it should take and get feedback so you know it hasn't hung.
I was looking for something more sexy than the selected answer, so did my own script.
I put it on github
progress-bar() {
local duration=${1}
already_done() { for ((done=0; done<$elapsed; done++)); do printf "▇"; done }
remaining() { for ((remain=$elapsed; remain<$duration; remain++)); do printf " "; done }
percentage() { printf "| %s%%" $(( (($elapsed)*100)/($duration)*100/100 )); }
clean_line() { printf "\r"; }
for (( elapsed=1; elapsed<=$duration; elapsed++ )); do
already_done; remaining; percentage
sleep 1
progress-bar 100
Some posts have showed how to display the command's progress. In order to calculate it, you'll need to see how much you've progressed. On BSD systems some commands, such as dd(1), accept a SIGINFO signal, and will report their progress. On Linux systems some commands will respond similarly to SIGUSR1. If this facility is available, you can pipe your input through dd to monitor the number of bytes processed.
Alternatively, you can use lsof to obtain the offset of the file's read pointer, and thereby calculate the progress. I've written a command, named pmonitor, that displays the progress of processing a specified process or file. With it you can do things, such as the following.
$ pmonitor -c gzip
/home/dds/data/mysql-2015-04-01.sql.gz 58.06%
An earlier version of Linux and FreeBSD shell scripts appears on my blog ("Monitor Process Progress on Unix").
Haven't seen anything similar and all custom functions here seem to focus on rendering alone so... my very simple POSIX compliant solution below with step by step explanations because this question isn't trivial.
Rendering the progress bar is very easy. Estimating how much of it should render is a different matter. This is how to render (animate) the progress bar - you can copy&paste this example to a file and run it:
BAR='####################' # this is full bar, e.g. 20 chars
for i in {1..20}; do
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}" # print $i chars of $BAR from 0 position
sleep .1 # wait 100ms between "frames"
{1..20} - values from 1 to 20
echo - print to terminal (i.e. to stdout)
echo -n - print without new line at the end
echo -e - interpret special characters while printing
"\r" - carriage return, a special char to return to the beginning of the line
You can make it render any content at any speed so this method is very universal, e.g. often used for visualization of "hacking" in silly movies, no kidding.
Full answer (from zero to working example)
The meat of the problem is how to determine the $i value, i.e. how much of the progress bar to display. In the above example I just let it increment in for loop to illustrate the principle but a real life application would use an infinite loop and calculate the $i variable on each iteration. To make said calculation it needs the following ingredients:
how much work there is to be done
how much work has been done so far
In case of cp it needs the size of a source file and the size of the target file:
cp "$src" "$tgt" & # the & forks the `cp` process so the rest
# of the code runs without waiting (async)
src_size=$(stat -c%s "$src") # how much there is to do
while true; do
tgt_size=$(stat -c%s "$tgt") # how much has been done so far
i=$(( $tgt_size * 20 / $src_size ))
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}"
if [ $tgt_size == $src_size ]; then
echo "" # add a new line at the end
break; # break the loop
sleep .1
foo=$(bar) - run bar in a subprocess and save its stdout to $foo
stat - print file stats to stdout
stat -c - print a formatted value
%s - format for total size
In case of operations like file unpacking, calculating the source size is slightly more difficult but still as easy as getting the size of an uncompressed file:
src_size=$(gzip -l "$src" | tail -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
gzip -l - print info about zip archive
tail -n1 - work with 1 line from the bottom
tr -s ' ' - translate multiple spaces into one ("squeeze" them)
cut -d' ' -f3 - cut 3rd space-delimited field (column)
Here's the meat of the problem I mentioned before. This solution is less and less general. All calculations of the actual progress are tightly bound to the domain you're trying to visualize, is it a single file operation, a timer countdown, a rising number of files in a directory, operation on multiple files, etc., therefore, it can't be reused. The only reusable part is progress bar rendering. To reuse it you need to abstract it and save in a file (e.g. /usr/lib/, then define functions that calculate input values specific to your domain. This is how a generalized code could look like (I also made the $BAR dynamic because people were asking for it, the rest should be clear by now):
BAR=$(printf %${BAR_length}s | tr ' ' $BAR_character)
work_todo=$(get_work_todo) # how much there is to do
while true; do
work_done=$(get_work_done) # how much has been done so far
i=$(( $work_done * $BAR_length / $work_todo ))
echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}"
if [ $work_done == $work_todo ]; then
echo ""
sleep .1
printf - a builtin for printing stuff in a given format
printf %50s - print nothing but pad it with 50 spaces
tr ' ' '#' - translate every space to hash sign
And this is how you'd use it:
function get_work_todo() {
echo $(stat -c%s "$src")
function get_work_done() {
[ -e "$tgt" ] && # if target file exists
echo $(stat -c%s "$tgt") || # echo its size, else
echo 0 # echo zero
cp "$src" "$tgt" & # copy in the background
source /usr/lib/ # execute the progress bar
Obviously you can wrap this in a function, rewrite to work with piped streams, grab forked process ID with $! and pass it to so it could guess how to calculate work to do and work done, whatever's your poison.
Side notes
I get asked about these two things most often:
${}: in above examples I use ${foo:A:B}. The technical term for this syntax is Parameter Expansion, a built-in shell functionality that allows to manipulate a variable (parameter), e.g. to trim a string with : but also to do other things - it does not spawn a subshell. The most prominent description of parameter expansion I can think of (that isn't fully POSIX compatible but lets the reader understand the concept well) is in the man bash page.
$(): in above examples I use foo=$(bar). It spawns a separate shell in a subprocess (a.k.a. a Subshell), runs the bar command in it and assigns its standard output to a $foo variable. It's not the same as Process Substitution and it's something entirely different than pipe (|). Most importantly, it works. Some say this should be avoided because it's slow. I argue this is "a okay" here because whatever this code is trying to visualise lasts long enough to require a progress bar. In other words, subshells are not the bottleneck. Calling a subshell also saves me the effort of explaining why return isn't what most people think it is, what is an Exit Status and why passing values from functions in shells is not what shell functions are good at in general. To find out more about all of it I, again, highly recommend the man bash page.
If your shell is actually running sh instead of bash, or really old bash, like default osx, it may choke on echo -ne "\r${BAR:0:$i}". The exact error is Bad substitution. If this happens to you, per the comment section, you can instead use echo -ne "\r$(expr "x$name" : "x.\{0,$num_skip\}\(.\{0,$num_keep\}\)")" to do a more portable posix-compatible / less readable substring match.
A complete, working /bin/sh example:
get_work_todo() {
echo $src
do_work() {
echo "$(( $1 + 1 ))"
BAR=$(printf %${BAR_length}s | tr ' ' $BAR_character)
work_todo=$(get_work_todo) # how much there is to do
while true; do
work_done="$(do_work $work_done)"
i=$(( $work_done * $BAR_length / $work_todo ))
n=$(( $BAR_length - $i ))
printf "\r$(expr "x$BAR" : "x.\{0,$n\}\(.\{0,$i\}\)")"
if [ $work_done = $work_todo ]; then
echo "\n"
sleep .1
APT style progress bar (Does not break normal output)
EDIT: For an updated version check my github page
I was not satisfied with the responses on this question. What I was personally looking for was a fancy progress bar as is seen by APT.
I had a look at the C source code for APT and decided to write my own equivalent for bash.
This progress bar will stay nicely at the bottom of the terminal and will not interfere with any output sent to the terminal.
Please do note that the bar is currently fixed at 100 characters wide. If you want scale it to the size of the terminal, this is fairly easy to accomplish as well (The updated version on my github page handles this well).
I will post my script here.
Usage example:
source ./
echo "This is some output"
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 2"
draw_progress_bar 10
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 3"
draw_progress_bar 50
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 4"
draw_progress_bar 90
sleep 1
echo "This is some output 5"
The script (I strongly recommend the version on my github instead):
# This code was inspired by the open source C code of the APT progress bar
# Usage:
# Source this script
# setup_scroll_area
# draw_progress_bar 10
# draw_progress_bar 90
# destroy_scroll_area
function setup_scroll_area() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines-1
# Scroll down a bit to avoid visual glitch when the screen area shrinks by one row
echo -en "\n"
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Set scroll region (this will place the cursor in the top left)
echo -en "\033[0;${lines}r"
# Restore cursor but ensure its inside the scrolling area
# Start empty progress bar
draw_progress_bar 0
function destroy_scroll_area() {
lines=$(tput lines)
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Set scroll region (this will place the cursor in the top left)
echo -en "\033[0;${lines}r"
# Restore cursor but ensure its inside the scrolling area
# We are done so clear the scroll bar
# Scroll down a bit to avoid visual glitch when the screen area grows by one row
echo -en "\n\n"
function draw_progress_bar() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Move cursor position to last row
echo -en "\033[${lines};0f"
# Clear progress bar
tput el
# Draw progress bar
print_bar_text $percentage
# Restore cursor position
function clear_progress_bar() {
lines=$(tput lines)
let lines=$lines
# Save cursor
echo -en "$CODE_SAVE_CURSOR"
# Move cursor position to last row
echo -en "\033[${lines};0f"
# clear progress bar
tput el
# Restore cursor position
function print_bar_text() {
local percentage=$1
# Prepare progress bar
let remainder=100-$percentage
progress_bar=$(echo -ne "["; echo -en "${COLOR_FG}${COLOR_BG}"; printf_new "#" $percentage; echo -en "${RESTORE_FG}${RESTORE_BG}"; printf_new "." $remainder; echo -ne "]");
# Print progress bar
if [ $1 -gt 99 ]
echo -ne "${progress_bar}"
echo -ne "${progress_bar}"
printf_new() {
v=$(printf "%-${num}s" "$str")
echo -ne "${v// /$str}"
GNU tar has a useful option which gives a functionality of a simple progress bar.
(...) Another available checkpoint action is ‘dot’ (or ‘.’). It instructs tar to print a single dot on the standard listing stream, e.g.:
$ tar -c --checkpoint=1000 --checkpoint-action=dot /var
The same effect may be obtained by:
$ tar -c --checkpoint=.1000 /var
Hires (floating point) progress bar
Sorry for this not so short answer. In this answer I will use integer to render floating point, UTF-8 fonts for rendering progress bar more finely, and parallelise another task (sha1sum) in order to follow his progression, all of this with minimal resource footprint using pure bash and no forks.
For impatiens: Please test code (copy/paste in a new terminal window) at Now do it! (in the middle), with
either: Last animated demo (near end of this.),
either Practical sample (at end).
All demos here use read -t <float seconds> && break instead of sleep. So all loop could be nicely stopped by hitting Return key.
Yet Another Bash Progress Bar...
As there is already a lot of answer here, I want to add some hints about performances and precision.
1. Avoid forks!
Because a progress bar are intented to run while other process are working, this must be a nice process...
So avoid using forks when not needed. Sample: instead of
mysmiley=$(printf '%b' \\U1F60E)
printf -v mysmiley '%b' \\U1F60E
Explanation: When you run var=$(command), you initiate a new process to execute command and send his output to variable $var once terminated. This is very resource expensive. Please compare:
time for ((i=2500;i--;)){ mysmiley=$(printf '%b' \\U1F60E);}
time for ((i=2500;i--;)){ printf -v mysmiley '%b' \\U1F60E;}
bc -l <<<'2.292/.017'
On my host, same work of assigning $mysmiley (just 2500 time), seem ~135x slower / more expensive by using fork than by using built-in printf -v.
echo $mysmiley
So your function have to not print (or output) anything. Your function have to attribute his answer to a variable.
2. Use integer as pseudo floating point
Here is a very small and quick function to compute percents from integers, with integer and answer a pseudo floating point number:
local p=00$(($1*100000/$2))
printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3}
# percent <integer to compare> <reference integer> <variable name>
percent 33333 50000 testvar
printf '%8s%%\n' "$testvar"
3. Hires console graphic using UTF-8: ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
To render this characters using bash, you could:
printf -v chars '\\U258%X ' {15..8}
printf '%b\n' "$chars"
▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
printf %b\ \\U258{{f..a},9,8}
▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █
Then we have to use 8x string width as graphic width.
Now do it!
This function is named percentBar because it render a bar from argument submited in percents (floating):
percentBar () {
local prct totlen=$((8*$2)) lastchar barstring blankstring;
printf -v prct %.2f "$1"
((prct=10#${prct/.}*totlen/10000, prct%8)) &&
printf -v lastchar '\\U258%X' $(( 16 - prct%8 )) ||
printf -v barstring '%*s' $((prct/8)) ''
printf -v barstring '%b' "${barstring// /\\U2588}$lastchar"
printf -v blankstring '%*s' $(((totlen-prct)/8)) ''
printf -v "$3" '%s%s' "$barstring" "$blankstring"
# percentBar <float percent> <int string width> <variable name>
percentBar 42.42 $COLUMNS bar1
echo "$bar1"
To show little differences:
percentBar 42.24 $COLUMNS bar2
printf "%s\n" "$bar1" "$bar2"
With colors
As rendered variable is a fixed widht string, using color is easy:
percentBar 72.1 24 bar
printf 'Show this: \e[44;33;1m%s\e[0m at %s%%\n' "$bar" 72.1
Little animation:
for i in {0..10000..33} 10000;do i=0$i
printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
percentBar $p $((COLUMNS-9)) bar
printf '\r|%s|%6.2f%%' "$bar" $p
read -srt .002 _ && break # console sleep avoiding fork
clear; for i in {0..10000..33} 10000;do i=0$i
printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
percentBar $p $((COLUMNS-7)) bar
printf '\r\e[47;30m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%' "$bar" $p
read -srt .002 _ && break
Last animated demo
Another demo showing different sizes and colored output:
printf '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\e[8A\e7'&&for i in {0..9999..99} 10000;do
o=1 i=0$i;printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
for l in 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 40 $((COLUMNS-7));do
percentBar $p $l bar$((o++));done
[ "$p" = "100.00" ] && read -rst .8 _;printf \\e8
printf '%s\e[48;5;23;38;5;41m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%%b' 'In 1 char width: ' \
"$bar1" $p ,\\n 'with 2 chars: ' "$bar2" $p ,\\n 'or 3 chars: ' \
"$bar3" $p ,\\n 'in 5 characters: ' "$bar4" $p ,\\n 'in 8 chars: ' \
"$bar5" $p .\\n 'There are 13 chars: ' "$bar6" $p ,\\n '20 chars: '\
"$bar7" $p ,\\n 'then 40 chars' "$bar8" $p \
', or full width:\n' '' "$bar9" $p ''
((10#$i)) || read -st .5 _; read -st .1 _ && break
Could produce something like this:
Practical GNU/Linux sample 1: kind of sleep with progress bar
Rewrite feb 2023: Turn into more usefull displaySleep function suitable to use as displayed timeout read:
This sleep show a progress bar with 50 refresh by seconds (tunnable)
percent(){ local p=00$(($1*100000/$2));printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3};}
displaySleep() {
local -i refrBySeconds=50
local -i _start=${EPOCHREALTIME/.} reqslp target crtslp crtp cols cpos dlen
local strng percent prctbar tleft
[[ $COLUMNS ]] && cols=${COLUMNS} || read -r cols < <(tput cols)
refrBySeconds=' 1000000 / refrBySeconds '
printf -v strng %.6f $1
printf '\E[6n' && IFS=\; read -sdR _ cpos
dlen=${#strng}-1 cols=' cols - dlen - cpos -1 '
printf \\e7
reqslp=10#${strng/.} target=reqslp+_start
for ((;${EPOCHREALTIME/.}<target;)){
crtslp='( target - crtp ) > refrBySeconds? refrBySeconds: target - crtp'
strng=00000$crtslp crtp+=-_start
printf -v strng %.6f ${strng::-6}.${strng: -6}
percent $crtp $reqslp percent
percentBar $percent $cols prctbar
printf '\e8\e[36;48;5;23m%s\e[0m%*.4fs' \
"$prctbar" "$dlen" ${tleft::-6}.${tleft: -6}
IFS= read -rsn1 -t $strng ${2:-_} && { echo; return;}
percentBar 100 $cols prctbar
printf '\e8\e[36;48;5;30m%s\e[0m%*.4fs\n' "$prctbar" "$dlen" 0
This will keep current cursor position to fill only the rest of line (full line if current cursor position is 1). This could be useful for displaying some kind of prompt:
Practical GNU/Linux sample 2: sha1sum with progress bar
Under linux, you could find a lot of usefull infos under /proc pseudo filesystem, so using previoulsy defined functions percentBar and percent, here is sha1progress:
percent(){ local p=00$(($1*100000/$2));printf -v "$3" %.2f ${p::-3}.${p: -3};}
sha1Progress() {
local -i totsize crtpos cols=$(tput cols) sha1in sha1pid
local sha1res percent prctbar
exec {sha1in}< <(exec sha1sum -b - <"$1")
read -r totsize < <(stat -Lc %s "$1")
while ! read -ru $sha1in -t .025 sha1res _; do
read -r _ crtpos < /proc/$sha1pid/fdinfo/0
percent $crtpos $totsize percent
percentBar $percent $((cols-8)) prctbar
printf '\r\e[44;38;5;25m%s\e[0m%6.2f%%' "$prctbar" $percent;
printf "\r%s %s\e[K\n" $sha1res "$1"
Of course, 25 ms timeout mean approx 40 refresh per second. This could look overkill, but work fine on my host, and anyway, this can be tunned.
exec {sha1in}< create a new file descriptor for the output of
<( ... ) forked task run in background
sha1sum -b - <"$1" ensuring input came from STDIN (fd/0)
while ! read -ru $sha1in -t .025 sha1res _ While no input read from subtask, in 25 ms...
/proc/$sha1pid/fdinfo/0 kernel variable showing information about file descriptor 0 (STDIN) of task $sha1pid
A simpler method that works on my system using the pipeview ( pv ) utility.
tar -Ocf - $srcdir | pv -i 1 -w 50 -berps `du -bs $srcdir | awk '{print $1}'` | 7za a -si $outfile
This lets you visualize that a command is still executing:
while :;do echo -n .;sleep 1;done &
trap "kill $!" EXIT #Die with parent if we die prematurely
tar zxf packages.tar.gz; # or any other command here
kill $! && trap " " EXIT #Kill the loop and unset the trap or else the pid might get reassigned and we might end up killing a completely different process
This will create an infinite while loop that executes in the background and echoes a "." every second. This will display . in the shell. Run the tar command or any a command you want. When that command finishes executing then kill the last job running in the background - which is the infinite while loop.
Here is how it might look
Uploading a file
[##################################################] 100% (137921 / 137921 bytes)
Waiting for a job to complete
[######################### ] 50% (15 / 30 seconds)
Simple function that implements it
You can just copy-paste it to your script. It does not require anything else to work.
PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH=50 # progress bar length in characters
draw_progress_bar() {
# Arguments: current value, max value, unit of measurement (optional)
local __value=$1
local __max=$2
local __unit=${3:-""} # if unit is not supplied, do not display it
# Calculate percentage
if (( $__max < 1 )); then __max=1; fi # anti zero division protection
local __percentage=$(( 100 - ($__max*100 - $__value*100) / $__max ))
# Rescale the bar according to the progress bar width
local __num_bar=$(( $__percentage * $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH / 100 ))
# Draw progress bar
printf "["
for b in $(seq 1 $__num_bar); do printf "#"; done
for s in $(seq 1 $(( $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH - $__num_bar ))); do printf " "; done
printf "] $__percentage%% ($__value / $__max $__unit)\r"
Usage example
Here, we upload a file and redraw the progress bar at each iteration. It does not matter what job is actually performed as long as we can get 2 values: max value and current value.
In the example below the max value is file_size and the current value is supplied by some function and is called uploaded_bytes.
# Uploading a file
while true; do
# Get current value of uploaded bytes
# Draw a progress bar
draw_progress_bar $uploaded_bytes $file_size "bytes"
# Check if we reached 100%
if [ $uploaded_bytes == $file_size ]; then break; fi
sleep 1 # Wait before redrawing
# Go to the newline at the end of upload
printf "\n"
I needed a progress bar for iterating over the lines in a csv file. Was able to adapt cprn's code into something useful for me:
totalLines=$(wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}') # num. lines in file
# --- iterate over lines in csv file ---
while IFS=, read -r _ col1 col2 col3; do
# update progress bar
count=$(($count + 1))
percent=$((($count * 100 / $totalLines * 100) / 100))
i=$(($percent * $barLen / 100))
echo -ne "\r[${BAR:0:$i}${FILL:$i:barLen}] $count/$totalLines ($percent%)"
# other stuff
done <$file
Looks like this:
[##----------------------------] 17128/218210 (7%)
Most unix commands will not give you the sort of direct feedback from which you can do this.
Some will give you output on stdout or stderr that you can use.
For something like tar you could use the -v switch and pipe the output to a program that updates a small animation for each line it reads. As tar writes out a list of files it's unravelled the program can update the animation. To do a percent complete you would have to know the number of files and count the lines.
cp doesn't give this sort of output as far as I know. To monitor the progress of cp you would have to monitor the source and destination files and watch the size of the destination. You could write a small c program using the stat (2) system call to get the file size. This would read the size of the source then poll the destination file and update a % complete bar based on the size of the file written to date.
I needed a progress bar that would fit in popup bubble message (notify-send) to represent TV volume level. Recently I've been writing a music player in python and the TV picture is turned off most of the time.
Sample output from terminal
Bash script
# Show a progress bar at step number $1 (from 0 to 100)
function is_int() { test "$#" -eq "$#" 2> /dev/null; }
# Parameter 1 must be integer
if ! is_int "$1" ; then
echo "Not an integer: ${1}"
exit 1
# Parameter 1 must be >= 0 and <= 100
if [ "$1" -ge 0 ] && [ "$1" -le 100 ] 2>/dev/null
echo bad volume: ${1}
exit 1
# Main function designed for quickly copying to another program
Main () {
Bar="" # Progress Bar / Volume level
Len=25 # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
Div=4 # Divisor into Volume for # of blocks
Fill="▒" # Fill up to $Len
Arr=( "▉" "▎" "▌" "▊" ) # UTF-8 left blocks: 7/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
FullBlock=$((${1} / Div)) # Number of full blocks
PartBlock=$((${1} % Div)) # Size of partial block (array index)
while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}" # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
(( FullBlock-- )) # Decrement full blocks counter
# If remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then
while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do
Bar="$Bar$Fill" # Pad Progress Bar with fill character
echo Volume: "$1 $Bar"
exit 0 # Remove this line when copying into program
} # Main
Main "$#"
Test bash script
Use this script to test the progress bar in the terminal.
# test_progress_bar3
Main () {
tput civis # Turn off cursor
for ((i=0; i<=100; i++)); do
CurrLevel=$(./progress_bar3 "$i") # Generate progress bar 0 to 100
echo -ne "$CurrLevel"\\r # Reprint overtop same line
sleep .04
echo -e \\n # Advance line to keep last progress
echo "$0 Done"
tput cnorm # Turn cursor back on
} # Main
Main "$#"
This section details how notify-send is used to quickly spam popup bubble messages to the desktop. This is required because volume level can change many times a second and the default bubble message behavior is for a message to stay on the desktop for many seconds.
Sample popup bubble message
Popup bubble message bash code
From the script above the main function was copied to a new functioned called VolumeBar in an existing bash script called tvpowered. The exit 0 command in the copied main function was removed.
Here's how to call it and let Ubuntu's notify-send command know we will be spamming popup bubble message:
VolumeBar $CurrVolume
# Ask Ubuntu:
notify-send --urgency=critical "tvpowered" \
-h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
--icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices/audio-speakers.png \
"Volume: $CurrVolume $Bar"
This is the new line which tells notify-send to immediately replace last popup bubble:
-h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:volume \
volume groups the popup bubble messages together and new messages in this group immediately replaces the previous. You can use anything instead of volume.
My solution displays the percentage of the tarball that
is currently being uncompressed and written. I use this
when writing out 2GB root filesystem images. You really
need a progress bar for these things. What I do is use
gzip --list to get the total uncompressed size of the
tarball. From that I calculate the blocking-factor needed
to divide the file into 100 parts. Finally, I print a
checkpoint message for each block. For a 2GB file this
gives about 10MB a block. If that is too big then you can
divide the BLOCKING_FACTOR by 10 or 100, but then it's
harder to print pretty output in terms of a percentage.
Assuming you are using Bash then you can use the
following shell function
untar_progress ()
BLOCKING_FACTOR=$(gzip --list ${TARBALL} |
perl -MPOSIX -ane '$.==2 && print ceil $F[1]/50688')
tar --blocking-factor=${BLOCKING_FACTOR} --checkpoint=1 \
--checkpoint-action='ttyout=Wrote %u% \r' -zxf ${TARBALL}
First of all bar is not the only one pipe progress meter. The other (maybe even more known) is pv (pipe viewer).
Secondly bar and pv can be used for example like this:
$ bar file1 | wc -l
$ pv file1 | wc -l
or even:
$ tail -n 100 file1 | bar | wc -l
$ tail -n 100 file1 | pv | wc -l
one useful trick if you want to make use of bar and pv in commands that are working with files given in arguments, like e.g. copy file1 file2, is to use process substitution:
$ copy <(bar file1) file2
$ copy <(pv file1) file2
Process substitution is a bash magic thing that creates temporary fifo pipe files /dev/fd/ and connect stdout from runned process (inside parenthesis) through this pipe and copy sees it just like an ordinary file (with one exception, it can only read it forwards).
bar command itself allows also for copying. After man bar:
bar --in-file /dev/rmt/1cbn --out-file \
tape-restore.tar --size 2.4g --buffer-size 64k
But process substitution is in my opinion more generic way to do it. An it uses cp program itself.
Many answers describe writing your own commands for printing out '\r' + $some_sort_of_progress_msg. The problem sometimes is that printing out hundreds of these updates per second will slow down the process.
However, if any of your processes produce output (eg 7z a -r newZipFile myFolder will output each filename as it compresses it) then a simpler, fast, painless and customisable solution exists.
Install the python module tqdm.
$ sudo pip install tqdm
$ # now have fun
$ 7z a -r -bd newZipFile myFolder | tqdm >> /dev/null
$ # if we know the expected total, we can have a bar!
$ 7z a -r -bd newZipFile myFolder | grep -o Compressing | tqdm --total $(find myFolder -type f | wc -l) >> /dev/null
Help: tqdm -h. An example using more options:
$ find / -name '*.py' -exec cat \{} \; | tqdm --unit loc --unit_scale True | wc -l
As a bonus you can also use tqdm to wrap iterables in python code.
Based on the work of Edouard Lopez, I created a progress bar that fits the size of the screen, whatever it is. Check it out.
It's also posted on Git Hub.
# Progress bar by Adriano Pinaffo
# Available at
# Inspired on work by Edouard Lopez (
# Version 1.0
# Date April, 28th 2017
function error {
echo "Usage: $0 [SECONDS]"
case $1 in
1) echo "Pass one argument only"
exit 1
2) echo "Parameter must be a number"
exit 2
*) echo "Unknown error"
exit 999
[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && error 1
[[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || error 2
barsize=$((`tput cols` - 7))
unity=$(($barsize / $duration))
for (( elapsed=1; elapsed<=$duration; elapsed++ ))
# Elapsed
let curr_bar+=$unity
[[ $increment -eq 0 ]] || {
[[ $skip -eq 1 ]] &&
{ [[ $(($elapsed%($duration/$increment))) -eq 0 ]] && let curr_bar++; } ||
{ [[ $(($elapsed%$skip)) -ne 0 ]] && let curr_bar++; }
[[ $elapsed -eq 1 && $increment -eq 1 && $skip -ne 1 ]] && let curr_bar++
[[ $(($barsize-$curr_bar)) -eq 1 ]] && let curr_bar++
[[ $curr_bar -lt $barsize ]] || curr_bar=$barsize
for (( filled=0; filled<=$curr_bar; filled++ )); do
printf "▇"
# Remaining
for (( remain=$curr_bar; remain<$barsize; remain++ )); do
printf " "
# Percentage
printf "| %s%%" $(( ($elapsed*100)/$duration))
# Return
sleep 1
printf "\r"
printf "\n"
exit 0
I prefer to use dialog with the --gauge param. Is used very often in .deb package installations and other basic configuration stuff of many distros. So you don't need to reinvent the wheel... again
Just put an int value from 1 to 100 #stdin. One basic and silly example:
for a in {1..100}; do sleep .1s; echo $a| dialog --gauge "waiting" 7 30; done
I have this /bin/Wait file (with chmod u+x perms) for cooking purposes :P
INIT=`/bin/date +%s`
FUTURE=`/bin/date -d "$1" +%s`
[ $FUTURE -a $FUTURE -eq $FUTURE ] || exit
DIFF=`echo "$FUTURE - $INIT"|bc -l`
while [ $INIT -le $FUTURE -a $NOW -lt $FUTURE ]; do
NOW=`/bin/date +%s`
STEP=`echo "$NOW - $INIT"|bc -l`
SLEFT=`echo "$FUTURE - $NOW"|bc -l`
MLEFT=`echo "scale=2;$SLEFT/60"|bc -l`
TEXT="$SLEFT seconds left ($MLEFT minutes)";
TITLE="Waiting $1: $2"
sleep 1s
PTG=`echo "scale=0;$STEP * 100 / $DIFF"|bc -l`
echo $PTG| dialog --title "$TITLE" --gauge "$TEXT" 7 72
if [ "$2" == "" ]; then msg="Espera terminada: $1";audio="Listo";
else msg=$2;audio=$2;fi
/usr/bin/notify-send --icon=stock_appointment-reminder-excl "$msg"
espeak -v spanish "$audio"
So I can put:
Wait "34 min" "warm up the oven"
Wait "dec 31" "happy new year"
This is only applicable using gnome zenity. Zenity provides a great native interface to bash scripts:
From Zenity Progress Bar Example:
echo "10" ; sleep 1
echo "# Updating mail logs" ; sleep 1
echo "20" ; sleep 1
echo "# Resetting cron jobs" ; sleep 1
echo "50" ; sleep 1
echo "This line will just be ignored" ; sleep 1
echo "75" ; sleep 1
echo "# Rebooting system" ; sleep 1
echo "100" ; sleep 1
) |
zenity --progress \
--title="Update System Logs" \
--text="Scanning mail logs..." \
if [ "$?" = -1 ] ; then
zenity --error \
--text="Update canceled."
for me easiest to use and best looking so far is command pv or bar like some guy already wrote
for example: need to make a backup of entire drive with dd
normally you use dd if="$input_drive_path" of="$output_file_path"
with pv you can make it like this :
dd if="$input_drive_path" | pv | dd of="$output_file_path"
and the progress goes directly to STDOUT as this:
7.46GB 0:33:40 [3.78MB/s] [ <=> ]
after it is done summary comes up
15654912+0 records in
15654912+0 records out
8015314944 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 2020.49 s, 4.0 MB/s
To indicate progress of activity, try the following commands:
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r\\" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r|" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r/" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r-"; done;
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: \\" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: |" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: /" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\rActivity: -"; done;
while true; do sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>" && sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>>"; sleep 0.25 && echo -ne "\r>>>>"; done;
while true; do sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:Active:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:aCtive:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:acTive:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:actIve:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:actiVe:" && sleep .25 && echo -ne "\r:activE:"; done;
One can use flags/variables inside the while loop to check and display the value/extent of progress.
Create 40 percent progress: progreSh 40
It may be achieved in a pretty simple way:
iterate from 0 to 100 with for loop
sleep every step for 25ms (0.25 second)
append to the $bar variable another = sign to make the progress bar wider
echo progress bar and percentage (\r cleans line and returns to the beginning of the line; -ne makes echo doesn't add newline at the end and parses \r special character)
function progress {
for (( x=0; x <= 100; x++ )); do
sleep 0.25
echo -ne "$bar ${x}%\r"
echo -e "\n"
$ progress
> ========== 10% # here: after 2.5 seconds
$ progress
> ============================== 30% # here: after 7.5 seconds
function progress {
for (( x=0; x <= 100; x++ )); do
sleep 0.05
bar="${bar} "
echo -ne "\r"
echo -ne "\e[43m$bar\e[0m"
local left="$(( 100 - $x ))"
printf " %${left}s"
echo -n "${x}%"
echo -e "\n"
To make a progress bar colorful, you can use formatting escape sequence - here the progress bar is yellow: \e[43m, then we reset custom settings with \e[0m, otherwise it would affect further input even when the progress bar is done.
I used an answer from Creating string of repeated characters in shell script for char repeating. I have two relatively small bash versions for scripts that need to display progress bar (for example, a loop that goes through many files, but not useful for big tar files or copy operations). The faster one consists of two functions, one to prepare the strings for bar display:
preparebar() {
# $1 - bar length
# $2 - bar char
barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1")
barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2")
and one to display a progress bar:
progressbar() {
# $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar)
# $2 - max number
if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
printf "\r $barspaces\r"
printf "\r[%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]\r" "$barchars" "$barspaces"
It could be used as:
preparebar 50 "#"
which means prepare strings for bar with 50 "#" characters, and after that:
progressbar 35 80
will display the number of "#" characters that corresponds to 35/80 ratio:
[##################### ]
Be aware that function displays the bar on the same line over and over until you (or some other program) prints a newline. If you put -1 as first parameter, the bar would be erased:
progressbar -1 80
The slower version is all in one function:
progressbar() {
# $1 - number
# $2 - max number
# $3 - number of '#' characters
if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then
printf "\r %*s\r" "$3"
printf "\r[%*s" "$i" | tr ' ' '#'
printf "%*s]\r" "$j"
and it can be used as (the same example as above):
progressbar 35 80 50
If you need progressbar on stderr, just add >&2 at the end of each printf command.
Using suggestions listed above, I decided to implement my own progress bar.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
main() {
for (( i = 0; i <= 100; i=$i + 1)); do
progress_bar "$i"
sleep 0.1;
progress_bar "done"
exit 0
progress_bar() {
if [ "$1" == "done" ]; then
progress_message="$percent_done %"
percent_none="$(( 100 - $percent_done ))"
[ "$percent_done" -gt 0 ] && local done_bar="$(printf '#%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_done))"
[ "$percent_none" -gt 0 ] && local none_bar="$(printf '~%.0s' $(seq -s ' ' 1 $percent_none))"
# print the progress bar to the screen
printf "\r Progress: [%s%s] %s %s${new_line}" \
"$done_bar" \
"$none_bar" \
"${spinner:x++%${#spinner}:1}" \
main "$#"
Flexible version with randomized colors, a string to manipulate and date.
function spinner() {
local PID="$1"
local str="${2:-Processing!}"
local delay="0.1"
# tput civis # hide cursor
while ( kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null )
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙉 🙊 🙈 $str 🙈 🙊 🙉 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙈 🙉 🙉 $str 🙊 🙉 🙈 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ 🙊 🙈 🙊 $str 🙉 🙈 🙊 ]"; sleep "$delay"
printf "\e[38;5;$((RANDOM%257))m%s\r\e[0m" "[$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')][ ✅ ✅ ✅ Done! ✅ ✅ ✅ ]"; sleep "$delay"
# tput cnorm # restore cursor
return 0
# your long running proccess pushed to the background
sleep 20 &
# spinner capture-previous-proccess-id string
spinner $! 'Working!'
output example:
[04/06/2020 03:22:24][ 🙊 🙈 🙊 Seeding! 🙉 🙈 🙊 ]
I did a pure shell version for an embedded system taking advantage of:
/usr/bin/dd's SIGUSR1 signal handling feature.
Basically, if you send a 'kill SIGUSR1 $(pid_of_running_dd_process)', it'll output
a summary of throughput speed and amount transferred.
backgrounding dd and then querying it regularly for updates, and generating
hash ticks like old-school ftp clients used to.
Using /dev/stdout as the destination for non-stdout friendly programs like scp
The end result allows you to take any file transfer operation and get progress update that looks like old-school FTP 'hash' output where you'd just get a hash mark for every X bytes.
This is hardly production quality code, but you get the idea. I think it's cute.
For what it's worth, the actual byte-count might not be reflected correctly in the number of hashes - you may have one more or less depending on rounding issues. Don't use this as part of a test script, it's just eye-candy. And, yes, I'm aware this is terribly inefficient - it's a shell script and I make no apologies for it.
Examples with wget, scp and tftp provided at the end. It should work with anything that has emits data. Make sure to use /dev/stdout for programs that aren't stdout friendly.
# Copyright (C) Nathan Ramella ( 2010
# LGPLv2 license
# If you use this, send me an email to say thanks and let me know what your product
# is so I can tell all my friends I'm a big man on the internet!
progress_filter() {
local START=$(date +"%s")
local SIZE=1
local DURATION=1
local BLKSZ=51200
local TMPFILE=/tmp/tmpfile
local PROGRESS=/tmp/tftp.progress
rm -f ${PROGRESS}
dd bs=$BLKSZ of=${TMPFILE} 2>&1 \
| grep --line-buffered -E '[[:digit:]]* bytes' \
| awk '{ print $1 }' >> ${PROGRESS} &
# Loop while the 'dd' exists. It would be 'more better' if we
# actually looked for the specific child ID of the running
# process by identifying which child process it was. If someone
# else is running dd, it will mess things up.
# My PID handling is dumb, it assumes you only have one running dd on
# the system, this should be fixed to just get the PID of the child
# process from the shell.
while [ $(pidof dd) -gt 1 ]; do
# PROTIP: You can sleep partial seconds (at least on linux)
sleep .5
# Force dd to update us on it's progress (which gets
# redirected to $PROGRESS file.
# dumb pid handling again
pkill -USR1 dd
# Don't print anything unless we've got 1 block or more.
# This allows for stdin/stderr interactions to occur
# without printing a hash erroneously.
# Also makes it possible for you to background 'scp',
# but still use the /dev/stdout trick _even_ if scp
# (inevitably) asks for a password.
# Fancy!
if [ $XFER_BLKS -gt 0 ]; then
printf "#%0.s" $(seq 0 $XFER_BLKS)
local SIZE=$(stat -c"%s" $TMPFILE)
local NOW=$(date +"%s")
if [ $NOW -eq 0 ]; then
local KBPS=$((SIZE/DURATION/1024))
local MD5=$(md5sum $TMPFILE | awk '{ print $1 }')
# This function prints out ugly stuff suitable for eval()
# rather than a pretty string. This makes it a bit more
# flexible if you have a custom format (or dare I say, locale?)
printf "\nDURATION=%d\nBYTES=%d\nKBPS=%f\nMD5=%s\n" \
echo "wget"
wget -q -O /dev/stdout | progress_filter
echo "tftp"
tftp -l /dev/stdout -g -r something/firmware.bin | progress_filter
echo "scp"
scp user# /dev/stdout | progress_filter
