Oracle service bus with BigData - oracle

I do not have much experiences with Oracle Service Bus, I am trying to design a logging solution with BigData.
As I read, the default log and report activity in OSB will put the data into the domain's server log file or into the database where we setup the server domain. If I want to put all the logs into a separate BigData database. I will need to either of these approaches:
Java callout, use JMS or some other technology to send data to the bigdata server.
Web service callout, create a separate web service to handle the logging.
Create custom report provider to replace the default one in OSB Reporting.
Something else
Please tell give me some ideas about what method I should be using, and please provide your reasons if you can, thank you so much.

Isn't the logging framework in weblogic based on Log4j? That means you can use a JMSAppender (probably prudent to wrap in an Async log4j appender if you can) and handle it however you want.
Or, if you're talking about the OSB Reporting framework, there's a few options:
Configure the default JMS reporting provider (which uses the underlying SOAINFRA database which hopefully is set up to be something better than the default Derby instance), then write a MDB that pulls reports off the queue and inserts it into SAS BigData
Turn the JMS provider off and use a custom provider, which can do anything you want. If you want, you can still do a two-step process, where the reporting provider itself puts reports on a JMS queue so it returns quickly, and a different MDB pulls messages off and persists them at its own pace.
I do not recommend a web service or database callout without an async step in the middle, because you need logging and reporting to be very quick and use as little resources for as short a period as possible.
You don't want logging to hog threads while you're experiencing load. I have seen entire buses brought down because of one hiccup, because the logging database suffered a performance blip, which caused a bunch of open threads trying to log to it, which caused thread starvation or timeouts, which caused more error logging...
if you have a buffer like a JMS queue, then you can handle peaks by planning ahead. You can say "actually I want a JMS queue of 10,000 messages, and if that overflows due to whatever reason, I want to (push the overflow to a separate queue over on this other box) or (filter out all the non-essential messages) or (throw new messages away) or (action of your choice). Oh yeah, and if the logging database fails then I will try 3 times to commit and if not, move it to this other queue". Or whatever you want.

There are multiple ways to achieve this. You could use the report activity to push to JMS or use the log activity.
You can also write a small routine such as this (either on OSB or outside it), that can read anything that you are logging (such as via the log activity but also additional metadata that is logged when you turn on monitoring of OSB components) and do with it whatever is needed (such as pushing it to a database or BigData store).
The key is to avoid writing an explicit service call in each pipeline/flow and the above approach(es) use standard OSB/ODL* loggers
*Oracle Diagnostic Logging


Atomically update database and send message. Outbox pattern or not?

You have a command/operation which means you both need to save something in database end send an event/message to another system. For example you have an OrderService and when a new order is created you want to publish an "OrderCreated"-event for another system/systems to react on (either direct message or using a message broker) and do something.
The easiest (and naive) implementation is to save in db and if successful then send message. But of course this is not bullet proof because the other service/message broker is down or your service crash before sending message.
One (and common?) solution is to implement "outbox pattern", i.e. instead of publish messages directly you save the message to an outbox table in your local database as part of your database transaction (in this example save to outbox table as well as order table) and have a different process (polling db or using change data capture) reading the outbox table and publish messages.
What is your solution to this dilemma, i.e. "update database and send message or do neither"? Note: I am not talking about using SAGAs (could be part of a SAGA though but this is next level).
I have in the past used different approaches:
"Do nothing", i.e just try to send the message and hope it will be sent. Which might be fine in some cases especially with a stable message broker running on same machine.
Using DTC (in my case MSDTC). Beside all the problem with DTC it might not work with your current solution.
Outbox pattern
Using an orchestrator which will retry process if you have not got a "completed" event.
In my current project it is not handled well IMO and I want to change it to be more resilient and self correcting. Sometimes when a service is calling another service and it fails the user might retry and it might work ok. But some operations might require out support to fix it (if it is even discovered).
ATM it is not a Microservice solution but rather two large (legacy) monoliths communicating and is running on same server but moving to a Microservice architecture in the near future and might run on multiple machines.

Using / Actor System for an ETL process

I'm new in the world of actor modeling and I am in love with the idea. But does some pattern exists for processing a batch of messages simply for bulk storage in a safe manner?
I'm afraid if I read 400 messages of expected 500 and put them in a list, if the system closes, I don't want to lose those 400 messages from the (persisted)
mailbox. In a service bus world you could ask for a batch of messages and only when processed, commit all of them. Thank you.
You may want to combine your actor system with some service bus/reliable queues, like RabbitMQ or Azure Service Bus, at use actor system only for message processing.
From within Akka.NET itself, you have persistence extension, which can be used for storing actor state in persistent backend of your choice. It also contains a dedicated kind of an actor, AtLeastOnceDeliveryActor that may be used to resend messages until they will be confirmed.
you can extend split and aggregate in your ESB to do it, I made something similar with mule ESB from long time.

Sending files over MSMQ

In a retail scenario where each stores report their daily transaction to the backend system at the end of the day. Today a file consisting of the daily transactions and some other meta information is transferred from the stores to the backend using FTP. I’m currently investigating replacing FTP with something else. MSMQ has been suggested as an alternative transport mechanism. So my question is, do we need to write a custom windows service that sticks the daily transactions file into a message object and sends it on its way or is there any out the box mechanism in MSMQ to handle this?
Also, since the files we want to transfer can reach 5-6 Mb for large stores should we rule out MSMQ? In that case is there any other suggested technologies we should investigate?
NServiceBus provides a nice abstraction over MSMQ for situations like this. You get the reliable messaging aspects of MSMQ, along with a very nice programming model for defining your messages.
MSMQ is limited to a 4MB message size, however, and there are two ways you could deal with this in NServiceBus:
NServiceBus has a concept called the Data Bus, which takes the large attachments in your messages and transmits them reliably using another method. This is handled by the infrastructure and as far as your message handlers are concerned, the data is just there.
You could break up the payload into smaller atomic messages and send them as normal messages. The NServiceBus infrastructure would ensure that they all arrive at their destination and are processed. I would recommend this method unless it's absolutely critical that the entire huge data dump is processed as one atomic transaction.
One other thing to note is that the fact that you do nightly dumps is probably a limitation of a previous system. With NServiceBus it may be possible to change the system so that these bits of information are sent in a more immediate fashion, which will result in much more up-to-date data all the time, which may be a big win for the business.
You can look at IBM Sterling Managed File Transfer and WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer products.
You can consider WebSphere MQ MFT if you require both messaging and file transfer capabilities. On the other hand if your requirement is just file transfer then you can look at Sterling MFT.
Sending files over a messaging transport is not trivial. If you put the entire file into a single message you can have the atomicity you need but tuning the messaging provider for wide variance in message sizes can be challenging. If all the files are of about the same size, one per message is about the simplest solution.
On the other hand, you can split the files into multiple messages but then you've got to reassemble them, in the right order, include a protocol to detect and resend missing segments, integrity-check the file received against the file sent, etc. You also probably want to check that the files on either end did not change during the transmission.
With any of these systems you also need the system to be smart enough to manage the disposition of sending and receiving files under normal and exception conditions, log the transfers, etc.
So when considering whether to move to messaging the two best options are either to move natively to messaging and give up files altogether, or to use an enterprise managed file transfer solution that runs atop the messaging provider that you choose. None of the off-the-shelf MFT products will cost as much in the long run as developing it yourself if you wish to do it right with robust exception handling and reporting.
If the stores are on separate networks and communicating over the internet, then MSMQ is not really an option. NServiceBus provides a concept of a gateway, which allows to asynchronously transport MSMQ messages over HTTP or HTTPS.

Ensure durability with messages when using WCF

I am wondering how we can ensure message durability when using websphere MQ and WCF. I want to be able to have my WCF process pick messages off of the queue and if there is an issue that the applciation encounters (power outage, etc) I don't lose the messages. I also would like to not have to use a transaction if at all possible because I want to eliminate distributed transactions.
Well, there's transactions and there's distributed transactions. The "right" answer is to use the WMQ 1-phase commit here. That doesn't have the complexity of XA transactions but it does give you the ability to roll back a message without losing it. In fact, when using clients you really should be using at least 1-phase commit just to prevent loss of messages.
Short of that there is always the "browse-with-lock, delete-message-under-cursor" method. I'm pretty sure everything you need to do the browseing, locking and deleting is exposed under .NET but perhaps Shashi will comment and confirm.
WebSphere MQ WCF custom channel has a feature "Assured Delivery" that guarantees that a service request or reply is actioned and not lost. This is the 1-phase commit (also known as SYNC_POINT in) WMQ.
"Assuered Delivery" is a service contract attribute. Here are more details about the feature.

Cache values in Java EE

I'm building a simple message delegation application. Messages are being send on both ends via JMS. I'm using a MDB to process incoming messages, transform them and send them to a target queue. Unfortunately the same messages can be send to the incoming queue more than once but it is not allowed to forward duplicates.
So what is the best way to accomplish that?
Since there can be multiple MDBs listening on the incoming queue a need a single cache where I can store the unique message uuids of the incoming messages for at least an hour. How should this cache be accessed? Via a singleton/ static class (I'm running Java EE 5 and thus don't have the singleton annotation)?
In addition I think all operations must be synchronized, right? Does that harm performance too much?
#Ingo: are you OK with database solution. You can full fledged DB server or simple apache derby solution for this..
If so, you can have a simple table where you can store message unique UId and can check against it for uniqueness....this solution will have following benefits:
Simple code
No need of time bound cache(1 hour). You can check for uniqueness of a message forever.
Persistent record of what messages came in.
No need of expensive synchronized, you can rely on DB isolation level to have consistency.
centralized solution for your possibly many deployments of application.
