Pass "yes" to command given in a text file - ruby

I'm using rbvmomi gem to automate vsphere in ruby. I'm using vmware API StartProgramInGuest to run commands. The commands are given in a text file which is passed as an argument to GuestProgramSpec. One of the commands in the file requires a confirmation. Since the commands are passed in a text file, I'm not sure how to pass "yes" to the command. Any help would be appreciated.
gom = vim.serviceContent.guestOperationsManager
guest_auth = RbVmomi::VIM::NamePasswordAuthentication(
:interactiveSession => false,
:username => "user",
:password => "pass"
prog_spec = RbVmomi::VIM::GuestProgramSpec(
:programPath =>"/opt/system/bin/ssh",
:arguments => "-s /opt/system/etc/cli/default/main.par -f /home/admin/local.txt"
id = gom.processManager.StartProgramInGuest(
:vm => vm, :auth => guest_auth, :spec => prog_spec
Contents of local.txt :
show version > /home/admin/veriosn-1.txt
application upgrade appbundle.tar.gz local
show version > /home/admin/version-2.txt


wkhtmltopdf, 0.12.6, Warning: Blocked access to file

When upgrade wkhtmltopdf to 0.12.6, it came to such messages and the image did not show in the target pdf:
Warning: Blocked access to file /path/to/bpa_product_layering.png
BTW, the same source html file works well with 0.12.5
This is caused by the change of default behavior in version 0.12.6 of wkhtmltopdf. wkhtmltopdf disables local file access by default now. It could be solved by adding the command line parameter
or the combination
--disable-local-file-access --allow <path>
For those that are using laravel-snappy, add the 'enable-local-file-access' option in the config\snappy.php:
'pdf' => [
'enabled' => true,
'binary' => env('WKHTML_PDF_BINARY', '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf'),
'timeout' => false,
'options' => [
'enable-local-file-access' => true,
'orientation' => 'landscape',
'encoding' => 'UTF-8'
'env' => [],
'image' => [
'enabled' => true,
'binary' => env('WKHTML_IMG_BINARY', '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage'),
'timeout' => false,
'options' => [
'enable-local-file-access' => true,
'orientation' => 'landscape',
'encoding' => 'UTF-8'
'env' => [],
wkhtmltopdf disables local file access by default in the 0.12.6 version
Just bumping this thread with a correction in case you're still getting the same error in spite of using:
For some reason, this cmd line argument does not work when being specified after input/output files, you have to write this argument right after wkhtmltopdf.exe.
wkhtmltopdf.exe --enable-local-file-access input.html output.pdf
instead of other variants.
in my case, I put "enable-local-file-access": "", in options, it worked.
In Windows with Python, I came across a similar error as well when running code:
result = imgkit.from_file('postlayout.A.html', 'out.jpg', config=wkhtmltoimage_binaries)
Warning: Blocked access to file C:/XXXXXX/background.A.jpg
Error: Failed to load about:blank, with network status code 301 and
http status code 0 - Protocol "about" is unknown
What I did to resolve this:
Add variable options
kitoptions = {
"enable-local-file-access": None
Add options to call
result = imgkit.from_file('postlayout.A.html', 'out.jpg', config=wkhtmltoimage_binaries)
result = imgkit.from_file('postlayout.A.html', 'out.jpg', config=wkhtmltoimage_binaries, options=kitoptions)
Full Source:
import imgkit
#library path to kit
path_wkthmltopdf = r'C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltoimage.exe'
wkhtmltoimage_binaries = imgkit.config(wkhtmltoimage=path_wkthmltopdf)
kitoptions = {
"enable-local-file-access": None
html_file_directory = r'C:\XXXX\template'
result = imgkit.from_file('postlayout.A.html', 'out.jpg', config=wkhtmltoimage_binaries, options=kitoptions)
if result:
For the C API, contrary to what the documentation says, it's not load.blockLocalFileAccess but loadPage.blockLocalFileAccess that you must set to "false":
wkhtmltoimage_set_global_setting(settings, "loadPage.blockLocalFileAccess", "false");
Hopefully, the documentation will be updated soon; see issue #4763.
I confirm that the problem comes from the wkhtmltopdf version. For those on Symfony (3.4), just add an option in config.yml:
enable-local-file-access: true
I know am a bit late in party but just wanted to write clear example with c# here so one can understand clearly.
ProcessStartInfo proc = new ProcessStartInfo();
proc = new ProcessStartInfo();
proc.RedirectStandardError = true;
proc.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.WorkingDirectory = #"" + Config.WkhtmltopdfPath;
proc.FileName = #"" + Config.WkhtmltopdfPath + #"\wkhtmltopdf.exe";
proc.Arguments = #" --enable-local-file-access -T 0 -B 0 --page-width 210mm --page-height 450mm " + fileName + ".html " + fileName + ".pdf";
Process inkscape = Process.Start(proc);

nconf.js like gem for ruby configuration

I'm building a cli tool in ruby, and I need to take config from different sources: environment variable, dotfile, arguments or hardcoded values. (with a precedence system)
In node.js I would have used nconf.js, to do this.
Is there some configuration gem in ruby that enable to do such a thing?
The actual answer is this:
updated: 2020-02-26
to quote the author:
Be willing to sit down with the Five Families. Takes settings from (at your option):
Pre-defined defaults from constants
Simple config files
Environment variables
Commandline options and git-style command runners
Ruby block (called when all other options are in place)
put simply. just like nconf.
require 'configliere'
Settings.use :commandline
:dest_time => '11-05-1955',
:fluxcapacitor => {
:speed => 88,
:delorean => {
:power_source => 'plutonium',
:roads_needed => true,
:username => 'marty',
:password => '',
#set a value to possibly also come from env
Settings.define :dest_time, :env_var => 'DEST_TIME' "#{__dir__}/config.yml" "#{Dir.pwd()}/config.yml"
old answer:
it doesn't do argv, but it lets you layer various yaml files and then override with ENV just like nconf lets you.

Logstash Jdbc Input plugin for MYSQL

I am using Logstash in windows. i was not able to install input jdbc plug so i downloaded the zip file manually and place the logstash folder from plugin in to my logstash-1.5.2 folder.
the folder structure- "D:\elastic search\logstash-1.5.2\lib\logstash\inputs\jdbc.rb".
my conf file
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"
jdbc_user => "root"
jdbc_password => ""
statement => "SELECT * from data"
jdbc_paging_enabled => "true"
jdbc_page_size => "50000"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
embedded => true
index => "bike"
type => "bikeapp"
cluster =>"trailcluster"
protocol => "http"
port => "9200"
when i run the logstash i get the error
D:\elastic search\logstash-1.5.2\bin>logstash -f logtest.conf
io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated
←[33mjdbc plugin doesn't have a version. This plugin isn't well
supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:warn}←[0m
←[33mYou are using a deprecated config setting "type" set in elasticsearch. Deprecated settings will continue to work, but are scheduled for removal from logstash in the future. You can achieve this same behavior with the new
conditionals, like: `if [type] == "sometype" { elasticsearch { ... } }`. If you have any questions about this, please visit the #logstash channel on freenode irc. {:name=>"type", :plugin=><LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch --
->, :level=>:warn}←[0m
LoadError: no such file to load -- sequel
require at org/jruby/
require at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/polyglot-0.3.5/lib/polyglot.rb:65
prepare_jdbc_connection at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/lib/logstash/plugin_mixins/jdbc.rb:65
register at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/lib/logstash/inputs/jdbc.rb:144
start_inputs at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
each at org/jruby/
start_inputs at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
run at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
synchronize at org/jruby/ext/thread/
run at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
execute at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
run at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
call at org/jruby/
run at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-
call at org/jruby/
initialize at D:/elastic search/logstash-1.5.2/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/stud-0.0.20/lib/stud/task.rb:12
After adding the Jar file to Plugin fodler,You just goto the folder path in CMD Prompt and install the plugin using below commands to logstash
Run in an installed Logstash :
Build your plugin gem
gem build logstash-input-jdbc.gemspec
Install the plugin from the Logstash home
bin/plugin install /your/local/plugin/logstash-input-jdbc.gem
Finally you will, Start Logstash and proceed to test the plugin using the configuration you are using....

how vagrantfile stores the changes in vagrant machine?

I am developing an application with PhP and client asked me to set up a vagrant machine and install every needed extensions and modules, so that with just one Vagrant up command the client will have the same environment as I have,
I firstly installed a vagrant machine from one of the boxes lsit
vagrant box add ubuntu1
Then I run these commands:
vagrant init ubuntu1
vagrant up
in the directory that I made this file there is only a vagranrfile
The Question:
I need to know if I make any changes to my server for example, installing php or mysql how it is going to saved in the setting so that if I just give this file to my client he will be able to have an identical machine to mine with everything installed?
I mean there will be any changes to vagrantfile or I made some mistake and I had to install a machine with puppet?
thanks in advance
No, the vagrant file is not going to change as you install things in the VM.
If you want your client to have the same machine as you, you'll have to avoid installing softwares through the VM's shell. You should only use the provisioner, for everything, even mysql tables, apache virtual hosts etc..
And don't use vagrant box add ubuntu1, add the box's url to the vagrantfile with:
config.vm.box_url = ""
Example puppet provisioning for a mysql/php server:
group { 'puppet':
ensure => 'present',
# Apache configuration
class { 'apache' :
default_mods => false,
default_confd_files => false,
mpm_module => 'prefork',
default_vhost => false,
sendfile => 'Off'
class { 'apache::mod::php' : } # mod_php
class { 'apache::mod::rewrite' : } # mod_rewrite
# VHost configuration
apache::vhost { '' :
port => '80',
docroot => '/var/sites/myXXX/web',
access_log => true,
access_log_file => 'XXX_access.log',
error_log => true,
error_log_file => 'XXX_error.log',
aliases => [{alias => '/myXXX', path => '/var/sites/toto/web'}],
directories => [{path => '/var/sites/myXXX/web', 'allow_override' => ['FileInfo', 'Indexes']}, {path => '/var/sites/toto/web', 'allow_override' => ['FileInfo', 'Indexes']}]
# Mysql configuration
class { '::mysql::server' :
root_password => 'XXX',
databases => {
'XXX' => {
ensure => 'present',
charset => 'utf8'
users => {
'XXX#localhost' => {
ensure => 'present',
password_hash => 'XXX' # XXXmdp
grants => {
'XXX#localhost/XXX' => {
ensure => 'present',
options => ['GRANT'],
privileges => ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'CREATE'],
table => 'XXX.*',
user => 'XXX#localhost'
class { '::mysql::client' : }
package { 'php5-mysql' :
require => [Class['apache::mod::php'], Class['::mysql::server']],
ensure => 'present'
You will need the following modules:
The puppet config above is just for the example, I highly encourage you to read there documentation which is really well done:
Honestly, puppet is a great tool, take the time to learn it.
One more thing, avoid using the shell provisionner, the commands are executed everytime you run "vagrant provision", puppet only executes changes. (I only use the shell provisionner for apt-get update and apt-get upgrade)
Vagrantfile is a recipe which tells Vagrant how to set up your machine. In a way, it serves as an installation automation tool (and of course does much more as well). If you do any changes to the machine after it was created, Vagrant would not know about that.
What I do is I create Vagrantfile and inside of it I specify a shell script which Vagrant will execute only once, after machine boots the first time.
$bootstrap = <<SCRIPT
# Installing all dependencies and other required software.
# Add "-y" switch to make sure installation is fully automatic.
apt-get install -y python-software-properties
# Any other stuff I might want to do (like edit conf files)
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "precise64"
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $bootstrap
See the doc for config.vm.provision.
I do this inline for convienience, so all configuration is still kept in only one file.
Of course any configuration which is supported directly by Vagrant, is better kept out of this $bootstrap script.

How do I make puppet copy a file only if source exists?

I am trying to provision a vagrant VM to allow users to supply their own bash_profile.local but I don't want this file tracked in the vm's vcs repo. I have a tracked bash_profile.local.dist file that they can rename. How can I tell puppet to only create a file if the source file exists? It is currently working correctly but logs an error during provisioning and this is what I'm trying to avoid.
This is the manifest:
class local
file { '.bash_profile.local':
source => 'puppet:///modules/local/bash_profile.local',
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
replace => false,
mode => 0644,
owner => 'vagrant',
group => 'vagrant',
You could abuse file in this way :
$a = file('/etc/puppet/modules/local/files/bash_profile.local','/dev/null')
if($a != '') {
file { '.bash_profile.local':
content => $a,
This is not exactly what you asked but you can supply multiple paths in the source, so you can have a default empty file if the user didn't supplied his own.
class local
file { '.bash_profile.local':
source => [
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
replace => false,
mode => 0644,
owner => 'vagrant',
group => 'vagrant',
You can try something like this:
file { 'bash_profile.local':
ensure => present,
source => ['puppet:///modules/local/bash_profile.local', '/dev/null'],
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
before => Exec['clean-useless-file'],
exec { 'clean-useless-file':
command => 'rm .bash_profile.local',
onlyif => 'test -s .bash_profile.local',
cwd => '/home/vagrant',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
If the admin don't make a copy of ".bash_profile.local" available in "modules/local/bash_profile.local", the file resource will use the second source and then create a blank file. Then, the "onlyif" test fails and the exec will remove the useless blank file.
Used this way this code can be a little cumbersome, but it's better than a provisioning failure. You may evaluate if retaining a blank .bash_profile.local file can be okay in your case. I normally use a variation of this, with wget instead of rm, to get a fresh copy of the file from the internet if it was not already made available as a source.
If you're using puppetmaster, be aware you can use it to provision the own server, presenting two versions of the catalog, according to the .bash_profile.local is present or not.
