How to update a Visual Studio Databaseproject automatically - visual-studio

is it possible to update a databaseproject automatically? For example on a TFS build server?
I had a big database and just start with the databaseprojects. So currently our database is primary not updated by a databaseproject and thats the reason why i must update my project alot to get it sync with the database. Currently i use a preconfigured schemacompare of the datatools. But the update of the project must be done by hand :(
Is there any way to do that automatically?

If I understand your question correctly, then you should probably look into creating a .cmd script that calls SqlPackage.exe. The operation you are interested in is Extract. You should be able to update your .dacpac file with the current DB schema using this.


Created schema with DataGrip how to backup and migrate

I have just implemented my DB Schema with Jetbrains new DataGrip IDE. The schema now exists on my DB server instance that is running locally.
In other IDE's I can save the work as a "Project" or save the SQL to a file. I don't see any option in DataGrip, except for Copy DDL, which I have tried and it copies my schema along with a lot of other stuff.
Is that the only option or am I supposed to do it through a PostgreSQL management tool. I want to save my work.
Thanks. Also, please don't just mark this to be closed. I have seen many other questions like this on StackOverflow. i.e. Asking how to perform some action on a tool related to software development.
You are in "default" project by default. Go to File/Project and create your own which can be opened later by File/Open recent, for example.

Build number into published database?

Can I somehow get a build number into an extended property of my published database?
I use SSDT Projects and tfs build.
I want to get as much information as possible into the database.
I know there are a few variables, such as database name. Perhaps there are more?
Even build date would be useful (timestamp from when the deployment script was created).
But ":setvar ts GETDATE()" won't work since the GETDATE not being evaluated.
EDIT: I got it working by editing the xaml and then using XmlPoke. I can post more details if there is interest.
Pass the build number to a post-deployment script that is updating the extended property

TFS 2010 version control

We want to start using the TFS version control on our project. I read the tutorial and noticed that TFS creates tables in the sql db. My questions are:
What are these tables for?
Where is the vs solution actually stored?
How can I use more then one instance of our solution from another computer (another developer)?
TFS stores pretty much all its data in few SQL database: source control, work items, build definitions, build results etc.
In the SQL database for the Team Project Collection, specifics about which tables etc should not matter to you. Users setup a workspace which maps the directory structure in source control to a place on their local disk.
I'm not sure what you're asking here, can you try clarify your question?

Visual Studio Database Project Rollback Script

I'm using the Database project in visual studio 2010 to generate a script to deploy my database (and it's changes). This works great.
Is there a way to have Visual Studio database project generate a rollback script as well as the deployment script.
I'm not looking for rolling back the transaction while deploying; but say I deploy it and my stored procedure has an overlooked performance issue that comes up a week later that requires a rollback to the previous version of the database.
Is there a way to generate the rollback script at build/deploy time that will undo whatever changes the deployment script made.
EDIT: If we ignore that I'm using a database project: What is a good way to have an upgrade and downgrade path for a database generated?
This generation needs to be part of an automated build process.
To create a rollback script While doing a schema compare using VS2010, It is as simple as swapping the db names specified in the source and target.
This way VS2010 would create a rollback script which would have drop statements against your stored proc.
I've not seen anything like that.
I think you need to reconsider this approach, as you'd still need to fix the stored proc in your database project, otherwise you'd just be re-deploying the "bad" version the next time you deploy. (I'm sure you're already aware of that, but it doesn't help to point out the obvious sometimes!)
If you need to restore an old version of the sproc to the server in the mean time, I would have thought that the easiest thing to do would be to get the previous version from source control and manually deploy that.
You could create a backup of the database before the release and then just restore from the backup if things go wrong. Obviously you'd also loose any data changes (either made as part of the release or subsequently) since the backup was taken.
Another idea I had was to create a snapshot before the release. The operation to create a snapshot is very light weight. I'm not sure you'd want to keep the snapshot for a week, but if the release went wrong then I think it would be quicker to restore from a snapshot than from a full backup. I would be interested to hear any comments people have on this idea.

Why do the records get deleted in an access database when I open the file in access?

I'm developing a simple database app in visual studio (c# for Windows) using an access backend.
That's all fine until I try to open the database file from within access, when all the reocords get deleted.
Could anyone explain why this is please?
Did you add the database to your solution? Select it and check the Copy Local (aka Copy to Output Directory) setting in the Properties window. Make sure it isn't set to Copy Always,
We need more information. You say that when you open the database from within access, "all the records get deleted". The way the question is phrased implies that some process is running as part of opening the database, e.g., an autoexecute macro. Do you really know that is what is happening? Or are you really just saying that "when I open the database file from access, the records are not there". If the latter, then something is happening along the lines of what cletus suggests.
This is an old question and I don't know if the original poster is still around, but something that didn't occur to me at the time I originally read the question was that perhaps the C# app is using a transaction to insert the data and is not committing it. If that were the case, the data would be visible in the C# app and would not be there when you opened the file in Access. On the other hand, the data wouldn't be there in a new session of the C# app, either, so this might not be the issue.
