How to animate the insert of a UIBarButtonItem - swift2

I have a simple app with a Tool Bar at the bottom. Depending upon the context of what the user is doing, I may want various buttons visible or not in the Tool Bar. So, in my code, I remove the weak modifier for the IBOutlet reference to those buttons, and I remove the non-visible buttons in viewDidLoad. Great.
Now, when the context changes, I add/remove buttons as desired using
toolBar.items?.insert(playButton, atIndex: 0)
Great, works well. But for aesthetics, I would like to have the button removal/insert animated. Apparently the animated:YES argument from Objective-C days is gone. Do you know, does the API support animation of the button shuffling? Or, if not, how best to accomplish this?


detect scroll in horizontally uitableviewCell

I have UiTableView containing some data, and I want to scroll the UiTableViewCells horizontally to the left or right to show some UiButtons that act some action relatif to the content of the cell.
How Can I do this?
I'm thinking in creating custom cell, and putting a scrollView in it, May this did the trick?
There is a tutorial for this at with sample code. He is using a UISwipeGestureRecognizer to trigger an animation that pushes the cell off the screen.
You could use a swipe gesture recognizer attached to your cell.
You can add a UIScrollView to the contentView of a UITableViewCell. If you want to scroll the content using buttons, simply overlay the UIScrollView with buttons and make them call the various scrolling methods of UIScrollView.
Nested UIScrollView (UITableView inherits from UIScrollView) are quite clever about detecting touch conflicts and resolving the users intended gesture. might be what you're looking for. It implements this using a UIScrollView inside the cell (just like the iOS 7 mail app).
(Yes the answer is a bit late, but it's never too late! :P)

How to tell what's causing drawRect to be called?

I've got my custom NSView with a bunch of custom buttons in it, the buttons are added as a subView in the NSView's drawRect method.
Now I'm finding that after pressing a button the drawRect of the parent view is repeatedly called. Sometimes it only stops when I quit the app - I know this from a simple log statement in drawRect.
Now I know there are probably bigger architectural issues in my app causing this, where do I go to begin tracking down what's causing this view to be repeatedly redrawn?
First of all you shouldn't be adding subviews in drawRect:.
Are you doing any custom drawing or are you just adding subviews? If you're not doing any drawing, you should not implement drawRect:.
You want to add the subviews in initWithFrame: and then you want to set the frames of the subviews in layoutSubviews based on self.bounds.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
EDIT: Just realized that you were asking about NSView and not UIView. I've never used NSView, but perhaps they work similarly.
EDIT 2: I read a bit about NSView and it doesn't seem to have layoutSubviews. Perhaps you should set the frames in drawRect:? I'm still pretty sure you don't want to add subviews in drawRect:.

Display NSWindow as Subview of NSView

I have an NSWindow that I want to display as part of another window. It has to be an NSWindow; I don't want to change it to an NSView or anything... I just don't because it involves accessing foreign nib files and the such.
How should I accomplish this if possible? I was thinking along the lines of grabbing the view of the NSWindow and sticking it as the subview of another view in my main window... but I don't think this is possible. Is it?
If you're okay with the window as-is, just add it as a child window to the window in your own app. That will handle positioning and everything, although you might have to patch up the responder chain and such to really get things working properly.

Cocoa Pop-up Window Similar to iCal

I want to open an overlay window (pop up window) when a user selects a cell in my NSTableView similar to selecting an event in iCal. Selecting the event in iCal shows a Window to edit the event, but does so by smoothly animating the window open and adding an arrow pointing to the even in the underlying calendar. Does anyone know what is being used here? Is this a bunch of hidden/custom APIs or is this available for public use?
The editor pane appears to be a custom borderless, transparent window with a custom view (the view defines the shape and therefore the shadow it casts). Learn more here. You might even use MAAttachedWindow.
Regarding animation, it's as simple as asking the window's animator to animate the frame and the alpha value (grouping them together). You'll probably want to set everything up directly in its "start position" first (ie, while the window is off-screen, set its alpha to zero, and its frame to some smaller version so it "zooms in" a la iCal), then put it on screen and start the grouped animation:
[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
[[window animator] setFrame:someNewSlightlyLargerFrame];
[[window animator] setAlphaValue:1.0];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
Once the grouping is ended, the animation will begin (asynchronously) and your code execution will continue. Something to think about is getting everything "staged" first (including making sure the subviews of your window are already updated beforehand, so they don't change in the middle of your animation ... unless you want them to).
So the two separate techniques you need to understand are a custom window and basic Cocoa animation.
If you're using OSX 10.7 and above, NSPopover will do the job you're looking for.
Are you talking about selecting even from a list at the bottom of iCal app?
Not sure what exactly you are referring to but there is an api for animating transformations within a timespan.
Looking at other Apple's applications, Apple's developers utilize the same api available to anyone else (mostly I guess). There is lots of stuff that can be customized and Apple customizes whatever is required until it looks right from design point of view ...

NSPopUpButtonCell inside custom cell does not pop up when clicked

I've created a custom subclass of NSCell with an NSImageCell, some NSTextFieldCells, and an NSPopUpButtonCell.
I'm initializing the pop up cell using:
myPopUpCell = [[NSPopUpButtonCell alloc] init];
[myPopUpCell setBordered:NO];
[myPopUpCell setAutoenablesItems:NO];
[myPopUpCell addItemsWithTitles:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Item1", #"Item2", #"Item3"]];
And drawing it in drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:
Everything seems to work great, except that when clicking on the pop up cell while running my app the cell does not pop up. Any suggestions about what might be wrong?
Drawing the pop-up button cell in drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: is going to do just that; draw it, but nothing else. Handling click events is unrelated to drawing, so you're going to have to do some work in your custom cell to interpret mouse events, and if they're inside the frame you're using for the pop-up button, pass them on to the button cell. Start by subclassing the methods listed in the NSCell docs under tracking the mouse, such as –trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:, and you should be be able to figure out what's needed to make the button cell act correctly.
Depending on what you're doing you may actually find it easier to draw the title string yourself, and just use NSMenu's +popUpContextMenu:withEvent:forView:.
