Netflix OSS/ Spring cloud on Weblogic - oracle

We do currently have an infrastructure with Weblogic 11g, Java 6, Apache WL plugin and ZXTM. Our traffic flows as follows:
ZXTM >> Apache httpd (WL plugin) >> WL cluster >> Oracle DB (RAC)
We want to start microservices and evaluating Netflix OSS/ Spring cloud. Are there any complexities having spring netflix cloud on Weblogic with the infrastructure explained above? Following are our findings.
Turbine needs Java 8, so we have to upgrade to Java 8.
WL 11g does not support Java 8, so WL needs be upgraded to 12.1.3.
And we are fine with above upgardes.
Along with WL upgrade, is orcale DB (currently 11g) upgrade required?
Any issues/ complexities with running Netflix cloud on Weblogic 12c?
Does WL 12c supports JDBC 4.1 and 4.2 and any dependency for Netflix OSS products on these JDBC versions?
How can Eureka and Ribbon be used along with WL cluster load balancing?
Is Apache WL plugin required anymore? at-least for session stikiness?
Appreciate if you could share your experience, thoughts.
(Doesn't matter if you do not answer all the queries above, please share what you know of :) )

Any issues/ complexities with running Netflix cloud on Weblogic 12c?
I don't know of anyone running Spring Cloud Netflix on Weblogic. Spring Cloud requires spring boot, so you would need to follow the docs there.
Along with WL upgrade, is orcale DB (currently 11g) upgrade required? 3. Does WL 12c supports JDBC 4.1 and 4.2 and any dependency for Netflix OSS products on these JDBC versions?
Netflix OSS does not require oracle/jdbc at all.
How can Eureka and Ribbon be used along with WL cluster load balancing?
Eureka is for service registration and discovery. Ribbon is a client-side load balancer. On the surface these seem at odds with WL cluster load balancing. Eureka is built for many, ephemeral nodes to be created and destroyed at any moment. The answer probably depends on your design, not just technical components.
Is Apache WL plugin required anymore? at-least for session stikiness?
If you continue to have WL manage sessions, then yes.


Grails 2.4 application as Spring cloud microservice

We want to integrate legacy grails 2.4 and java7 application to our microservices infrastructure. We use spring cloud netflix, Camden.SR4 release and java8 in microservices setup. We use zuul, eureka, config service.
I know that with grails 3 this task is relatively easy, but currently we cant do that.
The biggest question is how can I register grails 2.4 app in Eureka.
Also, we don't want to use sidecar at the moment.
Spring Cloud requires Spring Boot. There's nothing keeping you from using the netflix eureka libraries directly.

spring cloud dataflow compatibilty with base cloud foundry versions

I am reading this release announcement for Spring Cloud dataflow.
I am wondering if we need a minimum version of cloud foundry for successfully running spring cloud data applications.. Given that this stream of work is actually targeted for cloud based environments, i think they should also mention the minimum base Cloud Foundry versions that can support them.
Does this require an inter-process communication that's being made available in latest cloud foundry versions
I do see the mention of PCF version compatibility for Spring Cloud Tasks
But i haven't been able to find the Base cloud foundry version that supports the features of Spring Cloud Data Flow in general or per feature compatibility breakdown with Cloud foundry versions. We are running IBM Bluemix in our company and are upgrading to the cf version that supports Deigo architecture (vs the current DEA) - don't know the exact version of CF will that be.
If we know the Spring Cloud Data flow feature compatibility with specific Cloud Foundry versions we can decide our adoption strategy accordingly.
Please refer to PCF vs. OSS CF compatibility matrix from the project site.
This matrix captures the baseline OSS CF release required to run SCDF on the particular PCF versions. You could further dive into respective PCF release-notes to double check other OSS components (eg., CAPI) for more granular compatibility measurements.
Tasks in SCDF, in particular, is GA'd with PCF 1.9; so if you're planning to use it, you'd have to be at least on OSS CF 246 release.

Does Hybris use Spring Framework?

I am trying to understand and get some information for the Hybris platform. Does it use Spring Framework? Also could anyone please share the link / material to have more understanding about it's architecture, technology, etc ?
As per my research, they use:
Spring MVC, JSF (FrontEnd), REST Web services ?????
User Interfaces:
Product Cockpit, CMS Cockpit, Print Cockpit, Admin Cockpit, HMC
Persistance, Caching, Security, Internationalization, Import/Export, Search
App Server:
Hybris Server, Oracle BEA, IBM, JBoss
Oracle, SqlServer, Mysql
IMP: Does SAP Hybris support for Spring REST. I think since it uses Spring MVC + Security, so restful web services should of Spring REST only. I heard that it also support RestEasy and Jersey, but not good option when you have a Spring REST in place which adds great support than RestEasy and Jersey. Can you bring in details ?
Can someone please answer to the above IMP query ? Also please share sample RestFul web service of SAP Hybris.
Hybris uses the following technologies:
Java, Spring, Apache SOLR, Groovy, Scala, Apache Commons, ZK framework, Google Analytics, Jasper Reports, Tomcat.
You can find the best information on the architecture of hybris here.
You need a SAP Hybris login for this.
Spring core, Spring MVC.
JSP, javascript, CSS, bootstrap for the frontend.
java 8 for the backend.
apache Solr as the search engine.
tomcat, spring tc server, oracle, IBM as server.
hsqldb, oracle, IBM SAP HANA, MySql, Percona etc as database.
hybris does use spring and many other frameworks (like zk, groovy, scala). They have there own persistence layer and they does use the MVC pattern a lot. As hybris provide a lot of different services and interfaces it is not clearly only one architecture.
e.g. the "datahub" is a communication gateway based on spring integration, but Independent from the base platform.
Hybris use spring mvc spring security. it is compatible with Mysql, HANA, Oracle, sqlserver etc. Also it comes with charon api which make it easy to interact with yaas platform specially designed to fulfill the requirement of other ecommerce feature. you can access it through following link : click [here]
But again it is not free. You can also try on

Reporting statistics in Spring Web Flow

We have an enterprise application using Spring 3.2.8 and Spring Web Flow 2.3.3 deployed on the Websphere 8 server. We wish to report statistics like no. of incomplete flows, the state at which user terminate the flow, time spent at individual states etc. We thought of using Spring Instrumentation. However, could not find instrumentation jar package for Spring 3.2 and Webflow 2.3. Where can I find the complete distribution of Spring 3.2 instrumentation jars? Or which other tool can I use for my purpose with Websphere 8? Please help.
I just did a google search. If I read the webpage correctly, instrumented spring is a paid product.
Instrumented Spring Framework, Web Services, Web Flow, and Security are available as part of a tc Server Spring Edition 2.x subscription or evaluation, which includes integration with Hyperic HQ. Instrumented Spring products are also available to Spring Enterprise subscribers.

Embedding OSGi on Weblogic Server 10.3.3

I am new to OSGi, and trying to configure Equinox/Felix on Weblogic Server. But nowhere can I find any information of any OSGi container embedded in Weblogic Server. So my questions are-
1. Has anyone configured Equinox or Felix with Weblogic Server? Is it supported?
2. SpringDM supports tomcat and jetty, does it support Weblogic too?
3. Can I deploy a Spring MVC application as a bundle without using SpringDM? OSGi container could be Felix/Equinox; and app server is Weblogic 10.3.3
Appreciate any help/samples/references to understand OSGi support in Weblogic.
Thanks in advance
please have a look to this question I've raised several months ago: WebLogic and OSGi. I also updated the question. Since version 12.1.2, Weblogic supports OSGi out of the box.
