spring test fails on mockServletContext unsupportedOperation - spring

I have a set of Integration Tests running for my Spring-Boot 1.3 app. But I had to add the following to get my maximum sessions working:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implements ServletContextAware {
public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
// causes an ApplicationEvent to be published to the Spring ApplicationContext every time a HttpSession commences or terminates
servletContext.addListener(new HttpSessionEventPublisher());
Now when I run my tests, I get the following:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'webSecurityConfig' defined in file [/Users/davidclark/projects/edmtotal/build/classes/main/com/edelweissco/dental/configuration/WebSecurityConfig.class]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:553)
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at org.springframework.mock.web.MockServletContext.addListener(MockServletContext.java:675)
at com.edelweissco.dental.configuration.WebSecurityConfig.setServletContext(WebSecurityConfig.java:123)
Here is an example test class (but they all fall with the same exception):
public class ConfigurationSettingsTest extends BaseSpecification {
private ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings;
ConfigurableApplicationContext context
where BaseSpecification is:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MyApp, loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader)
public class BaseSpecification extends Specification {
private int serverPort;
def setup() {
RestAssured.port = serverPort;
It would seem that now when I run my integration tests, a MockServlet is being applied here, and it doesn't support. this feature. When debugging, I see that a SpringBootMockServletContext is trying to be set in setServletContext, and that is where the exception is.

I will post my answer in case anyone else runs into this. The problem was in my BaseSpecification. I added the #WebAppConfiguration and #IntegrationTest to it, and removed #IntegrationTest off the individual integration tests. Apparently this will actually create the ServletContext the way it should be.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MyApp, loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader)
public class BaseSpecification extends Specification {


How to avoid a second Instantiation of a spring bean in child test context

I created an Embedded Sftp server bean for my integration tests, i hooked the startup and the shutdown of the server respectively with the afterPropertiesSet and destroy life cycles
public class EmbeddedSftpServer implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {
//other class content
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
//Code for starting server here
public void destroy() throws Exception {
//Code for stopping server here
here my config class
public class SftpTestConfig {
public EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer() {
return new EmbeddedSftpServer();
//Other bean definitions
Now when i inject the bean in my test classes like the following :
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleOneIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleTwoIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleThreeIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
And i run all the test classes simultaneously, i found out that for the test classes annotated with #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class), it's the same context that is used (which is understandable since i guess spring cache it) and therefore the bean lifecycle methods are not executed again, but to my surprise, for the class annotated with #SpringBatchTest i noticed that the life cycle hooks of the bean are executed again! Which is a behavior that is not convenient since i want the application context to start the server one time for all tests and close it at the end of those tests (which is the case if i use only #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) for all my test classes).
N.B. : I need to use #SpringBachTest for my ExampleThreeIT test class.
I think you are hitting this issue: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/issues/3940 which has been fixed in v4.3.4/4.2.8. Upgrading to one of these versions should fix your issue.

How do I resolve this bean defninition override?

I've upgraded from Spring Boot 1.5 to Spring Boot 2.1.8. I had some tests that were working but are now failing.
I also was using maven-surefire plugin at version 2.9 and it worked, but I upgraded that to 2.22.0 as well, if that matters.
#WebMvcTest(value = ElementController.class, secure = false)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestSite1Config.class)
public class ElementControllerSite1IT {
protected MockMvc mvc;
ElementService elementService;
public void setup() {
when(elementService.getElementTable( ... )) //skipping args for brevity
.thenReturn(new ElementTable());
public static class TestSite1Config {
public ElementController elementController(final ElementService elementService) {
return new ElementController(elementService, new ElementControllerProperties(DeploymentLocation.SITE1));
public void failSite1ValidationWithoutId() throws Exception {
ElementParameters params = getParams(false);
//more tests, but doesn't matter.
There's another class like above, but replace Site1 with Site2.
There is an ElementController & Service class as well.
I get this exception:
Caused by BeanDefinitionOverrideException: Invalid bean definition with name 'elementController' defined in class path resource [ui/v2/web/ElementControllerSite1IT$TestSite1Config.class]: Cannot register bean definition [Root bean: class [null]; ... defined in class path resource [ui/v2/web/ElementControllerSite1ITConfig.class] for bean 'elementController': There is already [Generic bean: class [ui.v2.web.ElementController]; .. defined in file [...ui/v2/web/ElementController.class]] bound.
I didn't write the tests, it's code that I've inherited, in a code base that I'm just getting spooled up on.
You could try #TestPropertySource(properties ="..." :
#WebMvcTest(value = ElementController.class, secure = false)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestSite1Config.class)
#TestPropertySource(properties = {"spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true", "local.server.port=7777"})
public class ElementControllerSite1IT {
Add spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true to application.properties
Got it working with this: (for anyone who stumbles upon this question)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {ElementController.class,TestSite1Config.class})
public class ElementControllerSite1IT {
private MockMvc mvc;
public static class TestSite1Config {
public ElementControllerProperties elementControllerProperties() { return ... }

Spring Actuator - How to exclude HealthEndpoint from autowiring in test

I am trying to run a test but I got an exception when I try to run it Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.HealthEndpoint' available:
I have two packages com.test.data and com.test.health in my main folder. My main Application class is in com.test.data. In com.test.health I have one class with name StartupHousekeeper implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> and autowired HealthEndpoint there as below
public class StartupHousekeeper implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
private HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint;
In test I have ControllerIntegrationTest which is config class and code is below. Even though I did not add com.test.health package it is still throwing NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.test.data"})
public class ControllerIntegrationTest {
My actual test class is below
#ContextConfiguration(classes = ControllerIntegrationTest.class)
#WebMvcTest(value = AdminUserController.class, secure = false, excludeAutoConfiguration = {HealthIndicatorAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class, FlywayAutoConfiguration.class, DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
public class AdminUserControllerTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests implements TestConstants {}
When I try to run it org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests#springTestContextPrepareTestInstance failed to run due to above mentioned exception

Inject #PersistenceContext in test unit for spring

I have problem when injecting entityManager in my test class. I think that this is because i can't load my spring context in my test class.
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'noteDeFraisDAO': Injection of persistence dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory' available
this is my test class
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {NoteDeFraisTestConfig.class})
#DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class NoteDeFraisDAOIT
private NoteDeFraisDAO noteDeFraisDAO;
public void myTest()
And this is the configuration for the test I know that when I use new there will be no inject of entitiesManager define in the dao but I don't know what should I do.
public class NoteDeFraisTestConfig {
NoteDeFraisDAO noteDeFraisDAO()
return new NoteDeFraisDAO();
I have tried to set my ContextConfiguration to my applicationContext but it didn't work I think that it is because the directory WEB-INF doesn't belong to the classpath. How can I fix this??
This is the structure of my project
this is my final test class
#ContextConfiguration({"file:web/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml", "file:web/WEB-INF/db-config.xml","file:web/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml","file:web/WEB-INF/security-config.xml"})
public class NoteDeFraisDAOIT
private NoteDeFraisDAO noteDeFraisDAO;
public void myTest()
Yep, the problem is that the ApplicationContext loaded for your test does not contain the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean. Assuming that's declared properly in applicationContext.xml, the linked solution below will help.
I have tried to set my ContextConfiguration to my applicationContext but it didn't work I think that it is because the directory WEB-INF doesn't belong to the classpath. How can I fix this??
That's covered here: Location of spring-context.xml

#Autowired bean is null in Test Listener class

This question was asked before Using Autowired in a TestExecutionListener class for BeforeClass junit however it wasn't answered. I am facing the same problem but haven't figured out the solution
Example: I am getting null mapper.
public class CustomExecutionListener extends AbstractTestExecutionListener {
private Mapper mapper;
public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) {}
... some code...
Test Class: Note: AppConfig contains the Mapper Bean defined.
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, CustomExecutionListener.class})
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class})
public class AccountControllerTest {
Dependency injection is not supported for TestExecutionListener instances.
Dependency injection is only supported for test instances.
Thus, if your CustomExecutionListener needs to access a bean from the ApplicationContext, it will have to look it up manually -- for example, like this:
public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) {
Mapper mapper = testContext.getApplicationContext().getBean(Mapper.class);
// ... some code...
Sam (author of the Spring TestContext Framework)
You can also try this: Mapper mapper = Mappers.getMapper(Mapper.class);
